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GT7 Developer Polyphony Goes on Hiring Spree


GT is in no need of catching up to a franchise still without dynamic lighting and time of day.

I should have been more carefully with my words, I'm not trying to start a debate.

I honed in on the AI piece of the job postings and that's what came to my mind.


It sounds like Polyphony are improving their outsourcing operations. Excellent news!

You absolutely don't have to buy it, but the reality is Forza has never pulled in admirable numbers (and never will, unless Turn10 do something out-of-this-world with it). Much like Killzone, Forza was created to counter a major franchise by offering a comparable experience that consumers can look at and say "It's like *insert game here*". If Forza was pulling in comparable numbers to Gran Turismo then I guarantee you there would be a whole lot more Gran Turismo games.

It's important to understand that Microsoft don't look at Forza as a property that will rake in the big bucks. It exists to sell Xboxes (specifically, in Europe) and that's all it has to do -- move a couple of bundles. Not to get 'preachy', but being able to understand market-specific needs (and wants) is really important when looking at why these guys will make or cancel a product. Kinect Sports is another example of a low selling franchise that was created as a pack-in meant to counter a major franchise. Microsoft isn't bothering with it anymore because it did its job -- it countered Wii Sports and moved Xboxes. Now that the market has rejected Kinect, it just doesn't make business sense to make another one.

If you want to learn more about market-specific needs, look at how apparel and footwear companies work. A company like Columbia Sportswear can afford to make a low selling pair of wallets or winter gloves because it costs them almost nothing to make them -- so if they sell almost nothing, they still make enough to justify making them again.
It's not that I don't understand the concept of a loss leader but we don't really know if the Forza series for certain falls into that category. Are there hard numbers for it and do they line up with MS's expectations for it? FM5 is the first entry in their Motorsport series to go both disc and digital and they don't tend to reveal those numbers. There's also all those car pack/season pass DLC's that are additional revenue for the series.

We know that the GT series usually pulls in good sales because they've been revealed aside from maybe GT6 which we don't know much about unless Sony or NPD's revealed those numbers and I missed it.
I wasn't going by Chartz numbers, but the Polyphony 2.5 million downloads image, as well as the 2.37m figure from the info they provided in that legal case.
The info in that legal case were possibly Chartz number and anyway were provided only 6 months after the release of GT6, that clearly coudn't have a good start thanks to launching a mere week after the PS4.

AZ Greg

Scope is no excuse for long dev times if the final product comes out half-baked. Hoping for a locked 60FPS and no tearing. You know, things these devs (and the fanbase) used to claim were essential.


Huge fan of both Forza and GT franchises, all racing games infact, but this feels to me like Polyphony's thrust to catch up to Forza.

Don't want this to turn in to a franchise comparison thing, but I doubt that is the case. They both excel in different areas, and Forza has as much catching up up to do with GT as vice versa.


Seems like good news.

Please, Polyphony, take your time and only release "premium" cars for GT7. The lower tier models just don't belong in a gen 8 game.
Glad too see PD expanding their crew.
Im a huge gt fan, and also a day one forza fan. But in my opinion, gt doesnt need to catch up to forza. They do their things different, but gt is the better series in my eyes. They dare to try new stuff as one of the first in the scene. Also Kaz is such a perfectionist, and gt games show this.
Sure it has problems, but so do forza games. But damn gt5 with nordschleife in the dark with rain in 2010, was just the best gaming experience i had last gen. Forza never came close to that fealing.
Gt7 will be a masterpiece. Better sounds, dynamisc weather and day night. Beautifull graphics. And hopefully stable 60fps, but some drops dont matter for me.
So come on sony show me gt7 as soon as possible!!
It's been in development since late 2013 / early 2014 and Kazunori Yamauchi has said they are finding PS4 much easier to work with and want the game to be out before 2017, so hopefully we won't have a massive delay like what happened with GT5.

Also with the recent Bugatti pics (PS4 blue Bugatti with a 16 on the front, another pic of 7 pit crew in the same blue and a video of Kaz driving a classic Bugatti Type 51) I would say 2016 is very likely, with announcement at pne of the next shows this year.


Both Forza and GT do different things and have prioritized pushing various aspects due to their different histories. I don't think either is solely playing catch up to the other. In fact both of them could also take a few lessons for Project Cars and Assetto Corsa and vice versa.
Scope is no excuse for long dev times if the final product comes out half-baked. Hoping for a locked 60FPS and no tearing. You know, things these devs (and the fanbase) used to claim were essential.

That's what I hope will happen, but also not without all of the bells and whistles experienced in GT6. And then of course, they gotta add more!


If this is an indicator that the game is a long way off. Then good. I want a revolution, I want that jaw dropping feeling I had when I played GT1. Take your time, let it cook and don't be afraid to go where no developer has gone before.


A) 2-3 year development cycles for a RACING GAME where you have a lot of the car physics and so on figured out already is still a bit nuts. Microsoft brings out a Forza every year and development of these games should be fantastically scalable.

B) That's because the name is still one of the biggest ones in the industry and is always being marketed heavily by Sony. If they keep the GT5 development cycles up (which would be the case if GT7 releases in 2018 / 2019), the name will slowly degrade in value, so Sony definitely needs to get Polyphony back on track in terms of releasing games that don't take 5-6 years to develop.
So much wrong in a single post I don't even know where to begin. Turn10 have a 2 year dev cycle for their Forza games which to most people seems pretty quick but is according to you nuts. Also the GT name is big because it's not an annual release in fact one of the quickest ways to devalue a brand is to release too many of them too fast (like Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, Sonic etc).


GT is in no need of catching up to a franchise still without dynamic lighting and time of day.

So baked lighting and static weather are the differences that make racing games great? Come on man...I prefer GT to Forza personally...but there are LOTS of areas where GT needs to play catch up...

GT brings dynamic lighting and time of day...but can't hold a steady framerate or keep itself from tearing frames...

Forza is also exponentially more in touch with what the public wants from a racing game...it also doesn't have assets left over from previous console generations...
How did we start talking about forza? And how did people start saying gt needs to catch up to it? Catch up to what exactly.

Anyway i wanna believe this is coming next year, i can only imagine how much love is going into this as the first(and judging by how they operate)and only Gt for the ps4


Forza is also exponentially more in touch with what the public wants from a racing game...it also doesn't have assets left over from previous console generations...

Sales numbers don't support that contention. It seems like the bulk of the racing game buying public who live in Europe favor the GT approach.


Polyphony Digital has been hard at work on Gran Turismo 7, and looks like the studio is pushing on the gas of development, going on a veritable hiring spree in search of new talent.

The studio posted opportunity ads for thirteen new positions, including AI Engineer, Online Engineer, Graphics Engineer, Game Engine Development Engineers, Game Script Engineers, Sound Development Engineer, Data Engineer, Test Build Engineer, Pipeline Tool Development Engineer, Mobile Application Engineer, In-House Tool Development Engineer, Vehicle Simulation Development Engineer and Physics Engine Development Engineer.
We can also glimpse a few interesting facts from the specific ads themselves:

  • - Polyphony wants to improve the situational awareness of AI drivers, and their reactions to the ever-changing conditions of the tracks, giving there a more human-like behavior.
    - Implementing specific regulations for racing series like GT, rally and NASCAR is mentioned, also for events and “mission races.”
    - Polyphony plans to implement a tool to render audio based on 3D space infomation.
    - The studio plans to implement a companion app on mobile that can interact with the series on PlayStation via the network.
    -The studio is collaborating with production sites around the world, and needs to develop communication tools to make the process smoother.
    - The use of GPU compute for physics is mentioned.


A.I. isn't that bad. Really! Well, improvements are welcome.

2nd bolded...Guys, do you know what that means? Finally that True Audio DSP will be used properly! True 3D sound! Like that Virtual "Barber shop" ( listen only with headphones and close your eyes ) :


AstoundSound 3D demo :


3rd bolded....GPGPU compute for physics, yes, yes, yes!!!


I expect premium car models, lighting and textures to look close to this



Forza is also exponentially more in touch with what the public wants from a racing game...it also doesn't have assets left over from previous console generations...

It's not exponentially more in touch. I find Forza's approach to be a bit lacking. It's not arcadey enough to be fun, and it's not precise enough to be gripping as a simulator. It's just in this awkward middle ground with really nice polish.

But it's also not trying to be GT so it doesn't have to worry about that. GT isn't trying to be Forza.
Good for Polyphony, they are in a point where GT is not being as big as its been. I hope this bring more inovation and polishing above all.


For a studio with ~200 devs, getting 13 new people is not a hiring spree.

And if they are indeed hiring big, they should get some community managers. They are studio with one of the worst relations with their fans, with almost zero interactions outside of conventions/various events.


For a studio with ~200 devs, getting 13 new people is not a hiring spree.

And if they are indeed hiring big, they should get some community managers. They are studio with one of the worst relations with their fans, with almost zero interactions outside of conventions/various events.

Much less. ~140
Haven't they already collaborated with other studios for the online structure and similar things ? I know that until now they always kept the assets creation in house, but I'm not sure your quote really indicate outsourcing...

They have an online specific studio setup in Tokyo. I think that it handles all of the online aspects of the game.

GT brings dynamic lighting and time of day...but can't hold a steady framerate or keep itself from tearing frames...

The framerate and tearing issues are definitely there, but how much of it comes down to the hardware they were on? Kaz has talked about how difficult and limiting the PS3 was for them. They couldn't even do the heat haze effect that we saw on the PS2. But it was still important for them to build those systems last gen so that they didn't have to go through all the trouble of figuring out how they work this gen. Now they can focus on improving them for the PS4.
Point to point has been in the plans since GT5 as there were those course maker images showing PtP settings. If there's no preset drag racing locations in GT7, then a course maker PtP would solve that.


Sales numbers don't support that contention. It seems like the bulk of the racing game buying public who live in Europe favor the GT approach.

What were the sales like for F5? Honest question, because we know GT6 tanked in comparison to previous entries...

The framerate and tearing issues are definitely there, but how much of it comes down to the hardware they were on? Kaz has talked about how difficult and limiting the PS3 was for them. They couldn't even do the heat haze effect that we saw on the PS2. But it was still important for them to build those systems last gen so that they didn't have to go through all the trouble of figuring out how they work this gen. Now they can focus on improving them for the PS4.
Whatever the reason for the framerate issues, it comes down to the developer to properly utilize the hardware...its actually quite funny, because the most ardent GT fans like to point to Forza being less of a hardcore sim than GT...and I tend to agree...but they also gloss over the glaring performance issues that the past two entries in particular have had, when framerate is probably the most important performance factor of a true sim, outside of its physics engine...

You can force VSync on in the game graphics menu in GT5&6, and it will rid of the tearing.

Anddddd the framerate?


I'd put a $100 on that they will do the prologue a year or so out thing again. It'll look amazing and max out the hype-o-meter and it'll bring in the $$$ like mad.

Remember how long GT5 took to make? GT5 prologue meant it was already in the black at launch, GT5 sales were pure gravy.

I could see GT7 prologue next year, GT7 2018 or holiday 2017 at the absolute earliest.


Serious question, how does turn 10 get 2 forza games, and 2 offshoot games (probably 3) out before poly gets 1 game out?

Is poly just really really slow? Or are the gt games that much more robust/better?

Turn10 has a really good pipeline and is only making mainline Forza games. Horizon is done by Playground. And no, GT games are neither more robust nor better games. There's a reason Forza's the best-rated racing series of all time.


Serious question, how does turn 10 get 2 forza games, and 2 offshoot games (probably 3) out before poly gets 1 game out?

Is poly just really really slow? Or are the gt games that much more robust/better?

Turn10 will likely only have one additional game out before Poly launches their next game (GT6 launched after Forza 5). No point counting Forza Horizon because that's made by a different studio altogether. But to answer your question, Poly has a smaller number of developers (by a fair margin) and tends to release more content rich titles. Whilst Turn10's releases may be more polished in many areas, the GT games are already offering certain key features that won't even exist in Forza 6 (Eg number of tracks, dynamic time of day and dynamic weather etc). It's not that cut and dry.


I'd put a $100 on that they will do the prologue a year or so out thing again. It'll look amazing and max out the hype-o-meter and it'll bring in the $$$ like mad.

Remember how long GT5 took to make? GT5 prologue meant it was already in the black at launch, GT5 sales were pure gravy.

I could see GT7 prologue next year, GT7 2018 or holiday 2017 at the absolute earliest.
No prologue.


Turn10 has a really good pipeline and is only making mainline Forza games. Horizon is done by Playground. And no, GT games are neither more robust nor better games. There's a reason Forza's the best-rated racing series of all time.


Turn10 has a really good pipeline and is only making mainline Forza games. Horizon is done by Playground. And no, GT games are neither more robust nor better games. There's a reason Forza's the best-rated racing series of all time.

I mean Forza has sold a fraction of what GT has...also Forza 5 was a disaster. Hopefully Forza 6 doesn't follow that.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
GT is in no need of catching up to a franchise still without dynamic lighting and time of day.

It still has shitty car sounds, and 80% cars treated as 2nd hand material with bad cockpit view.

They need to focus on small and make those things perfect. Now GT is more about quantity then quality. At least that's the way I see it. I hope GT7 is awesome.

I mean Forza has sold a fraction of what GT has...also Forza 5 was a disaster. Hopefully Forza 6 doesn't follow that.

Disaster? I wouldn't call it that. It was a solid launch title. Less content, but whatever was there, it was awesome.



It's not actually accurate either if going by critical reception. GT actually has a higher meta average across its six main titles than Forza has across its five. The last GT was also better received than the last Forza game. It'd only be fair to say that Forza is a higher rated franchise if sticking exclusively to the last generation of consoles only. Personally I think which people prefer is going to be a completely subjective thing, and that neither is obviously better than the other. They excel in different areas.


Sounds like someone at Sony has told PD to get their shit together.

I still reckon it'll be 2016 and a Morpheus launch title - I at least expect it to come with a 'Morpheus mode' with toned down graphics if it isn't a launch title.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Sounds like someone at Sony has told PD to get their shit together.

I still reckon it'll be 2016 and a Morpheus launch title - I at least expect it to come with a 'Morpheus mode' with toned down graphics if it isn't a launch title.

People here seriously think PS4 is capable of running a game like GT7 on a VR? lmao the graphics has to be so toned down to maintain a proper fps its not even funny.

Imagine the marketing, here play this game which looks better without the VR but buy VR?


People here seriously think PS4 is capable of running a game like GT7 on a VR? lmao the graphics has to be so toned down to maintain a proper fps its not even funny.

Imagine the marketing, here play this game which looks better without the VR but buy VR?

So you've seen GT7 in the flesh then? Because unless you have, I don't honestly see how you can make that claim.

Also - the toning down could be something other than dropping graphical fidelity - fewer cars on track (which has been speculated how PCars will manage it) for example, or limiting the VR races to specific times of day, no weather and so on


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
So you've seen GT7 in the flesh then? Because unless you have, I don't honestly see how you can make that claim.

Also - the toning down could be something other than dropping graphical fidelity - fewer cars on track (which has been speculated how PCars will manage it) for example, or limiting the VR races to specific times of day, no weather and so on

No I have not. But I have seen some VR games, and specs it requires to run those games. So first of all, GT7 is going to be a looker, because every GT game has been pushing PlayStation hardware. And I can imagine what it could look like. just look at Uncharted 4 for an example, the compromises they will have to make to run that thing smooth on VR would be crazy. They can't even run that thing at 60fps on PS4 ATM. And they are ND, one of the finest developers we have in the industry.
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