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|OT| Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi

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Well, you see, she's running for President, and they don't like that.



What I'd really love is if the hearings went like this:

GOP Questioner: {question}
Clinton: "I'd like to refer you to Benghazi Investigation #3, Day MM-DD-YY, Page N. That's been covered."

GOP Questioner: {question}
Clinton: "again.. this has been covered. Please consult Benghazi Investigation #7, Day MM-DD-YY, Page X."

and so on..
I know nothing will come from this, so the next but is pure fantasy pretend.

If something did happen, and she had to stop her campaign, would Viden be the nominee? Would some other big name such as Gore jump in?

I like these wild situations, haha.

You'd probably get a lot of hasbeens coming out of the woods. But the race would probably come down to Biden vs. Sanders.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Please retire that Hillary face gif. Holy shit.


What I'd really love is if the hearings went like this:

GOP Questioner: {question}
Clinton: "I'd like to refer you to Benghazi Investigation #3, Day MM-DD-YY, Page N. That's been covered."

GOP Questioner: {question}
Clinton: "again.. this has been covered. Please consult Benghazi Investigation #7, Day MM-DD-YY, Page X."

and so on..

We can only dream.
Man. This thread is just full of Shillary fans. Trying to justify Killary and Killiam Kill-inton's illegal behavior AGAIN! I'm just glad someone in our government has the political Willary to stop her. I hope they really Grillary her on these questions. It's going to be such a Thrillary when she can't take it anymore and we finally hear her Spillary the truth. I know it will be a tough Pillary for Democrats to swallow, but she deserves to be put in the pillory, even if it leaves the party in disarray, left to Millary around with a leader. It will be music to my ears when her Shrillary voice announces that she did it. Her confession will echo across Capital Hillary.


So what exactly is she testifying about? Are they accusing her of knowing about the attack and ignoring it? I honestly don't understand why this is even an issue.

The point is to further portray her as being incompetent and dishonest. Keeping this and the emails in the news will hammer the point that she is not equipped to be the next president. If that can convince some people who are on the fence then that is worthwhile enough.

Dems do not like this, obviously and either brush it away as nothing or in this case openly mock it, in the hopes that others will be influenced by that.


She'll likely be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

What a fitting fate for a terrorist like Hillary. Hilarious that people think Guantanamo needs to be shutdown when we have thousands of home grown extremists like her in our country.
Man. This thread is just full of Shillary fans. Trying to justify Killary and Killiam Kill-inton's illegal behavior AGAIN! I'm just glad someone in our government has the political Willary to stop her. I hope they really Grillary her on these questions. It's going to be such a Thrillary when she can't take it anymore and we finally hear her Spillary the truth. I know it will be a tough Pillary for Democrats to swallow, but she deserves to be put in the pillory, even if it leaves the party in disarray, left to Millary around with a leader. It will be music to my ears when her Shrillary voice announces that she did it. Her confession will echo across Capital Hillary.



The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Haha that OP has me dying at work
Is Benjamin Ghazi actually going to be there? I bet he's pissed.

Bill's love child? Ben Ghazi Clinton, oh yeah he'll be there rooting against her. Hillary never accepted him into the family. What goes around comes around Hillary, Ben will get his revenge.


Bill's love child? Ben Ghazi Clinton, on yeah he'll be there rooting against her. Hillary never accepted him into the family. What goes around comes around Hillary, Ben will get his revenge.
Yup! Bill went out and had a baby with another woman ("Rita Ghazi") after it was revealed that Webster Hubbell was Chelsea's real daddy.

Now I understand why it's taken so many investigations.. this goes back for decades!


No bald cap? Lies!
I don't get it, do Republicans think if they do this enough times they'll get some Ace Attorney like breakdown out of Hillary? Like they just need to find that one key decisive piece of evidence and her true form will be revealed in some dramatic fashion?





Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
This is what the eighth investigation committee I think? More than the 9/11 atracks which involved the coordinated hijacking of 4 passenger airliners and kamikaze strikes on the Pentagon, WTC, and, allegedly, an attempted one on the Capitol Building, resulting in the deaths of 3000 people on domestic US soil.

All over 1 measly state embassy attack in a war torn region which killed 4 Americans, which is an understood risk by our diplomats and an outcome no more serious than any of the dozens of attacks on our diplomatic outposts we will all witness throughout our lives. Simply because the the ambassador was 5 or 6 levels down the chain of command from Hilary Clinton while she was Secretary of State.
This is what the eighth investigation committee I think? More than the 9/11 atracks which involved the coordinated hijacking of 4 passenger airliners and kamikaze strikes on the Pentagon, WTC, and, allegedly, an attempted one on the Capitol Building, resulting in the deaths of 3000 people on domestic US soil.

All over 1 measly state embassy attack in a war torn region which killed 4 Americans, which is an understood risk by our diplomats and an outcome no more serious than any of the dozens of attacks on our diplomatic outposts we will all witness throughout our lives. Simply because the the ambassador was 5 or 6 levels down the chain of command from Hilary Clinton while she was Secretary of State.

Agreed, it's an understood risk when serving in a post in that region of the world. A good friend of mine's Aunt was the US Ambassador to Egypt at the time and she knew what could happen to her. It's always terrible when it happens, but it's occurred often enough that people serving in the diplomatic corp of the State Department understand it to be part of the job.
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