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Does too much fanservice in games bother you?


Not usually, I am quite fond of smut and love that shit. It would have to be either extremely out of place or be the really gross flat-chested, obviously kid-bodied 1000 year old dragon type to bother me. Anything else is fair game and quite welcome.
When it pulls from the community and inserts it into the game universe it bothers me. Blanking on a game example, but the first episode of Season 3 of Sherlock is a good example of this.

Otherwise no. Doesn't do anything for me but if it isn't detracting from the game at all then I don't care.

Edit: Or underage looking kids in sexualized outfits. I find that uncomfortable and extremely gross.
It depends how blatant or gratuitous it is. I'm used to it with fighting games by now so I'm not really bothered by characters like R. Mika. It's games like Akibas Trip, DOA extreme that use sex as the primary aspect of the game that are questionable.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The more the Japanese gaming industry continues to push it the less interested I get in their games. Quiet, that witch from SO5, Cindy from FFXV, SF5. It's so childish and lazy now. Lazy in this context because designing a woman with the male gaze in mind is one of the most creatively bankrupt things you can do with a character design. Compared to having some thought put into it.







Yes, it's nonsense. It's like someone just says "fuck it, let's put some lewd shit to cover our incompetense and cater to weebs" during the development.


As long as it fits the tone of them game, I'm fine with it.
Like, fanservice in Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volley Ball obviously shouldn't bother anyone, because if it does, why are you playing the game in the first place?
Street Fighter, though? Hell, nah.

Underage girls in revealing clothes and jelly-like breast physics never fit the tone of the game, btw.
I thought it always meant that from anime. Apparently not according to this thread.

I thought that too, I had no idea people thought it meant something else! My first encounter with the term was in the "next episode" trailers at the end of Evangelion episodes, which always promised "fan service" and generally meant Asuka's tits or something.


Really only when it's over excessive. Recent games that were censored like Fatal Frame, Bravely Default, and Xenoblade Chronicles X were fine for me before the changes.

Games like Dead or Alive Xtreme Volleyball or similar are way too much for me, I could never play a game like that. Games like Neptunia are also no good for me, for some odd reason

EDIT: I played DoA: XV once because it came with the console, I didn't touch it ever since. I guess that means I "could" play the game, I just wouldn't enjoy it at all
The more the Japanese gaming industry continues to push it the less interested I get in their games. Quiet, that witch from SO5, Cindy from FFXV, SF5. It's so childish and lazy now. Lazy in this context because designing a woman with the male gaze in mind is one of the most creatively bankrupt things you can do with a character design.

If those examples get you upset don't ever wander into Vita GAF land.


I think it's fine for some games, but holy shit some people seem to expect that fanservice is always good for every game.

I wonder if they take emergency porn with them wherever they go, just in case there isn't enough sexy things to look at.
Well I'm going to import the English Asia version of DoAX3. So there's my stance.

Though when you get characters of questionable age in questionable clothing, nopeeeeeeeeeeeeee


It makes the game awkward to play with the older or younger generation but personally I don't mind. If it's tastefully done I kinda like it.


Yes. Stop trying to cater to people and just be the game you want to be. I feel insulted when the game is constantly winking at me.


Yeah, it's immature as shit.

There are some games that are based around the premise of fanservice and I guess it works for those.. but then again I don't buy those games.


The more the Japanese gaming industry continues to push it the less interested I get in their games. Quiet, that witch from SO5, Cindy from FFXV, SF5. It's so childish and lazy now. Lazy in this context because designing a woman with the male gaze in mind is one of the most creatively bankrupt things you can do with a character design. Compared to having some thought put into it.






Glad Japanese game developers stick to what they are doing right now.

I can't stand most of those designs.
Depends on the game.

In a fighting game, the characters only exist to make the fighting look good. So bring it on in that case.

In Metal Gear, there's a story and characters I'm supposed to buy into and take seriously, so I have a big problem with Quiet.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
If those examples get you upset don't ever wander into Vita GAF land.
Don't even get me started on the vita idea of "fanservice."

Glad Japanese game developers stick to what they are doing right now.

I can't stand most of those designs.
Why not? They're all dressed appropriately and weren't designed to appease or titillate. Not to mention that their full designs aren't so over designed that they become blobs.


I feel like the fans who enjoy fan service are the ones the developers (or filmmakers, or whatever) should be listening to less.


I find anything that has too much fan service suffers bet it a game or a film or whatever.

A littles fine but it should be no more than a wink to those on the know. Any more and it undermines the creative identity of the game to stand alone.


The more the Japanese gaming industry continues to push it the less interested I get in their games. Quiet, that witch from SO5, Cindy from FFXV, SF5. It's so childish and lazy now. Lazy in this context because designing a woman with the male gaze in mind is one of the most creatively bankrupt things you can do with a character design. Compared to having some thought put into it.

Legit the only design that's anything special there is Zarya.
It depends on the game, sometimes I'm 100% fine with tons of fanservice when it other cases it's just annoying, it usually sucks when it feels like they just add said fanservice on top of the game to get extra sales and not because it fits the tone of the game.


Well MGS 4 is my least favorite MGS game so... yeah I guess it does.

Honestly... it's all just a matter of balance and context. If the game or it's characters about embracing certain fan-servicey things like sexual presence (Bayonetta) then it's fine. Of course, it's extremely easy to cross the line, and not just sexually, like over-hyped "anime" ridiculousness in Asura's Wrath.

Just depends on the game.


Edit: Seemed to emotional of a response. Dialed back.
Fanservice just annoys me , rather then actually providing any titillation like they are designed to do. Most of it is just the developers shoving some T or A in my face, and I really don't need that in my video games.
Yes, actually. I'm far from a prude, sexual content that feels meaningful, like say in The Witcher 3 between Geralt and Yen, is more than welcome.

I dislike it when fanservice is pandering/in your face though. For one, it can make playing a game in front of less games-informed family or friends embarrassing. It's a feeling that happens fairly frequently with fighting games, actually, as I may love the mechanics and gameplay but roll my eyes at the attempts at fanservice on the part of the female designs.

Secondly, it can often feel forced. A lot of jrpgs in the past 5-8 years seems to think I want a bunch of fanservice in my game when I really don't. If sexuality is an actual part of a character I love it, but often times the "fanservicy" designs and actions related to a character don't feel very organic, it feels like they're there to grab attention from a certain crowd. We talk a lot about artistic intent and not messing with it, but it's these scenes, designs, and themes which most often feel the most forced to me. This is something I felt in a game I otherwise really enjoyed: Demon's Gaze, and many others. Metal Gear Solid V is another one that completely fails the "would I feel embarrassed playing this in front of my mom" test almost exclusively because of Quiet and her over the top embarrassing fanservice.

I don't mean to call out Japanese games exclusively, this isn't an issue only unique to Japan. However, I do most often feel this pull between loving a game but rolling my eyes at aspects of female designs or other fanservicy things in games from that region, I feel. Which sucks because I adore many Japanese series and genres.
If the fans didn't like it, they wouldn't call it fanservice.

People who hate fanservice are a tiny minority, it's why fanservice sells product. It just so happens the tiny minority are very vocal. However because most devs and publishers like money, they include fanservice anyways so it always works out.

It's not necessarily liked by the majority of the audience. It's a tactic to boost revenue by appealing to specific segments of their fanbase, who they see as more likely to spend tons on merchandise.

Fanservice is for whales, not the bulk of the audience.


For those who want "fanservice" in all their games, why does titillation have to be everywhere in the media you consume? There's a plethora of porn online that you can just go masturbate to, why does it has to be everywhere?

I am of course assuming people are serious and I am taking their word at face value.
After reading this thread it appears I have no clue what fan service means. I'm confused.

Edit: just checked the wiki definition and they say its "giving the fans what they want". Which is what I understood it yo mean in the first place. So yeah, fan service is fine and a good idea.


The more the Japanese gaming industry continues to push it the less interested I get in their games. Quiet, that witch from SO5, Cindy from FFXV, SF5. It's so childish and lazy now. Lazy in this context because designing a woman with the male gaze in mind is one of the most creatively bankrupt things you can do with a character design. Compared to having some thought put into it.

I generally agree with this but I am not opposed to the idea of sexualized female characters. There just has to be some purpose to it other than we got a horny fanbase or photosynthesis.


When it's regarded as a reason a game is good then yeah.

Like "LOL they referenced THIS THING. BEST GAME EVER" - Honestly, a couple years ago, if you put a Breaking Bad reference in your game or a reference to a previous game in your series, you'd be a GOTY contender."

Fan service destroyed the lore of Dark Souls 2.

Edit: Sexual fan service is stupid but it doesn't bother me, I don't actually play that many games that have too much of it.


Not so much games having fan service, mostly creepy dudes that roll into threads getting excited enough to preorder a game specifically because they included a lingerie costume or when you see a dozen people with anime avatars talking about boycotting entire games for removing such an item.

When has "fan service" become code for boobs and ass?

Thought it always meant that.


Smash Bros style fanservice? Gimme.

Creepy pasta for horny teens and those who still think they are teens? Fuck off.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Legit the only design that's anything special there is Zarya.
They're all pretty unique and fit the context of their environment well. None of them look out of place.

It's sad to me because there are a ton of great Indies on the platform but they get mostly ignored for the pervy niche Japanese junk.


This kind of shit is pointless....

Yeah, it bothers me. Why can't we just have attractive females without resorting to provocative angles and such?
You most certainly can.

I generally agree with this but I am not opposed to the idea of sexualized female characters. There just has to be some purpose to it other than we got a horny fanbase or photosynthesis.
That's the crux of the issue. It rarely serves a purpose or the justification is so flimsy that you roll your eyes while the game is trying to explain to you the reason why a character is completely out of place.


Man...I had this whole thread written up for when I got thread making privileges about how to sexualize male characters.

Now maybe I shouldn't make it =_=


Don't even get me started on the vita idea of "fanservice."

Why not? They're all dressed appropriately and weren't designed to appease or titillate. Not to mention that their full designs aren't so over designed that they become blobs.

Because I don't care about what is appropriate on the situation. I would rather take bikini armors that doesn't make any sense over well covered armors that fits the situation.
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