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Does too much fanservice in games bother you?

Every time I see Zarya it pisses me off that they made her hair pink, it looks so bad.

They should have just done this instead.



Fanservice does not have to be necessarily about exposed female characters.
It can cater to other erotic fetishes and needs, including various under-exposed groups.
It can even be about cars, planes, guns, trains etc

Though for video games, you'll have to look for computer games.
For consoles this would be Dark Web territory.


Why not? They're all dressed appropriately and weren't designed to appease or titillate. Not to mention that their full designs aren't so over designed that they become blobs.

Yeah but they aren't 12-year-olds (actually aged 1X or 9000 year old dragons) in bikinis.


It depends on the fan service: hiding little nods to previous games and what not is awesome, filling your game with huge tits, short skirts, and panty shots is not awesome.


I loathe what's happened over the last decade where devs like Cave decided they had to start pandering to the basest market in order to survive. And Quiet in MGS V is straight up an embarrassment.

The older I get the more this kind of pandering becomes depressing.


I have a limit but I'm generally unphased by it. Like DoA doesn't bother me but Senran Kagura would probably be a bit much.
I hate fan service. A character being attractive is fan service enough. I hate stupid poses and leering cameras. It is voyeuristic and sleazy and does nothing but embarrass me.

If I want to see a characters in their panties, I'll look up porn of them. I don't need it in Street Fighter or my RPGs. I find it pointless and, again, embarrassing.

It feels disrespectful to me and the subject in question. As if this is what developers feel they must resort to to please their audience. And that is pathetic. Quiet doesn't need to be on ripped tights and a bikini to be attractive. It is pointless and juvenile. Give me a break.


The fanservice that boils down to sexualised pandering to horny male teenagers has really started getting on my nerves and I've become a lot less tolerant of it in the media I consume as I've gotten older.


It depends on the game.

I love Neptunia, for one thing.

But if you put obvious fanservice into a game which is ostensibly "serious" it can detract. Still, I hardly get as excited about it as some people apparently do.


What don't you like about them?

To be clear, I am not saying they are bad designs. It's just not for me.

I am just too used to cute anime stuff I guess. I can't take anything else.

I don't like 99% of western female designs.... but I am not saying those 99% are bad designs or anything.
Glad Japanese game developers stick to what they are doing right now.

I can't stand most of those designs.

Really? You can't stand them? They are so bad that you can't even stand them? Jeez... The only one here I find boring is Luara and Assassin girl. You don't need to have extravagant design to have good design. The rest are pretty good, and fit the universe in which they are from. Can't say the same for the fanservicy Japanese titles.


The more the Japanese gaming industry continues to push it the less interested I get in their games. Quiet, that witch from SO5, Cindy from FFXV, SF5. It's so childish and lazy now. Lazy in this context because designing a woman with the male gaze in mind is one of the most creatively bankrupt things you can do with a character design. Compared to having some thought put into it.

Quiet was ridiculous, but fun to look at. Titty Witch, Cindy, and R. Mika are all pretty awesome imo. Titillation is fun. R.Mika is also completely in context for her fighting background.
I don't mind fan service as long as it's not the main selling point of the game. Ffxv is clearly fan service for girls but if it's a competent rpg then I really have no issues.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
It bothers me when there's something that's obviously designed to appeal to lonely otaku.

I'm not just talking about (what looks like) 12 year old girls running around in underpants. It's also the personalities they give these characters. I hate it when there's the innocent girl who is totally naive/non-threatening "just a friend" who discovers she has feelings for the protagonist. Like hey, it's okay to be an immature anti-social guy, no need to put in any effort, eventually that hot 'friend' of yours is gonna realize she wants you.


Glad Japanese game developers stick to what they are doing right now.

I can't stand most of those designs.

i honestly think most of those designs were rather boring. But on to the topic it doesn't bother me. The streetfighter thing is a bit weird to me since i 've never viewed the characters as overly sexual i do recognize that the females are made attractive to the male eye but it has never been its focus. At the same time i'm not bothered by the stuff that was censored and as usual just find it annoying when the censoring happens. I'm not completely sure on whether i would label it censoring or editing since the game hasn't been released yet.


There's a fine line. I don't mind a bit of fanservice here and there, just little nods to past games and such. If it goes overboard though, it cheapens the game.


No, doesn't really bother me. There are some I find stupid but instead of complaining or being bothered by it I simply ignore it.
by the way

What is now the majority opinion about Lara?

She moves from oversexualized over male protection fantasies to badass character and back like monthly.
Only if the gameplay itself is mediocre/terrible. Don't try and hide the fact that your games aren't good with fanservice.

"Oh look! It's that thing you like! Please play our game!"
I don't know. Dragons Crown doesn't bother me that much yet just recently I was playing Tree of Savior and was pretty annoyed that the female Peltasta can't run around and fight without their panties being shown.
I think I'm just biased when It comes to Vanillaware art though.

Games where the main focus is fan service I have zero interest in though. Like that game on the DS where you poke and prod at random girls to see if they're witches or demons or something. It's just dumb.


Nope. I don't really care. A lot of the time it's in Japanese developed games and I just pretty much go "lol, Japan" and move on, because I don't really see much of a point in giving it more thought than that. I am self aware enough to be able to recognize things as being dumb, but still be able to enjoy them as much as I can enjoy a game that has better representation of characters.

I can understand why it turns people off though, if someone looks at DOAX3 and goes "gross" I totally get that, but some of the reactions to the slightest bits of fan-service seem to be overblown. Say R. Mika smacking her butt for half a second. To me, if that bothers you to the point where you have to call it an embarrassment or whatever, I'm just going to sit over here and say get over it, because it's a half second butt smack, not DOAX3, damn.

Then on the other end of that, if you're sitting here saying Capcom ruined Street Fighter V because the camera doesn't pan under Cammy's vagina for half a second, then fuuuuuuuuuck off, you can get over it too.
I'm generally unbothered by it to a point. I like the DoA fighting games but I wouldnt touch Criminal Girls with a 40 foot pole. Not very interested in the XBV games for that matter.


Not really, but when a game relies on fanservice and has shit gameplay then i could care less for it.

Then we have games like Atelier which has some minor fanservice but everything else is great so i dont mind at all.


I don't like the fanservice moments in the Danganronpa games.

I don't have anything against sexual content when it's fitting with the tone of the game (Bayonetta) or when it's done in good taste (Wolfenstein New Order).

But the pervy lewd stuff is just off-putting and immature for me.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Because I don't care about what is appropriate on the situation. I would rather take bikini armors that doesn't make any sense over well covered armors that fits the situation.
You'd be a terrible character designer then, context matters, a character should be dressed appropriately for the situation, ffs. If you aren't thinking about the context of the situation and thinking "Well I think this looks cool and our audience is mostly male so let's give her big ol tits" then there's something wrong with the design process. Bikini armor is so boring.

They're still boring.

Zarya just looks cool with her pink hair and physique.
That's subjective, yet another example of female sexualization however, that does show a lack of creativity. Not to mention, Senua, who recently got a visual overhaul with a new face and realistic physic.
I roll my eyes at fan service centered games, but they generally don't bother me, though there are a few games that obviously cross the hard line.
I hate lazy "put this bikini clad woman so the game sells""I am lazy and design a interesting character is hard so SEXY!". These kind of stuff is ehhh... And the perv community doesn't help.


I enjoy fanservice in games, but I would like to see more equality. I don't mean fewer sexy women, I mean more sexy guys.


Nope, bad mechanics, pace or story bother me. I don't get why fanservice in itself should bother me.


If it fits the game's aesthetic design like Lollipop Chainsaw, DoA, Senran Kagura, etc. it's fine. You know what you're getting into.

What weirds me out is the changing of a character's design (like Samus or Sophitia) for more fanservice.


That's subjective, yet another example of female sexualization however, that does show a lack of creativity. Not to mention, Senua, who recently got a visual overhaul with a new face and realistic physic.

It has nothing to do with sexualization in my case. Fully clothed girls are cool too, even if I like some smut. Those characters, aside from Zarya, just legit look pretty plain to me.

Actually no, Faith looks pretty sweet too, but yeah, I feel nothing for the rest at all.
sometimes it's funny and fits the vibe of the game. Other times, it just doesn't even need to be there. I guess I'm more of a fan of the competitive aspect of fighters, so the characters can be plain clothes normally people as far as I'm concerned, as long as they have the same move sets and game mechanics.


I dislike out of place fanservice more than fanservice games in general. If you have a game which in general has solid designs then one character is super over sexualised that's way worse than games built around it.

If a game is made with fanservice in mind, fine, perverts deserve their games too. If you're forcing fanservice into other games to get some cheap sex appeal then get lost.


GAF parliamentarian
I'm fine with it if I know what I'm getting in to. But Miranda's ass posing in Mass Effect 2 for example felt really out of place.

I also remember when fan-service used to mean stuff like the Arcadia X-files episode.


I have no idea when 'fanservice' became a reference to sexism in gaming... Very odd.

For fan service done well you can check MGS4's act 4. Taking the players back to shadow moses and treating the series faithful to lots of references and sight seeing.
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