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Sony announces partnership w/ KojiPro, New IP, 1st game "console exclusive to PS4"/PC


Fuck exclusives in general and fuck excluding large portions of audience from being able to play the game. In an ideal world, one in which we are not living in, all games should be on all hardware that can support it, performance and control-wise.
I mean even if this game comes to PC, it is a shame Xbone owners who do not have PC or PS4 will not be able to play it.

It was super awesome when MGS5 was announced multiplatform, wish all Kojima's games going forward could stay that way.
The mechanism for this was already in place. The loudest "Fuck Konami" should be coming from Xbox fans. I am simply relieved that he did not exchange one shit publisher situation for another. I cannot see him getting rushed or tortured over this, considering how much breathing room Polyphony gets.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
That was quick, Sony must of fulton him out of the Konami Building.


I love Sony for their willingness to invest in smaller, more experimental titles, and to support developers' visions. But they need to be careful about giving them too much freedom. Polyphony digital is one example where IMO they could do with a little focus, and Kojima is clearly another.

Investing in creative visionaries is fantastic, but giving them free reign isn't.

Kojima will working with Allan Becker I assume, dude get things done.


I love Sony for their willingness to invest in smaller, more experimental titles, and to support developers' visions. But they need to be careful about giving them too much freedom. Polyphony digital is one example where IMO they could do with a little focus, and Kojima is clearly another.

Investing in creative visionaries is fantastic, but giving them free reign isn't.

On budget maybe not... but creative-wise, it's one of the reasons Quantic Dream and other 2nd party let SCE own the IPs when published. They get creative-freedom in exchange.


The question is. How will Konami respond with Metal Gear and the FOX engine...

Metal Gear Solid Zero about The Boss and Cobra Unit in ww2. Konami hires Kojima as a private consultant. He secretly oversees the direction of the project without having any big involvement. This starts the rebuilding of their relationship. 10 years from now they kiss and make up. Konami rehires Kojima to make MGSV chapter 3.


Arrowhead had nothing to do with Magicka 2 and you're kidding yourself if you think Sony just let them port Helldivers on a whim. A late PC port would've been written into the contract from day one. Same thing happened with CounterSpy, which was later ported to iOS/Android.
Whatever it is, situations like this are an exception and not the rule.


It's not anti-console salt, it's anti-exclusive salt and I sympathize. I very much agree with his point that locking a game down to one or two platforms shouldn't be a cause for celebration even if you do own said platforms. Today you're happy because your favorite platform "won", tomorrow you'll be sad that you won't be able to play a game that you're interested in without spending hundreds of dollars on yet another gaming device.
Have you even read his tweets? It goes on about 30fps consoles and how that affects him. Strange considering this game doesn't even have an announced name let alone a framerate. Not like MGSV was 60fps right?


What if the reason behind the cancellation and store removal of Silent Hills was due to Kojima securing the rights of it for his new company.


Actually those with PT tied to their account, they can redownload it right now with this workaround.


Who is this Total Biscuit guy? That meltdown is hilarious

He's a guy to got fame and fortune by being snarky on the internet. He is sometimes funny. But always very self serious. He also can't take criticism. He's flirted with the gamergate folks because he's pretty right wing himself. He also has cancer. Real bad.


Guys, we're talking about an independent developer being funded by a console publisher.

This is not really the soap box for the evils of paying a third party publisher to keep a game off a competing console. We have like 20 other threads for that if you're looking to have that debate.

If I was a PC gamer I'd say thank you to Sony. Arguably if they didn't invest, there wouldn't be a game for PC at all.


Gold Member
Fuck exclusives in general and fuck excluding large portions of audience from being able to play the game. In an ideal world, one in which we are not living in, all games should be on all hardware that can support it, performance and control-wise.
I mean even if this game comes to PC, it is a shame Xbone owners who do not have PC or PS4 will not be able to play it.

It was super awesome when MGS5 was announced multiplatform, wish all Kojima's games going forward could stay that way.

Sounds like it's time for you to either buy the system(s) it's available on or miss out. Those are the options.


Heh, I figured his studio was gonna carry on the same name. No wonder all trace of it was removed from Metal Gear merchandise.


Gold Member
The big three have deep pockets, perfect for funding Kojima games, there's no need to shit up the thread. I'm happy I only have to wait for Rise of the Tomb Raider, but I wouldn't expect, say, Rare Replay on a platform I own or complain about it. Exclusives make a lot of sense, bitching does not.

However, "console exclusive" sounds like PS4 and PC, bizarrely, like SFV. As if PC ecosystems aren't a competitor for mindshare...I have no idea what Sony is thinking businesswise tbh in agreeing to a deal like that. This is literally just "not Xbox" rather than exclusivity.

Xbox is the competition for them... if you can still call it that at this point. Either way, MS won't stop paying for their own exclusives, Sony need to keep the ball rolling, but I would also assume that negotiating to skip an XB1 version is a bit easier than skipping a PS4 version on MS's part.
He believes the PC version will suffer cuz it'll be developed first on console which is weird cuz I could have sworn MGSV ran great if not better on PC.

If he believes that he is crazy .
It really easy to port stuff with how these system are .
And it not like devs and pub going to make there games to only run on high end pc.
Fuck exclusives in general and fuck excluding large portions of audience from being able to play the game. In an ideal world, one in which we are not living in, all games should be on all hardware that can support it, performance and control-wise.

Yeah, fuck you Nintendo. Listen to this man!

Seriously, dude?


Why did that announcement video seem like Sony just whipped their proverbial dick out on youtube and just wagged it for 2 mins lol

i'm glad that this is now confirmed and i'm looking forward to his next project.

As for Konami... I hope they win back gamers. Even with the f ups this past year"s" they still have Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Contra, Goemon, Bomberman, and many other classics that I've love new versions of.
The question is. How will Konami respond with Metal Gear and the FOX engine...

They will respond with a rain of pachinko terror, the likes of which we have never seen.

And don't worry Xbox fans. By the time this thing is ready, youll be able to buy a ps4 for less than $100.


MGSV was disappointing for me but I'll still play anything that Kojima puts out so I'm looking forward to it. I kind of hope they make a small scale downloadable game for their first game just to cut their teeth and get something out quick.
Guys, we're talking about an independent developer being funded by a console publisher.

This is not really the soap box for the evils of paying a third party publisher to keep a game off a competing console. We have like 20 other threads for that if you're looking to have that debate.

Good guy Sony.

Seriously, this is a best case scenario. Now if only the entire Kojipro team would go along with him and tell Konami to fuck off. Kojima will finally get the respect and support he deserves.
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