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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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Maybe whoever was playing was drunk as balls, the other day I was blasted and played some Revenge of Shinobi and didn't make it through the first fucking boss.

Hopefully the review isn't a shitshow.


you do realise that as this gameplay has come direct feed from the console, it must of been captured using some kind of capture card right?

these things introduce lag in controls. Maybe they were using a really bad one.

That said, some kind of quailty control should of flagged this video as something that stays on the cutting room floor.
That capture card has to be crap to introduce lag, the ones I have don't have any lag and I play every game perfectly with them.
said reviewer has played a hell of a lot of Paradox games.

Yup, which should raise bing alarm bells next time this guy rolls out a review. If people are curious, this reviewer goes on the 3MA pod a fair bit, so you can get a pretty good handle of what he's about.
I don't know if you're joking or not, but no, the person playing is not reviewing the game.

Then what's all the fuss about? Why do we care about skill of someone streaming footage if it's not a critical opinion piece?

How's it different from the hundreds of giant bomb quick looks where Brad sucks at what he's playing?

Because it's polygon?


I don't see the issue here. So they are either not very good at the game, couldn't be bothered trying at that time, or were occupied with something else. None of these things is a great sin in any context.

I thought perhaps I would agree that someone judging difficulty should be competent at a game, then I realised that makes no sense because they can't judge the difficulty for other people anyway, regardless of their own skills, they can only base in on their own difficulties.

If someone really good at a game said a game was easy, perhaps that games isn't easy to most. This problem exist already with every reviewer and so is a pretty redundant point.


I don't know if you're joking or not, but no, the person playing is not reviewing the game.

Can we get this in the thread title before we get another hundred ignoramuses piling in to fellate themselves on how much better they are than Polygon at first person shooters?


That isn't a good analogy at all. Everybody has to learn to drive before they are allowed to buy and drive a car. People do not have to learn how to play video games before they are allowed to buy and play them. There is an audience of people who would benefit from knowing if a game is fun even if it's your first time playing that sort of game. Not the case with cars.

I don't think they lose any professionalism as long as they label their reviews to show what kind of experience with the genre the reviewer had going into the review.

I wouldn't mind a new/low skill gamer reviewing a game if it's labeled. But the point I'm trying to make is that a professional writing a review should be up to snuff to write a professional review. I'm not saying new gamers shouldn't review things, or that their review/perspective is worthless.
if anything this video is an indictment of the revenue model that fuels most sites. they desperately needed to get any gameplay footage they possibly could up on the site as quickly as possible. no time to reply or edit or anything. just dump the capture onto YouTube and press go.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
The problem with calling attention to this is that things can become so circular. Like, I'm sure those writers are circling their wagons around their friend there and saying the usual about the complainers being typical awful gamer culture who hate on everything, kind of neutralizing the fact that the complainers might have a point. It might actually be a valuable thing for the writers to "show their work" like this, as a way for the different types of reader to judge if the review they're reading fits their own perspective or not.

Sometimes it's easy to picture that most of the writers at the big three sites were hired because they're productive and dependable writers first and foremost, and capable gamers coming in well after that in a lot of cases.
Then what's all the fuss about? Why do we care about skill of someone streaming footage if it's not a critical opinion piece?

How's it different from the hundreds of giant bomb quick looks where Brad sucks at what he's playing?

Because it's polygon?
Because previews are there to educate the consumer about how a game works. They fill the same roles as a review does in many ways.

At least Giant Bomb can fall back on the claim that there is a comedy element and that the commentary is part of their Lets Plays.

This was just a half hour of a guy playing a game badly. No commentary, no comedy, just bad gameplay. The value of GBs videos at least partially comes from the personalities playing the game. This Doom video doesn't educate or entertain.


Junior Member
Flashback to playing Timesplitters for the first time.

It's just so painful to watch. Just think, this person is paid to review games. That's like me being paid money to review bridal gowns or some shit.
Because previews are there to educate the consumer about how a game works. They fill the same roles as a review does in many ways.

At least Giant Bomb can fall back on the claim that there is a comedy element and that the commentary is part of their Lets Plays.

This was just a half hour of a guy playing a game badly. No commentary, no comedy, just bad gameplay. The value of GBs videos at least partially comes from the personalities playing the game. This Doom video doesn't educate or entertain.

Is the video labeled as an official preview?

Are you arguing no footage of poor gameplay should ever be allowed to air on a professional gaming site because it might make the game look bad?

Pretty sure this footage is simply a polygon employee playing via a stream, nothing more nothing less


aka IMurRIVAL69
Is the video labeled as an official preview?

Are you arguing no footage of poor gameplay should ever be allowed to air on a professional gaming site because it might make the game look bad?

Pretty sure this footage is simply a polygon employee playing via a stream, nothing more nothing less

It's just kind of shocking to see a professional site with a lot of money behind it upload a clip of what looks like someones first time trying to control a FPS with a controller. That's all. Not sure what you're so up in arms about.


Can someone please explain where all that disdain for Polygon comes from? (not talking about the reaction to the video, just generally)

Im so out of loop
Can someone please explain where all that disdain for Polygon comes from? (not talking about the reaction to the video, just generally)

Im so out of loop

SJWism, giving bad reviews to games that GAF likes, giving good reviews to games that GAF doesn't like, starting the changing review score deal, being given money by one part of Microsoft (Internet Explorer) which proves they're in hock w/ the gaming side of Microsoft despite the fact that it's a joke on the Internet that the various departments of Microsoft hate each other, and the fact they dare employ Arthur Gies. Also, the usual mistakes every site makes (like the silly pie chart which is obviously worse than Hitler and Stalin combined), but since Polygon does it, it proves they secretly hate games.
Is the video labeled as an official preview?

Are you arguing no footage of poor gameplay should ever be allowed to air on a professional gaming site because it might make the game look bad?

Pretty sure this footage is simply a polygon employee playing via a stream, nothing more nothing less
No, I'm arguing that posting a video where someone is clearly incompetent holds little to no value. And any value that it would have could also be had if given to someone competent. They can do whatever they want, but I think it's pretty clear why this has no value to anyone watching it.

As someone who frequents video game sites, I think I have the right to point out when their content comes off as pointless or possibly even detrimental to informing me about the game.

It doesn't have to be labeled "Preview". That's just getting into petty semantics. Why do you think this video exists if not to be a reference to consumers about what the new Doom game is like?


What a player of this skill level really highlights is just how bad the enemy AI in the game is. He meanders around, missing shots like crazy and melee kills like 70% of the enemies with zero situational awareness.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
What a player of this skill level really highlights is just how bad the enemy AI in the game is. He meanders around, missing shots like crazy and melee kills like 70% of the enemies with zero situational awareness.
We don't know what difficulty setting they were playing on, and this is also the first level yes? I wouldn't jump to conclusions...

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
What a player of this skill level really highlights is just how bad the enemy AI in the game is. He meanders around, missing shots like crazy and melee kills like 70% of the enemies with zero situational awareness.

To be fair it'll be on the easiest setting , AI is never great on the lowest difficulty.


That gif is embarrassing. I don't think reviewers have to be expert gamers, but that gif shows the player not using two hands, being distracted or just plain bad.



SJWism, giving bad reviews to games that GAF likes, giving good reviews to games that GAF doesn't like, starting the changing review score deal, being given money by one part of Microsoft (Internet Explorer) which proves they're in hock w/ the gaming side of Microsoft despite the fact that it's a joke on the Internet that the various departments of Microsoft hate each other, and the fact they dare employ Arthur Gies. Also, the usual mistakes every site makes (like the silly pie chart which is obviously worse than Hitler and Stalin combined), but since Polygon does it, it proves they secretly hate games.


It all started with this incredibly pretentious video before the website even went live lol

Wow, that's a lot. Didn't know about any of this, I'll investigate further


the OP ask who did the video and I don't think it's been defnitely answered in this thread, so here's what I found:


So yeah, it's *not* a reviewer who recorded the footage (arthur gies is the one reviewing doom for polygon), but as an actual game journo who posted in this thread argued, it's somewhat bad form to upload such poor footage for a professional outlet. Personally I think it's funny.

It all started with this incredibly pretentious video before the website even went live lol

This. They set the standard with which they were then judged. It was really short-sighted.

If you reveal your new website with lofty claims like "changing the industry" and you wind up being just more of the same with a few legitimate issues making you worse than your competitors, and just following their lead in most aspects, you'll get judged as such.

Not to mention a lot of their "ideals" went out the window when they gave up on long-form essays and in-depth reporting.

There is no area where they excel. They adequately rip off the best content styles from their competitors but don't do it quite as well.


I don't know what bothers me more, people trying to proclaim demanding competency is too unfair (or mean?!) to critics or the many of the same people demanding competency likely spawn-camp review threads, or, god forbid, hate-watch award ceremonies. The latter seem quite aware of their own contempt for game reviewers yet haven't taken them off a pedestal - because they like having their opinions validated by idiots?


Gif is how I play console shooters pretty much nowadays.
Hard to go back to joystick aiming after using a mouse.


aka IMurRIVAL69
This. They set the standard with which they were then judged. It was really short-sighted.

If you reveal your new website with lofty claims like "changing the industry" and you wind up being just more of the same with a few legitimate issues making you worse than your competitors, and just following their lead in most aspects, you'll get judged as such.

Not to mention a lot of their "ideals" went out the window when they gave up on long-form essays and in-depth reporting.

There is no area where they excel. They adequately rip off the best content styles from their competitors but don't do it quite as well.

"the biggest brains in videogame journalism" line slays me to this day


Can someone please explain where all that disdain for Polygon comes from? (not talking about the reaction to the video, just generally)

Im so out of loop

The first time I heard this peculiar fellow named Arthur Gies on Rebel FM. Shortly after 1UP.com died. It was terrible.

What a player of this skill level really highlights is just how bad the enemy AI in the game is. He meanders around, missing shots like crazy and melee kills like 70% of the enemies with zero situational awareness.

When he's close to death and kills an enemy it looks like he nearly recovers all health. I'm going to guess it's the easiest setting. Kind of makes it funnier.


The chap who reviewed Stellaris for IGN didn't know there was a quick menu to managing his empire's planets, so he spent 80 hours playing the game in a fundamentally flawed way.

Another reason why having a community like GAF is so useful. You'll have a much better experience if you parse through reactions here than just going off of 'professional' reviews.

That should indicate that Paradox didn't do enough to highlight that menu rather than that the reviewer is so dumb. The fact that someone could play the game in a fundamentally flawed way and not be corrected by the game or that the menu wasn't very prevalent is a flaw.


Good lord, my 5 year old is just learning how to use dual analog and can perform better than that. These guys should be ashamed of putting a video up like that.

Yet another reason why I say far away from Polygon.
This looks like a clip that you would see on elders play on the react youtube channel.

*bunch of kids shouting*



*off-camera voice*
"OK, so today we're gonna show you a game that's coming out soon" *hands copy*

"This is...oh Doom? Yeah I think I remember that game! They made a new one?"
"Is this the one with the face on the bottom of the screen that gets bloody and stuff? Oh maaan I remember that"

*Game starts*

"Oh...ooooh this is tough, I can't aim this!"

*walking into the wall*

"Move! Oh no, move! How do I move?"

*off camera* "Use the right stick to change your direction"

"The right..." *looks to controller* "oh this one" *wiggles it* "Oh, oh, oh OK I got this I got this!"

*cut several seconds ahead to:*


"C'mon die die die! Shit! No! I can't hit him! Die die! YEAH I got 'im I punched 'im right in the face! Oooh wow!"

repeat for 10 minutes.
The quality of video game journalism has been a joke for a while now ('is uncharted 4 more a walking simulator than action" from today) and its owes largely to the fact that they hire idiots.

I don't think you understand either the thread you mentioned or this one. Start over and read more.


*bunch of kids shouting*



*off-camera voice*
"OK, so today we're gonna show you a game that's coming out soon" *hands copy*

"This is...oh Doom? Yeah I think I remember that game! They made a new one?"
"Is this the one with the face on the bottom of the screen that gets bloody and stuff? Oh maaan I remember that"

*Game starts*

"Oh...ooooh this is tough, I can't aim this!"

*walking into the wall*

"Move! Oh no, move! How do I move?"

*off camera* "Use the right stick to change your direction"

"The right..." *looks to controller* "oh this one" *wiggles it* "Oh, oh, oh OK I got this I got this!"

*cut several seconds ahead to:*


"C'mon die die die! Shit! No! I can't hit him! Die die! YEAH I got 'im I punched 'im right in the face! Oooh wow!"

repeat for 10 minutes.

Lol exactly what I imagined watching this
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