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NV Democrats file complaint against Sanders campaign to DNC

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I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

Except all of the resentment his campaign has been eager to, if not foster, at least capitalize on, about how "the system is corrupt" and "the nomination is being stolen from us"


I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

There most definitely is. Bernie has spent the past year telling his supporters that everyone who isn't him is corrupt and that the primaries he has lost are because of fraud and voter suppression.


No Scrubs
I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

You kidding? He's been telling them the system is corrupt and that's the only reason he keeps losing. He's been telling them the party is corrupt and has stacked the deck against him, that they're actively trying to stop his revolution through fraud and voter suppression. You can draw a straight line from his rhetoric to this shit.
So either pick a party to join and exercise your choice between their candidates, or wait until the general election. Again, why should you have any say at all in the selection process of a party you don't belong to?

Again, you're on and on about how important it is to join a party but you're removing any value of joining a party outside of being able to vote in its primaries. It's self-justifying without giving an actual reason for it. Party registration existed long before the modern primary system existed and needing to belong to a party to vote in a primary is a vestigial feature from when belonging to a party actually meant something.

The current concept you and others are pushing simply makes it more and more so party membership is meaningless. I'm not saying parties need to do things this way but I'm saying that if they want membership to actually reflect support of the party then they should go this way. If membership meant something beyond a letter next to your name on the voter list things would be different, but right now it really doesn't.

Again, I'm not saying conventions should allow anyone to be involved as it should be party members only. I'm not saying anything can force the parties to do anything. I'm stating my view on how to make the best of the messy primary setup that exists in this country currently.

Finally, I will also assert that everyone saying "No, you should have to be the party but it should be quick and easy to change party with a lot of time to do so" make no sense because at that point it's just letting anyone vote in whatever party but with a few roadblocks to make it more of a pain.


I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

Apart from the rhetoric over the last 6 months, the actions they have taken previously, and how the campaign has responded to this sort of stuff by tacitly encouraging it?
I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

Then you haven't been paying attention, Bernie's camp is filed with this type of gamergate insanity with alt-right personas simply because he carries himself as "anti-establishment"

That's basically all that's left now.


I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

When campaigns get heated there are often a few supporters who get crazy and overzealous.

In 2008 it was PUMA's, which were supposedly Hillary supporters, though really they probably were just more anti-Obama.

Thing is though, it's the responsibility of the campaigns to do whatever possible to show these kinds of actions will not be tolerated.

To be fair I don't know if Hillary did anything to criticize the PUMAs. Though I can't even remember if they sent death threats and defaced property before.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

The problem is we aren't dealing with Bernie Campaign version March 2015 - if we were I'd happily dismiss these as bad apples; we're dealing with Bernie Campaign version May 2016. The people that haven't jumped shipped are the distilled, concentrated, and purified crazy.

These people **are** representative of what remains, period.


Apart from the rhetoric over the last 6 months, the actions they have taken previously, and how the campaign has responded to this sort of stuff by tacitly encouraging it?

He accused of the DNC and Hillary of money laundering so he could fundraiser off of it. (Sent the letter to the DNC instead of the FEC, the federal arbiter of campaign finance)

So yes he is taking advantage of it and even perpetuating it.


I hope these supporters stay the hell out of the Democratic party. We don't need a progressive tea party or some intense ideological pull to the left.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

Mmm Hmm

Per @DannyEFreeman, Sanders held press avail while in Puerto Rico. When asked about NV tension/chaos, Sanders walked away during middle of Q

If you find yourself making a "False Flag" accusation, that's usually a good sign to take a step back and reevaluate.
Easy to say when the private two-party system basically controls every election in this country. They have managed to consolidate the entire power structure of the country into an oligopolistic set-up.

If you are in the minority, your only choices are to change the system from within or get steamrolled in November by the current electoral cabal.

The people that control reform are part of this cabal. The people who appoint justices to overturn this private cabal were appointed by politicians nurtured and empowered by this current system.

Telling someone to run as any other party, or if you wish to prevent insurgent candidates is basically a form of saying, "if you want to change the system go screw yourself."

I think there should be less consolidated power. I don't even feel comfortable with the democrats being taken over completely by Sanders rhetoric and ideology. It will just be Sanders taking over the same powerful systems that exist now.

There needs to be diversification of political power.

You can change the system. It just takes work.

In a generation, the New Right changed the Overton Window so much that Barry Goldwater from the crazy nutball who was going to let black people be kept in Jim Crow and start a nuclear war to the sane reasonable person in the GOP because he didn't hate gay people and women who had abortions.

But, it took work. And running in school board races, state legislature races, county commission races. It takes more work than posting dank Facebook memes and whining on Reddit.

If conservative white dudes in Missisippi can do it, so can lefties on college campuses.

Here is what this reminds me of. And it does start with Sanders. From the beginning he has characterized Clinton as corrupt and the DNC as completely biased in her favor. If you support Clinton, then you are supporting someone corrupt and are this part of that problem.

It's like how Scientologists brand their critics as fair game. If you criticize something as 'clearly good' as Scientology you must be a suppressive person who is trying to kill something good, so you are fair game for attacks. Because clearly you are a bad person who deserves anything coming to you.

You know, because you criticized scientology. *Only* bad people could do that. Only corporate stooges could support Clinton.
When is Bernie going to strongly come out against this behavior going on. He needs to concede now before he takes his hardcore supporters past the point of no return come Philadelphia.

Also whining about the two party system and how it excludes people is useless unless you can get amend the constitution getting rid of the winner take all systems. Since that is all but impossible right now or in the near future you have to fight to improve things on the inside.

Sanders is no better than Trump if he doesn't strongly come out against these kind of actions and not sheepishly say he disapproves


Sadly, I can only see the Bernie Bros getting worse going forward as all paths towards the nomination (formally) close.

Hope nobody gets hurt.
You kidding? He's been telling them the system is corrupt and that's the only reason he keeps losing. He's been telling them the party is corrupt and has stacked the deck against him, that they're actively trying to stop his revolution through fraud and voter suppression. You can draw a straight line from his rhetoric to this shit.

Right. Sanders supporters were ready to call foul and jump on any tenuous bullshit from *day one* if he lost in order to explain it away. This isn't something that's only just started happening. It was already in place ready to go day one. They have never been open to the idea that he could lose fair and square.
Bernie is just as guilty because while has hasn't endorsed this explicitly, his silence on the issue is just as bad as outright saying it. He has also fanned the flames himself by insinuating that anything other than a Bernie win makes the system corrupt, unholy and unpure. What a horrible candidate personality and quality-wise. Glad he isnt the Democratic nominee. He doesn't have the demeanor to take on Republicans come the fall.


You can change the system. It just takes work.

In a generation, the New Right changed the Overton Window so much that Barry Goldwater from the crazy nutball who was going to let black people be kept in Jim Crow and start a nuclear war to the sane reasonable person in the GOP because he didn't hate gay people and women who had abortions.

But, it took work. And running in school board races, state legislature races, county commission races. It takes more work than posting dank Facebook memes and whining on Reddit.

If conservative white dudes in Missisippi can do it, so can lefties on college campuses.

Weren't all of those major changes met with severe opposition and serious contention/controversy? As wrong as the actions shown in the OP are in our day-to-day lives, when has change come without hurt feelings along the way. AS others have said, the rules are designed to make sure independent insurgents do not overtake the Democratic party. Their union is designed in a way to preserve consolidated power and to prevent newcomers from having a seat at the table.

I can't support that type of thinking, others may want things to stay the same.

Also major change can often come from the top down. Supreme court rulings and changes in national laws lead to change in how Americans as a whole view social progress.

I would also say that for a party that crows about voter disenfranchisement, it's always interesting to see which voices the parry actually wants to encourage and amplify. Agreeable voices that do not disrupt the status quo which brought them to power.


When is Bernie going to strongly come out against this behavior going on. He needs to concede now before he takes his hardcore supporters past the point of no return come Philadelphia.

Also whining about the two party system and how it excludes people is useless unless you can get amend the constitution getting rid of the winner take all systems. Since that is all but impossible right now or in the near future you have to fight to improve things on the inside.

Sanders is no better than Trump if he doesn't strongly come out against these kind of actions and not sheepishly say he disapproves

Isn't that what the Sanders movement or whatever you want to call it is about?

Sanders tries to win the democratic nomination and shapes the ideology from within, because there is no realistic path to overturn the current system staffed by party establishment justices and congress people.

Both paths are highly unlikely given the power of the Democratic party as it is currently constituted. I believe this is the source of the disagreement.



Really? I expected a better response from Bernie himself.

I guess I shouldn't have.

He's the one who's been inciting this. It comes from the top. Forget Trump comparisons, the Sanders campaign has become indistinguishable from GamersGate.
Isn't that what the Sanders movement or whatever you want to call it is about?

Sanders tries to win the democratic nomination and shapes the ideology from within, because there is no realistic path to overturn the current system staffed by party establishment justices and congress people.

Both paths are highly unlikely given the power of the Democratic party as it is currently constituted. I believe this is the source of the disagreement.

You make it sound like he lost because of the democratic establishment and not because he easily lost in actual voting. His movement needs to realize that the only way to change all of this is to stay politically active and make change little by little. Instead they will just whine about fraud and drop out by the midterm elections.
Weren't all of those major changes met with severe opposition and serious contention/controversy? As wrong as the actions shown in the OP are in our day-to-day lives, when has change come without hurt feelings along the way. AS others have said, the rules are designed to make sure independent insurgents do not overtake the Democratic party. Their union is designed in a way to preserve consolidated power and to prevent newcomers from having a seat at the table.

I can't support that type of thinking, others may want things to stay the same.

Also major change can often come from the top down. Supreme court rulings and changes in national laws lead to change in how Americans as a whole view social progress.

I would also say that for a party that crows about voter disenfranchisement, it's always interesting to see which voices the parry actually wants to encourage and amplify. Agreeable voices that do not disrupt the status quo which brought them to power.

I never said it would be easy, and the it's not like the GOP tried to stop the New Right from taking over. But, the New Right _actually_ had the numbers.

That's the problem with Sanders supporters - they're so ensconced in their bubbles that they don't realize the DNC isn't just the party of young liberals on college campuses. It's the party of older African American voters, Nevada unionized casino workers, suburban moderate women, upper middle class tech workers in San Francisco, and white union workers in the Midwest.

You're not the majority of the DNC and you wouldn't be even if every single primary was completely open.

Disrupt all you want - but if you want to disrupt, you actually have to show up to vote, register before the deadline, and then show up to local party meetings and understand the Rules of Order. Again, that's how the New Right did it.


41 > 38
you gotta see Bernie supporters outside trump rallies, some of the most hateful violent people.

They go to Trump rallies hoping to get a violent reaction out of Trump supporters. It's actually incredibly scary to see. Well, I can only speak of the event that happened a few blocks away from me in Orange County a month or so ago. Throwing rocks at cars, getting in people's faces. Hell, they even put a hole in the head of a police horse. I can't wait until he fades away and his supporters stop caring about politics again.


You make it sound like he lost because of the democratic establishment and not because he easily lost in actual voting. His movement needs to realize that the only way to change all of this is to stay politically active and make change little by little. Instead they will just whine about fraud and drop out by the midterm elections.

Nope. He lost because he wasn't a good enough candidate. This current situation impacts future candidates and ideas that would have a much greater chance of winning without having to face the barriers that are designed to prevent said new ideas and non-establishment candidates from beating the old guard.


First tragedy, then farce.
Again, you're on and on about how important it is to join a party but you're removing any value of joining a party outside of being able to vote in its primaries. It's self-justifying without giving an actual reason for it. Party registration existed long before the modern primary system existed and needing to belong to a party to vote in a primary is a vestigial feature from when belonging to a party actually meant something.

The current concept you and others are pushing simply makes it more and more so party membership is meaningless. I'm not saying parties need to do things this way but I'm saying that if they want membership to actually reflect support of the party then they should go this way. If membership meant something beyond a letter next to your name on the voter list things would be different, but right now it really doesn't.

Again, I'm not saying conventions should allow anyone to be involved as it should be party members only. I'm not saying anything can force the parties to do anything. I'm stating my view on how to make the best of the messy primary setup that exists in this country currently.

Finally, I will also assert that everyone saying "No, you should have to be the party but it should be quick and easy to change party with a lot of time to do so" make no sense because at that point it's just letting anyone vote in whatever party but with a few roadblocks to make it more of a pain.

Right, but if you aren't a member of the Rotary Club you don't get to bitch about the president of the Rotary Club.

And the roadblocks are there to make it enough of a pain to not do if you are not a member of the party in actuality or only want to vote in the parties primary once. You want to grow your party organically and register as many new Dems/Repubs that you can. But you don't want to allow a bunch of socialists/libertarians/whatever to vote when they feel like it in your parties nominating process.

The ideal of the process is for the Democratic voters to vet potential nominees for the Democratic party to take part in a democratic election in the Fall and act as the standard bearer for a big tent of ideals that generally fall in line with the party platform.

And yeah, you can argue that the two parties are too powerful, but in a first across the line system of elections that we currently have it will always tend to a bianary system because dividing one side into multiple smaller parties is a quick way to ensure that your ideals are never represented, but that is not a sufficient arguement for why a mainstream liberal party needs to open itself up to fringe interests and candidates and allow them equal access to that parties systems. The Democratic and Republican parties came to power through the will of the people (and have reinvented themselves multiple times to stay viable), and if a party winds up being non-viable nationally over a sufficient time-frame they will reinvent themselves again.


Bunch of petulant children.

Sanders has fucked himself because he can't condemn this shitty behavior without risking his rabid base turning on him and he looks like a huge asshole for not publicly condemning it.
boiled goose's persecution complex: the thread

Bunch of petulant children.

Sanders has fucked himself because he can't condemn this shitty behavior without risking his rabid base turning on him and he looks like a huge asshole for not publicly condemning it.


just like trump's base. sanders breeds anti-math anti-reality rhetoric swirling around his base and then this is what you get, you live in the climate you create

Kind of easy to do when faced with corrupt shills. Bernie hardly had to say a word.

LOL right. "hardly said a word" as in making it one of the 2 issues he ever talks about. okay
Hoping the people harassing Roberta Lange face some sort of justice.

Sanders needs to address this head on, not walk away from questions.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people doing this aren't even Bernie supporters. There is nothing in Bern's campaign that would support such actions.

Bernie Sanders is the guy who starts a camp fire in a dry wood, leaves the ambers to set the forrest ablaze and then remains quiet while everything burns.
Alex Seitz-WaldVerified account
JUST IN: Bernie Sanders statement on NV Dem convention.

No apology, blames party, issues ultimatum.


Fucking piece of shit
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