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Mighty No. 9 |OT| The Blue Bomba


Backer 5040 went into roast mode with his name.



Concerned about dinosaur erection.
Every time I try to search for my number in the credits (via search funtion) it doesn't work? I'm in the 600s. Anyone else?


I've only played the intro level so far. Got to say, I do like the way Bek controls. It feels pretty good, about how I'd want a modern megaman game to feel. I'm a little confused about the "xel absorption". What does absorbing "xel" actually get me? Is it just a score thing?

Edit: Also, once again I'd like to express how terrible those explosions are. It's one of a few visual elements that really pull me out of the game.
I don't like this game!

I beat three bosses. The physics feel slippery and inconsistent (sometimes an enemy hit will blast me backwards at a weird angle, sometimes I can damage boost through), the fights often struggle with readability and are WAY too long, the powers aren't fun, and there are too many "Just kill all the enemies in this room, I guess" areas.

Also once the subtitle windows blocked a spike pit and I died on it, which is cool.



and with that I think I'm done with the game for now. I still have most of the stages to play through as Ray, but I need a break from this.
I'm a little confused about the "xel absorption". What does absorbing "xel" actually get me? Is it just a score thing?
Not sure if this is actually what Xel is, but dashing enemies gives you elemental buffs to your buster. A couple of these penetrate through enemies, and make it easier to take down a group all at once.


Finally got a chance to play it a bit (though I gotta turn my console off to do a bit of writing before I go to bed).

-Controlling Beck is fun. Sense of speed from dash combos is good.

Will talk more about game later. Not sure how to active Gold or Mega Beck or what they do though.
Played through a chunk of the game today, and my brother tried playing some Ray mode.

For one, the game has flaws, that we can agree on. Maybe the Unreal 3 Engine was not a good choice considering it had to run on Wii U, 3DS, and Vita which all did not have support IIRC. Having to make the game run on 10 platforms at once with a team the size it was probably didn't help matters much.

The Wii U game chugs in the 20fps area or less, and there are a handful of legitimately poor moments when the framerate had been so low it dropped inputs and resulted in my death (noteably the mine stage). It has some details removed here and there, but it does resemble the other versions closely. I wonder if making parity with the Wii U/3DS/Vita versions resulted in the less-than-stunning visuals for everything else.

The VA can be a bit much, but I started to enjoy the interaction between the Might Numbers as the game progressed. It helps try to make them stand out as unique characters, though I found a couple of them were not too interesting. Avi is a fave. Also, a touch too much EDGE from a couple of characters for my taste but I'll life.

Some of the level design choices are not to our benefit. The underwater segments don't feel altogether fun, and enemies which spawn falling bombs and are also just out of reach anger me to no end (though later on using the power ups I had certainly helped). The environment is a little too spacious at times.

So far, I can see why people are giving it 5s and 6s. I'm leaning on a low 7 right now. With the world built and mechanics started, I think if the dev team takes feedback and improves their engine, I can see MN9-2 as something grand.


played through a lot of the game and ray dlc stage, I just have robot factory left completely drained before even attempting it gonna hit the sack and tackle it in the morning.

certain stages on the pc version seem like animations are locked to 30fps as fraps keeps a constant 60fps for me very strange design choice.

I agree for me currently its a low 7 and that's coming from a huge mega man fan.

btw I will forever hate purple spikes.


This game pissed me off on a level where i'm traveling down avoiding spikes and they start throwing chat boxes for the nonsense story blocking my view. Had to go to settings and turn them off. The game is not what i had hoped for.

Dr. Buni

So far, I can see why people are giving it 5s and 6s. I'm leaning on a low 7 right now. With the world built and mechanics started, I think if the dev team takes feedback and improves their engine, I can see MN9-2 as something grand.
I really want to see an improved MM9-2, but I do wonder if it is even worth the risk. The Mighty No. 9 IP is a joke right now. :|


I really want to see an improved MM9-2, but I do wonder if it is even worth the risk. The Mighty No. 9 IP is a joke right now. :|

So was Sonic after Shadow, Heroes, and 2006. Then came Unleashed (to an extent) Colors, and Generations.

Its a solid 7, but if they learn from their mistakes, another game in the series with a focus on fast paced action could be great.
The mechanics of this game are good.

It's just that it is in an incredibly weird package wherein they went in the exact opposite direction from all their good ideas.


The game plays so much better and sounds so much better than Sonic 4.

Sonic 4 was stiff as hell.

Totally agree and MN9's 8 bit soundtrack is LEAGUES better than what they tried on episode 1 of sonic 4. Comparing MN9 to Sonic 4 is a slap in the face to MN9.. it's so much better than that title it isn't even funny and this is coming from someone who realized today that the sonic humble bundle was worthless because I had everything on it!

Dr. Buni

So was Sonic after Shadow, Heroes, and 2006. Then came Unleashed (to an extent) Colors, and Generations.

Its a solid 7, but if they learn from their mistakes, another game in the series with a focus on fast paced action could be great.
But Sonic had a name and popularity before the "modern era" happened. Sonic also had (and still have) a (relatively?) big company willing to keep making Sonic games, even if the most recent games (at the time) ranged from bad to mediocre, because quality of the games aside, the IP was still huge and popular (maybe thanks to the archie comics? who knows). Mighty No. 9 doesn't really enjoy any of these benefits. It is not popular, it is not a big name and Comcept is nowhere near as big and rich as SEGA.

That being said, I will stay hopeful for a sequel. A sequel with focus on what matters, which is the gameplay, music and aesthetics (and not, you know, stuff like worthless voice acting). It might be a real good game. They could see what Yacht Club Games did with Shovel Knight or even what WayForward does with their games, which aren't as good as Shovel Knight, but are still fun and beautiful games made with small budgets. I actually enjoyed what I have played from Mighty No. 9 and as a Mega Man fan, I obviously want a good successor for the series.
How the FUCK do you save? Every time I start the game up my data is gone.

Did you download the DRM free version from Humble Bundle? The default install location is in Program Files so it won't save cos the folder is protected. Either you install it in another location, OR you run the app as administrator.


I'd have played through the game by now if not for the fact that I arbitrarily have to wait until the 24th cos Australia despite activating my Steam code. Damn. Don't wanna bother with the DRM-free version so oh well.


Also those having trouble dodging, the "action shift" jump goes abit higher than normal. Also you can still dash straight down after doing an aerial dash. The action shift jump has invincibility frames at the start, so it lets you avoid attacks in a pinch.


How the FUCK do you save? Every time I start the game up my data is gone.
Did you download the DRM free version from Humble Bundle? The default install location is in Program Files so it won't save cos the folder is protected. Either you install it in another location, OR you run the app as administrator.
That explains it. Yesterday saw a streamer have to restart his Humble copy due to sound issues 4 hours in, then all of his progress was erased. The meltdown was legendary.


How is the PC version running? After seeing the PS4 performance review, I feel like I made a huge mistake choosing that version...
I had a couple inexplicable hitches on the ice stage (during quiet moments thankfully), but other than that no noticeable drops in performance or other issues of any kind.


I backed this game enough to get a PS4 copy and just played the first few levels.

The problem with this game is, it was backed for 4 MILLION DOLLARS. 4 FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS. And it feels like it has a slightly lower budget than the %80 indie games on the market. Visual style is awful, voice acting is terrible and the story is not tolarable, cringeworthy dailogue is not helping as well.
Gameplay itself is not all that bad. Not being able to shoot upwards makes the game difficult in a cheap way. Level design is not awful but far from great. Boss battles are okay, probably the best part of the game. Dash mechanic seemed to gimmicky to me at first but it's fine. It's not an unplayable mess of a game but yeah, surely not a good one either.
BTW i have the Retro Hero DLC, anyone knows how can i switch the costumes?


I dunno if the visual style is awful...especially since some sections actually dont look bad. Those fire effects though...those and the explosions are a little suspect.


As you can probably tell with my avatar, I'm on the fence if I should pick up this game or not. Especially with claims that the Wii U version isn't exactly as smooth of an experience as the other console versions.

Also, what are your thoughts on the soundtrack? I'm listening to the OST right now, and I really love it. Desolate Highway is my favourite track, but all of them seem like really solid stage themes.
As you can probably tell with my avatar, I'm on the fence if I should pick up this game or not. Especially with claims that the Wii U version isn't exactly as smooth of an experience as the other console versions.

Also, what are your thoughts on the soundtrack? I'm listening to the OST right now, and I really love it. Desolate Highway is my favourite track, but all of them seem like really solid stage themes.

How? Where did you get that from? :/


Oh god. I just played the PS3 version. It runs at 10-30fps, has screen tearing, compromises the texture/geom detail even more, frequently hitches really bad, and the trophies are non-functional. Heck, shooting the rocket move that Battalion gives you makes it hemorrhage frames. Also, those trophies are wholly separate from the ps4 version. How am I going to double platinum this game I hate if the trophies don't work, you guys?!?!


As you can probably tell with my avatar, I'm on the fence if I should pick up this game or not. Especially with claims that the Wii U version isn't exactly as smooth of an experience as the other console versions.

Also, what are your thoughts on the soundtrack? I'm listening to the OST right now, and I really love it. Desolate Highway is my favourite track, but all of them seem like really solid stage themes.

Would WiiU be your only option?


Would WiiU be your only option?

Unfortunately. I want to pick it up for PC, but my computer is on it's last legs, and until I save enough to get new parts (which can run both Overwatch and Diablo III with relative ease), then I'm stuck with the Wii U being my only option.


I can't believe reports say this has trouble hitting 30fps on Wii U/PS3 (and presumably 360 when that hits)...when it became clear how lacklustre the visuals were, I remember thinking "Well at least they should be able to target 60fps on all platforms"...hoh boy :\

Hoping the frame drops won't be too bad on my GTX 960 setup when the game hits on Friday here. I remember it going into low 50s in the demo.
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