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New disappointment discovered : No Man's Sky (CrowbCat)

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This is brutal. Not inaccurate though from the amount i've played so far.

Still, some people jive with what it offers, but I have to say I'm glad I'm not the only one that never quite got what the "hook" was besides "fly to planets and get stuff"


so we know that there is no way for players to see each other (judging from that longass thread that got closed)

but do animals actually eat each other or eat the vegetation?

and can you really play the game without gathering resources?

They "damage" each other.

Sometimes creatures don't even have an animation or anything.

They just stand there and you get damage for being somewhere in their vicinity.

I imagine it has to deal with the procedural generation.
As far as playing without gathering resources, virtually no.

You can run around a planet, but that honestly isn't fun nor allows you to experience the full game.

You need to gather resources/craft etc. to use your ship, trade with NPCs, get better gear etc.
Boggled where hype came from- they made Joe Danger.

That'd be like the creators of Excitebike making Majoras Mask

I mean a team can create great things but this got way out of hand
Sweet Jesus, that was brutal.

How far has Sean Murray fallen on the public eye. From indie dev darling to being accused of being a liar of almost pathological levels.


People pointing at sales like it somehow washes away peoples criticisms and disappointment.

Come the fuck on.

Not my intent. Just pointing out that, at the end of the day, Sean is set for life and all the complaining in the world isn't going to 'teach him a lesson.'
GAF needs to grow the fuck up.

Emotionally attaching yourself to a game that isn't even out.


So you can wait for a review thread and yell "GOTY" in all caps over and over?



What's even more childish are the outbursts of legitimate anger and hatred in the aftermath. It's painful to read, especially as someone who is actually enjoying themselves with the game. Sure, I had hopes it would be grander than it was. I also knew it was a team of like... 10 people working on this thing and that I should temper my expectations a bit.
All I'm going to say is the hyperbolic levels of pre-release anticipation for games, to the level of giving awards to games that aren't even out yet... That shouldn't happen. By giving yourself unrealistic expectations of what a game should be

I haven't been following this game too closely but there always was the impression of what the game is being somewhat wishy-washy, from how it was presented, described by the devs, etc. I think everyone in the community just got waaaayy too carried away with things.

People need to stop doing this to themselves and press sites, publishers, etc. need to stop encouraging that.

Of course, the sheer levels of rage and accusing the devs of being Total Scumbags is no less childish. There's backlash and then there's people seemingly revelling in their misfortunes. Everything about this game is just testament to the fact that the game industry still has a lot of growing up to do.

Then again, it feels like this happens with every major AAA release, so who knows when things will change.


I forgot all about Brandon from GT trying to establish 'what this game is' and the rest of the crew piling in on him, lol.

As for the video in question? Masterfully put together.

I'm sure Hello Games are crying themselves to sleep at night after counting the boatload after boatload of sales.

What a wild ride this has been.

Hello Games won in the end. They got all your money now


so we know that there is no way for players to see each other (judging from that longass thread that got closed)

but do animals actually eat each other or eat the vegetation?

and can you really play the game without gathering resources?

You literally cannot leave the first planet without playing the 'collect resource' game.


Unconfirmed Member
The game is everything i expected to be and i like it.

Sean Murray is now the victim of people with silly expectations.

I feel bad for him.

Yes, people have unrealistic expectations sometimes, but to watch that video and the things he's said over the past two years and not attribute any blame to his ambiguous ass is quite something.

I think the Trump campaign - however much of one exists - would appreciate your rationale.
The fact that it was labeled a resource-collecting game was suppose to mean that any advertised features should be ignored.

Excuse me, ahahahaha.

Where do I say anything resembling this? My initial post in this thread was directed at someone still claiming that nobody knew "what you do" in this game. The core gameplay loop was known, and it is what they said it would be. The features around that are absolutely questionable in terms of whether they delivered or not.


Absolutely not. Surprise surprise an e3 demo was staged.
I will never understand the pleasure some people get from telling people something they like is bad.
There's some people calling out the game for some admittedly obvious faults, and then there's stuff like this thread where it's people patting themselves on the back because some guy on the internet agrees with them.
Whatever, I should know better than to poke around in this thread any long than I already have.

You say "surprise surprise it's staged" but why is that some magical hand-waving statement that absolves Hello Games of not having features or experience as the game is going to include, while also mentioning that this is just a random planet anyone can get to?

Uncharted 4, Assassin's Creed etc. demos aren't nearly as egregious.

Why is it that we should just assume that NMS's multiple "'real demos'/trailers/dev comments" are in no way indicative of the game?


The game is everything i expected to be and i like it.

Sean Murray is now the victim of people with silly expectations.

I feel bad for him.

You should feel bad for people that bought the game expecting that all the features that he lied about.
If you actually watched the video the amount of lies he told was disgusting.

Salty Hippo

Lmao, watch that whole No Man's Sky E3 '15 segment from Game Trailers. It's so funny. 3 people vs Jones and he was the only one not blinded by the "art"

It honestly illustrates everything that's wrong with the bullshit hypetrain that those guys ride on. Jones is one of the very few exceptions, so I'm not surprised he was gangbanged by that bunch of idiots for expressing obvious concerns.

Thank fucking god for sites like Giant Bomb.


Nope, just deduction. $60 game, 15 team members, 700k Steam sales, 100k ps4 sales in Britain alone...it looks like a sales triumph.

I would assume that Hello Games has profit sharing, and if so then all 15 of those employees should be millionaires.
Because everyone shares your opinion of the game.
"from the creators of No Man's Sky" will definitely turn a lot of people away.

As for my own opinion, game is boring as hell but not the worst ever. So if you wanted it flat out, there you go.
Didn't people continue to buy Lionhead games?
Despite their broken promises those also reviewed well up until about the time that franchise crapped itself.


They got hit real bad with Steam refunds though. Everyone I know refunded it including myself and the concurrent number dropped off huge after day 1. Poor PS4 folk who can't refund :(

Steamspy takes into account refunds and it's just sitting shy of 700k, so I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Your anecdote doesn't add up to the numbers.

Arkham Knight, which was in a much worse place than this, had around a 10% refund rate, so I can't see it exceeding that.


You warp to the center, and it does this dramatic zoom out of all the other planets you can go to and it says "New galaxy discovered" and you start over, like a NG+



A ridiculous yet thorough look at all the bullshit that was peddled. Sean Murray probably should never do press for a game again.

Lol I'm still expecting the scooby doo gang to run in during his next appearance and rip his mask off to reveal Peter molyneux.



He was so on point. It is hard to ask questions about a game that has a very strong defense force.

As soon as the video started i busted out laughing. I already knew what time it was.

He was asking the questions that mattered.

It takes a real special breed of game to make emergent gameplay compelling. I agree with ArsTechnica that NMS has a technically remarkable engine, but it is unfortunately backed by unremarkable gameplay mechanics/infrastructure. It's certainly does not provide the player with enough tools to craft their own gameplay loop or narrative.


To me it always seemed he was completely on board with playing the bashful/earnest/humblebro. To shift the overhype of the game to the publisher alone is too simplistic of an argument, especially when the dev is also board with marketing himself. What turned into a nervous first debut to the public was easily capitalized upon as marketing an "authentic" persona, a "real" person.

I've been in content marketing for 6+ years now as a designer and the amount of times I've heard project managers and producers say the words "real people" or referencing and proselytizing Humans of New York is disturbing. It worked well for this game because Sean pulled it off well. Even if he is as earnest as he comes off, I doubt he was naive to not know how effective a marketing strategy it can be to play it up. Check out the articles The Atlantic did on "real" people marketing and even their piece on method acting. It's the same reason why brands are courting popular instragram users (dubbed "influencers") to promote their products.

I completely agree with the parts where you mention Murray was easy to market, but I still think he was shown to the press before he really had all of the answers to the hard questions. Namely the multiplayer issue, and just what it is you do in the game, aside from reaching the center of the galaxy. He knows how to evade certain questions, but I think he needs more media training in order to know how to dodge questions in a way that won't hurt him or his game.


If you never want to leave your starting planet, or get access to later mechanics, parts, and other life forms that you can speak to then technically yeah you can play the game without gathering resources.

Don't you need resources for your life support systems i.e. just to walk around? I don't own the game btw, that's what I've seen in some streams.
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