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PSVR Review Thread


I mean, I'm happy everyone is saving money and stuff, but in a thread full of glowing reviews, why is the thread 75% "just cancelled my preorder" and "I'm going to cancel my preorder"?

Maybe everyone suddenly became wise and realized they would rather let someone else be the test users for first gen tech.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I don't understand the reaction either. It's bizarre. There is a large number of positive reviews:


But over on /r/games you would think the Giant Bomb early impression stream is the only source of information.

Negative Reviews:

None yet

Pre-order cancelled

I feel like a lot of people who are disappointed were looking for something that was never going to be there in the first place. If you would've told me around the time Oculus and Vive were being announced that Sony would deliver a competent VR solution for PS4, in the same year as Vive and Oculus, that compares pretty favorably pretty much all around I would've slapped your stupid face. You liar.
Glad to see overall impressions are good. After the concerns from GB I ended up cancelling the Amazon pre-order for now. Still really interested in the tech and I enjoyed the demo I tried and there's games I'm interested in. But I did get pretty bad eye strain with the short demo I did. So I decided it was probably better to wait a bit and see how it plays out. Even 3DS 3D gives me some eye strain these days.

I think I'll buy one down the line, maybe when RE7 comes out, maybe earlier. But I figure if there's quality control concerns or if my eyes with my current eyesight acts up I might just hold out.


What are the Giant Bomb stream issues everyone us referencing?
Their units had tracking issues, which left Jeff very nauseous.

Uncertain as to what caused that, but Eurogamer hinted at hardware issues, where even they had to get replacement headsets because their original ones were having issues.


Didn't they do an absolute dogshit Rift stream near release of that as well?

Absolutely not. They did probably the best and most comprehensive stream out of all the major outlets for the Rift and Vive. Plus continual post release VR videos with their VRodeo feature.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
So has any outlet shown off the RIGs demo?

Nope. It's embargoed up till next week. I think Battlezone is as well, but I could definitely be wrong about that.

I've tried Battlezone so I'm pretty confident in what it has to offer. The embargo kinda bothers me for Rigs though because it has a lot of potential to be disorienting, given its nature.

When was the last time some gaming hardware got negative reviews?

I dunno, man. Ngage? Point is, if this is a disorienting mess of nausea inducing hardware that can't be expected to track its input devices I'd imagine they could throw at least one digit in the 'L' column.

It doesn't track as well as the Vive. Whether GB got a bum headset, camera or whatever doesn't matter. It was never going to hit that mark. If the 'pre-order cancelled' nonsense is coming from that realization, then a lot of people haven't been paying much attention.


I think because some of the most trusted outlets on GAF - Kotaku, Giant Bomb, Game Spot, Eurogamer and Game Informer - have all given it a "wait and see" approach.

No risk in waiting and seeing after all.

When everyone waits and sees, nobody is buying it. That's risky for a dev studio.

I'm on #keeppreorderteam
Nope. It's embargoed up till next week. I think Battlezone is as well, but I could definitely be wrong about that.

I've tried Battlezone so I'm pretty confident in what it has to offer. The embargo kinda bothers me for Rigs though because it has a lot of potential to be disorienting, given its nature.

Arstechnica specifically address the types of issues Giantbomb were having.

PSVR's setup keeps track of the headset and controllers through colored LED lights that are detected by the required PlayStation Move camera. In any room with a decent amount of ambient light (be it from a window, light bulbs, or any other source), however, that tracking has a tendency to occasionally falter quite noticeably.

On the controllers, this leads to your in-game hands wobbling a little bit or even warping a few feet in one direction before quickly fixing themselves. When the camera loses a tight lock on the headset, though, it can lead to a very disconcerting "swimmy" effect, where the entire world around you looks like it's bobbing around a few inches in random directions like a ship on the ocean.

In my testing, these problems got more prevalent the farther I got from the PlayStation Camera. Somewhere around ten feet seems to be the functional limit. The problem went away completely when the lights in the room were dim (which might explain why every previous PlayStation VR demo I've seen at a trade show has been in a very dark room). And even in a room flooded with overhead lights, the tracking worked as expected a good 95 percent of the time.
When everyone waits and sees, nobody is buying it. That's risky for a dev studio.

I'm on #keeppreorderteam
If your sole reason for buying hardware is to support theoretical development teams riding on the headsets initial sales success then that doesn't exactly speak volumes to the current lineup on offer

Arstechnica specifically address the types of issues Giantbomb were having.
Giant Bomb tried with different light configurations and it didn't help
Gamecentral review:


sum up:

The PlayStation VR itself is an extremely well made bit of kit, and Sony has worked wonders to make it function as well as it does, while still being as affordable as possible.

The biggest unknown though is how much of a difference PS4 Pro will make and whether you can afford that as well. But many of the experiences we’ve played on a normal PlayStation 4 are already very good, and extremely encouraging for the future.

The best advice is just to have a go yourself, either at a shop demo, a friend’s, or the Sony tour. Try to experience a range of games and get an idea of whether nausea is going to be an issue, and if virtual reality in general is for you.

VR is clearly going to be the future of gaming, and although this is just the very start – that’s going to look painfully primitive in a few years’ time – it is a very impressive one.

For VR Worlds they gave 6/10:


In Short: For better and worse a very useful introduction to VR gaming, with a wide range of games that demonstrate the potential, and pitfalls, of PlayStation VR.

Pros: The London Heist may be short but it looks and works great. Ocean Descent is a perfect VR introduction, and the other games are usefully varied.

Cons: All the games are shallow, especially Danger Ball. Blurry visuals ruin VR Luge and make Scavengers Odyssey virtually unplayable for long periods. Too expensive.

And for Batman Arkham VR they also gave 6/10:


In Short: The best tech demo so far for PlayStation VR, but with some better storytelling it could also have been a good game in its own right.

Pros: Excellent graphics and use of VR, in terms of the sense of immersion and cinematic trickery. Batman fan service is gloriously off the scale, even if the tone is rather grim.

Cons: The story goes nowhere, and the whole experience is just a patchwork of tech demos. Very little real gameplay or freedom of movement. Move controllers are almost a necessity.


Nope. It's embargoed up till next week. I think Battlezone is as well, but I could definitely be wrong about that.

I've tried Battlezone so I'm pretty confident in what it has to offer. The embargo kinda bothers me for Rigs though because it has a lot of potential to be disorienting, given its nature.

BattleZone has been shown by a lot of streamers for a while now - and it looks awesome. Can't wait for it!

I'm a little worried about RIGS - it's always been on the top of my want list, but the lack of anything but dev diaries and trailers makes me nervous.


When publication like Time are giving this such positive reviews we could be looking at a sales hit here. Word of mouth and these really positive impressions will do wonders for sales. All those cancelled pre-orders are gonna get snapped up sharpish I reckon.

We're all distracted seeing a few hiccups with tracking when publication after publication (mainstream newspapers etc) are singing it's praises. I think people are forgetting just how influential that stuff is on the general public.

I think PSVR is going to sell as many units as they can produce this Xmas.
some people at work that aren't into games asked me today about the PSVR thing. They saw reviews on Gizmodo and stuff.

they all seemed really interested.
When publication like Time are giving this such positive reviews we could be looking at a sales hit here. Word of mouth and these really positive impressions will do wonders for sales. All those cancelled pre-orders are gonna get snapped up sharpish I reckon.

We're all distracted seeing a few hiccups with tracking when publication after publication (mainstream newspapers etc) are singing it's praises. I think people are forgetting just how influential that stuff is on the general public.

I think PSVR is going to sell as many units as they can produce this Xmas.
I don't disagree. Even though I cancelled today. I could see myself picking one up if available in a month or so


When publication like Time are giving this such positive reviews we could be looking at a sales hit here. Word of mouth and these really positive impressions will do wonders for sales. All those cancelled pre-orders are gonna get snapped up sharpish I reckon.

We're all distracted seeing a few hiccups with tracking when publication after publication (mainstream newspapers etc) are singing it's praises. I think people are forgetting just how influential that stuff is on the general public.

I think PSVR is going to sell as many units as they can produce this Xmas.

I don't know about that, Rift had this going for them


And it didn't help at all!


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
BattleZone has been shown by a lot of streamers for a while now - and it looks awesome. Can't wait for it!

I'm a little worried about RIGS - it's always been on the top of my want list, but the lack of anything but dev diaries and trailers makes me nervous.

True that we've seen much more of Battlezone. I was thinking the reviews and stuff were embargoed though. Either that, or reviewers don't have the consumer version yet.

Battlezone was awesome when I tried it so I'm not really worried about that one anyways.
All those cancelled pre-orders are gonna get snapped up sharpish I reckon.
I think PSVR is going to sell as many units as they can produce this Xmas.

I'm pretty sure all those cancellations won't even show up because the waiting list is already long enough. Selling out until Xmas is close to given at this point.


The Birthday Skeleton
When publication like Time are giving this such positive reviews we could be looking at a sales hit here. Word of mouth and these really positive impressions will do wonders for sales. All those cancelled pre-orders are gonna get snapped up sharpish I reckon.

We're all distracted seeing a few hiccups with tracking when publication after publication (mainstream newspapers etc) are singing it's praises. I think people are forgetting just how influential that stuff is on the general public.

I think PSVR is going to sell as many units as they can produce this Xmas.

Wii U review

Same reviewer even.

But it’s mostly because I haven’t been this impressed with a new interface since Nintendo put a joystick on a gamepad in 1996. Sure, launch showcases like NintendoLand feel more like teasers for the next big Zelda or Metroid or 3D Mario game, and while I admire what Nintendo’s done with New Super Mario Bros. U — especially the clever multiplayer modes — it’s no Super Mario 64.

That said, unless Microsoft or Sony have more than burlier hardware up their sleeves, and assuming third-party developers can match Nintendo’s skill utilizing the second screen, the Wii U already has a lock on the future of big-idea gaming.


They also specifically mention tracking being affected by range to camera which makes sense.

Yeah, although they were still under the 10 feet that Ars talked about.

Something just isn't adding up. They even used the PSVR on a superhypercube stream before and they didn't have any problems, it was the same setup.

They should just borrow Gamespot's and see if that changes anything.

Lol I thought that image was a joke.

It's only a joke if you're not down with the alt right!
The fact that an overwhelming majority of the reviews are positive makes me happy and confident that PSVR will do well. All Sony needs to do now is make sure there is a steady stream of games for it and they continue to support it. I didn't believe PSVR was gonna be great before I tried it but all my doubts faded away after I did. It's a marvelous piece of technology and I'm surprised they were able to pull it off and keep it affordable.

The fact that publications like TIME magazine and other mainstream publications are giving it their thumbs up is also very good for PSVR in general. Hopefully the mainstream adopt it in good numbers. Success for PSVR means success for VR as a whole as it has the greatest chance of any VR headset of being adopted by the mainstream due to its affordability and accessibility.


To be fair that's a terrible fucking cover and the Rift required a beefy PC, versus walking to a store and buying two boxes of stuff.

I wouldn't say it's terrible, sure it'd look dumb if he wasn't wearing the headset or wearing shoes (Who wears shoes at the beach???).

But with it on, he looks majestic. Like a Pelican rising up for its first morning fish.


Incredibly Naive
The vr worlds review is exactly what I expected. Basically a demo or tech demo disk. I'm excited for psvr but I'm hoping we get more full length experiences like re7 in the future. Luckily there are a ton of these short burst experiences available so that should have some good legs.


Unconfirmed Member
So, at the end of the day, it seems like a solid 8/10 all round, no?

The issues shown on the Giant Bomb stream (and mentioned elsewhere) are a little concerning, but for every dodgy gameplay clip I've seen, I've seen three more where it looks to be playing fine. Can't wait to get my hands on it and see for myself.


If I had a pre-order I would keep it. All-around it seems like a nice introduction to the world of VR and if you had no intention of having a decent PC it seems like a hell of a time. They'll probably be sold out until after Christmas so hold onto it and give it a spin. If you still don't like it or have problems with the tracking or whatever just sell it to someone who can't walk into a store and buy one.


Incredibly Naive
I wouldn't say it's terrible, sure it'd look dumb if he wasn't wearing the headset or wearing shoes (Who wears shoes at the beach???).

But with it on, he looks majestic. Like a Pelican rising up for its first morning fish.

What outlet are you with again?


The Birthday Skeleton
Are you saying that if Sony had designed a bad piece of kit, reviewers would pretend not to notice and award it positive reviews because, um, that's what they do?

No. I was addressing specifically that quote. And what I'm saying is that you rarely get really bad reviews for hardware. Even Wii U got decent reviews. You have to pull a Ouya to get negative ones.

Does this say anything bad about PSVR? No. So how am I knocking down PSVR with this?
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