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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread


For people who've listened to it, how spoilery is Gamexplain's discussion? I don't want to know about rushing to the final boss etc, can't believe they'd put that in.


For people who've listened to it, how spoilery is Gamexplain's discussion? I don't want to know about rushing to the final boss etc, can't believe they'd put that in.

That was common knowledge though. They revealed that at E3 last year that you can rush straight to the final boss after getting off the Plateau.


That was common knowledge though. They revealed that at E3 last year that you can rush straight to the final boss after getting off the Plateau.

Sure I jut meant I don't want to hear details about it! I'm just curious how spoilery they got and whether it's worth a listen or not.
You reviewed the game?

I don't understand these numbers battles anyway, it's Enter the void.

I will never understand this either. Really strange behavior imo.
But people here seem to enjoy it and there is no harm in it.

Anyway: Wow, after watching some more footage i think this could be one of the best Zelda games ever made.


Going back to the red barrels camps controversy I started yesterday :

On the contrary I think it's great level design because enemies use them. Lizalfos in particular can throw objects really fast at Link. In addition, fire arrows are limited so you may want to conserve them if you can. Thus a scenario is saying don't rushing blindly and think creatively. Not to mention this scenario rewards understanding the sound mechanics and enemy mechanics. Also there's still some enemies around so you still have to kill them for the reward in the end.

Also RE4 loves Explosive barrels for good reason. A well placed Barrel is very satisfying to use.

well you need to have a fire arrow or bomb arrow, something incendiary. but also they aren;t there for NO reason. enemies will lift them up and chuck them at you from a safe distance. I mean, I sort of feel you, but also feel like theyre not going to be as ubiquitous as youre worried about

I hope so but so far all I've seen is too many easy kills and no ennemies using it against you. Although I saw this in the thread :

If it is balanced and backfires often okay then, but most of the time the bad AI* + convenient placement just ruins it.

*I'm currently replaying Far Cry Primal, an Ubisoft game, and the ennemies spot you easily even when you're on a cliff, they become suspicious when you miss an arrow and are searching for your ass (but humans are not gobblins)

I'm more in favor of having to do something special to place the explosion source(s), then to trigger it (them). I hope it's harder to do it after the tutorial area so the challenge can matches the reward (fun) it gives.


It's going to have a couple of stand out bad reviews.

There are two categories of bad reviews. The legitimate ones where the reviewer didn't like the game, and clickbait ones where the text indicate a glowing review but there's a low score at the end.
For people who've listened to it, how spoilery is Gamexplain's discussion? I don't want to know about rushing to the final boss etc, can't believe they'd put that in.

I thought it was fine. They didn't really reveal much about that other than that they tried, and they failed, from my memory. (watched it yesterday)


It's going to have a couple of stand out bad reviews.

There are two categories of bad reviews. The legitimate ones where the reviewer didn't like the game, and clickbait ones where the text indicate a glowing review but there's a low score at the end.

Really all I care about are the bad reviews. Sets a nice minimum expectation. I think a negative review that stills gives a game a 7/10 can reveal the quality of a game better than multiple 10/10 reviews.
It's going to have a couple of stand out bad reviews.

There are two categories of bad reviews. The legitimate ones where the reviewer didn't like the game, and clickbait ones where the text indicate a glowing review but there's a low score at the end.

I'd be amazed if there are any bad reviews. If the game is objectively great then the worst you're going to see is reviews that focus on nitpicking certain aspects of it.

That's the second time horizon has been ripped into by someone discussing zelda,
I kind of feel bad and hope it doesn't get bought up to much when the reviews hit.
It's a game that was made alongside zelda and releases before it so it's a bit unfair as the developers couldn't really take inspiration and ideas from the new zelda.

People should be happy for two good games and just move on, expecting horizon to have the same kind of attention to detail and innovation is a little harsh.
Man these guys rip into Horizon a lot when comparing it to Zelda. Bad luck to be the open world game that comes out immediately before open world Zelda I guess.
Remember Horizon's is GG first outing. This is there Uncharted-like starting point, and it's a fantastic starting point.

Horizon as good as it is, is really just amazing combat with a lot of well done systems we've seen before. Zelda is breaking new ground in a lot of ways, to journalist in gaming, that's always going to be more exciting. I'm listening now, and they basically say Horizon, as good as it is, has potential to be so much greater. For a starting point, that's just an amazing, that it's even in the same breath as something like Zelda, I think GG is pretty happy right now and know they have a good starting point.

Like everyone else, they are going to be looking to Zelda and it's mechanics, and where to take the open-world genre next.
Remember Horizon's is GG first outing. This is there Uncharted-like starting point, and it's a fantastic starting point.

Horizon as good as it is, is really just amazing combat with a lot of well done systems we've seen before. Zelda is breaking new ground in a lot of ways, to journalist in gaming, that's always going to be more exciting. I'm listening now, and they basically say Horizon, as good as it is, has potential to be so much greater.

For a starting point, that's just an amazing, that it's even in the same breath as something like Zelda.

Nothing against Horizon, but I'm pretty sure the only reason it's in the same breath as Zelda on this podcast in particular is because they just reviewed the game. The comparisons aren't favorable.

Again, that is nothing against the game from me, personally. I'm just as excited as everyone else to check it out.

The Hermit

Apparently the Edge review says the framerate can get even worse in the WiiU version... Getting even to the "tens"

For some reason I though this game would be smoother on the WiiU, since it was originally developed for, but Nintendo probably decided to push the Switch to the detriment of the WiiU.

Is just one outlet, will wait for other, but it's not a good sign

Nothing against Horizon, but I'm pretty sure the only reason it's in the same breath as Zelda on this podcast in particular is because they just reviewed the game. The comparisons aren't favorable.
Yeah, they keep just talking about wasted potential and how things could have been handled better, this just seems to be glowing because Zelda is fresher though, the other guy just loves emergent gameplay however, he's definitely gonna be more high on Zelda with it's more open gameplay. Either way, I'm sure people across the globe are going to prefer one over the other. He literally said "I really liked Horizon, I think a bunch of people should play, there's just potential there that they couldn't quite reach". The other guy was pretty hard on it though. Regardless, critics have already spoken, it's got a ton of perfect scores already, people are loving Aloy, a good example, I love tape logs, that wouldn't be a negative to me at all, especially if the world-story is interesting.

Here's a nice comparison. Horizon is very digital, Zelda is very analog. People will naturally gravitate towards one side of that coin. I personally like both depending on my mood.

btw---can I get a Switch in person at launch? BB is letting me pre-order Zelda, but not the system.
The comparisons with Horizon shouldn't even be made in the first place. If you're comparing Horizon to anything it should be something like The Witcher 3. If you're comparing anything to Zelda it should be something like Metal Gear Solid V.

I see nothing wrong with making comparisons, but it's pretty sad to see that people can't just appreciate that two fantastic games are coming out very close to each other and leave it at that. Using an open world, they both seek to achieve different things. There's little Horizon should have to learn from Zelda and vice versa, but as far as GAF goes, the comparisons for the most part seem to amount to little more than thinly veiled console war rhetoric. Either way, can't wait to pick up both next week.
The comparisons with Horizon shouldn't even be made in the first place. If you're comparing Horizon to anything it should be something like The Witcher 3. If you're comparing anything to Zelda it should be something like Metal Gear Solid V.

I see nothing wrong with making comparisons, but it's pretty sad to see that people can't just appreciate that two fantastic games are coming out very close to each other and leave it at that. Using an open world, they both seek to achieve different things. There's little Horizon should have to learn from Zelda and vice versa, but as far as GAF goes, the comparisons for the most part seem to amount to little more than thinly veiled console war rhetoric. Either way, can't wait to pick up both next week.

I think the comparisons from a lot of GAF users are a bit annoying, but if you're a journalist who just reviewed both games, it's going to be damn hard to separate the two. The Waypoint podcast is the first time I actually found a discussion about comparing and contrasting both games to be interesting.

Omnistalgic, Switch pre-orders are sold out, but most stores will have limited launch day stock. Probably will have to wait in line for one.
There's nothing wrong with comparisons...just don't compare games 1 to 1 when they're trying to achieve different things. People will prefer one game over another.
I think the comparisons from GAF are a bit annoying, but if you're a journalist who just reviewed both games, it's going to be damn hard to separate the two. The Waypoint podcast is the first time I actually found a discussion about comparing and contrasting both games to be interesting.

Sure, I get that and I think it's fair. On the other hand, on GAF, I know for a fact that the majority of the people making the comparisons to shit on one game or the either have likely not played either game and were probably never going to play both of them either. Like I say, just finding it pretty facepalm worthy that the release of two accomplished first party games are causing so much war on GAF. You can't go into a thread about one without hearing about the other in a non-constructive manner.


It feels like time is standing still. I'm turning 30 when this game comes out so I should probably be enjoying the last week of my 20s....

But damn, I just want it to be March 3rd already!


The comparisons with Horizon shouldn't even be made in the first place. If you're comparing Horizon to anything it should be something like The Witcher 3. If you're comparing anything to Zelda it should be something like Metal Gear Solid V.

I see nothing wrong with making comparisons, but it's pretty sad to see that people can't just appreciate that two fantastic games are coming out very close to each other and leave it at that. Using an open world, they both seek to achieve different things. There's little Horizon should have to learn from Zelda and vice versa, but as far as GAF goes, the comparisons for the most part seem to amount to little more than thinly veiled console war rhetoric. Either way, can't wait to pick up both next week.

You should listen to that podcast because they explain the difference between those 2 games. They're not looking down at all at Horizon if it can reassure you.

Seriously, it's fair and understandable. Horizon has a really bright futur to make a sequel.
Sure, I get that and I think it's fair. On the other hand, on GAF, I know for a fact that the majority of the people making the comparisons to shit on one game or the either have likely not played either game and were probably never going to play both of them either.

For sure. I just point and laugh at those folks.

Holy shit, what? If that's true they should be ashamed for releasing it in that state honestly.

It's apparently not all that often. Still disappointing as hell.
The comparisons with Horizon shouldn't even be made in the first place. If you're comparing Horizon to anything it should be something like The Witcher 3. If you're comparing anything to Zelda it should be something like Metal Gear Solid V.

I see nothing wrong with making comparisons, but it's pretty sad to see that people can't just appreciate that two fantastic games are coming out very close to each other and leave it at that. Using an open world, they both seek to achieve different things. There's little Horizon should have to learn from Zelda and vice versa, but as far as GAF goes, the comparisons for the most part seem to amount to little more than thinly veiled console war rhetoric. Either way, can't wait to pick up both next week.
yeah, the things Patrick? are talking about are things I love in gaming. Like you can go anywhere, you can figure things out for yourself, the puzzles etc...

But for me, that does't take anything away from people talking all the time in Witcher or Horizon, the games are just trying to accomplish different feelings.

I do think Horizon can open up it's melee combat though, especially for a sequel. I'm sure GG will be inspired by Zelda, it does a lot of cool things in the open-world space.


Apparently the Edge review says the framerate can get even worse in the WiiU version... Getting even to the "tens"

For some reason I though this game would be smoother on the WiiU, since it was originally developed for, but Nintendo probably decided to push the Switch to the detriment of the WiiU.

Is just one outlet, will wait for other, but it's not a good sign

Glad to see that they're trying to dethrone OoT, didn't think they'd go as far as to dethrone it's 16fps though :/


Apparently the Edge review says the framerate can get even worse in the WiiU version... Getting even to the "tens"

For some reason I though this game would be smoother on the WiiU, since it was originally developed for, but Nintendo probably decided to push the Switch to the detriment of the WiiU.

Is just one outlet, will wait for other, but it's not a good sign


Then why does it have a fucking ten? A game with not meeting its target frame rate is not a perfect game. Is there a quote somewhere?
I think Nintendo said it wouldn't be major shortages this time...Hmmm...Hopefully I can just pick up one at the store, I'm really not for waiting in line and all that jazz on launches.


Neo Member
I promised myself that I wouldn't buy Switch on launch because I always end up regretting buying launch systems when there are so few games released. But I feel my willpower fading... Zelda is my favourite franchise and this previews damn!
Then why does it have a fucking ten? A game with not meeting its target frame rate is not a perfect game. Is there a quote somewhere?
Are you serious? Obviously the frame-drops, and other flaws, are minor. The sum of it's parts is amazing. a 10/10 doesn't mean a game is flawless, it means it's amazing and a gem in the gaming world.
Then why does it have a fucking ten? A game with not meeting its target frame rate is not a perfect game. Is there a quote somewhere?

There is no perfect game and even a game with a 10 can have it flaws. But when the game is, besides the frame drops, absolutly excellent I don't know why i shouldn'z get a ten. Especially if the frame drops aren't that frequent.
But I wanna see that quote too. Where is it possible to read the review?!
I promised myself that I wouldn't buy Switch on launch because I always end up regretting buying launch systems when there are so few games released. But I feel my willpower fading... Zelda is my favourite franchise and this previews damn!
I'm in the same boat, I just pre-ordered Zelda from BB though, so I'll at least have the game ready for whenever I get a Switch.
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