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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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The fact that you have to load to step into a small little area. The fact that monster corpses disappear when another monster appears on the map because the game can't handle that many assets at once. The fact that you can only type like 4 small words on the 3DS per line (lol at that). The fact that you can't even type AT ALL during quests on 3DS. The fact that the bow/gun controls haven't changed since 2004.

I could go on but I'm so tired right now. I really need to sleep.

The MHDos assets have been redone so many times I'm glad it's finally put to rest. The waterfall scene looks amazing





That's DQ10

whoops. was posted weeks ago, didn't expect it to be an older game. So we still have no footage of XI on Switch and it's still irrelevant.

This is literal trolling. Your url says it's dragon quest 10 which originally a Wii game.

Forgive me for not expecting DQX's first footage on Switch to be posted less than a month ago. Came up when I was searching "XI" but I missed the lack of "I"

Lmaoooo, why cant people reaaaaad,

I missed an "I" -- you're still citing a game that hasn't even been shown yet as proof that Switch could run MHW...


I guess they at least tried.

I feel the 2nd gen monsters were an enormous improvement over the 1st gen. Monsters like Rajang, Tigrex, and Daimyo Hermitaur transitioned much better than stuff like the Dromes, Yian-Garuga, or Cephadrome.

They were.

Honestly MH4 should have been like 3 and completely reimagined the first gen monsters that they brought back.
A game having it's own identity doesn't mean it's stuck in the PS2 era.
Comes down to preferences I guess.
I played a ton of MH1 and MH2. Especially the first one as I was not worthy to play Dos online....

I was super pumped and imagined how they could improve on MH with a PS3 version. But that never came. I just wanted the game to be like the original MH trailers while keeping the core fighting mechanics.

The identity is the fighting style (especially with other people) and the grind/learning loop to get better skillwise like in Souls. Personally, for me it's also stalking out powerful monsters.

Everything else has been limitations by the hardware.
MH with modern coop online systems and seemless areas is on paper already a huge improvement on any other console MH game. Now it only comes down to them translating the identity into this new body.
So far nothing showed that they failed at that.
I'm loving all of the damage control from those who don't want to accept that this is the next major game in the franchise. Although it was clear this would happen once the reality of the franchise spreading it's wings across platforms came to light.

The game is going to make some awesome changes that long term fans of the series will really appreciate. Don't jump to conclusions just yet.

But the rumor said otherwise.


People seem quick to condemn this game because it streamlines a couple of aspects while ignoring how awesome additions stuff like enemies being able to chase the player throughout very varying & complex terrain, being able to use lots of things in the environment against enemies more dynamically, no loading screens and pitting enemies against each other are. And the game still seems to have stuff like gathering, traps & such. Being so opposed to change is ludicrous.

The only thing that looked reeeeally shitty was the sparkly thing. Very distracting, hope it can be turned off.


Though I kinda doubt it, the only thing I can hope for is that they don't completely simplify the combat from what we have in MHXX. I really do like using Dual Blades with the Demon Gauge system, Spin2Win Slingshot move and the Adept Dodge.


People seem quick to condemn this game because it streamlines a couple of aspects while ignoring how awesome additions stuff like enemies being able to chase the player throughout very varying & complex terrain, being able to use lots of things in the environment against enemies more dynamically, no loading screens and pitting enemies against each other are. And the game still seems to have stuff like gathering, traps & such. Being so opposed to change is ludicrous.

The only thing that looked reeeeally shitty was the sparkly thing. Very distracting, hope it can be turned off.

We're not ignoring that, we just don't think they're good additions.
I don't know why people keep clinging onto what that person said. It sounds so awfully fanboyish that I can't take it seriously.

My take is I think that person was given legitimate information but put his own spin on what he heard, which is why a bunch of it sounds nonsensical.


This is literal trolling. Your url says it's dragon quest 10 which originally a Wii game.


Anyway, I disagree with people saying this game isn't mainline. It definitely is. Just because it's not called 5 doesn't mean it's a spin off.

It is not a complete spin-off or a cheap one, but I do think that MH5 will come to Switch with the "old" gameplay tailored to Japan. I cannot point my finger at it, but MH:World doesn't feel like the MH I know. But they should first show off more gameplay.

I am quite happy that there's a PC release, too. :) Been waiting to hunt with my PC pals who rarely buy consoles.


As someone who's never played monster hunter, I thought this looked really fun. But I guess I should get hip and play some real monster hunter. :3
The only thing that looked reeeeally shitty was the sparkly thing. Very distracting, hope it can be turned off.

The only minor complaint I have related to that is I wish when you were stealth it straight up went away. It was like a poke in the eye of immersion when he was stealthed in a bush and monsters are walking around him oblivious to the firefly disco rave going on above him...
I don't know why people keep clinging onto what that person said. It sounds so awfully fanboyish that I can't take it seriously.

well thats par for the course for information shared on 4chan. Its about ego stroking. Fanboyism demonstrates our personal egos at their worst.

That said, nearly 100% of the post is true, how much you want to cast and call into doubt is up to you ( and our own preonceived notions/biases)

Do you have some reason for doubting his take on the politics at hand behind these decisions?
I always thought the segmented areas were so you could get a breather from monsters without hoping you just didn't get screwed.

Today I am learning that they're actually because of bad hardware.
I honestly think the Switch could probably run this game just fine. As others have said, it doesn't look that graphically intensive. I feel like this is running on the Dragon's Dogma engine, MT Framework 2 instead of mobile. The hair tech looks demanding but I doubt that's the reason.


Pretty exited to have a new focus on tracking monsters and seamless areas, i hope they deliver.

Not a fan of the unsaturated color pallet, but i guess they wanted the monsters to look as real as possible this time around.

Edit: i read some crazy people saying that tracking and hunting don't belong in MH...SMH
Like paint balls and following shadows or learning monster habits weren't a thing before...


Junior Member
I honestly think the Switch could probably run this game just fine. As others have said, it doesn't look that graphically intensive. I feel like this is running on the Dragon's Dogma engine, MT Framework 2 instead of mobile. The hair tech looks demanding but I doubt that's the reason.
Just downgrade the visuals/resolution and there it should run on Switch.


They were.

Honestly MH4 should have been like 3 and completely reimagined the first gen monsters that they brought back.
Yeah, it would have led to a smaller roster, but I could take sacrificing some fat to have better fights against the ones that made it in.

Gravios especially feels like a lot of wasted potential. Such a cool concept, such a boring fight.


I think that person was given legitimate information but put his own spin on what he heard, which is why a bunch of it sounds nonsensical.

Yeah, pretty much.

As a fan I LOVE that more platforms are getting a taste of MH. Before MH blew up on PSP I wished all the time that it would be more popular when playing it on PS2 because it was incredible and needed a bigger player base. It blew up on PSP and the IP ascended to heaven in Japan and all that but it's been a bummer to see it not catch on as much here in the west. I don't know if this will be a success but I'm glad PS4/Xbox/PC players can now get in on the action.

I find that rumour to be laughable in how it was written.
1. We haven't seen a single frame of DQXI running on the Switch.

2. We don't know what or if any compromises were made to transition DQXI from the PS4 to the Switch. We just know it's basically a port, but if I recall correctly they were adamant it wasn't a port, so I assume a lot of tinkering is going into it.

3. You're extrapolating with literally no evidence. Just because two games exist on two different systems doesn't ensure graphical parity between the two platforms.

It demonstrates the possibility of a port. which is my point in the first place. Especially if you buy into the argument that DQXI looks better or at similar levels of quality to MH World does. Which then becomes the question, why isnt Capcom pushing the PS4? Its because they dont have the money to take such a risk yet.

I mean come on there are people still going on and on about how the Switch cant handle Frostbite even though the developers outright said that it could but they'd rather use something else because of the issues inherent to working with the engine. ( read the fifa thread)

This is some incredible logic.

You enjoy your Switch, we get it, but stop talking bullshit about products you haven't seen.

I'm not talking about products we havent seen. I'm talking about DQXI and Monster Hunter World. Do a graphics comparison, make a video, call up digital foundry I dont care, I still dont see where there's some profound reason why people believe the switch is weaker than it actually is. We're talking about capcom here, they're not pushing the envelope in the AAA space because they lack the funds to do so.

and I dont even own a switch.


They add a new layer of depth & variety. How are they not good additions? You want the franchise to never evolve & try new things?

I think open world is the wrong direction for the series to go in. I've always considered these games to be arena fighters.

More destructible environments is just annoying. That waterfall thing looks cool in the trailer but it will be annoying as shit when I'm actually trying to fight the monster.

Monsters attacking one another gets rid of the fun when two big monsters are in a single area. It also probably means multi monster arena quests are gone.


It smells like spin-off. Everything looks so cheap, especially the animations...Yes Monster Hunter was never a graphical powerhouse but it's still an enormous license.


I always thought the segmented areas were so you could get a breather from monsters without hoping you just didn't get screwed.

Today I am learning that they're actually because of bad hardware.
Honestly, it probably was originally because of the hardware. The first Monster Hunter wasn't exactly concerned with being fair to the player.
It is not a complete spin-off or a cheap one, but I do think that MH5 will come to Switch with the "old" gameplay tailored to Japan. I cannot point my finger at it, but MH:World doesn't feel like the MH I know. But they should first show off more gameplay.

I am quite happy that there's a PC release, too. :) Been waiting to hunt with my PC pals who rarely buy consoles.

Who knows. I was super lukewarm about the reveal but the more info that comes out the more I am hyped. It just looks like the gameplay is evolving a bit. MH5 may come out but that doesn't mean MH:W isn't mainline. It's a high production title from the team responsible for all the mainline games. A branding change doesn't mean it's a spinoff.


We've seen so little of this so far that it seems ridiculous to judge either way, I'm cautiously optimistic and I'm glad that this is coming to PS4 finally.


Seriously, ya'll need to watch this version of the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM The editing and new bits show that it is very much a traditional monster hunter game. It adds on 4th gen mechanics (jumping and landing off cliffs, mounting, climbing and more)

For those who think this is a side game its not. It is being developed by the main series team (MH 1, Dos, Tri, and 4). It is the first 5th gen game.
Sources: Famitsu: https://www.famitsu.com/news/201706/13135277.html
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W62j4xfq_yQ

The interview confirms it and my Japanese source has as well. Capcom's main MH website advertises it as the "Next Monster Hunter Game in the series". You can even look this up on the English version of the website, not even Generations was considered the "next" in the series. The fact that they are showing a simultaneous release for the first time as a feature just spells out main series release. That being said, feel free to verify.

Also, for those who don't know, there are only 2 monster hunter development teams creating games under the main series title. The "B" team creates MH Portable and X/XX series, and will likely continue making traditional MH games in this fashion for Nintendo consoles (this is a guess). The "Main" team has made the other, main numbered titles. This is considered a main game, and since the "B" team is focusing on XX Switch Ver. atm, the Main team is the only other dev team working on this. The Frontier and Online teams are totally separate from these two. There is no 5th team, this is basically Monster Hunter 5, created by the Main development team.

Last thing: Capcom CEO Ryuzo Tsujimoto doesn't personally come out for an interview to advertise his baby if it wasn't a main series game (check the youtube link).
???? You mean DQ Heroes?
Thats not a jrpg.
Well damn, I can't believe I was so wrong! (Cut me some slack, it's in the same franchise lol)

Either way, I have no confidence in DQ11 Switch reaching anything close to parity with the PS4. Maybe I'll be proven wrong once a graphically demanding multiplat game doesn't receive significant reductions in resolution or effects when being released on the Switch. We haven't seen it yet.

Yes, there are some great looking Switch games. That's usually driven by art style rather than high-res textures, high poly counts, and the like. I just don't think a console with (I don't recall the exact number, so don't crucify me for this) about 1/2 or 1/3 of the power of an XB1/PS4 could deliver the same experience without reductions in both effects AND resolution.
But the rumor said otherwise.
That rumor was wrong enough to where I'm ready to say it's bullshit.


The only minor complaint I have related to that is I wish when you were stealth it straight up went away. It was like a poke in the eye of immersion when he was stealthed in a bush and monsters are walking around him oblivious to the firefly disco rave going on above him...
It's kinda overdone elsewhere as well. Like when swinging from the vines. One could see the next vine from space with that level of lightshow. There are subtler ways of indicating where one can jump next... -_-
I'm loving all of the damage control from those who don't want to accept that this is the next major game in the franchise. Although it was clear this would happen once the reality of the franchise spreading it's wings across platforms came to light.

The game is going to make some awesome changes that long term fans of the series will really appreciate. Don't jump to conclusions just yet.
this is obviously a spin off as noted by the title idk why you're trying to say otherwise lol
Yeah, pretty much.

As a fan I LOVE that more platforms are getting a taste of MH. Before MH blew up on PSP I wished all the time that it would be more popular when playing it on PS2 because it was incredible and needed a bigger player base. It blew up on PSP and the IP ascended to heaven in Japan and all that but it's been a bummer to see it not catch on as much here in the west. I don't know if this will be a success but I'm glad PS4/Xbox/PC players can now get in on the action.

The only bad result for this game is if it fails miserably and does damage to the brand. Other than that, the worst it can do is just fail on its own and Capcom goes back to what they were doing.

I've known about the game for a few months now and I've been going back and forth on how I think it will do. If, as I suspect, it charts kind of an ugly middle path where it's not high enough budget to catch attention, not westernized enough for western audiences, but too different for most fans, then that's not good. That means Capcom will get conservative with the series again.

On the other hand, I also suspect that the reason this doesn't look like it breaks the bank is because it's probably going to be the new baseline for the series' graphics, which means asset sharing for Switch (and mobile) games. A rising tide lifts all boats there.

I think a good scenario for this game is it will get aggressive marketing from Sony and Microsoft and quietly sell 500k or so on Steam. But if it's not a good game, even aside from traditionalist angst, then that's pretty unlikely.

We'll see! It's out relatively soon!


Seriously, ya'll need to watch this version of the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM The editing and new bits show that it is very much a traditional monster hunter game. It adds on 4th gen mechanics (jumping and landing off cliffs, mounting, climbing and more)

For those who think this is a side game its not. It is being developed by the main series team (MH 1, Dos, Tri, and 4). It is the first 5th gen game.
Sources: Famitsu: https://www.famitsu.com/news/201706/13135277.html
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W62j4xfq_yQ

The interview confirms it. Capcom's main MH website advertises it as the "Next Monster Hunter Game in the series". You can even look this up on the English version of the website, not even Generations was considered the "next" in the series. The fact that they are showing a simultaneous release for the first time as a feature just spells out main series release. That being said, feel free to verify.

Also, for those who don't know, there are only 2 monster hunter development teams creating games under the main series title. The "B" team creates MH Portable and X/XX series, and will likely continue making traditional MH games in this fashion for Nintendo consoles (this is a guess). The "Main" team has made the other, main numbered titles. This is considered a main game, and since the "B" team is focusing on XX Switch Ver. atm, the Main team is the only other dev team working on this. The Frontier and Online teams are totally separate from these two. There is no 5th team, this is basically Monster Hunter 5, created by the Main development team.

Last thing: Capcom CEO Ryuzo Tsujimoto doesn't personally come out for an interview to advertise his baby if it wasn't a main series game (check the youtube link).
Watching this cut of the trailer and it actually looks fantastic. Consider me hyped.
Well damn, I can't believe I was so wrong! (Cut me some slack, it's in the same franchise lol)

Either way, I have no confidence in DQ11 Switch reaching anything close to parity with the PS4. Maybe I'll be proven wrong once a graphically demanding multiplat game doesn't receive significant reductions in resolution or effects when being released on the Switch. We haven't seen it yet.

Yes, there are some great looking Switch games. That's usually driven by art style rather than high-res textures, high poly counts, and the like.
I just don't think a console with (I don't recall the exact number, so don't crucify me for this) about 1/2 or 1/3 of the power of an XB1/PS4 could deliver the same experience without reductions in both effects AND resolution.

Well to your point, I'm saying that MHW looks nice, but I dont see any high res textures and poly counts on anything but the monsters, and even then that's being generous.

Square enix ported the vita version of DQ Heroes, so that's on them.

Can we stock talking about the switch please?

Yes lets talk about MHW's graphics instead, since that's what this is really about.


Now everyone gets to enjoy this franchise. Thank you Capcom. This may not be in the vein of traditional MH titles but I'm open to change as long as it's good and done right.


I'm not talking about products we havent seen. I'm talking about DQXI and Monster Hunter World. Do a graphics comparison, make a video, call up digital foundry I dont care, I still dont see where there's some profound reason why people believe the switch is weaker than it actually is. We're talking about capcom here, they're not pushing the envelope in the AAA space because they lack the funds to do so.

and I dont even own a switch.

You are using DQXI as a benchmark for the Switch's ability to run this game as is. You have not seen DQXI running on the Switch.

And for someone who doesn't own a Switch, you're going in to bat for it hard in a thread for a game that has not been announced for the hardware.


Who knows. I was super lukewarm about the reveal but the more info that comes out the more I am hyped. It just looks like the gameplay is evolving a bit. MH5 may come out but that doesn't mean MH:W isn't mainline. It's a high production title from the team responsible for all the mainline games. A branding change doesn't mean it's a spinoff.

If there are 2 main-line titles which are completely different at the same time, we can call both mainline. I don't have a problem with that.

Still, there's a reason for the branding change - the gameplay has been changed profoundely and it has been westernized quite a bit. We don't know yet how it plays out in reality (B-Roll footage doesn't tell us much without the HUD etc.).

My feeling is that fans of the handheld style of play will not necessarily enjoy MH:W much / be hyped about that announcement. I think that Capcom has plans for the fans in Japan and that means more material for handhelds and that means, by extension, a Switch version of something.
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