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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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If Nier can do it, I think a Monster Hunter game can too.

Death sentence numbers.

So, while 6 million may be higher than they're expecting, I can't imagine they'd settle for anything less than 5 million.

Then they are going to be disappointed. The series has yet to achieve your lower bound heights in its prime on portables with Japan making up a soon-to-be-lost lion's share of sales.


MH:XX is a spin off. Whatever comes out after World's we'll have to wait and see obviously. But for all intents and purposes World is the next mainline game. Apart from that who knows what and where the next game comes out. If you told me the next MH would skip Switch I would have laughed but here we are so...

The next MH doesn't skip Switch or do you think that XX will be the last title for it? The fun thing is that neither XX nor World is called "5" or Fiveth or something for some reason.

I don't know why, but that is a sign of something. Capcom wouldn't want to lose most of its MH fanbase who want handheld style games. It's a bit of an extended Tri situation - where MH Portable Third was clinging along for the handheld fanbse. And with the change in pace and gameplay, it might be better to split the audiences for a bit.

But well, let's wait and see about the sales of XX or any other announcement which may come up at Nintendo's show or later this year.
What are you even talking about?

Just in japan, its got approx 700k ish pre orders atm. I dont think switch has hit 700k itself?

And why do people keep thinking ps4 is a disaster in japan?
Dq and mh are perfectly capable of outselling ff in japan and that went on to a million units there


Yeah... no. If MHXX sell well enough (and it most likely will), we'll be seeing the next traditional MH on Switch. Also the rumor that claimed all of these said that MH World would be westernized (and it is) and that MH5 had started development on Switch.

Its not really westernized at all. There's nothing about that trailer that spells that out, except the fact that it finally looks nicer than it has ever looked and now seamlessly transitions between battle areas. This is, for all intents and purposes, MH5. The "B" MH dev team at Capcom is finishing up XX Switch Version. That only leaves the Main team to develop this game. There are only 2 Monster Hunter development teams at Capcom.

People literally were saying the same thing when MH4 came out, thinking it was too different to be Monster Hunter when it first was shown, it turned out to still have the same great gameplay. Give it until tomorrow when they actually show a few hunts, its going to feel the same, but now we can mount different parts of the monster, use a rappelling hook, set even more types of traps, and use the environment to our advantage.

TBH this actually gets me pretty hyped, because now not only do we have to learn how to fight monsters, but how to utilize the environment in each area against them, which makes it that much more interesting.


Wow this game looks great. I haven't really played much Monster Hunter (though I tried a bit of MHU3 on Wii U), but I was originally going to get into the series with XX on Switch. Since this seems more interesting I'll try this instead.

Curious to read hands on impressions and reviews when it releases.
Then they are going to be disappointed. The series has yet to achieve your lower bound heights in its prime on portables with Japan making up a soon-to-be-lost lion's share of sales.

I mean, they have to be expecting these types of numbers (5-6 million range), right? Otherwise, why are they even doing this?

Also, HOLD UP A SECOND. Splatoon 2 has 700k pre-orders in Japan?!?


Capom is going to need this to do significantly better than Nier numbers and won't have massive Japanese support for it to fall back on.

Sure, but a million shouldn't be a problem to beat.
I think Japanese support will be fine though, Nier did something like half a million there alone, Monster Hunter is a significantly bigger series and Sony will probably be pushing it really hard. Do worry about how hard they'll push it outside of Japan though.


Just in japan, its got approx 700k ish pre orders atm. I dont think switch has hit 700k itself?

And why do people keep thinking ps4 is a disaster in japan?
Dq and mh are perfectly capable of outselling ff in japan and that went on to a million units there

Where are these numbers from? There is no indication of this being true.

And the PS4 is struggling in Japan, this is a known reality of the market where consoles are simply not in a healthy state (as is much of the dedicated industry).

I mean, they have to be expecting these types of numbers (5-6 million range), right? Otherwise, why are they even doing this?

They want those numbers. I think they're off their rocker but they also want 10mil from RE7 and expected SFV to sell 2mil, Capcom has little sense of their presence in the market in this day and age. Their first impression was already poor with that trailer. You know you've done a "great job" when people need to parse your screenshots and go to community managers for some closure and reassurance.
I think it's a small number of people who don't like MonHun and want to come in and port beg for it every time really, and not all of those will buy it. They have a hope to capture a significant portion of the 3DS audience and maybe a bit beyond that, but I don't think it has any hope at all of hitting the sales they want.

well I know there is at least one person with a xbone and a 3ds who'll buy it lol


Sure, but a million shouldn't be a problem to beat.
I think Japanese support will be fine though, Nier did something like half a million there alone, Monster Hunter is a significantly bigger series and Sony will probably be pushing it really hard. Do worry about how hard they'll push it outside of Japan though.

Yeah, I imagine this will sell between 1.5 and 2 million. The thing is, that's not good for the series. They're used to double that.


Sure, but a million shouldn't be a problem to beat.
I think Japanese support will be fine though, Nier did something like half a million there alone, Monster Hunter is a significantly bigger series and Sony will probably be pushing it really hard. Do worry about how hard they'll push it outside of Japan though.

It's going to flop hard for MonHun in japan. The question is how much it can expand in the west and I frankly don't think nearly as much as they need it to.


Very well written. Worth quoting like top of every page.

Lol much appreciated. I just want people to know that this will feel similar. The main series team would never change their core gameplay to alienate their fanbase, they have too much riding on that. This is the next main series game, especially since they are working on it. Nothing about this game seems westernized to me, as opposed to what some people think here. They just made another generational leap to their series. We haven't actually seen a full hunt yet, we can make judgments then.
Just in japan, its got approx 700k ish pre orders atm. I dont think switch has hit 700k itself?

And why do people keep thinking ps4 is a disaster in japan?
Dq and mh are perfectly capable of outselling ff in japan and that went on to a million units there

Those points don't stand for 1000s of preorders. 1 point = 1 preorder in their store. DQ11 and MH:W don't have much chance of surpassing 1.5 million in Japan and I peg them performing quite a bit lower than that.
I mean, they have to be expecting these types of numbers (5-6 million range), right? Otherwise, why are they even doing this?

I bet they're willing to be patient for a bit if it looks like the console series can grow.

As long as it doesn't damage the series, why not? Let it chill at two million and cash out on the portable games.


I don't know why people keep clinging onto what that person said. It sounds so awfully fanboyish that I can't take it seriously.

The rumor was right about both MHXX's name, the MHXX port for Switch AND this new open-world/seamless MH game for PS4/XB1. Putting the comments about the drama around Capcom and Sony aside, it states that there'll also be a new MH for Switch that continues the traditional MH formula in 2018 and that MHW is a different kind of game to previous MH titles (No timers, missions and repurposed combat to appeal to the west).

Personally, as long as Capcom still plans on releasing MH games with the original formula I'm fine with enjoying this new "World" series for whatever it turns out to be. An example would be how the Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport series coexist alongside each other and serve different audiences (motorsport is a hardcore racing sim while Horizon is a open world racer).


I mean, they have to be expecting these types of numbers, right? Otherwise, why are they even doing this?

There's no way they're expecting 5 million or even 4 million. You've got to start from the bottom. You have to crawl before you can walk. Their minimum expectation should and probably is to sell more than the localised handheld games, so 2 million in the west would be the minimum this needs to sell in order to see another entry.

That's my own assumption.
Where are these numbers from? There is no indication of this being true.

And the PS4 is struggling in Japan, this is a known reality of the market where consoles are simply not in a healthy state (as is much of the dedicated industry).

Comg charts.
And ps4's sales are that far behind ps3 no?
And as long as these games sell their due, does it matter how much ps4 has sold in total?




If there are 2 main-line titles which are completely different at the same time, we can call both mainline. I don't have a problem with that.

Still, there's a reason for the branding change - the gameplay has been changed profoundely and it has been westernized quite a bit. We don't know yet how it plays out in reality (B-Roll footage doesn't tell us much without the HUD etc.).

My feeling is that fans of the handheld style of play will not necessarily enjoy MH:W much / be hyped about that announcement. I think that Capcom has plans for the fans in Japan and that means more material for handhelds and that means, by extension, a Switch version of something.

I've been playing MH since the ps2, buying every single handheld that a MH on offer for that reason alone. My MH mates, which i collected over the years, have been super stoked by what's on display here. Same here.

MH was getting stale to me, and it's absolutely clear how they've maxed out the framework laid out by freedom unite.

It's time to break open the formula and really try out some new stuff, and this is just that. That verticality, in combination with the stealth is such a welcome change. Can you imagine that you're not just a hunter, but just as much a prey ? Can you imagine if MH goes beyond a cone-of-sight system and introduces smells ? With monsters specialised in stalking hunting YOU down ? Oh man.


Seriously, ya'll need to watch this version of the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM The editing and new bits show that it is very much a traditional monster hunter game. It adds on 4th gen mechanics (jumping and landing off cliffs, mounting, climbing and more)

For those who think this is a side game its not. It is being developed by the main series team (MH 1, Dos, Tri, and 4). It is the first 5th gen game.
Sources: Famitsu: https://www.famitsu.com/news/201706/13135277.html
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W62j4xfq_yQ

The interview confirms it and my Japanese source has as well. Capcom's main MH website advertises it as the "Next Monster Hunter Game in the series". You can even look this up on the English version of the website, not even Generations was considered the "next" in the series. The fact that they are showing a simultaneous release for the first time as a feature just spells out main series release. That being said, feel free to verify.

Also, for those who don't know, there are only 2 monster hunter development teams creating games under the main series title. The "B" team creates MH Portable and X/XX series, and will likely continue making traditional MH games in this fashion for Nintendo consoles (this is a guess). The "Main" team has made the other, main numbered titles. This is considered a main game, and since the "B" team is focusing on XX Switch Ver. atm, the Main team is the only other dev team working on this. The Frontier and Online teams are totally separate from these two. There is no 5th team, this is basically Monster Hunter 5, created by the Main development team.

Last thing: Capcom CEO Ryuzo Tsujimoto doesn't personally come out for an interview to advertise his baby if it wasn't a main series game (check the youtube link).

Unless i hear Fujioka and Takeshita, personally say on camera or in an interview that this is MH5 titled under MHW, then its a spinoff. GAF posters have claimed so manu times, "my sources 100%" confirm when it doesn't happen. Either way, Capcom is gambling MH will get some sales out West.


If this is indeed a mainline MH game .. then it spells even more doom and gloom for the Switch..

Not really. Look at the sales differences between Dos and Portable 2nd or Tri and P3rd + 3G. Whatever happens with World a 5th portable game is pretty much guaranteed to be on Switch unless Sony reveals a Vita successor soon.


Looks cool. I'm up for doing some things different with MH and hope they pull it off. Just hope it takes the right lessons from other seamless open worlds, I don't tend to like them. The flying mechanic seems like it can kill a lot of the boring travel time so that's one good thing.
I bet they're willing to be patient for a bit if it looks like the console series can grow.

As long as it doesn't damage the series, why not? Let it chill at two million and cash out on the portable games.

Yeah, true. I wonder how they're going to approach a G/Ultimate version of this game. DLC or another standalone entry?


Looks good --a bit rough in some spots, e.g. animations, but definitely the best looking MonHun. Good to see the franchise expanding. But with this "HD" transition it has lost some of its charm, identity.
Seriously, ya'll need to watch this version of the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM The editing and new bits show that it is very much a traditional monster hunter game. It adds on 4th gen mechanics (jumping and landing off cliffs, mounting, climbing and more)

For those who think this is a side game its not. It is being developed by the main series team (MH 1, Dos, Tri, and 4). It is the first 5th gen game.
Sources: Famitsu: https://www.famitsu.com/news/201706/13135277.html
Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W62j4xfq_yQ

The interview confirms it and my Japanese source has as well. Capcom's main MH website advertises it as the "Next Monster Hunter Game in the series". You can even look this up on the English version of the website, not even Generations was considered the "next" in the series. The fact that they are showing a simultaneous release for the first time as a feature just spells out main series release. That being said, feel free to verify.

Also, for those who don't know, there are only 2 monster hunter development teams creating games under the main series title. The "B" team creates MH Portable and X/XX series, and will likely continue making traditional MH games in this fashion for Nintendo consoles (this is a guess). The "Main" team has made the other, main numbered titles. This is considered a main game, and since the "B" team is focusing on XX Switch Ver. atm, the Main team is the only other dev team working on this. The Frontier and Online teams are totally separate from these two. There is no 5th team, this is basically Monster Hunter 5, created by the Main development team.

Last thing: Capcom CEO Ryuzo Tsujimoto doesn't personally come out for an interview to advertise his baby if it wasn't a main series game (check the youtube link).

I'm crying. This is the best E3 ever! Some of us been waiting since 2ndG/Unite for this! It's happening


Even if it started life as MH5, capcom wasn't confident enough to give it the mainline branding. I'm sorry, that makes you a spinoff.
Or they want it to be inviting to newcomers without the baggage that a numbered title brings?

It honestly doesn't look like as much has changed with the core gameplay as some of you are suggesting.

It looks like a natural evolution of MH4, which is exactly what it is.

Edit: lol that famitsu article serving some crow. Thank you. This is the first 5th gen game people, get used to it.


Yes. Definitely.

Just like how MH3 on Wii murdered the Portable series on PSP. Just destroyed it.

Well, the last Portable game was 3rd and hasn't seen a new entry since the PSP died.

Meanwhile MH3 got a G expansion and then a sequel with MH4.

So your sarcasm actually backfires here :p


I've been playing MH since the ps2, buying every single handheld that a MH on offer for that reason alone. My MH mates, which i collected over the years, have been super stoked by what's on display here. Same here.

MH was getting stale to me, and it's absolutely clear how they've maxed out the framework laid out by freedom unite.

It's time to break open the formula and really try out some new stuff, and this is just that. That verticality, in combination with the stealth is such a welcome change. Can you imagine that you're not just a hunter, but just as much a prey ? Can you imagine if MH goes beyond a cone-of-sight system and introduces smells ? With monsters specialised in stalking hunting YOU down ? Oh man.

yeah i am at the same boot couldnt get my buddys for years in to mh but now they are all on board for coop on ps4
Unless i hear Fujioka and Takeshita, personally say on camera or in an interview that this is MH5 titled under MHW, then its a spinoff. GAF posters have claimed so manu times, "my sources 100%" confirm when it doesn't happen. Either way, Capcom is gambling MH will get some sales out West.

I mean in terms of an ugly looking game selling well. MHW doesn't exactly look like Horizon, but it should have a lot more marketing muscle than Nioh did so hopefully they can translate that into stronger sales.

I've known about this project for 2 years and I've always said to myself that if they can reach Souls level of success globally then they'd be very happy with that.

It has the potential to do really well — especially if it catches fire on Steam. The multiplayer aspect and the prospect of playing a mainline Monster Hunter for the first time will certainly be appealing. Of course, this is all assuming this particular title is one of good quality.

I mean, Dragon's Dogma is sitting at 700k on Steam, and that was a super late port of a lesser known game. Granted, it's not a perfect comparison.
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