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Female only gaming event cancelled following online harassment


I am not sure anymore :D this thread has been on fire and that only because some people dont want to understand why this whole problem came up until the event had to be suspended. Not saying its okay but I am saying that its not all black and white what happened there. Maybe a little greyscale too from both sides.

Again, you refuse to understand what I said. not all men is the argument against hate against men because some has done murder, not an excuse to just watch and accept what has happened.

I also dont want to ban women only events. I just wanted to make clear that the first step into the equal direction is not to be inequal. In a perfect world its not necessary to exclude innocent people because they are male, black, muslim or whatever.

but why won't they listen to both sides & hear what they have to say? maybe they could both learn something & finally come together, unlike this anti-male gatherings that are happening everywhere now. i may be new to this "social group" but if sarcon can take time out from his videos DETROYING feminism (which is not about equality btw) to thoughtfully engage ((((anita)))) then why can't i go to events like this? it sounds to me like these women wanted to have this event canceled for the attention.

this guy gets it

Lol . I see you conveniently left out the bolded but still thinks this guy is onto something.
I am not sure anymore :D this thread has been on fire and that only because some people dont want to understand why this whole problem came up until the event had to be suspended. Not saying its okay but I am saying that its not all black and white what happened there. Maybe a little greyscale too from both sides.

At least you're recognizing that you're part of the problem.


Lol . I see you conveniently left out the bolded but still thinks this guy is onto something.

obviously equality cannot come from inequality, the same way tolerance cannot come from intolerance, or black lives mattering when globalists want white lives mattering only 3/5 as much


At least you're recognizing that you're part of the problem.

I dont and I am not. What I recognized though is that you turn things I say and put it the way you like.

Baby steps. His entire perspective-- EDIT: that white males don't deserve to be criticized that women are on the same playing field as men in terms of harassment-- is being bombarded right now.

Please dont treat me like a child and respect me just as I respect you. Statements like this only make you look like you think that you know it all and in most cases its exactly this attitude that does not let you grow as a person.

But to come to an end. It was a fun discussion with different perspectives but I think that we dont come to a conclusion here.

I think what we can all agree on is that, even though dividing us is not the solution to the actual problem namely the harassment of human beeings because of gender, race, looks etc. there is a reason why events like this exist and canceling it because the outrage of some fellow humans who overreact is not acceptable. Still we all have to be aware of the fact that this is actually contrary to equality.

With this said, I wish you all a good day/night


Whenever I read men being angered by any supposed benefits that women can enjoy (they aren't many), I always come back to the poignant quote: "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."


Please dont treat me like a child and respect me just as I respect you. Statements like this only make you look like you think that you know it all and in most cases its exactly this attitude that does not let you grow as a person.

But to come to an end. It was a fun discussion with different perspectives but I think that we dont come to a conclusion here.

I think what we can all agree on is that, even though dividing us is not the solution to the actual problem namely the harassment of human beeings because of gender, race, looks etc. there is a reason why events like this exist and canceling it because the outrage of some fellow humans who overreact is not acceptable. Still we all have to be aware of the fact that this is actually contrary to equality.

With this said, I wish you all a good day/night

I was with you up until the "contrary to equality" thing. Seems you don't really understand anything about equality, but at least you made a little bit of progress, I think?

Just ditch that last part of your statement and you are on the right track man.
Please dont treat me like a child and respect me just as I respect you. Statements like this only make you look like you think that you know it all and in most cases its exactly this attitude that does not let you grow as a person.

But to come to an end. It was a fun discussion with different perspectives but I think that we dont come to a conclusion here.

I think what we can all agree on is that, even though dividing us is not the solution to the actual problem namely the harassment of human beeings because of gender, race, looks etc. there is a reason why events like this exist and canceling it because the outrage of some fellow humans who overreact is not acceptable. Still we all have to be aware of the fact that this is actually contrary to equality.

With this said, I wish you all a good day/night
Way to take a stance there buddy.
Exactly and thats also the case here. Finally I feel like someone understands me here. To take your solution in our case here is to educate people and not exclude them.

Not really. My point is was that it is all men's responsibility to work in stopping murder. My point wasn't about including or excluding at all.

Having strict rules and security will do the rest. Now we have an event everyone can attend and connect with other people. Someone does not behave? -> Well, bye bye.

Rules and security wont solve the problem. If that is all it took it would have been solved a long ass time ago. But you know and I know this is still an issue.


I dont and I am not. What I recognized though is that you turn things I say and put it the way you like.

Please dont treat me like a child and respect me just as I respect you. Statements like this only make you look like you think that you know it all and in most cases its exactly this attitude that does not let you grow as a person.

But to come to an end. It was a fun discussion with different perspectives but I think that we dont come to a conclusion here.

I think what we can all agree on is that, even though dividing us is not the solution to the actual problem namely the harassment of human beeings because of gender, race, looks etc. there is a reason why events like this exist and canceling it because the outrage of some fellow humans who overreact is not acceptable. Still we all have to be aware of the fact that this is actually contrary to equality.

With this said, I wish you all a good day/night
So in the end, we all just can agree with you. Well put. /s

This women only event in no way threatens or breaks equality.


I was with you up until the "contrary to equality" thing. Seems you don't really understand anything about equality, but at least you made a little bit of progress, I think?

Please go ahead and overwhelm me with the wisdom you gained through the years of equality studies. My body is ready to hear you out before I leave for now.

Not really. My point is was that it is all men's responsibility to work in stopping murder. My point wasn't about including or excluding at all.

And my point was that you are right, everyone is responsible in stopping murder but not everyone is guilty because someone else who shared your gender has murdered and thus needs to be punished.

Rules and security wont solve the problem. If that is all it took it would have been solved a long ass time ago. But you know and I know this is still an issue.

No but we already were at the point where we said that education is the key and this can be done by making clear what the rules are and making sure that people follow the rules. Also of course by making people aware of the problem. Again, not by excluding random groups of people. Working together is the buzzword.

So in the end, we all just can agree with you. Well put. /s

This women only event in no way threatens or breaks equality.

I said I THINK we can all agree. If you dont agree than we both agree that we dont agree with each other ;)

And if you sit down and only think for a second about what could be unequal in organizing events where only people of a specific gender are welcome than you might find what breaks the equality :)


Not really. My point is was that it is all men's responsibility to work in stopping murder. My point wasn't about including or excluding at all.

Rules and security wont solve the problem. If that is all it took it would have been solved a long ass time ago. But you know and I know this is still an issue.

It's quite sad to even need security for an event like this.
Now this I dont get, if females want to have a female only gaming event than let them have one. Respect their wishes and if it bothers you that much. Then just make a male only videogame event in which females need to respect your wishes. Its really that simple.
Now this I dont get, if females want to have a female only gaming event than let them have one. Respect their wishes and if it bothers you that much. Then just make a male only videogame event in which females need to respect your wishes. Its really that simple.

But gaming is dominated by males. This event would help foster more engagement of women in gaming by creating a place they can talk to others who are in their situation.
It's quite sad to even need security for an event like this.

I dunno, security at gathering and events is pretty normal. It's not a bad thing to have third party people at an event to keep people from popping shit off. It's mostly aside from the point I was making but I think in private venues with people that aren't all your family and friends impartial third party paid to stfu and keep everyone safe is good.
Seems like so many people get stuck on a fundamentalist thinking about these matters of discrimination that they stop being receptive to actual situations that can benefit the afflicted. More importantly it seems like people have very poor hindsight and significant trouble thinking about these things laterally, considering similar situations in other contexts and even transferring knowledge from one context to another. Do people for example think that labor rights would exist if workers considered the opinions and interests of bosses? What about affirmative action procedures that help minorities in education? Often it's like people have so very little experience with these kinds of topics but for some reason continue to hold strong opinions on sexism or racism, or any one of those topics individually but that apparent refusal to learn about history in general hinders and dogmatizes their thinking in such ways that discussion grinds with a a kind of early formed fundamentalism that, much like that fundamentalism itself, stops the discussion from moving forward.


Please go ahead and overwhelm me with the wisdom you gained through the years of equality studies. My body is ready to hear you out before I leave for now.

I don't really think I need to because you're obviously not budging, or listening to anything I say. I actually did study equality for years in college with a Major in history focusing on women's studies and disability history, but please feel free to roll your eyes and talk down to me some more.


I dont and I am not. What I recognized though is that you turn things I say and put it the way you like.

Please dont treat me like a child and respect me just as I respect you. Statements like this only make you look like you think that you know it all and in most cases its exactly this attitude that does not let you grow as a person.

But to come to an end. It was a fun discussion with different perspectives but I think that we dont come to a conclusion here.

I think what we can all agree on is that, even though dividing us is not the solution to the actual problem namely the harassment of human beeings because of gender, race, looks etc. there is a reason why events like this exist and canceling it because the outrage of some fellow humans who overreact is not acceptable. Still we all have to be aware of the fact that this is actually contrary to equality.

With this said, I wish you all a good day/night

we have to be aware that people peddle nonsense as facts but we definitely don't have to accept alternate facts. you don't know the first thing about inequality so just maybe do some reading and avoid defining equality.

for starters there is no equal footing to begin with. In order to address the inequality that already exists sometimes the victims have to band together to define who they are and what they represent without that burden of inequality constantly in their face or hanging over them (which it always is anyway wherever they go). if you had 100 dollars and someone else had one dollar and then they got two dollars and you only got one would you go around screaming about inequality? because it kind of sounds like you would.

if you lived in Canada would you demand to speak at the reconciliation commission for Aboriginal peoples? because it's only fair that you could speak too right? Even though it has zero to do with you? but I guess it affects you because it happened in "your" country right ? /s


I don't really think I need to because you're obviously not budging, or listening to anything I say. I actually did study equality for years in college with a Major in history focusing on women's studies and disability history, but please feel free to roll your eyes and talk down to me some more.

And yet you dont really see the need of enlightening me with your studies. I would be glad to read the information you have about this topic and maybe this will convince me and inform me further about the equality problem. However If you decide on writing a bit about this please also add studies or numbers from nowadays and western countries or only reference studies from these.

One final Question to everyone supporting this event and blocking everyone who thinks different.

Would you also accept and support a Male only Event like this aswell? Please ask yourself this question and give me an honest answer. I wont question your answer nor will I try to discuss with you about it.


One final Question to everyone supporting this event and blocking everyone who thinks different.

Would you also accept and support a Male only Event like this aswell? Please ask yourself this question and give me an honest answer. I wont question your answer nor will I try to discuss with you about it.

Of course. Who cares? In fact, there was a male only event, linked earlier in this thread. One of the comments on that article was "I bet if there was a women only event nobody would be mad about it!"

Funny how that works huh? when it's a women only event "yeah, well you guys would be pissed if it was men only!" but when it's a man only event "nobody would be mad if it was women only!"

Seems like one group sure does like to play the victim.


One final Question to everyone supporting this event and blocking everyone who thinks different.

Would you also accept and support a Male only Event like this aswell? Please ask yourself this question and give me an honest answer. I wont question your answer nor will I try to discuss with you about it.

Find my two previous posts and try to answer than. Bonus point, it also have the answer to your question.
I dont and I am not. What I recognized though is that you turn things I say and put it the way you like.

Yes, this one time I purposefully changed the context of your point because it was hilarious to me that you typed that thought out without any sense of irony.


Of course. Who cares? In fact, there was a male only event, linked earlier in this thread. One of the comments on that article was "I bet if there was a women only event nobody would be mad about it!"

Funny how that works huh? when it's a women only event "yeah, well you guys would be pissed if it was men only!" but when it's a man only event "nobody would be mad if it was women only!"

Seems like one group sure does like to play the victim.

If thats true what you say than excuse me. You have every right and my support in having a women only event. What I said about inequality and this event also applies to male only events of course. There should not be the necessity of gender division.

Xadjim, I was being condescending. You got me there. I apologize.

No problem. :)


And if you sit down and only think for a second about what could be unequal in organizing events where only people of a specific gender are welcome than you might find what breaks the equality :)

Well you thought wrong =P People have explained it to you why this event wasn't against equality and that it wouldn't harm or repress anyone. Instead it was to serve those who actually ARE repressed. To give them the peace and space where they won't be bothered by jerks. As happened in Vidcon. That Vidcon incident and the backlash to this are great examples why having this is entirely justified. And there are ofcourse other examples too.

I agree, this shouldn't be necessary. But clearly it is. This bothers me the most that you don't seem to acknowledge it. As you said, it's not all black and white. Having this kind of women only event isn't black and white issue. Even though it excludes a gender, that's true. But it doesn't make it against equality. Repressing anyone isn't the purpose for the exclusion.

One final Question to everyone supporting this event and blocking everyone who thinks different.

Would you also accept and support a Male only Event like this aswell? Please ask yourself this question and give me an honest answer. I wont question your answer nor will I try to discuss with you about it.
It's not black and white =) Depends entirely on the context, why is such event to be held. What is the subject matter of it. But broadly, I'd say no. I wouldn't have problems with it. Especially if it was required for a safe and comfortable enviroment like in this case.

Edit: The article linked earlier here, with the LAN party excluding women who would be the victims of harassment there. It does seem very backwards to exclude the victims. But I'd allow it. If they know the crowd can't behave, what are you going to do. You can remove them if the harassers get reported, but you can't prevent it. And it's still just a LAN party. It has very little effect on issues at large. But it's indeed awful that they had to exclude women for their own safety and comfort.
This is really sad......I hope they can end up rescheduling and doing it soon. Also, really cool King was helping them to do it. You gotta give them some credit.

I'm from Barcelona, i'm a male and I truly think this was a great initiative. Forocoches and this sort of spanish online sites have nothing but trashy people trying to make the world a worst place.

The same people who would kill an animal saying it's art or would keep a bunch of corrupts rulling the country. Whatever they stand for, just put me in the other side.


If thats true what you say than excuse me. You have every right and my support in having a women only event. What I said about inequality and this event also applies to male only events of course. There should not be the necessity of gender division.

No problem. :)

The thing is, the male only event seemed to be themed around bashing women, where the female only event was just all about having a safe space for females to have a good time. I wonder why that is?

You're right, there should not be the necessity of gender division, but there is that necessity, for a multitude of reasons. As long as all of those reasons exist, telling females that a women-only event is "inequality" is severely uninformed and also a pretty malignant viewpoint to cling on to.

Joey Ravn

And yet you dont really see the need of enlightening me with your studies. I would be glad to read the information you have about this topic and maybe this will convince me and inform me further about the equality problem. However If you decide on writing a bit about this please also add studies or numbers from nowadays and western countries or only reference studies from these.

One final Question to everyone supporting this event and blocking everyone who thinks different.

Would you also accept and support a Male only Event like this aswell? Please ask yourself this question and give me an honest answer. I wont question your answer nor will I try to discuss with you about it.

Would I agree with it? No.
Would I see it as something necessary? No.
Would I actively try to prohibit it? No.

You refuse to see the difference between how men and women have been treated in the industry, both as consumers of the product and as creators of the games (not to mention in life in general). We men have been in a beneficial position for most of human history. Why would there be a need to have a male-only gathering, when most meetings related to gaming are by default male-only, or at best heavily oriented towards men? Women, on the other hand, require a space where they could speak freely without having to worry about being treated like shit.

Pretending there's no difference between these two situation is completely tone-deaf. I see you're set in your ways and won't change them, hence why you refuse any interaction after you pose this allegedly inocuous question. Trust me: it won't shatter the worldview of anyone here. It's not as deep as you think it is. If anything, it highlights how profoundly skewed towards male dominance your vision of the world is. But have it your way, dude. You do you.
No but we already were at the point where we said that education is the key

No I didn't. I said education is part of what needs to happen to reduce murder. You have to take other actions as well in combination with education to better realize that dream. Similarly, education alone wont solve gaming's misogyny problem.

and this can be done by making clear what the rules are and making sure that people follow the rules. Also of course by making people aware of the problem.

This wouldn't solve the problem in totality. Reason 1 is that if we started making rules right now you still have an environment where women "right now" do not want to associate with the activity. Just saying "oh we fixed it" doesn't actually make them interested in gaming.

Reason 2 is you can't make rules against engagement. You can't make rules against guys hitting on women, making snide remarks, acting creeping, engaging in bad faith. You can enforce rules against bad behavior to an extent but you can't enforce rules against an inherent culture without first actually making sure the members that make up that culture abandon it.

Again, not by excluding random groups of people. Working together is the buzzword.

Woman only events exist because men disregarded the desires by women for an inclusive, safe and neutral environment. They don't exist because woman were totally catered to and they just said fuck men. Whenever you highlight women excluding men it's extremely tone def. Like you just ignored all context.

One final Question to everyone supporting this event and blocking everyone who thinks different.

Would you also accept and support a Male only Event like this aswell? Please ask yourself this question and give me an honest answer. I wont question your answer nor will I try to discuss with you about it.

If some dudes wanna have a male only event they can. Would I support it? No because nothing about the gaming environment actually necessitates the "need" for a space like this. It's all ready male dominated. If you remove all the women from some of these events you wouldn't even recognize the crowd was thinning. Men don't have a problem breaking into gaming, finding other guys to share gaming with or enjoying gaming activities free from harassment (specifically gendered harassment).

But if they wanna have it I don't particularly give a fuck.


Hey in general gentlemen, it is a bit odd to refer to women as "females" when not referring to men as "males". A good rule of thumb is: are you using male or female to append specification to another thing (female doctor, male nurse, etc) then that makes sense. Otherwise just use men or women.



Would I agree with it? No.
Would I see it as something necessary? No.
Would I actively try to prohibit it? No.

You refuse to see the difference between how men and women have been treated in the industry, both as consumers of the product and as creators of the games (not to mention in life in general). We men have been in a beneficial position for most of human history. Why would there be a need to have a male-only gathering, when most meetings related to gaming are by default male-only, or at best heavily oriented towards men? Women, on the other hand, require a space where they could speak freely without having to worry about being treated like shit.

Pretending there's no difference between these two situation is completely tone-deaf. I see you're set in your ways and won't change them, hence why you refuse any interaction after you pose this allegedly inocuous question. Trust me: it won't shatter the worldview of anyone here. It's not as deep as you think it is. If anything, it highlights how profoundly skewed towards male dominance your vision of the world is. But have it your way, dude. You do you.

Couldn't agree with this more.

Honestly, a decade ago my views on this situation were the similar to this guy. But through years of research, education and experience, I flipped the other way, reflected on my own world views, and began to question my own beliefs, getting to where I stand today, as an adult man. I have hope that this poster can be introspective enough to do the same.


Hey in general gentlemen, it is a bit odd to refer to women as "females" when not referring to men as "males". A good rule of thumb is: are you using male or female to append specification to another thing (female doctor, male nurse, etc) then that makes sense. Otherwise just use men or women.
Hmm, I usually use female and male when talking about fictional characters in gaming and movies like "female superheroes" "male character". When talking about a person it's woman and man.


One final Question to everyone supporting this event and blocking everyone who thinks different.

Would you also accept and support a Male only Event like this aswell? Please ask yourself this question and give me an honest answer. I wont question your answer nor will I try to discuss with you about it.

If men want to get together by themselves and do whatever it is men do by themselves, I don't give a shit.

If men want to get together by themselves because they feel persecuted like minorities because they mistakenly believe they can't congregate by themselves, and thus women who do are flaunting their privilege, then I'd call them out as being sensitive dunces.

If men want to get together by themselves for the explicit purpose of bashing women, they can get fucked.


Hey in general gentlemen, it is a bit odd to refer to women as "females" when not referring to men as "males". A good rule of thumb is: are you using male or female to append specification to another thing (female doctor, male nurse, etc) then that makes sense. Otherwise just use men or women.

unfortunately, it made the title


The thing is, the male only event seemed to be themed around bashing women, where the female only event was just all about having a safe space for females to have a good time. I wonder why that is?

You're right, there should not be the necessity of gender division, but there is that necessity, for a multitude of reasons. As long as all of those reasons exist, telling females that a women-only event is "inequality" is severely uninformed and also a pretty malignant viewpoint to cling on to.

Sry if I made the impression that I would like to ban women only events. My only point was that in a perfect world we should not need to ban people by gender.

I also wanted to point out that all this aggressivity has a much deeper reason. Only by analysing why people go rampage can help us to understand the whole so we can maybe find a solution.


Hmm, I usually use female and male when talking about fictional characters in gaming and movies like "female superheroes" "male character". When talking about a person it's woman and man.

Yes exactly, basically just is it an adjective or a noun?

In short, female gamers, or women


Sry if I made the impression that I would like to ban women only events. My only point was that in a perfect world we should not need to ban people by gender.

I also wanted to point out that all this aggressivity has a much deeper reason. Only by analysing why people go rampage can help us to understand the whole so we can maybe find a solution.

Well obviously, but this is FAR from a perfect world.

It's hard to see that as your only point, when you made a bunch of points that went against what you just said. That a women only event is unfair/inequal, etc. That all comes from a place of ignorance. The FACT is, that in our current UNperfect world, a women-only event is welcome and necessary, and any argument against that full of "well if some guys murder we shouldn't hate ALL men!" is fucking bullshit.
Sry if I made the impression that I would like to ban women only events. My only point was that in a perfect world we should not need to ban people by gender.

I also wanted to point out that all this aggressivity has a much deeper reason. Only by analysing why people go rampage can help us to understand the whole so we can maybe find a solution.

These people went rampaging because they are literally arrogant, ignorant asshats who just don't like women. I mean read the exerts from the forum. It's not really hard to understand.


Well obviously, but this is FAR from a perfect world.

It's hard to see that as your only point, when you made a bunch of points that went against what you just said. That a women only event is unfair/inequal, etc. That all comes from a place of ignorance. The FACT is, that in our current UNperfect world, a women-only event is welcome and necessary, and any argument against that full of "well if some guys murder we shouldn't hate ALL men!" is fucking bullshit.

From the very beginning I said that I dont really care about these events but just pointed out that I understand both situations. I also noted that the example I made was extreme but actually fits the situation pretty well.

Mostly the event has been supported by the argument "Well some men harass women so we need to ban all men" which could be converted into "Well some men have murdered so we need to make events that ban all men"

Do you see the parallels? At least try to. Neither of those two statements would be the right thing to do.

These people went rampaging because they are literally arrogant, ignorant asshats who just don't like women. I mean read the exerts from the forum. It's not really hard to understand.

hmm but why did they become asshats? No one is born as an asshat! In fact, I totally understand your position since its the same about racism. The internet is full of racist asshats but its because they live in their bubble, dont like other opinions and think what their bubble wants them to think. Problem with asshats is that you cant cure their disease by pushing them further into their asshat bubble and giving them reason and confirmation I guess.


From the very beginning I said that I dont really care about these events but just pointed out that I understand both situations. I also noted that the example I made was extreme but actually fits the situation pretty well.

Mostly the event has been supported by the argument "Well some men harass women so we need to ban all men" which could be converted into "Well some men have murdered so we need to make events that ban all men"

Do you see the parallels? At least try to. Neither of those two statements would be the right thing to do.

Right, and as I've already pointed out numerous times, that's a false equivalence. I'll explain it again though I guess.

Some men harass women, so we ban all men. This is because, at every single gaming convention, there will be men harassing women in some way, whether it be sexual, or "othering" or telling them they don't belong.

Some men murder women, we don't ban all men because there aren't hundreds of men murdering women at every single event in history.

There are ZERO conventions where men are murdering hundreds of women every time. If that was the case, then fuck yeah we should ban all men, I mean fuck.

There isn't a parallel to see there, not at all. You're pulling strawman arguments out of your ass there, and you got called out for it. Don't double down man, read this post and go "oh fuck, yeah I was being pretty dumb." and learn from it.


Mostly the event has been supported by the argument "Well some men harass women so we need to ban all men" which could be converted into "Well some men have murdered so we need to make events that ban all men."

Do you believe that women's only domestic abuse shelters should also allow men then?


Right, and as I've already pointed out numerous times, that's a false equivalence. I'll explain it again though I guess.

Some men harass women, so we ban all men. This is because, at every single gaming convention, there will be men harassing women in some way, whether it be sexual, or "othering" or telling them they don't belong..

Not gonna explain you where your fallacy is. Just giving you a hint. I also wont discuss or try to make you understand that what you wrote there is nothing more than an angry hypothesis with a close to zero percent chance that you hit a bullseye by guessing things as facts. Also very vague definition of harassment. I bet if we bend the term a little more we can believably argue that on every event on earth there will always be at least one man beeing harassed by a Jedi. If that gives you the feeling that I am making fun of your argument, well thats because I absolutely have the same feeling about your post.
Extreme example: So its my responsibilty or my burden when most murder has been done by men? Sure, you have my support in fighting inequality but not like this.

I dont have the right to tell anyone what they should do. I also noted several times that its not the event that angers people. Its the double standards. And to answer your question: I plan to keep treating people equal, regardless of how they look like, what their religion is, what skin color they have, what gender they belong to.

It's literally only a double standard if you ignore all context. The double standard only exists if you believe that "excluding women because you look down on them" and "excluding men because you want a space to feel safe" are the same thing with the same goals.

And if you think that, you do not seem to think much of the harassment that women face in the industry.

Not gonna explain you where your fallacy is. Just giving you a hint. I also wont discuss or try to make you understand that what you wrote there is nothing more than an angry hypothesis with a close to zero percent chance that you hit a bullseye by guessing things as facts. Also very vague definition of harassment. I bet if we bend the term a little more we can believably argue that on every event on earth there will always be at least one man beeing harassed by a Jedi. If that gives you the feeling that I am making fun of your argument, well thats because I absolutely have the same feeling about your post.

What is the lower limit for harassment? What is the lowest form of harassment, to you, that constitutes harassment?


I bet if we bend the term a little more we can believably argue that on every event on earth there will always be at least one man beeing harassed by a Jedi.

You know your argument is busted when you appeal to fictional beings in order to downplay harassment.


Not gonna explain you where your fallacy is. Just giving you a hint. I also wont discuss or try to make you understand that what you wrote there is nothing more than an angry hypothesis with a close to zero percent chance that you hit a bullseye by guessing things as facts. Also very vague definition of harassment. I bet if we bend the term a little more we can believably argue that on every event on earth there will always be at least one man beeing harassed by a Jedi. If that gives you the feeling that I am making fun of your argument, well thats because I absolutely have the same feeling about your post.

Don't you dare act like you know about sexual harassment. It happens every single day all the fucking time to all kinds of women. I have been harassed by teachers, by my former boss, by coworkers, by people on the street, by people on public transportation. Now put women in a hotbed of misogynistic culture and tell me it won't happen.

My best friend attended a gaming event where she was the only woman and guess what, they couldn't help themselves from making rape jokes at her.

Not gonna explain you where your fallacy is. Just giving you a hint. I also wont discuss or try to make you understand that what you wrote there is nothing more than an angry hypothesis with a close to zero percent chance that you hit a bullseye by guessing things as facts.

I strongly encourage you to talk to more women and listen to them when they share their experiences. I don't think you comprehend the sheer level of harassment that women have to deal with. Maybe if you did, you would understand why women want safe spaces.

To you, the harassment of women is just as hypothetical as Jedi harassment. For women, it's just reality. More often than not, I can't take my garbage out without being harassed. It is a daily part of life.


Neo Member
It doesn't matter to these people how many real life instances of harassment we present them with. If they don't experience it themselves or if they weren't there, it's not real. We're just harpy bitches who are making it up to play the victim and get attention.
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