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PUBG Developer BlueHole bans a person for allegedly "stream sniping"


So basically just like the court system where you have to have all your i's dotted and your t's crossed to get a conviction while the criminal can do whatever they want with no rules in place looking for any loophole they can to get off.

Well, kinda I guess?

It just doesn't sit with me well that they are banning players for offenses against TOS that they even admit they can't prove. They have other means to make stream sniping a lot harder and if not impossible without setting their HC community base into fire and throwing around bans for act(s) they can't prove.


How the hell would you even enforce this? How do you prove someone was stream sniping without the player admitting it.

Based on what PU says in his statement they look at your queue behavior / data, compare it to queue data on streamer(s) and draw conclusions from that. He also admits that they have no way of proving that player actually proceeded to stream snipe (get to same server and use stream to track streamer in game world to grief streamer).
So basically just like the court system where you have to have all your i's dotted and your t's crossed to get a conviction while the criminal can do whatever they want with no rules in place looking for any loophole they can to get off.

I don't understand this point. Are you trying to imply that it should be easier to convict/punish people on alleged crimes/rule-breaking? Because there are very good reasons why the accusatory side should be held to a much higher standard and level of scrutiny, and why they need to be so stringent.

So I agree with the above poster, what's wrong with that in this case?
It seems undeniable that they were deliberately joining the same servers as the streamer (and quitting as soon as they were on the wrong server). As someone unfamiliar with the game, how can you know whether you are on the same server as someone else? Is there a player list where you can see the names of the players in the game? Or can you see what server you're on? (Then how do you know what server the streamer is on without watching their stream?)

I've only watched one stream of the game and didn't see how you'd be able to do that (but obviously I've probably missed something).


It seems undeniable that they were deliberately joining the same servers as the streamer (and quitting as soon as they were on the wrong server). As someone unfamiliar with the game, how can you know whether you are on the same server as someone else? Is there a player list where you can see the names of the players in the game? Or can you see what server you're on? (Then how do you know what server the streamer is on without watching their stream?)

I've only watched one stream of the game and didn't see how you'd be able to do that (but obviously I've probably missed something).

When you join server it has unique ID that you can see at bottom center of the screen.
When you join server it has unique ID that you can see at bottom center of the screen.

Sooo... in order to know if you've joined the same server as the streamer, you'd have to watch their stream (to be able to compare)? Even if that doesn't mean you're stream sniping during the actual game part, that's still pretty solid evidence, i.m.o.

Edit: Couldn't they add an option to not display that, to protect against stream sniping?


twitch always does what the big streamers want, this one probably complained and his stupid fanbase helped him to ban a innocent dude.
Exactly. This is the part I don't understand and why the game developer feels they even need to try police this (and judging by this, do it poorly).

I feel like I'm in crazyland reading so many comments trying to cater to live streamers when they can simply choose to do something else.

What the hell are you talking about? For many this is their job that's like saying go find another profession.

I am amazed how people are siding with cheaters and griefers over this.


Sooo... in order to know if you've joined the same server as the streamer, you'd have to watch their stream (to be able to compare)? Even if that doesn't mean you're stream sniping during the actual game part, that's still pretty solid evidence, i.m.o.

Edit: Couldn't they add an option to not display that, to protect against stream sniping?

Yes, they could make streaming UI option that when toggled hid specific things from UI.

They can only prove that you were on same server instance with streamer X, but not that you tracked streamer down and killed him via help from watching his stream. They just draw conclusion that if you queue spam until same instance => stream snipe.


What the hell are you talking about? For many this is their job that's like saying go find another profession.

I am amazed how people are siding with cheaters and griefers over this.

No one is siding with the griefers. The problem is that this "system" the developers have to determine someone is stream sniping doesn't provide utmost and sufficient evidence to prove they were stream sniping. So therefore, streamers can abuse the "system".

Not only that, broadcasting your gameplay is public, not private. You have to assume the risks from broadcasting.

I can easily set myself to make it look like I was following a streamer, and once I'm in the game I can shut off twitch. Then I'd probably get banned unjustly.

Important to note that I won't attempt this, I don't watch twitch streamers, like, at all.

Edit: I believe you can turn off the UI by pressing Control + M (I'm probably wrong). Someone can check under controls. I've turned off the HUD before but I don't remember if it'll still display the server ID.


For you.
twitch always does what the big streamers want, this one probably complained and his stupid fanbase helped him to ban a innocent dude.

Yeha, the dude that tried to requeue several times until he got into a specific match with a specific streamers is totally innocent.


Edit: I believe you can turn off the UI by pressing Control + M (I'm probably wrong). Someone can check under controls. I've turned off the HUD before but I don't remember if it'll still display the server ID.

It isn't most practical solution in game where you need minimap, ammo count and HP meter a lot. Bluehole should make custom solution to battle this issue.


What the fuck are you talking about? For many this is their job that's like saying go do something else.

I am amazed how people are siding with cheaters and griefers over this.
Are you alright if one day hundreds of follower reporting you for killing a streamer randomly and get a ban?
Streamers call out stream sniping all the time like they never made any mistake.

People can be against the idea of banning "stream sniping" and that doesnt mean they are siding with griefer.
Because the whole idea of catching people with stream sniping is too hard to prove.

We do not know whether this reddit guy is stream sniping or not.
But the fact that he was banned instantly after receiving many reports mean PU doesnt review his action but ban based on the quantity of reports.
The later statement issued by PU is just the usual PR control that doesnt meant anything.
The person is guilty until proven innocent.

does PU really have no other report that they prioritize this reddit guy over many other reports "the streamer's privilege"

The whole idea of catching stream sniper is too hard and time consuming to do.
And it is a fact that it can easily be abused by the streamer calling for his followers to chain reporting somebody.


For you.
Are you alright if one day hundreds of follower reporting you for killing a streamer randomly and get a ban?
Streamers call out stream sniping all the time like they never made any mistake.

People can be against the idea of banning "stream sniping" and that doesnt mean they are siding with griefer.
Because the whole idea of catching people with stream sniping is too hard to prove.

We do not know whether this reddit guy is stream sniping or not.
But the fact that he was banned instantly after receiving many reports mean PU doesnt review his action but ban based on the quantity of reports.
The later statement issued by PU is just the usual PR control that doesnt meant anything.
The person is guilty until proven innocent.

does PU really have no other report that they prioritize this reddit guy over many other reports "the streamer's privilege"

The whole idea of catching stream sniper is too hard and time consuming to do.
And it is a fact that it can easily be abused by the streamer calling for his followers to chain reporting somebody.

His action has been reviewed, dude's guilty. No, you're never going to be banned for simply killing a streamer. A regular player will never randomly do the things this guy did to be identified as a stream sniper.


It isn't most practical solution in game where you need minimap, ammo count and HP meter a lot. Bluehole should make custom solution to battle this issue.

They can just turn it off long enough for the match to start. Once in the game, it can be turned back on. No one is able to join that lobby any more.


His action has been reviewed, dude's guilty. No, you're never going to be banned for simply killing a streamer. A regular player will never randomly do the things this guy did to be identified as a stream sniper.

Are you alright if one day hundreds of follower reporting you for killing a streamer randomly and get a ban?
Streamers call out stream sniping all the time like they never made any mistake.

People can be against the idea of banning "stream sniping" and that doesnt mean they are siding with griefer.
Because the whole idea of catching people with stream sniping is too hard to prove.

We do not know whether this reddit guy is stream sniping or not.
But the fact that he was banned instantly after receiving many reports mean PU doesnt review his action but ban based on the quantity of reports.
The later statement issued by PU is just the usual PR control that doesnt meant anything.
The person is guilty until proven innocent.

does PU really have no other report that they prioritize this reddit guy over many other reports "the streamer's privilege"

The whole idea of catching stream sniper is too hard and time consuming to do.
And it is a fact that it can easily be abused by the streamer calling for his followers to chain reporting somebody.

I don't understand how you could be MORE ignorant in this case.

1. They didn't just get a bunch of reports and ban the guy they could see he was stream sniping based on their systems. Is it 100% hardcore proof? No. BUT IT DOESNT NEED TO BE THIS ISNT A COURT OF LAW AND ITS A 1 WEEK BAN.

2. How can you complain about streamer privilege when DrDisrepect just got banned for team killing? He's like the biggest PUBG streamer there is. On top of that do you complain when a hacker gets Mass reported because he's caught doing it on stream? No I bet you do not...

3. "The person is guilty until proven innocent". This is not the American Justice system. This is not a court of law. This is a video game where someone's being a shithead and got temporarily banned because of it. People who are just as shitty are just using this as a bs rallying cry against things they don't like. It's fucking disgusting and you should all be ashamed to be completely frank. We have cases like Overwatch (and most games tbh) where it takes forever for action to be taken and the community complains about it constantly. We finally get real action taken in a swift manner and everyone loses their fucking minds. I'm sure that'll send the right message to developers everywhere.

4. I'd just like to point out these streamers DID NOT CALL FOR THE GUY TO BE BANNED.

Velcro Fly

What other reason would someone have to repeatedly try to get in a game with someone like this? And how else would you know they were playing and when they were queueing unless you were watching the stream?
1. BlueHole has data that says the player in question was repeatedly disconnecting until they joined the same server as the streamer.
2. If what people have told me in this thread is true, the only way to know whether you're on the same server as someone is to look at the server ID. To do this, you have to watch the stream. Thus, the player watched the streamer's stream. Unless this is all a massive coincidence and the player disconnected repeatedly for some reason they couldn't be bothered to explain.
3. It's possible they only watched the stream to know that they were on the same server and then stopped watching. But the player didn't claim this as their defense. They claimed they didn't even watch Twitch, at all, ever. So they're lying.

To me, the only way to think this player wasn't griefing is if you believe BlueHole are outright lying about point 1 or if I'm mistaken about point 2 (which I very well could be). Or if you think the player is innocent, but still decided to lie about it for some reason.

Anyhow, they should add an option to hide the server ID. That seems like a simple, cheap solution (certainly cheaper than manual moderation) to stop the problem for good.


I don't understand how you could be MORE ignorant in this case.

1. They didn't just get a bunch of reports and ban the guy they could see he was stream sniping based on their systems. Is it 100% hardcore proof? No. BUT IT DOESNT NEED TO BE THIS ISNT A COURT OF LAW AND ITS A 1 WEEK BAN.

2. How can you complain about streamer privilege when DrDisrepect just got banned for team killing? He's like the biggest PUBG streamer there is. On top of that do you complain when a hacker gets Mass reported because he's caught doing it on stream? No I bet you do not...

3. "The person is guilty until proven innocent". This is not the American Justice system. This is not a court of law. This is a video game where someone's being a shithead and got temporarily banned because of it. People who are just as shitty are just using this as a bs rallying cry against things they don't like. It's fucking disgusting and you should all be ashamed to be completely frank. We have cases like Overwatch (and most games tbh) where it takes forever for action to be taken and the community complains about it constantly. We finally get real action taken in a swift manner and everyone loses their fucking minds. I'm sure that'll send the right message to developers everywhere.

4. I'd just like to point out these streamers DID NOT CALL FOR THE GUY TO BE BANNED.

1. This guy is banned too fast. Proving PU ban based on reports/streamers instead of reviews.

2. Guy "proven with evident" to be grieving getting ban. Everyone is alright with that.

3. Good luck with a game where dev can ban you anytime they want because it is their game.

4. Streamer does not call them out but their followers does it. it is "witch hunting" and it is even better here coz these witch hunting action are being supported by PU.

Again, nobody is ignorant about banning cheater.
Go ahead and do so if you can provide a good evident instead of statement like
""While we understand we cannot prove that this player was watching the target's broadcast, we see no other reason why they would consistently attempt to be in the same lobby as someone who is broadcasting live other than to have an advantage in the game.""

Why not,
1. Add delay to stream?
2. make people unable to queue after cancelling on for certain amount of time?
3. make UI change to make it harder to spot player's server?

If thousands of followers pointing out that they have seen an enemy on some part of the map to the streamer of which he didnt realised, and manage to kill that enemy. Isnt the streamer cheating in this case?


I still don't like that they are banning you for act that they admit they can't prove.

Bluehole would save themselves from a lot of headache and community drama by just creating "Streamer UI" toggle that hides a lot key information and then put queue CD in place so if you DC from lobby or match you can't re-queue for next e.g. 60 seconds.

The proof is the user constantly entering and exiting lobbies in different regions until they get in the same lobby as a streamer, then staying and no doubt tracking them down.

twitch always does what the big streamers want, this one probably complained and his stupid fanbase helped him to ban a innocent dude.

Congrats on not reading the thread and making yourself look stupid.

Yes, they could make streaming UI option that when toggled hid specific things from UI.

They can only prove that you were on same server instance with streamer X, but not that you tracked streamer down and killed him via help from watching his stream. They just draw conclusion that if you queue spam until same instance => stream snipe.

What other reason is there for someone to constantly enter and exit lobbies that the streamer isn't in, then miraculously stay in lobbies the streamer is in and no doubt head for their location?

For everyone saying the devs had no tools to track player movement in-game or whatever, check out this early Alpha replay footage that tracks every player in a match. They removed it from the EA version and are improving it for the final release(or earlier I guess), but they no doubt used this or a similar tool to help gather evidence. Watching footage like this would be easy to tell if someone starts following someone specific around the map - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m79U9jfRSHs

What other reason would someone have to repeatedly try to get in a game with someone like this? And how else would you know they were playing and when they were queueing unless you were watching the stream?

There's literally no other reason than to stream-snipe/grief/troll the streamer.


Why not,
1. Add delay to stream?
2. make people unable to queue after cancelling on for certain amount of time?
3. make UI change to make it harder to spot player's server?

If thousands of followers pointing out that they have seen an enemy on some part of the map to the streamer of which he didnt realised, and manage to kill that enemy. Isnt the streamer cheating in this case?

Why should a streamer compromise his method of doing a stream, which often time is their own lively hood, to ward off snipers? Bluehole and PU have decided to take care of the issues themselves.

Point two is possible but it would hamper people who legitimately have connection issues over a few griefers? Make it so that they have an automated system where constant reconnects triggers a flag and puts them on hold for a few minutes would be a good idea though. Combine it with a system that forbids people with these flags to play with top streamers and it would be damn effective.

Point 3 is pretty damn hard if the player isn't blocking the entire view from the pre match.

Your point about the streamer using the fucking chat as an advantage is legitimately stupid. The game happens too quickly for you to be looking at the chat, which often time is delayed for a few minutes and 99% of the time is trying to troll you
if Bluehole are going to get into being the judge and jury of unsportsmanlike behaviour, good on them, not enough games do that, and I think their will be more popular for it, even if they have to fight through the noise to actually implement anything. But on the whole, realistically, these cries for 'justice' and endless conversations about specific incidents are hilarious and unrealistic.

Firstly, it's a video game, this isn't reality, peoples lives aren't on the line. It doesn't really matter. If you don't agree with their policies, move to a different game. You got your 50 hours play of the early access already, a bargain already, The only downsides of anything done so far is the tiny possibility that If you are unlucky enough to get fucked over by an unjust ban, you have to deal with not being able to play for a few days.

This isn't some person going to prison for life for a crime they didn't commit. In fact, unlike real life, it's the perfect place to put a stringent, assertive system of punishment for bad behaviour, as it will discourage the bad behaviour without the real lasting consequences of mistakes in judgement. (which there will be, no system of justice is ever close to perfect).

Yes, the streamers can put on a delay to mitigate this, fine, whatever, I'm just tried of the whole PUBG conversation being removed from fun/funny or interesting things, to all this pointless entitled drama about bans that goes absolutely nowhere.

I'm reading words like 'despicable', 'deplorable', 'disgusting', 'money grabbing', full on assaults on PU's character, diatribes about how Bluehole aren't equipped to handle this. They have made a popular game, and will continue to improve and evolve as they see fit. If will either blossom, or fail, and people will move to a different game.

If fans had their way, they game will never have DLC, it will never have a paid cosmetic, if anything the game itself should be free, and anyone who paid for it should be refunded back. Oh and it should still stay in development, we want all these updates and improvements and cosmetics for nothing. Oh and Bluehole are power-tripping pieces of shit for implementing a system of punishment. Oh and this guy is definitely cheating, what the fuck blue hole, sort it out! Oh and Bluehole have to hire a permanent army of PR/moderators/admins/laywers/experts to meticulously go through and analyse each of the concurrent half a million players in games, and make ZERO mistakes in implementing any sort of justice or bans, and do all this for no money, because they ask for any, even if cosmetic, they are just money grabbing pieces of shit and the success has gone to their heads.

This ego-centric notion that somehow fans (and streamers), who hop on a game that happens to be really good, somehow 'own it' and are responsible for it's success, get to dictate terms, feel the right to shit all over it and demand things, and give it terrible reviews on steam, when it's clearly not terrible, and now the developer must bend over and and implement everything they demand, amid a torrent of full on abuse, really annoys me. Everyone wants everything for nothing these days.

Personally, I would just love them to do something about the racism I have to listen to in the matchmaking island. But I understand it's tough to admin, and it takes platforms time to get up to speed with how cretinous certain aspects of the community are.

But if you really want to get outraged, get outraged something reality, lots of things are fucked, least of which is probably the video game world.


But if you really want to get outraged, get outraged something reality, lots of things are fucked, least of which is probably the video game world.

This may come as a shock, but for some other things are more important than they are to you and people are capable of being concerned or what ever about multitude of things at same time.


1. This guy is banned too fast. Proving PU ban based on reports/streamers instead of reviews.

2. Guy "proven with evident" to be grieving getting ban. Everyone is alright with that.

3. Good luck with a game where dev can ban you anytime they want because it is their game.

4. Streamer does not call them out but their followers does it. it is "witch hunting" and it is even better here coz these witch hunting action are being supported by PU.

Again, nobody is ignorant about banning cheater.
Go ahead and do so if you can provide a good evident instead of statement like
""While we understand we cannot prove that this player was watching the target's broadcast, we see no other reason why they would consistently attempt to be in the same lobby as someone who is broadcasting live other than to have an advantage in the game.""

Why not,
1. Add delay to stream?
2. make people unable to queue after cancelling on for certain amount of time?
3. make UI change to make it harder to spot player's server?

If thousands of followers pointing out that they have seen an enemy on some part of the map to the streamer of which he didnt realised, and manage to kill that enemy. Isnt the streamer cheating in this case?

1) A delay would not help with a game like PUBG. You'd have to go and add something crazy like a 4 minute delay. So many times in this game, you are standing in one spot or inside a building before the circle moves. Adding such a huge delay defeats the whole purpose of streaming and are unable to interact with your chat.

2) That could work.. but if someones game crashes, it would suck for them to have to wait.

3) A lot of streamers are blocking their entire UI now and where they drop.. etc. But after that, its kind of hard to do seeing as how they have to show the screen at some point.

Cant believe this thread is still going on, especially after the fact the person was found leaving and re-entering lobbies until he ended up with the streamer.. if that doesn't scream stream sniping, idk what does.


3. Good luck with a game where dev can ban you anytime they want because it is their game.

I mean welcome to every multiplayer game ever. Every dev has different rules, terms and conditions that must be followed. If people don't want to follow the rules then that's on them.

Why not,
1. Add delay to stream?
2. make people unable to queue after cancelling on for certain amount of time?
3. make UI change to make it harder to spot player's server?

Of course there are streamers who hide their screens in the lobby, cover their mini-maps etc etc. Still the onus should definitely be on people not to stream-snipe as it's against the Rules of Conduct BlueHole put in place.

If thousands of followers pointing out that they have seen an enemy on some part of the map to the streamer of which he didnt realised, and manage to kill that enemy. Isnt the streamer cheating in this case?

I've honestly never seen that happen(not saying it hasn't), but I have seen a streamer looting houses and they'll miss an item, the chat will be mentioning it and the streamer will say "I missed a level 3 backpack, where?" and then go and get it. Is that considered cheating? I don't think so, unless it's considered cheating if someone is sitting beside you while you play pointing things out as well? It's a dark rabbit hole to descend into...


It's simple if you buy PUBG just accept that there is a 0.0001% chance you might accidentally get banned for a week. If you don't like the developers policies then don't buy the game.


1. This guy is banned too fast. Proving PU ban based on reports/streamers instead of reviews.the game.""
So banning someone fast is proof that they did not investigate them? That's kinda the same muddy logic you're using to say they have no proof...

Go ahead and do so if you can provide a good evident instead of statement like
""While we understand we cannot prove that this player was watching the target's broadcast, we see no other reason why they would consistently attempt to be in the same lobby as someone who is broadcasting live other than to have an advantage in the game.""
Speaking as a developer that has to deal with anti-cheat and abuse measures in an FPS, I can tell they absolutely will have other means to justify the bans, but it can be very dangerous to reveal these. For example they are very likely to have heat-maps of matches and they should be able to track the overall trajectory of single players within a map (by checking the locations of each analytics call on the map vs. the timestamp they were sent at). If advanced enough, every match has a recording of the player actions that can actually be played back (replay the whole match) by basically revisiting player input.


Honestly I think BlueHole has accepted that they treat Streamers like first class citizens and everyone else as second class.

The fact that streamers have the ability to prevent stream snipping themselves but don't leaves me with no sympathy.

Also I do agree that they will use chat to help them when they miss or didn't spot something. How is that fair then?


Honestly I think BlueHole has accepted that they treat Streamers like first class citizens and everyone else as second class.

The fact that streamers have the ability to prevent stream snipping themselves but don't leaves me with no sympathy.

But they banned one of the biggest streamers on twitch for 3 days just last week for team killing.. there goes your theory right out the window :)


But they banned one of the biggest streamers on twitch for 3 days just last week for team killing.. there goes your theory right out the window :)

It doesn't? They still treat streamers better than anyone else since they consider them big adverts for their games.

If a streamer gets their possy to report someone, their banned within minutes. You report someone for legit hacking/cheating and odds are nothing will be done for a while.


It doesn't? They still treat streamers better than anyone else since they consider them big adverts for their games.

And once again, no proof to back that up, its just a theory. While they play the game on twitch.. they arent sponsored by bluehole...in fact most of them regularly talk shit about the games bugs / mechanics at times.. if a big streamer pulled up a stream on his second monitor to stream snipe another streamer, he would be banned. Streamers face the same consequences that everyone else does. The kid deserved the 7 day ban for stream sniping as cheating / griefing is against their rules so he deserves every single second of that ban.


For you.
Honestly I think BlueHole has accepted that they treat Streamers like first class citizens and everyone else as second class.

The fact that streamers have the ability to prevent stream snipping themselves but don't leaves me with no sympathy.

Also I do agree that they will use chat to help them when they miss or didn't spot something. How is that fair then?

That makes no sense whatsoever. If they actually treated streamers better, they wouldn't ban them for the same rules breakage. But they do.
It doesn't? They still treat streamers better than anyone else since they consider them big adverts for their games.

If a streamer gets their possy to report someone, their banned within minutes. You report someone for legit hacking/cheating and odds are nothing will be done for a while.
Where are those people unjustly banned that got banned simply for getting reported by streamer's followers? Because this dude was guilty.
Has it even been proven that the guy was actually stream sniping? How do you even prove this?

Only read the last couple of pages so maybe it has.

Regardless, how exactly do you police this and prove it on a wider scale?


And once again, no proof to back that up, its just a theory. While they play the game on twitch.. they arent sponsored by bluehole...in fact most of them regularly talk shit about the games bugs / mechanics at times.. if a big streamer pulled up a stream on his second monitor to stream snipe another streamer, he would be banned. Streamers face the same consequences that everyone else does. The kid deserved the 7 day ban for stream sniping as cheating / griefing is against their rules so he deserves every single second of that ban.

Are you serious right now? People in droves buy games when their favorite streamers is playing said game. This has been the case since back when DayZ blew up. It doesn't matter if they're sponsored or complain about bugs, people buy the games. It's why some games suddenly spike in popularity before dying when Streamers switch games.

That makes no sense whatsoever. If they actually treated streamers better, they wouldn't ban them for the same rules breakage. But they do.

I don't consider that going against what I'm saying. They're willing to ban them but they still treat them better.


Are you serious right now? People in droves buy games when their favorite streamers is playing said game. This has been the case since back when DayZ blew up. It doesn't matter if they're sponsored or complain about bugs, people buy the games. It's why some games suddenly spike in popularity before dying when Streamers switch games.

I don't consider that going against what I'm saying. They're willing to ban them but they still treat them better.

No shit; i never said they arent advertisement.. simply that they arent sponsored. Regardless if they advertise the game or not, it does not provide them any special treatment compared to any other person. If this was the case like i said multiple times in this thread, dr.disrespect, one of the biggest streamers on twitch, would not have been banned. You can come up with all the theories you want, but at the end of the day, you're wrong.. and facts prove it.


It doesn't? They still treat streamers better than anyone else since they consider them big adverts for their games.

If a streamer gets their possy to report someone, their banned within minutes. You report someone for legit hacking/cheating and odds are nothing will be done for a while.

The fucking grandady of this genre is a streamer. He knows pretty much how stream sniping affects the games he's developed.

Lirik is going on about stream sniping and he's 100% right. Once the stream is over you can watch over the vods and hear his points.

e- Yo have you ever thought that its not just about the streamers but the viewers too? Stream sniping affects the quality of the stream to those thousands of people actually watching the thing too
Are you serious right now? People in droves buy games when their favorite streamers is playing said game. This has been the case since back when DayZ blew up. It doesn't matter if they're sponsored or complain about bugs, people buy the games. It's why some games suddenly spike in popularity before dying when Streamers switch games.

I don't consider that going against what I'm saying. They're willing to ban them but they still treat them better.

You have nothing to back up what you are saying, you just seem to think saying it over and over will somehow make it true.


No shit; i never said they arent advertisement.. simply that they arent sponsored. Regardless if they advertise the game or not, it does not provide them any special treatment compared to any other person. If this was the case like i said multiple times in this thread, dr.disrespect, one of the biggest streamers on twitch, would not have been banned. You can come up with all the theories you want, but at the end of the day, you're wrong.. and facts prove it.

Nah I still believe it. Sorry. In fact I think I can extend it to the community. The community takes Streamers way too seriously. Acting like they're personally effected when this shit happens. It's fucking weird.


Nah I still believe it. Sorry. In fact I think I can extend it to the community. The community takes Streamers way too seriously. Acting like they're personally effected when this shit happens. It's fucking weird.

You're free to believe what you want.. but like i said.. facts are facts. You're creating this idea in your head that a popular streamer was never banned from PUBG and they only ban normal consumers. Sounds like you dont even play the game nor watch streams, therefore it makes your argument even more irrelevant than it already is.
I guess the part I'm still amazed by is that PUBG was apparently able to get the reports of stream sniping, get the relevant data gathered together, come up with a verdict, and perform punishment in the span of 30 minutes, all while not actually being reported by Shroud and Summit, according to the streamers.

That time-table is impressively fast. Almost unbelievably so.


You're free to believe what you want.. but like i said.. facts are facts. You're creating this idea in your head that a popular streamer was never banned from PUBG and they only ban normal consumers. Sounds like you dont even play the game nor watch streams, therefore it makes your argument even more irrelevant than it already is.

1. I never said that no popular streamer was never banned.

2. I do play the game. Verifiable evidence in the OT.

3. I do watch streams I just don't revere them.
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