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Maduro's regime has killed 14 people today in Venezuela.


So apparently 8 million people voted today in Venezuela.


It is truly ridiculous that they dared to say that number. I just can't actualy believe they just say that. It makes no sense.


Here is just one article about food shortages in Venezuela:


just one excerpt:

72.7% of respondents said they lost weight in the past year, dropping an average of 19 pounds (8.7 kg). The average weight loss was slightly higher among those living in extreme poverty.

Remember that these numbers are from february, and respondents were asked about last year, it's very probable that the situation is getting a lot worse. Inflation has already reached 700% for 2017. Other statistics are about as terrifying: the maternal mortality rate jumped 66% last year.

Corruption is endemic, with people close to power like Jimothy´s friends making a healthy profit selling staple foods on the black market, the army being at the center of much of this grey economy.

Maduro did win 50.6% of the vote in 2013. but the opposition got a two-third majority in parliament in 2015 (before three opposition MPs were barred from taking their seats, reducing the opposition control). The government stacked the supreme court before the new assembly could be seated, then used it to strip parliament of its power in 2017: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/30/venezuela-president-nicolas-maduro-national-assembly
A lot of people here probably know nothing about south American history and their reality. Before putting their feet deeper into their mouths maybe they should consider asking questions before reaching ridiculous conclusions.

This doesn't even account for the very real possibility that a new Venezuelan government abolishes democracy to protect corporate interests, just as juntas in Chile and Brazil and Colombia had done in the past.
You don't know what you're talking about and you should leave it there.


The same stuff we were told to justify the first Iraqi war, except this time from the opposite side of the political spectrum.

I had to look for that burning maternity ward, and could'nt find something that prove it, except for Maduro saying that he fly until there, rescued everyone and brought peace to all the universe.

But the mayor, employees and neighborhoods are saying it was fake.

The resistance is pretty much against the guards/police.

So... I'm gonna believe them.
It is truly ridiculous that they dared to say that number. I just can't actualy believe they just say that. It makes no sense.
The reason for that number is that a little while back, the opposition held an unofficial election. That election (which also would have no power because unofficial) got over 7 million voters.


I'm from venezuela, it's just unbelievable how some of you gaffers think the protest are only in the "rich" (the only rich people in Venezuela are from the narco-regime) neighborhoods, the protests are EVERYWHERE, even in the shanty towns people are protesting against the regime.

The dictatorship has just announced the 8 million people voted for the Constituent Assembly , who in their right minds would believe this BS? no one voted for it, people working in the public industry were LITERALLY THREATENED to vote for it if they wanted to keep their jobs, and even then, a lot of them didn't vote.

The situation in my country is just grotesque, i'm really scared, i would say we are on the verge of a civil war but that's unlikely, the armed forces are too loyal to the regime.

It's just offensive how some of you are spouting BS about the horrible situation here, i only wish you would open your eyes (i know it's only a minority of gaffers who are like this, but it still hurts).


How many has the opposition killed today?

Jose Pineda was totally killed by the regime right?

Most reporting on Venezuela is absolute garbage. The opposition is savage, burning multiple people alive, assassinating people and burning places like maternity wards. They tell reporters to only start filming once police initiate retaliation. If they realize it's a TeleSur reporter they'll try to lynch you. It's insane.

Look at this bomb attack on a police squadron for instance.
Here's the extremists threatening a coup
They won't let people out of their homes to vote. 9 days being detained at her own home
Venezuelans voting and imploring to end the violence.

I really wonder if you actually believe this stuff.


My main point I was trying to make with my earlier post was that Venezuela is mostly so one sided in the way it has been portrayed that it's hard to take anything at face value. I'm not dismissing any bad shit that goes down there nor am I saying that the current govt there is the best. I'm not in a position to make that call. I am in the position to question whether smacking everything with a hammer is a good solution.
This is just my opinion
Opinions and beliefs are worthless. You either know or you don't know.
I do not know much about the situation down there, but I'm surprised at people defending a dictatorship.

I've seen photos of the protests, and it appears to be a united front all types of citizens.


Sure. 21k people killed by the organized crime in the last 7 months in capitalist Mexico. Almost half the population in deep poverty. But yeah, the crisis is somewhere else right.
Honestly you need to talk to the Venezuelans who have escaped to Mexico to get a better perspective. That's not whitewashing Mexico's huge problems, but we're talking about something magnitudes worse.


It's actually offensive reading people denying the effects of USA meddling in latin american countries.
You have to be pretty naive to think that USA isnt producing at least part of these shortages to get people angry (like they already did in Chile.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
It's hard to be a leftist in Latin America. Fuck these populist hacks and the ignorant ones who put them in power.


It's actually offensive reading people denying the effects of USA meddling in latin american countries.
You have to be pretty naive to think that USA isnt producing at least part of these shortages to get people angry (like they already did in Chile.

As someone who knows that the US interfered in Venezuela during the 2002 coup, I am telling you that ain't it.


Fuck me, I wish USA still intervened like the old days down here. The 21th century has made them pussies.

Go all Noriega on Maduro, it's all I have left to hope for.

And I have personally donated and assisted for materials for making Molotov bombs and other things. These bastards are murderers, we're not going to turn the other cheek,
Honestly you need to talk to the Venezuelans who have escaped to Mexico to get a better perspective. That's not whitewashing Mexico's huge problems, but we're talking about something magnitudes worse.

Mexico has no moral standing to criticize or give recommendations regarding the situation in Venezuela. If you think what's going down there is worse than what people in hot narco spots are normally living, where there is not even the glimpse of a functioning rule of law / state, then maybe you need to talk to people outside of the affluent Mexico's cities.

And I am not defending Maduro. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of calling the situation in Venezuela a "humanitarian crisis", with the agenda of dismissing socialists ideals, while plenty of capitalistic countries are having shit crisis too and barely anyone is claiming (itt) that probably is their socio economical model of choice also to blame. In the case of Mexico, specially, with neoliberalism (yes I used that word!) being the root cause of the decomposition of the social tissue that gave rise to narco violence.

Again, not defending Maduro or Chavez's ineffective and cruel attempt at a lasting socialist revolution. I am just annoyed because you know damn well that this narrative of Venezuela becoming worse than Iraq that the Mexican media is pushing is nothing but an attempt at diminishing AMLO and Morena.


I don't know why you posted that link, but if you're trying to imply that Al-Jazeera has reporting supporting the idea that it's the opposition who are actually behind the bulk of the violence, that's not what the article says.

The article does say that an opposition political candidate was one of those killed, however.
Isnt the candidate of the tweets or Its another? Its a question really


I... this thread... I can't. How can people defend this?

Just unbelievable, it's obscene, THIS is a dictatorship, i have friends enduring inhuman conditions in jail right now because they dared to protest against the corrupt regime.

This is just disgusting, to me and to the big majority of the Venezuelan people.


Fuck me, I wish USA still intervened like the old days down here. The 21th century has made them pussies.

Go all Noriega on Maduro, it's all I have left to hope for.

And I have personally donated and assisted for materials for making Molotov bombs and other things. These bastards are murderers, we're not going to turn the other cheek,

Hell no. First of all, Noriega was a US created problem. Secondly, the US already intervened in Venezuela back in 2002, and it was crap. No thanks. Based on history, I know not to trust the US.


Amazing, utterly amazing that the usual suspects are using this to beat once more on the neoliberal strawman.

You guys have truly shown your ass. You are farces.


Whatever good you might want to claim that Chavez did for the poor, the huge concentration of power in a single individual and a single party plus the mismanagement of the economy (their complicated currency exchange system is a cruel joke at this point) has already done enough to discredit the regime.

This Constituent Assembly is not going to make things better, to say the least, and it is only increasing polarization to the extreme.

I wish there weren't some right-wing assholes in the U.S. and in Latin America who are taking advantage of the situation in Venezuela for their own purposes, but that doesn't deny that Maduro and his thugs deserve to be criticized and resisted.

And no, you don't need to be from a perfect or "innocent" country in order to complain.


Again, not defending Maduro or Chavez's ineffective and cruel attempt at a lasting socialist revolution. I am just annoyed because you know damn well that this narrative of Venezuela becoming worse than Iraq that the Mexican media is pushing is nothing but an attempt at diminishing AMLO and Morena.

And there it is.
The media is crazy in how Venezuela is covered. These attacks were from the opposition party. (Opposition party who is completely backed by the US) It seems that the best course of action is to constantly have the opposition attack and protest while having the media portray it as another one of Maduros dirty tricks. It is seriously discouraging when so much of the western media continue to question when will Maduro step down. He was democratically elected by his own people and last I checked is very popular there. He is somewhere in the 60's of approval ratings. More popular than the Mexican president, Colombian president and the illegitimate Michel Temer of Brazil yet Venezuela is always on the cross hairs for regime change. The constituent assembly is radical for several reasons but the most frightening to the west is the fact that it gives more power to the people in decision making and planning for local areas in Valenzuela. The opposition is ENCOURAGED to join in on the assembly but they want no part in it. Gee I wonder why?..
I have family friends out there in Venezuela and the one constant thing they hate about the media is how they don't cover things straight. The Bolivarian revolution is popular for a reason and I can see why the West is frightened by that..
I never thought I'd see the day where a gaffer would defend Chavismo. And of course it had to be a fucking junior.


Fuck me, I wish USA still intervened like the old days down here. The 21th century has made them pussies.

Go all Noriega on Maduro, it's all I have left to hope for.

And I have personally donated and assisted for materials for making Molotov bombs and other things. These bastards are murderers, we're not going to turn the other cheek,
Like the aljazeera article Said i agree, the govermnent and oposition should sit on a table and negotiate. To end this violence and a better outcome to the people, If IS that Window still open IS the better result to everyone. Molotovs Wont solve this, you could kill someone.
Like the aljazeera article Said i agree, the govermnent and oposition should sit on a table and negotiate. To end this violence and a better outcome to the people, If IS that Window still open IS the better result to everyone. Molotovs Wont solve this, you could kill someone.

Considering that Maduro stacked the Supreme Court with loyalists, then changed the system so the legislature (which the opposition won two thirds of democratically) didn't have any power; that path is well and truly dead.
Again, the Maduro government came to power via a DEMOCRATIC ELECTION by less than 2 percent of the vote, hardly the margins of a dictatorial madman. Is that really so hard to grasp for some people?
Most brutal dictators come into power via a democratic election. The problem is once they have power they don't want to let go, you incompetent fool!


Considering that Maduro stacked the Supreme Court with loyalists, then changed the system so the legislature (which the opposition won two thirds of democratically) didn't have any power; that path is well and truly dead.
So civil war IS the way? I think the oposition should try, If the govermnent refuses then Its another story.


Unconfirmed Member
This rethoric is just precious when you have EPN's México, Nicaragua and plenty of other examples. Just rich.

Huh? Why are you comparing Peña Nieto to Maduro?

Again, not defending Maduro or Chavez's ineffective and cruel attempt at a lasting socialist revolution. I am just annoyed because you know damn well that this narrative of Venezuela becoming worse than Iraq that the Mexican media is pushing is nothing but an attempt at diminishing AMLO and Morena.

Ah, a Morenista. Luckily, I don't have to rely on Mexican media to know what's happening in Venezuela. I had first had knowledge of the situation last weekend on a reunion with the Venezuelan community here in Scandinavia. Great people and I had lots of fun, but them talking about Venezuela was the saddest thing. They love that country yet they can't go back or do more for their families than send money and pray it reaches them.


Horrible stuff.

Though GAF, kindly, fuck off with the "socialists, eh?" angle, truly fuck off. Read a few books on it and then realize that "putting power into the working class's hands" does not even remotely look like this. It is literally the opposite. People are killed here. People are starving. There is a ruling elite.

This is as far removed from communism or marxist ideology as slavery is from freedom of people.
Sure. 21k people killed by the organized crime in the last 7 months in capitalist Mexico. Almost half the population in deep poverty. But yeah, the crisis is somewhere else right.

Look at that other country
with 4 times the population
that has just as many murders !


So civil war IS the way? I think the oposition should try, If the govermnent refuses then Its another story.
The reality of the situation is that either one side or the other has the power, there is no middle ground. Which is why Maduro is even more of a douche to the rest of the left because he is setting Venezuela up for at least two decades of rightwing gov.
Horrible stuff.

Though GAF, kindly, fuck off with the "socialists, eh?" angle, truly fuck off. Read a few books on it and then realize that "putting power into the working class's hands" does not even remotely look like this. It is literally the opposite. People are killed here. People are starving. There is a ruling elite.

This is as far removed from communism or marxist ideology as slavery is from freedom of people.

I've looked. While the theories are good in theory, Socialist, Communist, and Marxist ideology falls apart when it's put into practice. Meanwhile, warts and all, Capitalism has the best track record for providing for a population.


Interesting that all the posters that go it's the opposition /just the rich/FAKE NEWS!!! aren't from Venezuela while all the gaffers that actually live there say the exact opposite. Who to believe.....


I've looked. While the theories are good in theory, Socialist, Communist, and Marxist ideology falls apart when it's put into practice. Meanwhile, warts and all, Capitalism has the best track record for providing for a population.

That is all cool, but lets not pretend that authorian regimes cannot happen within any type of society. They can. We have plenty of examples of right-wing regimes as well.


Unconfirmed Member
I've looked. While the theories are good in theory, Socialist, Communist, and Marxist ideology falls apart when it's put into practice. Meanwhile, warts and all, Capitalism has the best track record for providing for a population.

But, since it requires permanent growing, we are at the end of its lifespan.
I can believe what I'm reading in this thread.

You get little articles and mentions in the news media how things are bad in Venezuela, but other than that I don't really pay much attention to it.

EXCEEEPT for a Venezuelan guy I now consider a friend who has more or less fleed venezuela before shit really hit the fan a while ago, and as a 19 year old has to start over in a country on the other side of the world, while his family is still in Venezuela for lack of money. The horror stories he tells me about what his family is going through... Arrest and abuse of his father, arrest of his sister, no medication for his grandfather anymore, doing trips across the border at night to get medication from Columbia, lack of food and a prohibition of buying food, ...

As I understand it well, his family went from living a nice life to experiencing a living nightmare. Every time I see him I'm afraid to ask how his family is doing. It really hits a nerve when he says with a sense of pride and sadness "did you know Venezuelans we're surveyed as the happiest people in the world only ten years ago...?".

So I only get to go by an eye witness account, but it makes me reaaaaally question these pro-maduro posts in this thread.
That is all cool, but lets not pretend that authorian regimes cannot happen within any type of society. They can. We have plenty of examples of right-wing regimes as well.

Yet there hasn't been a long-term, stable Socialist government that hasn't fallen to authoritarianism.

But, since it requires permanent growing, we are at the end of its lifespan.

No we're not done growing. There is still a whole bunch of Asia that is still developing. That's before you even get to Africa, and the real growth that is there as we pull another billion out of poverty. This also ignores the huge change in technology incoming, and the real potential there to improve people's lives.


Yet there hasn't been a long-term, stable Socialist government that hasn't fallen to authoritarianism.

Well, I am not sure it is Marx's fault that even the idea of basic income is being tested in the Holy Almighty West like a dog tests the bathtub when it is time to wash: avoiding it like the plague, god forbid we have any usable data out of it instead of dismissing it out of spite.
Well, I am not sure it is Marx's fault that even the idea of basic income is being tested in the Holy Almighty West like a dog tests the bathtub when it is time to wash: avoiding it like the plague, god forbid we have any usable data out of it instead of dismissing it out of spite.

The Cold War was in large part over this. Socialism lost.

Neo C.

The oil price won't get up anytime soon, the reserves are filled to the brink. Even if Chavez were still alive, the outcome would be similar.
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