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Hellblade’s permadeath is a bluff - PCGamesN


People in here need to chill with the "internet ruining everything" claims. Not everybody has the time available to them to have their progress wiped and forced to start over. I know I don't. If that is indeed a feature in the game, I think it's fair that people are informed so they can decide whether or not the game is suitable for them. Nobody is claiming the devs should go remove the feature, but I think potential buyers have the right to know.

I still purchased the game regardless just to support it, but if I get my progress wiped I HIGHLY doubt I'm going to start over again. I'll move on because what little time I have for gaming is precious to me.

I was wondering why none of the places I use to buy games had this game up for pre-order, until I heard that it was only digital... That lessened my interest in the game.
Then I heard it would have permadeath, and it ended/killed my interest completely.

So yeah hearing that this might not be the case/or that it is sooooo easy to not be affected by it made me think again, maybe I'll get the game as soon as this topic is 100% confirmed.
That's kind of genius, placing you in the character's head that you're so fearful of death so the game messes with you.


Gold Member
Narratively, it IS blatant manipulation, that's the point. I know you said you don't like when games try and do that to you, but yeah... I like for games to try new and interesting things.

well, if you actually like a game (that's supposedly trying to deal in a serious way with the subject of mental illness) attempting to manipulate you into sympathizing with the plight of the main character by drawing similarities between her personal mental/emotional struggle & your desire to avoid losing your game save, i'm not exactly sure what to say :) ...
Why would people even give Totalbiscuit the time of day anymore? :mad: Dude's a moron that was whining about a feature in a game he didn't even play.


He played it long enough to bitch about popin (that I have not seen yet on my less-than-stellar PC) and call it a rushjob:


This game seemed like one he was ready to shit on.

Totalbiscuit is a total baby.



well, if you actually like a game (that's supposedly trying to deal in a serious way with the subject of mental illness) attempting to manipulate you into sympathizing with the plight of the main character by drawing similarities between her personal mental/emotional struggle & your desire to avoid losing your game save, i'm not exactly sure what to say :) ...

I think we're just at an impasse then. Bluff or not, I think it's a clever way to expose players to a level of discomfort that many games don't. I hope the fallout doesn't discourage developers from taking similarly intriguing narrative paths in future.
I think it's a cool idea to explore. But no, now we need internet 'drama' the devs will be hounded until they display some kind of spreadsheet detailing the exact requirements for a wipe if it even exists, and in every potential scenario people will complain.

I hope they can focus more on all the glowing reviews the game's gotten instead of the misplaced anger from so many different corners because of things they did/didn't do/didn't do in the 'right' way. I mean, Jesus.


Maybe all of the "spoiler" whiners should do something actually useful like PM a mod and let them decide if it's actually a spoiler or not?


To me thread titles like this are spoilers and shouldn't be allowed.

Perhaps the thread title can be adjusted to "Hellblade's permadeath might be a bluff"

There being permadeath in the game isn't really a spoiler, it tells you blatantly 15 minutes in. That it is faked can be a spoiler and take away tension. But as of now it seems inconclusive wether there is or is not permadeath. So worry to your hearts content that your save might be wiped...


Totalbiscuit is a total baby.

Sometimes I agree with some of the stuff he says. But when he says things like this or talks about how games are trash if they are 30fps he just loses me.

Unless it is something he enjoys he is incapable of seeing any merit in it.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
If anything is another issue with the internet this days, everything is known really fast.

Eternal Darkness launching today would result in articles covering the "it doesn't delete your memory card", "the crashes are an illusion". :p

Very true lol.


Totalbiscuit is a total baby.
I mean sure, Angry Joe, Sterling and Totalbiscuit take their outrage and dislikes to extremes sometimes. It's really off-putting to me. But two of them still do some good stuff on the side! I just wish they could take some anger management therapy.
This topic was obviously going to be discussed by many, but it's clearly a big part of the overall experience of the game and now it's ruined for a lot of people. That is definitely a spoiler. Great job everyone.
I mean sure, Angry Joe, Sterling and Totalbiscuit take their outrage and dislikes to extremes sometimes. It's really off-putting to me. But two of them still do some good stuff on the side! I just wish they could take some anger management therapy.
Totalbiscuit is very frequently about insulting the developers and repeating the whole "pro-consumer" shtick. Glad he blocked me, don't ever have to read his dumb thoughts unless if they're so dumb that they're dunked on by people I follow.
I mean sure, Angry Joe, Sterling and Totalbiscuit take their outrage and dislikes to extremes sometimes. It's really off-putting to me. But two of them still do some good stuff on the side! I just wish they could take some anger management therapy.

All three are trash.
I really think that title shouldn't be what it currently is, and its contents should have been spoilered within the post. You guys go around spoilering top 10 lists, but when it comes to something like this, for a game that literally just released yesterday, you go and do something like this.

Fuck off

Edit: As a fan of TotalBiscuit, he's coming across as an idiot right now.


I really think that title shouldn't be what it currently is, and its contents should have been spoilered within the post. You guys go around spoilering top 10 lists, but when it comes to something like this, for a game that literally just released yesterday, you go and do something like this.

Fuck off

Edit: As a fan of TotalBiscuit, he's coming across as an idiot right now.

'The truth about Hellblade's permadeath mechanic' might be a good alternative. A little late now, though, I guess.

Joey Ravn

Holy shit. This game has been dragged through the mud on release day for apparently no reason at all beyond existing. SMH.


Did Ninja Theory mentioned they were going to implement permadeath and that they were going to implement it as works in most previous games who have this feature? If yes, please send a link.

If not, maybe it's another case of people getting overhyped with no reason / fabricated unrealistic spectations on stuff devs never said, but at most hinted.


I just learned about hellblade today and hearing about permadeath picked my interest. I remember that DeS also had permadeath at one point in development and I always wondered if such an idea could work out. I wanted to check our pc performance thread before buying and stumbled on this thread. Now I lost interest. This thread spoiled the game for me. I wish this news would have come out a couple of days after release.


It has been confirmed by multiple people it's in the game. Again.. just not like how most people started saying it was or guessing. But yes what a bunch of liars...
Did Ninja Theory mentioned they were going to implement permadeath and that they were going to implement it as works in most previous games who have this feature? If yes, please send a link.

If not, maybe it's another case of people getting overhyped with no reason / fabricated unrealistic spectations on stuff devs never said, but at most hinted.

My understanding is that the game tells you at the start of the game (...sic.) that under certain conditions "ALL PROGRESS WILL BE LOST". Whether that message is true or not, I have no idea. Frankly, Hellblade is not in my budget at the moment.
It sucks to know this, but the game is still good to play through for the story I assume? Just read about this feature and thread so don't really know what to think lol.
In the same way that Steven Moffat is clever when he lies about things in Doctor Who, which is actually not clever at all. It's a cheap trick used by a creator in any media.
It's clever in the same way that a horror game uses music, environmental design, imagery, etc. to make you feel unsettled and scared
All these things work regardless of you knowing about the way they are supposed to work.
Do they? Consider playing Dead Space for the first time and entering an unknown room. On your second playthrough, you know that the room is empty and there's nothing to fear, but in the unfamiliar moment, you're on your toes, nervous about what's around the corner, the music and sound effects putting your nerves on edge, worried about lurking threats


Nah, people have the right to know if a game has perma-death or not.

Something that can be learned by simply playing the game for those who are truly interested as the game suggests right up front.

For those who are not really interested in playing the game but kinda sorta want to know about permadeath in case they do decide to play the game, there's nothing wrong with simply asking a question. That's not really what's been happening though.

What my post was referring to was the reaction to whether the game has permadeath or not, especially without understanding the extent to which permadeath is implemented if it does exist. It's starting to appear, from people who played the game, that you have to go out of your way to die a lot and even then, you may not encounter permadeath. If someone still has an issue even after that, that's their prerogative. But that's no reason for an irrational response. Permadeath after a single death? Maybe. This? Nah.

Patience and a little self education before commenting goes a long way.
Is it tho?

All these things work regardless of you knowing about the way they are supposed to work.
Yes. When you play the game, from the very start, the game wants to immerse you in Senua's head. The player is acknowledged as another character from the opening lines. It's doing the whole unreliable narrator thing and the permadeath instructions play a part into Senua's psychosis.


It's clever in the same way that a horror game uses music, environmental design, imagery, etc. to make you feel unsettled and scared

If it's implemented well and keeps with the atmosphere of the game then kudos. Like many people here I haven't played the game so I am judging it in an article-and-review bubble.

Going in blind, it would have been a very effective aspect of the game.

If you are actually hoping of playing a game blind you should probably avoid NeoGAF and any game website in the days leading to release. It's not anyone's fault but your own you decided to click over to here.
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