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Nothing stops this train. PUBG surpasses [-46,278,233,054] concurrent users (!!!!)


I must be an old timer gaffer, still don't get the appeal of this game.

Something about its mechanics lacking finesse. The traversal looks janky, there is plenty of downtime and the shooting vs TTK seems bad.

I guess its the social aspects, unlike other co-op, this has more breathing space. Is it most popular in usa?

I can see a clone by a big dev with a big budget, cleaning up those rough areas.


I must be an old timer gaffer, still don't get the appeal of this game.

Something about its mechanics lacking finesse. The traversal looks janky, there is plenty of downtime and the shooting vs TTK seems bad.

I guess its the social aspects, unlike other co-op, this has more breathing space. Is it most popular in usa?

I can see a clone by a big dev with a big budget, cleaning up those rough areas.

Have you tried it?


Out of curiosity what's the concurrent number of players for the most popular Call of Duty games on console?


I must be an old timer gaffer, still don't get the appeal of this game.

Something about its mechanics lacking finesse. The traversal looks janky, there is plenty of downtime and the shooting vs TTK seems bad.

I guess its the social aspects, unlike other co-op, this has more breathing space. Is it most popular in usa?

I can see a clone by a big dev with a big budget, cleaning up those rough areas.

It has no real "social" aspects outside of forming a squad and playing the game. Traversal is janky at the moment I'll give you that, though the devs have a new vaulting system coming in to help.

Downtime complaints I don't get, this is a survival shooter where you need to be mindful of your surroundings and going gun ho will get you killed instantly. Assessing your situation, outlining where you need to move and then doing it come in a package that might seem slow on the outside but as you process these individually it can be adrenaline pumping. I have not been able to replicate what PUBG does to me and my friends in any other shooter, and that is why it is such a great game.


Late PS360 era COD like Blops 2 had like 1 million + on one single platform.

Quite impressive that Battleground is around the same number, considering the much lower development and advertising budget. You really never know where the hits will come from these days. I like that :)


Neo Member
Assessing your situation, outlining where you need to move.

Most people truly take that to heart. Sit in a house and camp for 10 minutes at a time, waiting for any jump at someone late at looting. Perhaps continuing to sit in that same house for the rest of the game if they're lucky with circles, only using their pump shotgun.

going gun ho will get you killed instantly.

The game rewards campers. Why should anyone go on the hunt and actively seek other players when the "chicken dinner" wants you to sit in that corner or prone near a bush almost the entire game?

Camping is more than a valid strategy, sure, but some players truly take it and run with it to the fullest extent, which I think is a real shame and downside to the game. Not many players even give it a chance, being able to just hunt and run towards the action, progressively getting better at it, and dropping into cities and regularly stacking kills. They'd rather stay in the shack and parade their extremely rare 1-2 kill "victory", while they were again, proning near a rock most of the time. If they were in an open field with their shotgun/smg, it'd be game over, every time.

Other than that, I think the game is great and provides a very unique experience you can't get in any other game.


Speaking of streaming, I ran into Shroud, Chadd, and some other ex CS:GO pro players last night. We were bridge camping when we noticed their names in the kill feed. Next thing their squad is rolling up and they basically dismantled us before I knew what had happened. Dudes are ridiculous. I was happy that we got one of them though.

I have to admit, the game is growing on me, but I still think it's janky as hell and needs a lot of work before being considered for any goty type awards.
I must be an old timer gaffer, still don't get the appeal of this game.

Something about its mechanics lacking finesse. The traversal looks janky, there is plenty of downtime and the shooting vs TTK seems bad.

I guess its the social aspects, unlike other co-op, this has more breathing space. Is it most popular in usa?

I can see a clone by a big dev with a big budget, cleaning up those rough areas.

Have you seen this extensive review (use automatic translation)?
I also don't get it, but I'm old!


It's certainly bigger than the similar games that came before and (like most of those) is a huge success already, but it still remains to be seen if it has the legs to get to that next level of longevity.

For now, I haven't seen enough differentation to not view it as the next flavour of the month janky survival game: Arma III mod -> DayZ -> Rust -> Ark -> H1Z1 -> PUBG .


It's certainly bigger than the similar games that came before and (like most of those) is a huge success already, but it still remains to be seen if it has the legs to get to that next level of longevity.

For now, I haven't seen enough differentation to not view it as the next flavour of the month janky survival game: Arma III mod -> DayZ -> Rust -> Ark -> H1Z1 -> PUBG .

It has been "flavour of the month" for longer than a month. And it has outlasted all of those games you've listed in terms of sales and longevity. But hey the salt pours strong when it comes to PUBG for some reason.


But hey the salt pours strong when it comes to PUBG for some reason.
People call out PUBG because it's the Goat Simulator of shooters - janky, poor production values yet it's a massive memish phenomenon. I'm fine with people enjoying it (for whatever reason), tho not everyone is going to be enamoured with what's being served up.


People call out PUBG because it's the Goat Simulator of shooters - janky, poor production values yet it's a massive memish phenomenon. I'm fine with people enjoying it (for whatever reason), tho not everyone is going to be enamoured with what's being served up.
i dont think you know what you are talking about


I played it yesterday. It's fun but learning curve seems a bit steep. Right now, it's hard to see why this has turned into such a monster hit.


that puzzling face
sorry guys we've run into some kind of overflow trying to tabulate the incredible number of people playing this game we'll fix the thread title asap


I feel like I've played too many early access games to even see jank anymore. To me it plays absolutely fine aside from the floaty jumping.


People call out PUBG because it's the Goat Simulator of shooters - janky, poor production values yet it's a massive memish phenomenon. I'm fine with people enjoying it (for whatever reason), tho not everyone is going to be enamoured with what's being served up.

Meme-ish phenomenon? Joke post? What am I even reading.

It's certainly bigger than the similar games that came before and (like most of those) is a huge success already, but it still remains to be seen if it has the legs to get to that next level of longevity.

For now, I haven't seen enough differentation to not view it as the next flavour of the month janky survival game: Arma III mod -> DayZ -> Rust -> Ark -> H1Z1 -> PUBG .

8 million copies sold within 5 months. Almost 1 million concurrent players just this weekend past, 5 months after Early Access release. How on earth does that not move it past 'flavour of the month'?

I don't understand how people can be so dismissive of a games success.

I never play Early Access titles and I still don't understand what some are referring to when they say it's janky. There are bugs, for sure, but the gameplay feels better than any shooter I've played in a long time.

The only janky thing about the game is the menu's, but no one gives a damn about that because the gameplay is just that good.


8 million copies sold within 5 months. Almost 1 million concurrent players just this weekend past, 5 months after Early Access release. How on earth does that not move it past 'flavour of the month'?

I don't understand how people can be so dismissive of a games success.
Personally, when I first heard about it I thought it was exactly that -- the next in the line of "streaming success stories" that Haunted outlined.

But its success since then has had it enter "phenomenon" territory. I agree that referring to it as "flavor of the month" at this point seems silly looking at the charts.

whats up with the title change?
It's a joke about integer overflow (I assume).


Imagine the peak fun moments from the survival game genre that has been evolving over the last four or five years (in which sometimes these games require a hundred hours of commitment to learn and appreciate, if not more). Now imagine a game that serves you those experiences in ten to thirty minute rounds ad nauseum. Now you understand why PUBG is popular. The game is a fun story simulator.


Personally, when I first heard about it I thought it was exactly that -- the next in the line of "streaming success stories" that Haunted outlined.
What does it even mean, though? I feel like most people who mention it just use it to dismiss the game's quality and pretend people mostly play it because streamers do.


What does a "memeish phenomenon" even mean?
"I do not approve of this game being successful"

What does it even mean, though? I feel like most people who mention it just use it to dismiss the game's quality and pretend people mostly play it because streamers do.
Well, yes, that's what it means, at least to me.
And for the games Haunted mentioned (DayZ -> Rust -> Ark -> H1Z1), that was what I observed, at least in my direct surroundings. People who watch streamers would suddenly get one of those, talk about it all the time, and then drop it unceremoniously one or two months later.
PUBG seemed to follow that pattern in the beginning, but by now it is clear that it doesn't.


Doesnt need to be on sale. Get on it now! 132 hours, i only have 5 chicken dinners and i am awful but i have not loved a multiplayer lile this since blops 2.
And to everyone talking about playing squads with randoms, in all my time i have met 1 absolute bellend. Everyone else has been great, and most nights i end up laughing my head off with strangers which has never happened on an online game before.


I'm still extremely skeptical of the long term viability of this game. This game got insanely popular due to twitch. I'm not so sure that if a new hot trendy game came along that got popular with twitch streamers that that wouldn't end up taking a large chunk of PUBG player base with it. It will always have its audience but I don't see it staying on top like this.


The pubg ot here on gaf is filled with posts where people come and write little synopses of the match they just had. People want to talk about and share the moments they have while playing this game. That's all you have to understand to see the appeal.


"I do not approve of this game being successful"

Well, yes, that's what it means, at least to me.
And for the games Haunted mentioned (DayZ -> Rust -> Ark -> H1Z1), that was what I observed, at least in my direct surroundings. People who watch streamers would suddenly get one of those, talk about it all the time, and then drop it unceremoniously one or two months later.
PUBG seemed to follow that pattern in the beginning, but by now it is clear that it doesn't.
Except those games have/had thriving population numbers for years, though.


I'm still extremely skeptical of the long term viability of this game. This game got insanely popular due to twitch. I'm not so sure that if a new hot trendy game came along that got popular with twitch streamers that that wouldn't end up taking a large chunk of PUBG player base with it. It will always have its audience but I don't see it staying on top like this.

I think trendy games come and go but when a trendy game is stealing dota 2, lol, and cs:go's lunch, not only will that game have some staying power, you will also see its influence being displayed in upcoming titles from reactive AAA studios. Big names are salivating over these numbers.


I'm still extremely skeptical of the long term viability of this game. This game got insanely popular due to twitch. I'm not so sure that if a new hot trendy game came along that got popular with twitch streamers that that wouldn't end up taking a large chunk of PUBG player base with it. It will always have its audience but I don't see it staying on top like this.
See, this is the type of stuff I'm talking about. Here's a newsflash: 9 million people with an average of 84 hours played don't play this game because of their favorite streamer. They play it because it's a good game.


Except those games have/had thriving population numbers for years, though.
I really think there's a fundamental difference between these.






I really think there's a fundamental difference between these.
Yes, but the way people talk about them suggests the population of those games disappeared within months which is clearly not the case. Also, in the case of DayZ I would consider the mod version to be its actual initial release moreso than the standalone version.


I really think there's a fundamental difference between these.

There is also the twitch metrics which are honestly insane, this game has been overtaking (trading blows) League of legends on a daily basis, funny enough the times where it has the most viewers are some of the times where it has the least amount of players, which potentially suggests that players are engaging with the game even while they are not playing it.
Have you tried it?

The only question that matter when talking to anyone about PUBG.

Until you're in the game and experience it you can't really get a full measure.

Even watching streamers alone isn't the same if you haven't been in that last circle yourself.

There's a sincere irony in people hating on PUBG on PC when just about every innovative FPS that is on the platform has come from janky looking mod.

Par Score

I must be an old timer gaffer, still don't get the appeal of this game.

Something about its mechanics lacking finesse. The traversal looks janky, there is plenty of downtime and the shooting vs TTK seems bad.

I guess its the social aspects, unlike other co-op, this has more breathing space. Is it most popular in usa?

I can see a clone by a big dev with a big budget, cleaning up those rough areas.

Yeah us "old timers" are used to only the smoothest experiences, like playing Doom MP over a BNC LAN on a bunch of 486s. No rough edges at all there.

Or hooking up a 38k modem to play Tribes 2, just absolutely the least janky thing imaginable, how can I be expected to put up with an inferior experience to that?

PC gaming has always been about the rough edges, the jank, the broken shit.

Sure someone like Blizzard will eventually take a genre and polish it until it shines, but without Team Fortress 2 there'd be no Overwatch. Without Team Fortress Classic there'd be no Team Fortress 2. Without Quake TF there'd be no Team Fortress Classic.

Be under no illusions: Quake TF was a fucking mess. But it was still incredible.
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