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Does anyone actually answer the door? Do you answer it blind?

I'm assuming this is some millennial shit... because for someone of my generation, at least in the UK, the whole concept seems fucking bizarre.

I'm your generation so don't put this down as a millennial thing. If someone I know wants to come and see me they will call before hand rather than waste a journey if I'm not in. I know when I am expecting a delivery. ANYTHING and I mean anything outside of that is some bullshit that's of no benefit to me. Salesmen, canvassers, religious groups or neighbors complaining about some petty shit. You might not realize how often these calls are if you live with a family who takes turns answering the door but when you've lived alone you get that 100%.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Not long ago someone from the neighberhood who i never met knocked on my door to invite me to a outside party... Another time a friend who i had not seen in 4 years showed up because he was closeby. He didnt had my phone number anymore to call beforehand. Etc. If you dont open the door you dont get those opportunity's. Also its just weired not to open your door. Its very easy to say 'no, thank you' Im done with solicitors in 5 seconds. How hard is that.

I feel like a lawyer for someone else, since as I said in my first post I answer my door. My point was people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that people who don't answer the door are doing so out of fear or social inadequacies, rather than a sense of not wanting to be disturbed in your home. Which I understand even if I tend to answer my door except in certain circumstances. The fact they could be missing out on opportunities by not answering the door is irrelevant, to them, it's more valuable to not be bothered in their home.


I feel like a lawyer for someone else, since as I said in my first post I answer my door. My point was people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that people who don't answer the door are doing so out of fear or social inadequacies, rather than a sense of not wanting to be disturbed in your home. Which I understand even if I tend to answer my door except in certain circumstances. The fact they could be missing out on opportunities by not answering the door is irrelevant, to them, it's more valuable to not be bothered in their home.

Ding. Ding. Ding.


I feel like a lawyer for someone else, since as I said in my first post I answer my door. My point was people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that people who don't answer the door are doing so out of fear or social inadequacies, rather than a sense of not wanting to be disturbed in your home. Which I understand even if I tend to answer my door except in certain circumstances. The fact they could be missing out on opportunities by not answering the door is irrelevant, to them, it's more valuable to not be bothered in their home.
Doubt it. Theyve already been bothered. When the door rings they stop what theyre doing, probably hold their breath so they dont make a sound and anxiously await to hear the footsteps signaling that the person has left.
My house has a camera in the doorbell so if somebody rings it I just look on my phone to see who it is and if it's somebody with a clipboard or a book or something I'll ignore it. Otherwise I'll answer.

I definitely don't answer my phone for somebody that's not in my contact list unless I know to expect a call. If they don't leave a voicemail I just block the number. I think my cell number was recycled from an old doctor's office number because I occasionally get voicemail that's like "Hi I have an appointment for --" so I've learned to just not answer.


Fail out bailed
I feel like a lawyer for someone else, since as I said in my first post I answer my door. My point was people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that people who don't answer the door are doing so out of fear or social inadequacies, rather than a sense of not wanting to be disturbed in your home. Which I understand even if I tend to answer my door except in certain circumstances. The fact they could be missing out on opportunities by not answering the door is irrelevant, to them, it's more valuable to not be bothered in their home.

I don't think you need to spend your energy defending COWARDS.


Speaking of Halloween, anyone try leaving the candy outside in front of the door? I did that last year, just left it on a small table with a note saying help yourself. Worked out fine, no one knocked on my door and most of the candy was gone.


My friends just walk in. The only people that knock on my door are religious fanatics and NHK.

I used to live in the mountains. The only people that knock there are... probably suspicious.


I always check through the peephole or a crack in the blinds. If it's someone I don't recognize or don't want to see then I'll remain silent until they leave.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I really need to get one of those video doorbell systems.

My friends just walk in. The only people that knock on my door are religious fanatics and NHK.

I used to live in the mountains. The only people that knock there are... probably suspicious.

I used to enjoy pretending not to know Japanese when NHK came knocking. Then one day he came back with a pamphlet in English and suddenly I didn't know how to speak that either.


Fail out bailed
Speaking of Halloween, anyone try leaving the candy outside in front of the door? I did that last year, just left it on a small table with a note saying help yourself. Worked out fine, no one knocked on my door and most of the candy was gone.

Man I wish I had trick-or-treaters. This is like someone turning down a threesome to me.
I usually always say "Who is it?" Just to be safe.

No reply = i don't open.

Them jehovah witness people can fuck right off though. 8am on a sunday waking people up for no goddamn reason.


Nope. Unless someone has called ahead, I either assume that it's a package delivery (in which case they'll leave it on the porch) or it's someone trying to sell me something. No thanks.


I have a camera and intercom system, but I don't answer my door unless I'm expecting someone or ordered food.
I do. I have no problem telling someone I'm not interested and to leave. I live in a safe neighborhood but I'm also 6'4 245lbs so I'm not worried about other humans for the most part. The bigger issue is walk ups (would be knockers) while I'm outside working on my yard. When you're outside doing things they simply don't want to leave.. "but but.. I"m a school kid and ..." "but but.. I have a great bug spray ..." "but but.. insurance is important for your fami...." It usually comes down to "Thanks but no thanks" or "If you don't leave I'll call the cops" .. there is no grey area. I've dealt with some pushy ass door to door people.

I won't however, cower in my own goddamn home for fucks sake.
Voicemail still exists ? 😲

Please leave a message

Push 1 to just leave a few seconds silence and the sound of you putting down the phone
Push 2 to say who you are and tell the person to call you back (even though your phone will tell you who you have a missed call from)

It's as effective at it ever was.


Uh... yes.

And I'm literally a recluse that lives in the middle of nowhere... I thought my social skills were poor...
I always felt bad for being a bit nervous with a stranger at the door.
This thread has made me much more comfortable with my own insecurities.

Also, in case people aren't overreacting and there actually is some security reason to not answer where they are from, I really appreciate my country/city even more now.


Of course I answer my door. And I live in the most violent city in the world. Most of the time it's a neighbor asking me something or the building's administrator.
I don't really answer the door unless i know them they could be knocking and see me ill turn up the game im playing or music especially on sundays when the religious people come around. Dont bother me during weekends I value my sleep.
I'm your generation so don't put this down as a millennial thing. If someone I know wants to come and see me they will call before hand rather than waste a journey if I'm not in. I know when I am expecting a delivery. ANYTHING and I mean anything outside of that is some bullshit that's of no benefit to me. Salesmen, canvassers, religious groups or neighbors complaining about some petty shit. You might not realize how often these calls are if you live with a family who takes turns answering the door but when you've lived alone you get that 100%.

I don't think I've ever had any of that.

Only times I can remember someone turning up without me knowing prior was friends of housemates arriving before the housemates got home, or the one time a guy came to check the smoke detectors that the real estate company forgot to tell me about.

If it's a big deal buy a sign to put next to the door saying no salesmen?


I'm a foreigner living in Korea. If someone knocks on my door it's either my friends or the delivery guy. If someone rings my doorbell there's a little screen that shows me the outside of my door, so I'm never answering the door blind.


A few weeks ago some rang my door bell on a dark and stormy night. I check my phone and its 12:00+. I look out my bedroom window and seem someone in a rain jacket who i didn't recognise pacing around my front door. I ran down stairs and opened it.

It was the daughter of a neighbour who I didn't know very well, maybe seven houses down on our road. He's been unwell for a long time now and she was caring for him. He'd fallen when she was helping him to bed, he was unhurt, but she couldn't get him up off the floor. She said she thought we were up because our light in our porch was on. We keep that on all night for our daughter.

Yeah I've had a few headbangers knock on my door at all hours and I'd talk to them through the door. They are usually off their head looking for someone. Tonnes of sales people, neighbours, delivery guys for nieghbouyrs. Electric Supply Board;"can I check the meter", etc...

GAF always amuses me - depends on the country. Ireland is a place where you can answer doors usually.
I'm your generation so don't put this down as a millennial thing. If someone I know wants to come and see me they will call before hand rather than waste a journey if I'm not in. I know when I am expecting a delivery. ANYTHING and I mean anything outside of that is some bullshit that's of no benefit to me. Salesmen, canvassers, religious groups or neighbors complaining about some petty shit. You might not realize how often these calls are if you live with a family who takes turns answering the door but when you've lived alone you get that 100%.
Same for me. If I expect someone to ring the door I open it, if not they can fuck right off and get on someone elses nerves.

Maximus P

I always answer the door. I’d say it’s pretty important to do so.

Here are a few ‘door knockers’ I can recall from the past few months.

1.My wife had left the keys in the door when she came back with the shopping and a guy knocked to give them back to me.

2.One of my neighbours knocked to tell me I’d left my car lights on

3.Young kid asked if I could retrieve his ball from my back garden

4.Next door neighbour, informing me that they were having a party at the weekend but they would try to keep it down after midnight. (They invited me but I was working so declined)

5.Council worker informing me that they would be turning off the water for 3 hours from 2pm as they had to do emergency work

6.Neighbour again, informing me that he was throwing away some stuff as he was re-decorating and wanted to know if I wanted any chairs or a coffee table.

I’ve had bad ones too, Jehovah witnesses, charity organizations trying to guilt trip me into giving them direct debit information, a guy accusing me of hitting his car because I have a red car and there was red paint on his car, power providers trying to get me to switch over to them. Mostly, I deal with them in minutes and there gone


I always answer knocks, because that's usually someone from my building. I never answer if the bell rings, unless I'm expecting someone. Too many sales people and randoms who want to get into the building.


I try not to, I also don't answer my phone if its a new number. Fucking robocalls and BMW (I co-signed for a family member) got me thinking about changing my damn number after I've had it for 17 years. Pro tip no matter how good a friend someone is don't ever fucking consign. They need that consign for a reason, do not believe their lies.
I do answer if I'm expecting a package or delivery though.
You might not realize how often these calls are if you live with a family who takes turns answering the door but when you've lived alone you get that 100%.

I work from home. I maybe see someone like that once every month, if that.

(Other than deliveries, which I'm buried in, daily, as I buy way too much shit online)


life in america sounds so sad

distrusting everyone and everything

better buy a few guns just to be sure and ready when your neighbors come to murder you

not even opening the door when someone knocks

(haven't read the whole thread but) I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't answer the door outside the US too.
That being said, it's certainly odd, that in a society where everyone is buddy-buddy at the supermarket or on the streets (usually with superfluous small talk), there seems to be hardly any trust towards your fellow citizens.

To answer the question, I usually answer the door since 9 out of 10 times it's my neighbour from upstairs. Also I'd prefer if people would knock instead of usuing the doorbell since I absolutely hate the sound it makes.


Helps to have a tiny window/hole thing on the door to see who it is.

The only people that have knocked on my door in years are couriers, religious people trying to push their ideas and politicians trying to push their promises.
My friends usually call/text when they're outside because there's a second set of doors with a buzzer and it's just easier for me to go out.


I feel like a lawyer for someone else, since as I said in my first post I answer my door. My point was people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that people who don't answer the door are doing so out of fear or social inadequacies, rather than a sense of not wanting to be disturbed in your home. Which I understand even if I tend to answer my door except in certain circumstances. The fact they could be missing out on opportunities by not answering the door is irrelevant, to them, it's more valuable to not be bothered in their home.

Quite right. I just don't want to be disturbed and have to talk to some random person. In my experience from opening the door for whomever in the past, it has usually been Jehova's witnesses, someone trying to sell me windows, landscaping services, third party energy supply, or some other crap that I don't need or want. It has NEVER been for anything important...not once. I'll look out the window, and if I don't know you (and you're not from USPS, UPS, or FedEx), it's not getting answered.

Doubt it. Theyve already been bothered. When the door rings they stop what theyre doing, probably hold their breath so they dont make a sound and anxiously await to hear the footsteps signaling that the person has left.

No. My wife and I move around and carry on as usual. We just don't open the goddamn door. They get the message eventually.


I can see from the window or stairs who it is if i expect someone or a package yes, otherwise i will look first and then decide to open.

I mostly open though there is possibly near zero change it's a thief otherwise i have some tools hidden near in secret places close at the door for that.

I hate salesmen and those religious old people that try to sell me stuff or their bible/religion to me tho but i will just refuse or slam the door shut.
Can't you people just be normal for once.
I was once in a scenario where people knocked, my buddy wasn't expecting anyone and opened the door. They rushed in, ski masks on and held us at gunpoint while they tore apart and robbed the whole apartment.

There is a reason why people do this.


As someone who's house was actually robbed, you can bet your ass I'm not opening the door for strangers. "Hurr durr look at me im SO BRAVE for opening a door to someone I don't know unlike you cowardly plebs." I mean if that makes you feel better about yourself more power to you, but don't bring down people who choose not to.
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