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The state of NeoGAF

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Wait, why was my thread on https connection to GAF deleted?

Why can't I connect securely to this site? Why does it force an insecure connection?

Gaf has never had a working TLS secured site. Well, it did for like 24 hours, but it interrupted how ads were loading because the ads were serving insecure content, to it was dashed.


I'm honestly disappointed that Evilore didn't even acknowledge he did anything inappropriate, much less apologize for it. That whole post is such an empty statement.


The way this is all being handled is inexcusably bad, it's just a master class in bad executive decisions. There isn't much community left here, but removing the Off Topic forum because the owner of the website allegedly did something disgusting several years ago -- and was identifies -- is punishing the community for disgusting decisions that the owner of the website made.

Evilore, the Off Topic forum did not make you make the wrong decision or do the wrong thing 2 years ago or 5 years ago. The Off Topic forum did not make Amir0x download child pornography. Yes, the Off Topic forum exposes risk for your business (these three issues are examples of that risk), but the reason your business is a business is largely because the site has both a gaming discussion area (which I think is the initial draw for most members) and then an off topic area (which most members also chat in). I think most people here became members to chat about videogames, but then naturally, you chat about other things you're interested in -- sports, movies, music, or the really specific topics like the Black Culture threads, developer/programming threads, or the communities like WrassleGaf or NFLGaf. Punishing those communities because you or your former staff are exposing your business to risk with poor choices is not the right way to handle this.

There have been a number of high profile sexual assaults in the news lately, and while most folks are talking about Harvey Weinstein, Liberty Mutual -- the investment firm -- has also recently fired two employees for sexual misconduct at the workplace. It wouldn't be right for Liberty Mutual to say, "We're not having the company Christmas Party, because Christmas parties is what got us into this mess in the first place," or "We're not going to participate in social out reach because social out reach has made us look like hypocrites with these sexual assaults." No, because it's not The Christmas Party or the Social outreach program that's causing the problem: It's bad, hurtful, or illegal decisions made by you or by some former staff members.

You've always had a reputation for making brash decisions, and most of these have not faired well for you. Poorly thought out statements about Amir0x that bent the truth, came too late, and just weren't handled correctly; decisions to ban certain topics from being discussed; decisions to ban certain members or former staff, and scores of others. This, though, is clearly the worst decision and it shows in inability to accept fault. This decisions seems to simply be another projection: "I've made bad decisions in my life and business, and so the business must be punished." That doesn't make any sense, it's selfish and delusional.

You have an opportunity to make the right decision. Obviously you feel like this site is your baby and "it's your's," but this business exists in spite of you, not because of you. It can be hard for a CEO or business owner to give up something that they think is theirs, many CEOs resist this and are befuddled when their board ousts them for a business that they themselves launched. The right thing for you to do would have been to announce that you're taking an indefinite leave of absence from NeoGaf. Revenue from the site would be put into an escrow account to cover expenses and hire staff who would manage it in your absence. A board of staff (moderators, admins) would be formed to hire staff who would manage the site and support the community. Those would be base level decisions which would ensure, at least, some integrity with the site which would keep at least some members around. The site would persist and could possibly bounce back, ultimately you wouldn't be punishing your customers or your business for your own bad decision. Instead, you made the wrong decision with how this was handled and then continually made the wrong decision with how you're going to move forward with this, instead of holding yourself accountable, you're punishing the community that has made your business successful.

It shows an utter lack of self-awareness which then also undermines any integrity that you're trying to preserve against allegations like the ones you're facing.
Thank you.


Man, the first few pages of this thread are like a list of the lost.

Frankly, and speaking as a lawyer here, it is not appropriate to discuss allegations while they remain hearsay and open to dispute. However, the allegations arose in a politically heated environment, and were handled badly, and have created a significant amount of rightful distaste among the community. This has travelled to the less generous parts of the web, where it is open season on the community.

Secondly, we are a community, and notwithstanding allegations (rightly or wrongly) against the owner, we have to make a distinction between the owner and the community. For example, I may dislike (to put it mildly) Trump, but I still love America and Americans.

This is GAF, it is a community, and the majority of its members and former mods were decent people having fantastic discourse. It was my go to site for news, gaming and off-topic, and provided me with many smiles, if not loud laughter, thoughts, some challenging but all nourishing, over the years.

It would be a shame to lose this, because there aren't many refuges of enlightened, collegiate, somewhat boisterous, but generally well meant debate and community left on the web. GAF was one of those, and if it passes, in the form we knew, loved, and hated, then something dies.

On a last point of warning, OT needs to be brought back, and the comments about moderating out social and political topics needs to be dropped. A good site, with good moderators, will keep things in line. That is why we came here. The minute a site says that we are incapable of addressing certain topics, and being big boys and girls about it, then that site loses its identity and purpose.

Peace. Chill everyone.

Quoted. Thanks for supporting those being level-headed and sensible.
I wanted to thank everyone here. For the last 14 years this place has been a daily part of my life and I going to miss it dearly. Its a real shame that it had to end this way
Man, the first few pages of this thread are like a list of the lost.

Frankly, and speaking as a lawyer here, it is not appropriate to discuss allegations while they remain hearsay and open to dispute. However, the allegations arose in a politically heated environment, and were handled badly, and have created a significant amount of rightful distaste among the community. This has travelled to the less generous parts of the web, where it is open season on the community.

Secondly, we are a community, and notwithstanding allegations (rightly or wrongly) against the owner, we have to make a distinction between the owner and the community. For example, I may dislike (to put it mildly) Trump, but I still love America and Americans.

This is GAF, it is a community, and the majority of its members and former mods were decent people having fantastic discourse. It was my go to site for news, gaming and off-topic, and provided me with many smiles, if not loud laughter, thoughts, some challenging but all nourishing, over the years.

It would be a shame to lose this, because there aren't many refuges of enlightened, collegiate, somewhat boisterous, but generally well meant debate and community left on the web. GAF was one of those, and if it passes, in the form we knew, loved, and hated, then something dies.

On a last point of warning, OT needs to be brought back, and the comments about moderating out social and political topics needs to be dropped. A good site, with good moderators, will keep things in line. That is why we came here. The minute a site says that we are incapable of addressing certain topics, and being big boys and girls about it, then that site loses its identity and purpose.

Peace. Chill everyone.

Completely agree


You know what I've always hated most about Neogaf?

I rarely felt like I could speak my mind. You risked being called something terrible for simply asking a question, or asking for more evidence, or simply being on the fence about something. I realize people hate toxicity, but the ban culture here -fostered- toxicity because the bandwagon attack mobs were allowed to shower insults at will... even if the insults themselves were hate driven ['cunt', for example].

If you asked a question, you were accused of baiting. Do you guys realize how toxic that is? People should always be allowed to ask questions. If you asked for more evidence, you were done. Heck, I fucking hate Trump. But if I mention that? Then clearly, I'm lying... right? I'm just setting up for something else. Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I've been far more left than almost every one here for longer than most here have been alive... but just because I don't agree with their agenda I risk being painted as a fascist, which is absurd. That's a culture of fear. That's censorship through ideology shaming. I guarantee my anarchy trumps your fucking Clinton loving nonsense, but god forbid I say anything against Clinton, because I get painted as a Trump loving fascist. That's sick. Sick, sick, sick. Broken minds led by broken ideology ruled by broken moderation that can't handle being questioned.

Now, you know what? I don't know if you're guilty of anything. I don't know if what was said to happen happened, and honestly, even if it did, I don't know what signals were or weren't sent, or what level of miscommunication happened. So I don't particularly like that you were summarily executed by mob. My guess is you're full of shit... but I know that's just a guess. I know I have no idea. And I won't execute you for it, just like I wouldn't execute Naughty Dog, even though it was so much fun for people here to leap to ridiculous conclusions based on a single tweet.

But you know what? You fostered an environment that summarily executes with no evidence. So while I hate it, and I'll -always- be on the side of 'wait for more information' regardless of the topic, I can't say I can't see the sick humor of it all. Some people need to learn by example, and if you're truly innocent of all charges, then I hope next time someone gets accused of something you support the presumption of innocence. This is not saying I don't think horrible things happen all the time - they do... my wife has been sexually harassed at work and I know how hard it is to come forward and rock the boat.

If you're guilty, then I hope you learn. Evolve. Grow. Become a better person. Everyone can change, even though some swear no one can.

If you're innocent, then also learn. Evolve. Grow. The culture of 'no proof needed' you fostered is sick... it flies in the face of everything our collective cultures have learned and fought for over the past few millennia. You reaped what you sowed, and it's either ironic, or horrifying, based on your guilt... which I can never know.

I'll probably get banned for this post. I don't think I said anything worth being banned for. In fact, I think this is a pretty fair assessment of both your actions, the accusations against you, and the general culture of this site. If you ban me, fine. If you don't, I'll still be here, posting, because, honestly, I don't judge a community on a single individual member. Heck, I don't judge -you- based on actions of a previous you, because I know people change over time.

People learn. People grow. People evolve. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Now it's time for you to do so, and in the process, evolve this site so it doesn't become an echo chamber of toxicity against anything deemed toxic.

This is me completely. The community had gotten really toxic, and off topic used to have a bunch of topics of varying types. Half the topics had become political in nature, and it would seep into other topics as well. It was hard to avoid. Ive been there with you for trying to ask for more information and being labeled as a rape defense force, for all the people jumping to conclusions as soon as they hear any info and want to go full mob. I for one will been fine with the no political discussions, as it had just gotten to be way too bad, and not inviting. That said I will still need to see if I stay. The stuff with Amirox was not cool, and the accusations against evil lore if true is pretty bad, but if things can change I may still stay. and if true I hope EvilLore can own up to it. Too many specific OTs I loved visiting, with many users I enjoyed conversing with even If I never posted a ton. So I still hope something can be salvaged.


I can't believe some.people are actually staying after hearing everything. I hope you realize that by staying all your doing is endorsing what the owner of this site has done.

There are other gaming forums out there.

I for one would like to request someone PM me the new site people are moving to. I have reddit and would like something to replace Gaf. I can't support this site anymore.
I've heard EVERYTHING and I applaud the owner for not admitting certain questionable details about the accuser. He could have and it would have put everything in a different light. I'm here for the longhaul the faux outrage is humorous. Same people who swore they give both sides the benefit of the doubt.
I used to get worked up about GAF. I'm glad I don't anymore. I think that while GAF has problems, it's overall a good community. I hope that it manages to recover in a positive way.

I hope that transparency can be a part of that as I think that the lack of transparency will only hurt it in the long run.
Not sure closing OT/OT Community is a particularly good way of that, especially for people who came here for the games and stayed for discussion.

And killing social/political discussion is... dumb. Not that I participated all that much in it, but it's a poor solution for the toxicity that you guys are talking around.

And now having mods be like... undercover? That seems nonsensical. Plus, those allegations are still out there and there's no statement, so... there's that.

I dunno, this just seems like poor reactions by everyone all around, exacerbated by you um... not knowing how to handle your shit, man.

Not to mention wiping things people had spent vast amounts of time on - the guides, the podcasts, the communities, the creations...

Cowardly. Not in the interest of anyone but good ol' Tyler Malka himself, just like the rest of the forum.

Y'all enjoy your stay. Even if you don't believe the allegations, the follow-up behavior should be enough not to want to give this man your click cash. He won't get mine.
Anyone who continues to use this site with the intention to "talk about video games" is putting ad revenue money in the hands of sexual predator and attempted rapist.

If you willfully aware of that, then you too are complicit in this monstrous cultural abuse of power over all women.

TLDR: Just by being on this site, you are giving a rapist his rent money.

You do know the definition of rape don't you? There have been absolutely no allegations of rape against Tyler to my knowledge. The worst he did was grab a girls ass while drunk and woefully misinterpret some signals. Something everyone who has interacted with another adult has done at one point or another in their life. I'm not going to crucify the guy for that.

If that makes you a rapist, then 98% of all humans are rapists.
You're a coward and a scumbag and you've never even been creative or good at covering your own ass. I've known you were a piece of shit for years and this site would be better without you and so have hundreds of others. Pulling this martyr act is outright pathetic. And going by the way you're describing the new direction here and the people who are happy to see it, this place is never going to be GAF again, it'll either be little more than an empty shell of itself until you have to close it or build itself back up into another Gamergate shithole in a year's time. Fuck you Evilore and fuck anyone who decides to stay a part of this hell website.

You've known all these years he's a scumbag yet you stayed on as a member posting regularly. Why didn't you say something before?

I have zero respect for people like you. You're just a drama queen jumping on a bandwagon.


Problem is, how will we know, since they'll all be anonymous now? Especially with the complaints of mod overreach in the past, if one feels that way about the mod team and how they handled things in the past. How do we avoid the same happening, since everything will just become more anonymous and it will become even more difficult to figure out what's going on or why? Seems set up to be a recipe for disaster.

Modding was always anonymous unless the mod made a snarky comment in the thread quoting your post. They don't want a cult of personality around mods either. It's pretty straightforward and absolutely what needs to happen.

It won't be difficult to spot an ideologue that is out of line behind the scenes.


I've always, always had ADBLOCKER ON.....

never turned it off ever.

Im pretty sure 90% of users will admit the same.

Glad I never helped generate revenue for this piece of shit.


I joined this community ignorant of all the previous accusations against you and the moderation team.

So now you're going to punish the community because some decided to call you out on your bullshit (again)? The actions an innocent man, I'm sure.

Maybe you can go fuck yourself while you're vomiting this garbage? I'm out.
Same. Labeling people as sexist or some kind of Progressive traitor for merely criticizing Hillary Clinton was not exactly uncommon and it was emblematic of the kind of atmosphere that developed over the last few years or so here. Discourse had definitely become toxic and extremely unwelcoming to those whose views didn't exactly conform to an insanely narrow and narrow-minded idea of what progressivism and "the left" should be. Purity tests indeed. Progressive critical thinking is great. 'Poligaf' definitely went up its own ass though.

It was worse even when if you held some right views or said you voted for Trump basically meant social suicide. I had to lie and walk on eggshells because I was afraid to say I voted for Trump (I live in a blue state, so to be fair my vote was useless) because I didn't want to be pretty much frowned upon. It's incredibly frustrating that I have to lie about what I believe. I want to engage in critical thinking, but when one side is shut out it stifles progress.


Unconfirmed Member
A lot of people showed their ass when they thought they "won", the most surprising being a Microsoft employee.

glad the forum is finally back.

that was actually about the baseball that was going on about the time

although I'm sure a lot of the sentiment was the same
Man, the first few pages of this thread are like a list of the lost.

Frankly, and speaking as a lawyer here, it is not appropriate to discuss allegations while they remain hearsay and open to dispute. However, the allegations arose in a politically heated environment, and were handled badly, and have created a significant amount of rightful distaste among the community. This has travelled to the less generous parts of the web, where it is open season on the community.

Secondly, we are a community, and notwithstanding allegations (rightly or wrongly) against the owner, we have to make a distinction between the owner and the community. For example, I may dislike (to put it mildly) Trump, but I still love America and Americans.

This is GAF, it is a community, and the majority of its members and former mods were decent people having fantastic discourse. It was my go to site for news, gaming and off-topic, and provided me with many smiles, if not loud laughter, thoughts, some challenging but all nourishing, over the years.

It would be a shame to lose this, because there aren't many refuges of enlightened, collegiate, somewhat boisterous, but generally well meant debate and community left on the web. GAF was one of those, and if it passes, in the form we knew, loved, and hated, then something dies.

On a last point of warning, OT needs to be brought back, and the comments about moderating out social and political topics needs to be dropped. A good site, with good moderators, will keep things in line. That is why we came here. The minute a site says that we are incapable of addressing certain topics, and being big boys and girls about it, then that site loses its identity and purpose.

Peace. Chill everyone.

You're a shitty lawyer if your legal advice to someone who received anonymous gossip on the internet is to quit their job and become a recluse.



Now Neogaf will forever be seen as hypocrites. No matter even if the accusations were false, We will forever be tarnished as pedos and misogynist apologists.

I been here for ten fucking years and it was hell reading twitter all the nasty shit people were saying about Gaf and even heads of companies were celebrating. Looking at you MS.

Evilore, I fully comprehend that you're going to continue doing you.

Gaf, can this be salvage?

2007-2017... i grew up here...


really wanted to post in the xenogears thread before shit turned pear shaped imo

weird reading the OT. doesn’t seem like it’s any of my business.


Evillore, you know there's only one solution to this.

You must ban yourself, permanently. You have to play by your own rules, dude. That's the only way GAF survives.


Not to mention wiping things people had spent vast amounts of time on - the guides, the podcasts, the communities, the creations...

Cowardly. Not in the interest of anyone but good ol' Tyler Malka himself, just like the rest of the forum.

Y'all enjoy your stay. Even if you don't believe the allegations, the follow-up behavior should be enough not to want to give this man your click cash. He won't get mine.

Not to say his response was perfect, but what do you think the perfect response should have been if his depictions of the night in question were actually true?


At this point, part of me is happy that NeoGAF is back (at least a part of it) and another part of me is still battling with whether or not I should continue using the site.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'm not going to post any disrespectful insults nor make any accusations about the elephant in the room, plenty of others are doing that, and while I can understand where all the animosity is coming from it's just not who I am to act that way. Instead, I'm going to try to post some of my thoughts about the future of NeoGAF as a forum and community.

I've been a member of NeoGAF for a very long time now, dating back to when we were just GAF before the split, so I've seen a thing or two along the way. One of the strengths of NeoGAF as a community has always been the Off Topic forum, a place where gamers can discuss non-gaming topics and ideas. It's what has set this forum apart from all the others over the many years, but a large part of that strength was the freedom and range of topics which were discussed. Politics, TV, movies, dating, breaking news, automobiles, outdoor activities, health and fitness, it's all been fair game and it's what made NeoGAF one of the largest and most visited gaming forums on the internet. Not just for gaming discussions but discussions by gamers in general.

So, going forward, if the intent is to really ban all political talk and limit the available topics which are allowed to be discussed in the Off Topic forum, then that which made NeoGAF a special place for gamers to congregate will be lost. The thing which set NeoGAF apart from all the other video game forums out there will be hamstrung, and it will most certainly hurt the NeoGAF community even more than it already is currently.

In my opinion, picking and choosing which topics will be allowed in the future OT forum (vulgar stuff notwithstanding) is not a value added idea, but rather a damaging one which does not bode well for the health of the community going forward. Good moderation is always greatly beneficial and even necessary, but overly policing what can and can't be said in order to restrict discussions along a specific point of view will only serve to lessen what has been a very valuable and energetic community over the years. This is a chance for NeoGAF to grow and improve itself, it shouldn't be moving in the opposite direction.

Just my two cents on the statement about the future of the site. I'll restrain myself from commenting on anything else as I'm trying to be constructive rather than destructive right now.


Problem is, how will we know, since they'll all be anonymous now? Especially with the complaints of mod overreach in the past, if one feels that way about the mod team and how they handled things in the past. How do we avoid the same happening, since everything will just become more anonymous and it will become even more difficult to figure out what's going on or why? Seems set up to be a recipe for disaster.

Well Im hoping after everything dies down, that the anonymous part goes away once we move to a less toxic time. Having known Mods was good for everyone. Even if I didn't like half of them. ( I would not post in threads they were in, etc.)


I really enjoyed speaking with certain members in the threads I frequented over the last years. Unfortunately, I do not think I can continue to visit this site in good conscience due to the unfolding of events over the last few days. Hiding Off Topic, where many minority users felt safe discussing their issues, seems like a poor plan. Having the moderator identities being secret also seems like something that will cause more issues than solve. Maybe if there are more changes to make the site welcoming to disenfranchised groups and transparent I will feel comfortable posting again. Until then, it was a pleasure meeting many of you.


You've got a pair, Evilore, I'll give you that. And for what it's worth I haven't always been a huge fan of yours, but I tend to believe you in this. Yes women deserve to be believed etc etc, but that doesn't mean we should be engaging in witch hunts, and totally throwing away innocent until proven guilty. And there's plenty here based on what we know so far to cast some serious doubt on whether actual harassment really transpired there.

I think getting rid of the OT side is a good move. And honestly it may be better off if that is made permanent. (EDIT: I'm reading a bunch of people complaining that various OT thread were a great refuge for various disadvantaged groups. That's obviously great, and it sucks to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but if a gaming forum is the only place people have to turn, then that's kind of a bigger problem that it's not really Evilore's responsibility to solve, even as much as he'd like to.)

That said, I don't know if anonymous moderation is a good thing. This may cause more issues than it solves if not handled extremely carefully. One of the issues with moderation in the past was zero transparency resulting in the perception (and reality) of power trips and knee jerk biased moderation. Now there will be even less accountability. If the tone of moderation continues as it was in the past, this is concerning. Even less transparency and accountability than before, which seemed impossible.

For all gamefaqs's faults, and how poorly moderated it can be in certain respects, at least nothing in the previous paragraph could really be leveled at their mod team, and they at least have a functioning appeal system.

The overt right leaning posts coming out of the woodwork are more than evidence of that.

Oh no, God forbid anything beyond a left wing echo chamber is tolerated around here!

This type of attitude was a big part of why the OT side was so damn toxic to begin with. This type of attitude is part of the problem. Bringing some sanity and balance into what often became a vitriolic echo chamber is a good thing, not a bad thing. (Granted I haven't read every post you may be referring to, so what I just said obviously doesn't apply to obvious and overt offensive shit.)

I'm hopeful that things will be better this time, and am willing to give this place another chance. Cheers.
EviLore just quit

If you cared about this website even remotely you would quit. Your presence is not wanted and will forever hang over this website for as long as you're here.

Cash out and quit. You're not wanted.

Now Neogaf will forever be seen as hypocrites. No matter even if the accusations were false, We will forever be tarnished as pedos and misogynist apologists.

I been here for ten fucking years and it was hell reading twitter all the nasty shit people were saying about Gaf and even heads of companies were celebrating. Looking at you MS.

Evilore, I fully comprehend that you're going to continue doing you.

Gaf, can this be salvage?

2007-2017... i grew up here...

Do you think all Muslims are terrorists because of 9/11? It's the exact same logic.


So is gaf back? Can i enjoy my video game discussions again?

Nah you can't unless you want to be considered complicit in the act of rape. Oh, and don't use any electronics by the way because that would make you complicit in the act of lining the pockets of rich monsters who run slave labor camps. You probably shouldn't eat meat either becau-

Weird how I thought this was a gaming forum.


Really great to see GAF back up. Even in the chaos of the last few days, I really hoped that it would. Too bad for all the toxicity, though. It'll never be the same around here with so many members upset or gone entirely. Right now, however, those of us that remain need to focus on coming back together as a community. Enough time passes, and this place will be better than ever.
But we need to critically examine, as a community, the allegations leveled against Evilore. I think I need to stress that I afford him the benefit of the doubt. The official statement, however, leaves a lot to be desired and gives cause for some concern. Certainly what is needed from Evilore now is something a bit more suggestive of regret, humility, and amity. Hopefully he delivers and we can move forward.


edit: while i can understand contesting the sexual assault allegations, the retaliatory revenge porn -- the existence of which is absolutely verifiable -- is shameful garbage. the victim deserves an apology for that, if nothing else

with that out of the way: while i understand certain measures being taken to protect the mod team, for example, outright banning political discourse is an overreach, and one that is difficult to enforce to boot (due to the vast amount of grey area it presents). for example, will avatars featuring political messages or figures also be prohibited? will discussion of films, games, etc that feature prominent political social themes be banned or otherwise limited?

unless your aim is to pander to nazis, voat, and gamergaters, you should rethink a lot of decisions you've made over this past week


Thanks for the clarification, nice to be back and hope that the forum evolves.

This forum let me know about niche wonderfull games and enjoy console launches more

For another 10 years!


You know what I've always hated most about Neogaf?

I rarely felt like I could speak my mind. You risked being called something terrible for simply asking a question, or asking for more evidence, or simply being on the fence about something. I realize people hate toxicity, but the ban culture here -fostered- toxicity because the bandwagon attack mobs were allowed to shower insults at will... even if the insults themselves were hate driven ['cunt', for example].

...allowed to shower...
Too soon.


Dot Hacked
more game talk less off topic. I like it!

I rarely ever clicked on the OT forum much less posted in it. GAFs essentially been all about games for me. Did ya not have the self-control ta stick to the gaming side? Either way these changes are not more -anything- they're -less everything-.


Does this mean all the whining and shit is gonna finally stop? I think the problem was over moderation on any one that bothered giving out an actual opinion. Normally I lean left but some of these people were fuckin ride or die zealous about every single tiny thing. Countering those opinions put you at risk of a ban (which I caught once doing just that) . Por ejemplo, that lame ass naughty dog thread with everyone jumping to conclusions and the endless hating on the French dude making the last night. I don't give two shits about your personal life. Every dude shoots thier shot. If you were my friend and had you pulled those shenanigans, we would roast the dog shit out of you, clown on you for that weirdo simp shit, and keep it moving. I'm here to check out threads about cool games i maybe never heard about, support new developers and that's the fuck it. Thanks for not being a total pussy and closing up shop forever.
What I don't get is it takes EL so long to come up with this announcement. If you post this 2 days ago you could have saved the majority of GAF's user base.

Also need I point out that most of this (traffic lost) is from you refusing to let people discuss it in this forum?
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