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This book is like the Hunger Games, if the Hunger Games was super racist.

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El Sloth

"But Wayne Brady... Morgan Freeman, Ice T, they were so charming," sobs one young white mother in a food line. "Now look at where we are for our Christma- I- I mean... !"

The guards, with mechanical precision, pry her away from her children and drag her to the train station. Camp Kwanzaa awaits for reeducation.
Do you have a paypal?
"But Wayne Brady... Morgan Freeman, Ice T, they were so charming," sobs one young white mother in a food line. "Now look at where we are for our Christma- I- I mean... !"

The guards, with mechanical precision, pry her away from her children and drag her to the train station. Camp Kwanzaa awaits for reeducation.

Administrator JaMarcus briskly walks down to the Magistrate's office, passing the portraits of particular powerful or famous African-Americans: MLK Jr., Malcolm X, Obama, Spike Lee, a picture of Michael Jackson that shows him as white or black depending on where you're standing in relation to it. He finally reaches the door and swings it open. "Magistrate, we're seeing an increase in re-education protocols in Dark District 12 and 37. Our analysts says this may be where the rebels are located...".

The Magistrate turns around in his chair, revealing himself to be James Earl Jones in a Darth Vader outfit. "Search the districts. I want all components of the white oppression stamped out, and supporters to be delegated to Camp Kwanzaa immediately!" "Yes, Magistrate Jones!" the Admin says with a salute, and he turns around and goes about his way. Magistrate Jones stands up and walks to his gigantic portrait of Wesley Snipes. "Soon, my Emperor...Operation Caliphate will become the status quo, and all the white women shall be ours." A maniacal laugh rings out through the hallways, the camera pans out to reveal a citadel shaped like a gigantic black phallus.


butthurt Heat fan
Administrator JaMarcus briskly walks down to the Magistrate's office, passing the portraits of particular powerful or famous African-Americans: MLK Jr., Malcolm X, Obama, Spike Lee, a picture of Michael Jackson that shows him as white or black depending on where you're standing in relation to it. He finally reaches the door and swings it open. "Magistrate, we're seeing an increase in re-education protocols in Dark District 12 and 37. Our analysts says this may be where the rebels are located...".

The Magistrate turns around in his chair, revealing himself to be James Earl Jones in a Darth Vader outfit. "Search the districts. I want all components of the white oppression stamped out, and supporters to be delegated to Camp Kwanzaa immediately!" "Yes, Magistrate Jones!" the Admin says with a salute, and he turns around and goes about his way. Magistrate Jones stands up and walks to his gigantic portrait of Wesley Snipes. "Soon, my Emperor...Operation Caliphate will become the status quo, and all the white women shall be ours." A maniacal laugh rings out through the hallways, the camera pans out to reveal a citadel shaped like a gigantic black phallus.
Go on...


She actually in one interview says the highest mate rating would probably go to somebody like Jay-Z.

At least until the jaguar-snake-eagle beast-man thing happens, I assume then he shoots to the top of the list.

Pull back you are going too deep.

Jamie OD

The plot reminds me of this scene from South Park.



The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I just got to the last interview on the list--this one--where the author provides a snippet that is supposed to convey the true relationship between the main girl and the guy. This starts off like it's going to be a sex scene, but it's not:

The passage the author chooses as insight into the relationship literally has the girl riding on the beastly coal guy's shoulders, guiding him like a horse.
Quite right. Do not sully my memories of my favorite YA series with this trite, racist nonsense.

I like you more and more.

The words pearl, coal, tiger’s eye, amber, and cotton all represent beautiful natural things, just as all races are equally beautiful.

Ah hahaha, AH HAHAHA.

Was she sheltered her entire life?

Edit: I wish I could sit down with her and explain why this is so thoroughly wrong, but I don't think she'd understand.


never left the stone age
I like you more and more.

Ah hahaha, AH HAHAHA.

Was she sheltered her entire life?

Edit: I wish I could sit down with her and explain why this is so thoroughly wrong, but I don't think she'd understand.

Like you wouldn't take a nice lump of coal over a pearl any day?


Also what the hell at this book, how did it get published.

It's apparently the only thing ever put out by Sand Dollar Press.

So it didn't get published by a real publisher, it's being used to launch some small-scale publisher.

Sand Dollar Press, Inc. has a location in Los Angeles, CA. Active officers include Victoria Foyt. Sand Dollar Press, Inc. filed as a Articles of Incorporation on Monday, May 23, 2011 in the state of California and is currently active. C T Corporation System serves as the registered agent for this organization.

Okay, it's being used to launch a small-scale publisher run in part by the author.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
From that goodreads link:

I have to admit, you baffle me, Victoria Foyt. You create a book where blackface is a major plot point, but still pat yourself on the back super hard because you believe you have created something that "combats racism." You are not combating racism. You are perpetuating it, with your ideas (intended or not) that echo what white supremacists have been saying since being white was a thing. You create a series where dark-skinned people are the highest echelons of society, but use "coal" to describe them. No, not just "coal," but "Coal", capitalization and all. At first I thought: why would a privileged group choose a term that connotes dirtiness and pollution to refer to themselves? But then you so kindly revealed to me that Coal is, in fact, a slur that Eden had been using to refer to her dark skinned superiors. You think you are combating racism, but your main character routinely uses racial slurs to describe black people in casual conversation.

And another thing. Jet, onyx, obsidian--all three of those are semiprecious black stones, to match pearl, tiger-eye, and amber. And that's just off the top of my head. Come on, this isn't that hard.

You even named your main character Eden, which obviously symbolizes the biblical Garden of Eden: pure, paradisaical, and routinely whitewashed by our white supremacist society. Really, Victoria, really? Is this intentional symbolism? Because if it is then I should give you even less credit than I do now.

There is a trend I have noticed recently, and that trend is the reversal of oppression in media. Oh, let's teach the straight people about why heterosexism/homophobia is bad by making a society where gay is the norm and straight is "deviant!" Oh, let's teach the white people about why racism is bad by making a society where "Coal" is the norm and "Pearl" is undesirable!

No, let's not.

The problem with this thinking, and one of the many, many glaring problems with your book, is that it erases the centuries of history that black people have of oppression and prejudice. It erases all those icky history lessons about the way white people treat EVERYONE ELSE. It erases everything, and there is nothing, NOTHING, more dehumanizing and degrading and horrifying and crushing and belittling and wrenching than being told by omission that your experiences as a person and as a culture do not matter to the point where they can be handwaved away in order for a member of the group that routinely oppresses yours to feel good about herself.

Victoria Foyt, you have no idea what it is like to be part of a racial minority. You know how you're told in kindergarten, after you fought with your classmate, to try and walk a mile in their shoes? You are mentally, emotionally, psychologically, socially, and culturally absolutely forever and ever INCAPABLE of walking even an INCH in the shoes of a person who is a member of a racial minority. You will never have those experiences. You will never be able to understand. Do not appropriate the experiences of individuals in order to try and make a point, or make a stir, or make a shitty vanity-published YA book.

By the way, did your book actually win awards? Hmm.

Oh, I'm not done yet. Let's think for a second. What would happen if "The Heat" descended upon us right now, today? OH, that's right, everyone who is outdoors would get incinerated. Guess who has most of the strong, sturdy houses? Oh yeah, WHITE PEOPLE~! So there's that. Guess who also has the most money to build shelters, materials available to research cures and protection, and access to resources that will make sure that their wellbeing is preserved? Ding ding ding! WHITE PEOPLE. Your little bit about people with more melanin being more resistant to extreme sunlight? White people would use that as an excuse as to why black people should do all the work building the shelters, and also as an excuse as to why black people should be the last ones considered for any help. That's the way our society works in America circa 2012. So you don't get any points there either.

Back to the whole "your main character HAS to run around in blackface all the time because REASONS" thing. Hahahahahahahahhahaha no. Ever realize how a black car shimmers more in the summer? Ever realize how a black shirt makes you hotter than a white one? It's because dark hues absorb more heat than light ones. The light is absorbed rather than reflected. So all that black paint that ~Eden~ walks around in? Would have her cooking even faster. Did you do any research, or do you just hate science? Why must you hate science, Victoria Foyt?

Oh wait still not done yet. Why is it that they all have to "mate" (ahahahahaa) so young? Why are they so obsessed with it? Who monitors/assigns the "mate-rate?" Are you aware of that oh-so-treasured literary tradition of painting black women as promiscuous and distasteful because of it? Are you aware of the constant and pervasive way that black men are characterized as "brutal" and "savage" and "animalistic," and are you aware that those three words are exactly how you are promoting your male romantic lead? Do you realize that in the first eight pages of your novel you introduced one character of color who is a fat black woman named Peach, for god's sake, and described another black woman as "voluptuous?" Are you aware that you actually penned a novel in which the first eight pages have your oh-so-oppressed white main character yearn for the "good old days" when being white meant you were basically set for life at the expense of all the other races in the world(aka our society right now)? Why did you feel the need to have said main character other every single dark skinned character with a snidely italicized "them," even though she theoretically grew up in a society where she should be the other and should never have learned this behavior characteristic of our own racist habits? Why do I have so many questions for you?

Here's a hint: it's because you have created a world in which America circa 2012 is idyllic, and even as a white girl myself (seventeen just like Eden!!!!!) I can recognize that notion as pure, 100% unadulterated organic BULLSHIT.

Your story? BULLSHIT. Your beliefs that apparently staunchly echo those you have put to paper? BULLSHIT. The satisfaction you feel at the work you have produced? BULLSHIT.

So, in answer to your question, no. No, I do not think that your story represents a possible future scenario. Because privilege is not about statistics. Privilege is not about numbers on paper and the fears of irrelevancy swirling in the minds of white people. Privilege is about people like you, who blunder through life seeing themselves as the hero and never look in their wake to see the result of heroics. Privilege is about people like me, who can expect to be considered for jobs and considered for "mating" and considered for positions of leadership without proving myself time and time again to an unmerciful judge, jury, and executioner that exists as a miasma above me, never daring to touch me or reveal itself. You claim to recognize your privilege, but I think you need to take a good long look at yourself and reevaluate a few things. Because as it stands you have offended many people and you look like the worst kind of fool.


This 17 year old white girl gives me hope for the future. Good on you, white girl!

El Sloth

Gingers. Like me.

I was outside for like 5 minutes today and got a sunburn. :(
Damn. Sounds like you wouldn't even last in the shade in the books world.
Honestly, though I sent money to his presidential campaign in 2008, I feared he could not win. I was happy to be both right, that he would make a fine president, and wrong, that color blinds our voters.

Whites will remain a majority for some time. However, the trend is clear, considering the aging white population, and the median age of Latinos in their peak fertility years.

I think she might not actually be a racist and just an idiot. Or maybe both.
Through extensive market research via her black friend, she found that it went over a little better than her first choice, "poops."

"But Wayne Brady... Morgan Freeman, Ice T, they were so charming," sobs one young white mother in a food line. "Now look at where we are for our Christma- I- I mean... !"

The guards, with mechanical precision, pry her away from her children and drag her to the train station. Camp Kwanzaa awaits for reeducation.

I love you all.
From that goodreads link:
I have to admit, you baffle me, Victoria Foyt. You create a book where blackface is a major plot point, but still pat yourself on the back super hard because you believe you have created something that "combats racism." You are not combating racism. You are perpetuating it, with your ideas (intended or not) that echo what white supremacists have been saying since being white was a thing. You create a series where dark-skinned people are the highest echelons of society, but use "coal" to describe them. No, not just "coal," but "Coal", capitalization and all. At first I thought: why would a privileged group choose a term that connotes dirtiness and pollution to refer to themselves? But then you so kindly revealed to me that Coal is, in fact, a slur that Eden had been using to refer to her dark skinned superiors. You think you are combating racism, but your main character routinely uses racial slurs to describe black people in casual conversation.

And another thing. Jet, onyx, obsidian--all three of those are semiprecious black stones, to match pearl, tiger-eye, and amber. And that's just off the top of my head. Come on, this isn't that hard.

You even named your main character Eden, which obviously symbolizes the biblical Garden of Eden: pure, paradisaical, and routinely whitewashed by our white supremacist society. Really, Victoria, really? Is this intentional symbolism? Because if it is then I should give you even less credit than I do now.

There is a trend I have noticed recently, and that trend is the reversal of oppression in media. Oh, let's teach the straight people about why heterosexism/homophobia is bad by making a society where gay is the norm and straight is "deviant!" Oh, let's teach the white people about why racism is bad by making a society where "Coal" is the norm and "Pearl" is undesirable!

No, let's not.

The problem with this thinking, and one of the many, many glaring problems with your book, is that it erases the centuries of history that black people have of oppression and prejudice. It erases all those icky history lessons about the way white people treat EVERYONE ELSE. It erases everything, and there is nothing, NOTHING, more dehumanizing and degrading and horrifying and crushing and belittling and wrenching than being told by omission that your experiences as a person and as a culture do not matter to the point where they can be handwaved away in order for a member of the group that routinely oppresses yours to feel good about herself.

Victoria Foyt, you have no idea what it is like to be part of a racial minority. You know how you're told in kindergarten, after you fought with your classmate, to try and walk a mile in their shoes? You are mentally, emotionally, psychologically, socially, and culturally absolutely forever and ever INCAPABLE of walking even an INCH in the shoes of a person who is a member of a racial minority. You will never have those experiences. You will never be able to understand. Do not appropriate the experiences of individuals in order to try and make a point, or make a stir, or make a shitty vanity-published YA book.

By the way, did your book actually win awards? Hmm.

Oh, I'm not done yet. Let's think for a second. What would happen if "The Heat" descended upon us right now, today? OH, that's right, everyone who is outdoors would get incinerated. Guess who has most of the strong, sturdy houses? Oh yeah, WHITE PEOPLE~! So there's that. Guess who also has the most money to build shelters, materials available to research cures and protection, and access to resources that will make sure that their wellbeing is preserved? Ding ding ding! WHITE PEOPLE. Your little bit about people with more melanin being more resistant to extreme sunlight? White people would use that as an excuse as to why black people should do all the work building the shelters, and also as an excuse as to why black people should be the last ones considered for any help. That's the way our society works in America circa 2012. So you don't get any points there either.

Back to the whole "your main character HAS to run around in blackface all the time because REASONS" thing. Hahahahahahahahhahaha no. Ever realize how a black car shimmers more in the summer? Ever realize how a black shirt makes you hotter than a white one? It's because dark hues absorb more heat than light ones. The light is absorbed rather than reflected. So all that black paint that ~Eden~ walks around in? Would have her cooking even faster. Did you do any research, or do you just hate science? Why must you hate science, Victoria Foyt?

Oh wait still not done yet. Why is it that they all have to "mate" (ahahahahaa) so young? Why are they so obsessed with it? Who monitors/assigns the "mate-rate?" Are you aware of that oh-so-treasured literary tradition of painting black women as promiscuous and distasteful because of it? Are you aware of the constant and pervasive way that black men are characterized as "brutal" and "savage" and "animalistic," and are you aware that those three words are exactly how you are promoting your male romantic lead? Do you realize that in the first eight pages of your novel you introduced one character of color who is a fat black woman named Peach, for god's sake, and described another black woman as "voluptuous?" Are you aware that you actually penned a novel in which the first eight pages have your oh-so-oppressed white main character yearn for the "good old days" when being white meant you were basically set for life at the expense of all the other races in the world(aka our society right now)? Why did you feel the need to have said main character other every single dark skinned character with a snidely italicized "them," even though she theoretically grew up in a society where she should be the other and should never have learned this behavior characteristic of our own racist habits? Why do I have so many questions for you?

Here's a hint: it's because you have created a world in which America circa 2012 is idyllic, and even as a white girl myself (seventeen just like Eden!!!!!) I can recognize that notion as pure, 100% unadulterated organic BULLSHIT.

Your story? BULLSHIT. Your beliefs that apparently staunchly echo those you have put to paper? BULLSHIT. The satisfaction you feel at the work you have produced? BULLSHIT.

So, in answer to your question, no. No, I do not think that your story represents a possible future scenario. Because privilege is not about statistics. Privilege is not about numbers on paper and the fears of irrelevancy swirling in the minds of white people. Privilege is about people like you, who blunder through life seeing themselves as the hero and never look in their wake to see the result of heroics. Privilege is about people like me, who can expect to be considered for jobs and considered for "mating" and considered for positions of leadership without proving myself time and time again to an unmerciful judge, jury, and executioner that exists as a miasma above me, never daring to touch me or reveal itself. You claim to recognize your privilege, but I think you need to take a good long look at yourself and reevaluate a few things. Because as it stands you have offended many people and you look like the worst kind of fool.

This 17 year old white girl gives me hope for the future. Good on you, white girl!

And so, hope.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'm strangely offended us Indians weren't also featured in this racist piece of shit.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Gingers. Like me.

I was outside for like 5 minutes today and got a sunburn. :(

Also what the hell at this book, how did it get published.

The publisher is her. I feel sorry for her kids for having an idiot racist for a mother.


Also, just so you guys can really ~experience~ this masterpiece.


The opening of the book.

Includes such gems as referring to Coals as "them", the first person she meets being a fat Coal woman, main character hates Coals and refers to one as a "bitch" quite a few times, and when said "bitch" touches her, main character is repulsed and says "get your hands off me, you damn Coal!"

This is truly amazing.
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