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SONY needs to change the controller for the PS4


I would like it if they made adjustments to the DS4 more along the lines of the original Dual Analog controller (concave sticks, ridged triggers, slightly longer grips).

Isn't it funny how Sony made some great comfort updates to the original PSX controller with the dual analogue AND THEN CHANGED THEM BACK with the DualShock?


Keep it the way it is for the most part. It's perfect for fighting/action games.

Get some new triggers, better sticks, and give it some more weight.
it's all just subjective opinion.

i love the DS3, and can't stand the 360 controller. i have both and use both, and i just can't get used to the latter... trying to play Just Cause 2, The Witcher 2, Crysis etc just feels terrible. something is definitely wrong with the sticks, most certainly with the shoulder buttons and the d-pad is just there for the lulz i guess, it's so bad.

what matters is what you're used to. i'm so used to Sony's controller that i don't even realize it's in my hands anymore, it's like an extension of my body. anything else feels alien.
Also, here's a protip for the gaming community. If you want a new Playstation controller so bad, maybe don't bitch so much when a new one is actually revealed. Backlash was the only reason they changed it back to the dualshock design.
Still don't know what you people are on about with the left stick placement, never had any issues with it, though I've never had an xbox (but I did play gamecube fpses pretty regularly on GC back in the day). I think it's fine as is, unless they wanna try to change the form factor to accommodate a screen.


Frack the 360 controller. I hate the analog stick locations.

The only thing I like about the 360 controller is the size. People say the triggers are better but I'm used to firing with the R1 not the R2/Trigger.

This is what sony needs.







Sony, if your reading this, buy/lease/steal this design from Logitech.
I want to know what DJmizuhara meant with "Oh PS4 controller is totally new and radical departure from the current SixAxis controller."
I don't listen to their RSG podcast but I assume nothing else has been said.


it's all just subjective opinion.

i love the DS3, and can't stand the 360 controller. i have both and use both, and i just can't get used to the latter... trying to play Just Cause 2, The Witcher 2, Crysis etc just feels terrible. something is definitely wrong with the sticks, most certainly with the shoulder buttons and the d-pad is just there for the lulz i guess, it's so bad.

what matters is what you're used to. i'm so used to Sony's controller that i don't even realize it's in my hands anymore, it's like an extension of my body. anything else feels alien.



Neo Member
i agree.. im not an xbox fan or a ps fan, but i like the ps3 better than the xbox, but one thing xbox has gotten right is the controller.

T.M. MacReady

Frack the 360 controller. I hate the analog stick locations.

The only thing I like about the 360 controller is the size. People say the triggers are better but I'm used to firing with the R1 not the R2/Trigger.

This is what sony needs.







Sony, if your reading this, buy/lease/steal this design from Logitech.

That logitech wireless PS2 controller was so great. Love that thing.


Dual analogue controllers as a whole should change. It just feels clunky, unintuitive, and archaic. The fact that games are still going to be designed around them next generation is terribly frustrating. I'm more of a PC gamer and before that I was gaming pretty hard on the Wii since launch, and it sucks that even Nintendo is caving and making a dual analogue controller.

I don't presume to know how it could really be fixed, but the way things are now is horrible.


All they need to do is to improve it is to make the L2/R2 triggers curve outward, just like those 3rd party trigger attachments do.


When I first got my hands on my ps3 this year I found the controller feeling really awkward compared to the 360 controller. The L2 and R2 are as bad as the position of the analog sticks. Even after owning the ps3 for 4 months now I still didn't get used to it. :-/
'fine the way it is' is a very acceptable opinion.
'perfect the way it is' is just dribble.

not that the boomerang was any less flawed. it was just flawed in other ways. maybe someone next gen will put out a controller that doesn't have some blatantly obvious flaws. fingers crossed.

that Wii U Pro controller looked pretty good until i heard it didn't have analogue triggers. let's have some buttons with really short travels that aren't too hard to press for one. lets have concave sticks. lets keep the d-pad in line with the TV screen (not at an angle like it was on the boomerang). lets have sticks we can push down to click. lets have octagonal gates. where the analogue sticks go, will always be a debate, but mushy or squeaky buttons and convex analogue inputs et al are not good. measurably. in lab settings.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
The pad doesn't need that much of an overhaul. Can keep the current design, just fix those damn sensitive/floppy sticks. It doesn't take much, after replacing my sticks with ones from a 360 fps games are way more enjoyable to play now. Subtle movements and minute adjustments are so much easier now, especially when sniping or trying to to line up that shot as well as driving games. Shit, Gran Turismo is even enjoyable with the pad now I changed sticks.

My DS3 pad.

And I have lean nice sexy fingers.

Pics of said fingers holding a Twinkie please.


The DS controller is fine the way it is... except the stick placement....and the triggers (or in reality lack of) .... and its ridiculous tiny size.

Scratch that, sh*t can the DS and make something better Sony, its the one major thing that keeps me from enjoying games on my PS3.
The DS3 has a garbage d-Pad and awful placement of the left stick.

Not to mention the garbage triggers.

Just give me a decent d-Pad, switch it with the left stick, and give me 360-styled triggers and I am happy.


Leave it as it is, maybe bring back DS2's R2 and L2 buttons but that's about it.

Although you can also sell the boomerag, Sony, I'd love to try it out.


Other Triggers (i use better triggers which are perfect for 2€ of Amazon) and a little bit convex Stick and i'm happy.


Makes a huge difference, even when playing a game that rarely uses the L2/R2 buttons. Fingers rest nicely on it.

My main issue with that solution (which I own btw)... is one its after market so its not a standard on the DS, and two given its after market for some reason most friggin games on the PS3 come with the L1/R1 buttons as the default trigger / gas buttons, so you have to go in and change the buttons (if you can) to make this a viable option to play with. Sony just make L2/R2 the main triggers already and stop living in the year 2000.


I can't take anyone seriously who feels the triggers are perfect. The controller was unusable until I bought the real trigger button add ons. Now they are tolerable but still need fixed.

On the contrary, i can't use it with real triggers. Bought some, used them for a while, and threw them in the bin because i get on better without them


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
The only thing they need to do is readd the trigger guards for L2/R2. Beyond that the DS is the most efficient and comfortable controller I've ever used.
I think it should be modified and improved upon. Not changed drastically. The 360 controller is my favourite this game by far (ever since I held it at launch I was inlove).
Do it Sony. The controller is a dinosaur.

And yet it still plays every modern console game perfectly with it.

A lot of people fail to realize that it lasting this long is a GOOD thing, because a controller that can play games across a span of well over a decade means it was designed well enough to stand the test of time. Care to play Uncharted 2 multiplayer with an N64 controller?


Make it 'slightly' larger and a tad bit heavier...maybe make the sticks concave. And better R2/L2 buttons and we are good to go.

I REALLY hate the button placement in the xbox controller..so I hope (I'm sure they won't) change the layout. It's perfect


My Tron 360 controller is my favorite standard controller of all time. The clickable sticks on Dualshock is better but that is it. Sony should at least give us an option by making an official 360 style controller. I don't think they are selling a controller like that right now.


You guys must have a low standard of perfection. The triggers suck.

Or they just have a different opinion than you. No need to be insulting.

storafötter;41957117 said:
I think it should be modified and improved upon. Not changed drastically.

Same here. Tweak it and everything, but there's a reason the PSone controller kind of became the design all others branched from (and, yes, the PSone was working on the SNES standard).
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