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VGLeaks: First look as Durango XDK (always connected, kinect required, must install)


Well he did call them fans, not fanboys. I however prefer the term 'evangelists'.

The church of Cell is closing soon.



The church of GDDR5 is now open for business.


Being pro MS will only give you... Always online, no used games..




This thread is all over the place, Now the Durango all of a sudden have a HD 7790 inside?
We have leaks from different sources telling a different story.

Guess some will believe anything at this point.
Some posters are going through hell right now. You can easily see who they are. They never thought this would happen. Be gentle.


Il just repost my post from the other thread.

originally Posted by Nachtmaer:
Ever since the PS4 was rumored to end up with a beefier GPU, people have desperately been trying to make it look more powerful (higher clocked CPU, "doubled" performance for Jaguar, ...).

its quite sad really
If people are so desperate to have better graphics then the ps4 then they are better of buying a pc
hell slap a Xbox logo sticker on the pc case and call it an XBOX

jumping at every piece ofrandom news and and then stating it will be in the Xbox 720 is getting us nowhere.

MS.Please say something about the 720 even if it turns out to be bad .

id rather have GAF flooded by pissed of fans then this insane maddness of going back and forth of

"this is going to be in XBOX 720
"NO it isn't
"but..but this GAFFER said...

i expect raytracing to be included with the XBOX720
thats impossible

"but sony has 8GB GDDR5 RAM so surly MS must have changed also"
"No they can't"
A whole bunch of posters are often a slight bit "too optimistic", given the power envelope and what we know/knew.
Any word on your end about the topic of this thread (always on = internet required or not required) or topics related (is this DRM against used)?
Means about as much as a racist claiming he has black friends.

Just sayin
It is odd how people seem to think owning more systems makes them more capable of reasoned rational thought.



I bet all those people you called "fanboys" probably own both consoles too.

I own a PS3, 360 and a nice PC but apparently to some people, having a preference and shooting down rumors from fucking Fantasyland makes me a fanboy. :p

And not to be a debby downer with regards to that 7790 thing, but the article specifically stated that the Durango GPU is not as powerful as t he 7790. It's a cut down version of it in the same way that the PS4 GPU isn't quite as powerful as the 7870 it's based on. It is simply more potential information about the specs we already know about from the leaks.


speculation and rumors and such is always fun... and my favorite part of the anticipation is hand wringing and claims of certain victory. It is rarely like that when the rubber meets the road... next year will be an interesting time, just as the first year of PS360 was much more fun than the year leading up to release
"the power of cell compels you!"

so we can laugh all we want at people speculating when in the end MS is not so stupid as to handicap themselves power-wise in actual game development this gen to the point that they risk being irrelevant. As some here are prone to speculate.



The funny thing is even with the 7790 it will be weaker then the ps4 GPU.

But some people have this need for the PS4 to be WAY MORE POWERFUL than the 720. Any talk of the 720 being close to the power of the glorious PS4 must be shot down immediately....lol. I don't really care which is more powerful, I'm getting both regardless.


But some people have this need for the PS4 to be WAY MORE POWERFUL than the 720. Any talk of the 720 being close to the power of the glorious PS4 must be shot down immediately....lol. I don't really care which is more powerful, I'm getting both regardless.

simple as that, it appears to be a NEED rather than, you know, an observation.


Junior Member
But some people have this need for the PS4 to be WAY MORE POWERFUL than the 720. Any talk of the 720 being close to the power of the glorious PS4 must be shot down immediately....lol. I don't really care which is more powerful, I'm getting both regardless.

Well, they are almost 20 years virgin. It is easy to tell the desperate to break the virgin, and don't want to wait next generation.


Junior Member
Nothing to do with sex, I'm talking about being more power than competitor system.
It has been almost 20 years since PSX release.


Damn fillup got called out good with his "fanboy" accusations. pot/kettle/black

Dude (no offence) but you've been at the head of every Durango rumor being posted in this thread. You've been at the head of PS4 having a huge latency, You've been at the head of PS4 not having that big of a difference in performance compared to the rumored Durango specs so don't play that console wars card.

Again, what do you care though? If there is no rumor or source to back it up, then it's not really worth the argument. Let them speculate while you guys are safe in the Knowledge that the PS4 is superior. I just don't get why all of a sudden people are so serious about smacking down speculation now, (when there was plenty of crazy speculation of the other console before it's specs were finally confirmed.) and make sure to do so in any and every thread.

We should all strive for accuracy. If something is "rumor" where the rumor comes from and how many sources it has is important. We should not get into conspiracy theory nonsense and discuss any hair-brained idea that someone read on a forum somewhere. I stick to data that has some trustworthy sources, the rest is garbage. So far we seem to have plenty to work with, going outside of those facts is just wishful thinking. It is ever so easy for someone's personal fantasy to get posted and to be picked up by a person, re-posted and then spread around endlessly as "rumor". You all may think it is harmless, but some of us adults are trying to raise the signal to noise, not just the noise.


I'm not going to read the whole 28-page thread but is there a reason for people to think that "always connected" means online-based DRM? Because the way I read the "always on, always connected" is simply an optional thing that will make the console work like current smartphones - if you have a Wi-fi and synchronization turned on, the system automatically updates games/apps, receives messages and news, probably synchronizes saves and contact lists etc. in the background, even when the console is in the "sleep" state, without the need for player to do so manually (i.e. no more situations like: start a game, wait for a bunch of patches to download and install).

There's no mention of any DRM or even that the constant online connection is required in that document in the OP.
I'm not going to read the whole 28-page thread but is there a reason for people to think that "always connected" means online-based DRM? Because the way I read the "always on, always connected" is simply an optional thing that will make the console work like current smartphones - if you have a Wi-fi and synchronization turned on, the system automatically updates games/apps, receives messages and news, probably synchronizes saves and contact lists etc. in the background, even when the console is in the "sleep" state, without the need for player to do so manually (i.e. no more situations like: start a game, wait for a bunch of patches to download and install).

There's no mention of any DRM or even that the constant online connection is required in that document in the OP.
That comes from the rumors of edge, that durango will have to be online to function.


That comes from the rumors of edge, that durango will have to be online to function.

Thanks. I haven't followed Durango and PS4 (Orbis) news that well.
Judging by the SimCity and Diablo III launch fiascoes, that would be a pretty silly idea for Microsoft to consider.
i really doubt MS would be stupid enough to require an online connection. they'd get eaten alive in sales if that's done.

i think that if it's connected to the net, it will always be connected, even when powered down.


I'm not going to read the whole 28-page thread but is there a reason for people to think that "always connected" means online-based DRM? Because the way I read the "always on, always connected" is simply an optional thing that will make the console work like current smartphones - if you have a Wi-fi and synchronization turned on, the system automatically updates games/apps, receives messages and news, probably synchronizes saves and contact lists etc. in the background, even when the console is in the "sleep" state, without the need for player to do so manually (i.e. no more situations like: start a game, wait for a bunch of patches to download and install).

There's no mention of any DRM or even that the constant online connection is required in that document in the OP.

Exactly. It's not for DRM. It's to keep the system up to date. Says so right in the xdk document. But some people have this need for the DRM rumor to be true. It's usually associated with the need for the PS4 to be more powerful.

quoted from xdk document:
"The console will be ready instantly when users want to play, and will always maintain a network connection so that console software and games are always current."


I believe if there is one guy who is basing his opinions on very old documents it's probably SuperDae.

He is not an insider, he doesn't have MS connections. People on the gaming press who ran his leaks have distanced themselves from him.

He just socially hacked some MS employees passwords and got one of the first models of the dev kits.

What else did he got in the meantime? What new info? As far as I know nothing. Things could have changed for better or worse in the meantime and he would not have a clue.
You're probably right.
I'm just going through his tweets and it's hard to decipher what he thinks of the machine.. I haven't seen him compare its power with the competition, yet he keeps indicating old docs/files are out there; his most recent tweet about it is from March 20..https://twitter.com/superDaE/status/314417662027501569

I don't trust him or his tweets, I've seen people ask him questions in a polite manner and he has acted a obnoxious cretin in return. The MS marketing idea it just seems a waste of time and resources to be negative then go " surprise" with a better machine than rumoured as I doubt Sony are completely elusive as to what MS is doing.


I pretty much have been lurking in this thread, but I really hope the news that the "always on" is just dealing with updates and not actually playing games. I guess we'll see as more concrete information surfaces. Always on DRM style system would mean I wouldn't get one...at least not until the end of the generation. :(


I believe if there is one guy who is basing his opinions on very old documents it's probably SuperDae.

He is not an insider, he doesn't have MS connections. People on the gaming press who ran his leaks have distanced themselves from him.

He just socially hacked some MS employees passwords and got one of the first models of the dev kits.

What else did he got in the meantime? What new info? As far as I know nothing. Things could have changed for better or worse in the meantime and he would not have a clue.

I could be mistaken, but this very thread is based on the documents he released. And I think provide the genesis for pretty much all info we know about Durango currently.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I could be mistaken, but this very thread is based on the documents he released. And I think provide the genesis for pretty much all info we know about Durango currently.

We know that vgaleaks has document from the end of 2012, same documents of not, they are official and relatively recent..


All of that is possible, cubed ram will be ready by the end of the year and modifying 2 low cost mid-range gpus to run as one is better and less expensive than making one super powerful gpu, it's what cpu devs have been doing for years.

Are you being serious?

But I assume it would be too costly? Wouldn't it also massively delay the console? Unless they somehow by some miracle kept it under wraps that they made the change ages ago?

Again, we're talking a less than Hail Mary situation yeah?
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