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Gametrailers interview: Kojima answers EVERY question on Metal Gear Solid V


People upset by the lack of Hayter: why? I realize that he has been Snake's voice, but with each game it has gotten considerably worse. Sutherland will be a good replacement.

For better or for worse, it's hard to let go of a voice that people have been used to hearing for over a decade at this point.

Alternatively, replacing him and not even informing him about it is a pretty obvious dick-move by KojiPro regardless of the VA.


Neo Member
A lot about reinventing the series... but if that's the reason for getting rid of Hayter, why did the Japanese Ground Zeroes trailer have the same voice actor for Big Boss?

Probably because Otsuka hasn't been making his voice so much more ridiculously exaggerated with each installment.


Kojima mentioned twice in the interview that MGSV:TPP is a "reboot" of MGS of sorts.

I wonder what he is alluding to....


Really didn't want the two separate games thing to be true. Really disappointed he will sell a prologue separately. Especially since we know how it ends already haha.

I really couldn't care less about Hayter after MGS4, so I don't care about him being booted. Akio Otsuka is still probably there because he's more talented and really well known in Japan.

Yeah we have an "idea" how it ended, but we still have no idea what the hell happened for it to end like that, which will be exciting to find out.



I took this screen grab from the trailer, and I'd like to know why does Big Boss have a horn coming out of his head?
Kojima Pro really needs to get the hell away from Konami. He can't even properly answer questions about his own damn game. Just like the clusterfuck MGO login nonsense. Now they're going to milk 1 game into 2. Shame.

And the Hayter excuse is bullshit. GZ is placed immediately after PW. Why the fuck would you change his voice?

Metal Gear is my favorite franchise. And I love Kojima. But these dumb confusing business strategies and the Hayter situation really sucks.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I mean, I like Hayter and all, but by Peace Walker his voice was comical so I can definitely see why somebody would want a change.


bish gets all the credit :)
People upset by the lack of Hayter: why? I realize that he has been Snake's voice, but with each game it has gotten considerably worse. Sutherland will be a good replacement.
Because he is Snake and has been for 15 years. Replacing actors is usually a terrible idea, especially with someone with as distinctive a voice as Kiefer.
Kojima mentioned twice in the interview that MGSV:TPP is a "reboot" of MGS of sorts.

I wonder what he is alluding to....

The gameplay is the obvious one. Previous MGS games have had open world aspects, but it's never gone the whole mile. Taking a stealth game into an open world environment is a big change.

The other big change is that he's said that it's not going to be as cinematic.


I mean, I like Hayter and all, but by Peace Walker his voice was comical so I can definitely see why somebody would want a change.

Yeah it was great for that simple action hero we all love, but Kojima wants to evolve the character and the world of MGS, so I can see why the change happened.

The Japanese voice actor sounds lot more natural and versatile which explains why he's still there.



-Sounds like we'll be getting Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain separately. Ties into how Kojima was interested in episodic releases. Ground Zeroes first and then Phantom Pain, as Ground Zeroes "eases us" into the sneaking and whatnot, and Phantom Pain is a huge game that continues.

-Hayter is gone for good :(

-Ground Zeroes takes place almost immediately after Peace Walker, Phantom Pain 9 years later

-It will be open world unlike previous Metal Gears where you just show up at a stage and go in a linear path. Instead they want it to be "realistic infiltration", you choose how to infiltrate, where to infiltrate, and what time is best to do it. There could be side missions along the way that affect your objective.

-You will only play as Big Boss

-80% realistic, 20% sci fi/fantasy (fire whales and shit)

fuuuuuu really dislike that... may even wait for TPP lol GZ will probably be a $20 demo or some shit


love on your sleeve
Day 1 on PS4.

People upset by the lack of Hayter: why? I realize that he has been Snake's voice, but with each game it has gotten considerably worse. Sutherland will be a good replacement.

It's annoying. I don't it like it when actors are replaced in movie sequels either. Takes me out of the experience.
I'm kind of hoping a lot of this is misdirection.

I'd like to be "No Hayter no buy", but I can't resist MGS. I don't like them getting away from the cinematic part either - that's one of the best parts.

I'm getting a feeling that this may be where MGS jumps the shark. Hope it's not true.
This sounds a lot better than having them both be two parts of the same game like the tanker/plant chapters in MGS2. Ground Zeroes being an open world game with different areas you could fly to didn't sound like it would fit as just the opening chapter of a larger game


Listen to Snake's Japanese voice, it's a lot more natural and more versatile, it can easily be used for an evolved character.

Or this is all an elaborate ruse!

The problem isn't Hayter, it's.. what he's become. Same scene in english.


This is the voice acting that made everyone fall in love with Snake and David. Ever since MGS1, it hasn't been the same. Worse and worse with each new installment.

Edit: Also, it's important to note the voice recording process in MGS1 was completely different from the rest of the series. The VAs recorded their lines together.
People upset by the lack of Hayter: why? I realize that he has been Snake's voice, but with each game it has gotten considerably worse. Sutherland will be a good replacement.

Because to me, his voice has become synonymous with the character. Yeah, there was Richard Doyle in MGS4 (who at least sounded closer to Hayter than Keifer) but each game in which you've got to control Big Boss has featured Hayter doing the voice. He is the character. No different than Nolan North is Nathan Drake. Each actor brought something to the character that if you were to lose the actor, you kind of lose the character. The little inflections, pauses, subtleties, etc that Hayter would bring to the character are going to be lost and instead I will hear someone else trying to portray a character that has already been established a few times over. It will just create a major disconnect between me and the game and for a Metal Gear game, that is a big problem. Seeing a Big Boss that isn't much different visually from the previous versions of him but with an entirely new voice is almost laughable in a sense. I've never been a fan of changing a characters voice, especially if the actor has been the character and franchise for such a long time.

I've always felt however, that Kojima should have never used Hayter for Big Boss because it would end up causing issues. They should have gone with John Cygan, who did Solidus in MGS2 given he was the "perfect" clone of Big Boss. It would've made more sense, but they went with Hayter and he became Big Boss just as much as he became Solid Snake. Not to mention that not telling Hayter and basically keeping him out of the loop is a pretty pathetic and bullshit move too. Oh, and giving the fans a bizarre run around answer too.

But to each their own about his work. I found his work to be great throughout the series so I'll take Hayter over Sutherland any day. I don't have any qualms with Sutherland (in fact I really like him), but his voice is instantly recognizable as Jack Bauer or from a Ford commercial especially because if the gameplay footage we've seen is indicitive of his work throughout the game as Big Boss (assuming of course that is Sutherland and he is playing Big Boss) he isn't doing anything distinctly different from his natural voice.

Also, I've always loved his work in MGS4. Old Snake would have a fragile, shaky voice and Hayter did some good work with an older Snake voice. I'm sure I'll be attacked for it, but I like the work he did for it.

He will always be Jack Bauer to me, which will take me out of the experience.

Exactly. Just shouldn't happen.


Sounds good so far. Open world is a logical next step for Kojima to try to tackle. Good show piece for the engine anyway.

No mention of a release date leads me to believe that this is a next gen game. If it's not launching Q4, then I hope it is anyway.


I'm kind of hoping a lot of this is misdirection.

I'd like to be "No Hayter no buy", but I can't resist MGS. I don't like them getting away from the cinematic part either - that's one of the best parts.

I'm getting a feeling that this may be where MGS jumps the shark. Hope it's not true.

After Peace Walker, anything is an improvement in the story department.
Why do people think Hayter and Kojima had a falling out after MGS4?

Hayter was big boss in peacewalker which came after 4. So that couldn't be it could it?

Also I'm so hyped for this game but I really wish they'd give Hayter another shot. I'll still buy it, but for some reason I've lost a little bit of hype.
just a little


I'm confused.... Snake wasn't voiced by Keifer in this trailer, he voiced another character. Are we assuming that Kojima is just jerking us around with that character?
I'm kind of hoping a lot of this is misdirection.

I'd like to be "No Hayter no buy", but I can't resist MGS. I don't like them getting away from the cinematic part either - that's one of the best parts.

I'm getting a feeling that this may be where MGS jumps the shark. Hope it's not true.
Or maybe where the whale jumps the helicopter?


I'm guessing GZ is going to be released as a demo for another unannounced game, or with the PS4.

Whatever the case, it won't be a separate game.
A lot of good reasoning regarding the desire for Hayter to stay on board as Snake. I'm probably just used to VA changes after like a million different Sonics. I'm surprised they didn't just use Richard Doyle though, especially after that one Peace Walker trailer or video that had him narrating.

You'll be missed Hayter, hopefully you can come back after things get settled. I highly doubt that KojiPro just booted him without warning.
Yeah it was great for that simple action hero we all love, but Kojima wants to evolve the character and the world of MGS, so I can see why the change happened.

The Japanese voice actor sounds lot more natural and versatile which explains why he's still there.

Do actually speak Japanese? Or is this some weaboo shit?


I would have loved it if Hayter played Snake in Ground Zeroes, and then Doyle plays post-coma Snake in the Phantom Pain because I'm into continuity and all that shit.


love on your sleeve
I would have loved it if Hayter played Snake in Ground Zeroes, and then Doyle plays post-coma Snake in the Phantom Pain because I'm into continuity and all that shit.

I think that would have been great. The 9 year coma was an excellent opportunity to transition Big Boss's voice from Hayter to Doyle. Right now, it's jarring.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
This is way past hyperbole. Hayter is not Snake in Japan, Spain, France, Germany, Italy ... And his character existed many years before MGS.

Its always disappointing to a fan when you cant get the band back together, but this could be a chance for a group of exceptional developers to try something new. Whether this game is going to be good or bad has nothing to do with Hayter.
This is way past hyperbole. Hayter is not Snake in Japan, Spain, France, Germany, Italy ... And his character existed many years before MGS.

Its always disappointing to a fan when you cant get the band back together, but this could be a chance for a group of exceptional developers to try something new. Whether this game is going to be good or bad has nothing to do with Hayter.

Not counting MGS1, English dub is used for all versions of the game other than the Japanese one. So yeah, Hayter is Snake everywhere other than Japan.
I really dislike voice actor or actor changes in general. Unless it's something established like a new James Bond every 5th movie or whatever, it always feels jarring. If this is truly Kojima's final MGS, I don't see why they couldn't bring Hayter back for one last hurrah. It's not like he didn't literally just play the character in Peace Walker which is right before Ground Zeroes. And if Sutherland is the replacement? Jack Bauer all up in my MGS. I'll never get used to that.

Of course we'll probably never know the real issue if there's something else that happened behind the scenes, but I don't buy the "new take on the character for a new Metal gear" crap.


Do actually speak Japanese? Or is this some weaboo shit?

I played both Japanese and US version of Peacewalker when it was out on PSP. Otsuka Akio definitely sounds more natural and less exaggerated than David Hayter. I guess time has taken toll on Hayter's voice a bit.

Sure it's a hard choice to change a voice actor, but hey, it's okay to try something new.
This is way past hyperbole. Hayter is not Snake in Japan, Spain, France, Germany, Italy ... And his character existed many years before MGS.

Its always disappointing to a fan when you cant get the band back together, but this could be a chance for a group of exceptional developers to try something new. Whether this game is going to be good or bad has nothing to do with Hayter.

So why bring back Akio Ōtsuka if they are trying to change the character and try something new? Singling out Hayter doesn't make much sense then. Don't get me wrong, Ōtsuka is fantastic and they should keep him but they should also keep Hayter then.


It's like Ubi Soft replacing Ironside in Splinter Cell.

I just lost all attachment to the character and probably the storyline. I've never been all that amazed by MGS gameplay anyway, so I think I'm out.

They jumped the fire whale.
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