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EDGE: "Meet NeoGAF, the hardcore community shaping the games media agenda"

I just checked my profile and realized I've been posting here since 2005. The crazy thing is it honestly feels like it's been longer than that. I was thinking it was 2003 or so.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Yea the day Facebook gets integrated here, would have to be my last day posting. That is just way too risky for some of us with careers to watch out for, ha


seamless sharing, Likes, and even now a mobile platform. Again, NeoGAF talks about news from all over the place? But in terms of features it's stuck in the Old Age of the Internet.
Well, likes might make sense to me, but the mobile platform is pretty sleek and what exactly would you want to share seamlessly? And where to?
I like the forum-based system, it's easy to understand and navigate, it's fast and it focuses on things that matter, i.e. text-based communication that is not as chopped up and meaningless as Twitter. I just don't see many features that would actually improve the experience here and at least to me, having to click one time to open a video isn't that big a deal.


I'm not sure if this has been posted, since I have not been able to read back enough but here it is...

"NeoGAF circle jerk"

What is it, with the gaming media (I honestly believe at this point the aggregate should be called media and not journalists) thinking that NeoGAF is a mindless hive mind? You only need to spend 15 minutes perusing the first page and you'll see the disparaging opinions on so many different topics. If the majority of NeoGAF agrees on something, then it is extremely probable that they are right. You hardly ever see a unified opinion in these forums.

Also why are these game critics so fast on judging forums like gaf and reddit and consumers and defend publishers? ugh
I'm not sure if this has been posted, since I have not been able to read back enough but here it is...

"NeoGAF circle jerk"

What is it, with the gaming media (I honestly believe at this point the aggregate should be called media and not journalists) thinking that NeoGAF is a mindless hive mind? You only need to spend 15 minutes perusing the first page and you'll see the disparaging opinions on so many different topics. If the majority of NeoGAF agrees on something, then it is extremely probable that they are right. You hardly ever see a unified opinion in these forums.

Also why are these game critics so fast on judging forums like gaf and reddit and consumers and defend publishers? ugh

but I love those guys and when I heard them say that I was like, yeah neogaf is powerful and likeminded people on GAF can be "super quick to villify" as fast as they can be "super quick to praise".
one thing I've learned, is how does neogaf have a reputation for being "strict"? Seriously, I want to know why it's strict. If not for the ban system, our rules would be far, far, far more lax then most big time game forums. On gamefaqs you get modded for telling someone to shut up.

The Escapist forums are for more strict than NeoGAF, they don't allow picture only posts and one word posts,
Because it has better moderation than almost all other gaming sites out there, it weeds out so much of the junk. It's also just grown so big that alot of people with access to lots of info as well end up here so it helps it become more important than your average open forum. The wait and process of becoming a member also helps stop nonsense from getting in. The industry attention also highlights its importance which draws in more folks in the industry to join it.

I think that moderation is good in most of the threads but regarding the quality of the threads it's really not as good as it used to be. Big controversial threads or threads made 100 times about the same subject are not always closed as fast as it should be (or not closed at all).

Once again, Pachter threads and Next Gen threads for example are giving mods a hard time but even if the ban hammer is here I found the communication to be very "light".
Sales Age threads are for me very good threads because if you don't take into account some fanboy rage posts (very few) the discussion is very interesting and most of time a lot of the wise GAF posters can be found here. This is the type of debate I don't seem to find anymore in lot of the other gaming topics but maybe having factual numbers help to keep people thinking more before posting.

Personally, I can't wait for PS4 and 720 but that's why in some of my posts I tend to act like a pure Nintendo fanboy saying that I hate how this gen was mostly about FPS and that graphics is a boring topic who doesn't interest me at all. I act like that because everything I read in these threads is boring, clearly this is the worst part of GAF in theses threads.

Of course this gen was and is awesome, of course graphics are important but when these things are discussed people tend to look only at a small part of the picture. A game is something with more than graphics and this gen will be praised in 5 years like everything was in the past because we can't seem to appreciate things until we don't / can't have them. Graphics from next gen will be looked at for the launch games and like we did for PS3 and Xbox 360 the graphics will be less impressive day after day and we'll tend to ask for the best usage of graphics capability (special effects, immersion, interactivity, art style) and not only a good paint job.

Mobile site shows the Youtube video in the post. *shrugs*

Mobile NeoGAF the definitive version confirmed? :p (I really like the mobile version too, thanks again for the good job ckohler)


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Nice try. I've been asking for animated sigs for years -- they make otherwise mediocre forums actually pretty entertaining and interesting. But you'll find that despite the name there's not really much "Neo" in GAF. The Powers That Be would prefer we all remain in The Stone Age.

Kind of interesting when you think about it. Wonder it it's because they feel that they can exert stronger control over us by not letting us express ourselves in many ways, or catching up with a lot of recent innovations in social networking.
Man, you still got the fire.


I am Korean.
GAF moderators/Evilore would probably argue that the First Amendment does not apply because of the number of foreigners on here. But even if that's true, shouldn't we demand more as users of the site when it comes to free speech?

Also, think about this: In the years since GAF came out, Facebook, Twitter, and Spotify have all launched. And yet when you read GAF you would barely even know it. Doesn't that seem a little ... wrong/stifling? How do users gain from a select few basically deciding to ignore the last decade of advancements in social media? Because that is what NeoGAF is after all...social media. And that's why these issues matter.

Doesn't change the fact that animated sigs always look like butt.



I like this guy. GAF, how much should we tip him?


The thing I don't like about a lot of this coverage is that people go into GAF, and see a thread like the one on game journalism and go, "That GAF, they all just hate game journalists! It's one big circle-jerk!", when really, inside that thread, there's actually a discussion going on about this. There's people arguing both sides. This is why I read NeoGAF instead of going to most game websites, because i'm going to get more than one side on a story. GAF has proven to me that there are enough differing opinions to keep it from becoming a true "circle-jerk", as so many like to call it.

Another plus is that, through GAF, I've found out about so many hidden gem games that I never would have even heard of otherwise. I can't honestly say there's one genre or series that GAF collectively loves or hates, so I think it's a good place to expand your horizons.


GAF moderators/Evilore would probably argue that the First Amendment does not apply because of the number of foreigners on here. But even if that's true, shouldn't we demand more as users of the site when it comes to free speech?

Freedom of speech isn't really a thing for me in places like GAF. The Admin's word is Law. If anyone doesn't agree they're free to leave. I'm a bit old school when it comes to behavior online.

I was a mod in a medium sized forum and when I disagreed with what the admins wanted to do I left. I didn't see how I had a place telling them what to do.


Ahh, my days of GameFAQS forums. I remember reading and writing fanfics on unused boards, having a slight meltdown when my Smash Bros. Melee save data of seven years deleted, and that board influencing me to change my main from Lucario to Captain Falcon. Not to mention bait threads to summon Captain Planet and large ASCII art.

Prolly for the best I purge that place from memory. Thank God for GAF for opening my eyes to intelligent

I forgot entirely NeoGAF has a store. I need that hype train shirt!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
how do i get gold edition? and when is the quote option gonna be fixed so i can keep up with people responding to me? there's too many threads in this place! lol...

Paypal Evilore I believe $50? Mine's on autopay so I don't remember, but yeah, GAF Gold is worth it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This seems so exclusive. I've asked but never got an answer! What is GAF Gold?!

It's probably the most exclusive thing on the site apart from GAF Black, which is invite ONLY so not too many even ask about it - and if you do, you're off the invite list forever in the future, so let that be a warning. I tell myself I'm not missing anything but the truth is...I wonder.


formerly "chigiri"
The reason I don't click GAF ads is because I'm married and all that's advertised are dating and mailorder Thai bride hookup sites and "this is not an escort site" like Travelgirls.com. That and Diablo 3 gold selling.

Neither of which hold any interest to me. :)
It's probably the most exclusive thing on the site apart from GAF Black, which is invite ONLY so not too many even ask about it - and if you do, you're off the invite list forever in the future, so let that be a warning. I tell myself I'm not missing anything but the truth is...I wonder.

The reason I don't click GAF ads is because I'm married and all that's advertised are dating and mailorder Thai bride hookup sites and "this is not an escort site" like Travelgirls.com. That and Diablo 3 gold selling.

Neither of which hold any interest to me. :)

I think the ads change depending on your search history...
It's probably the most exclusive thing on the site apart from GAF Black, which is invite ONLY so not too many even ask about it - and if you do, you're off the invite list forever in the future, so let that be a warning. I tell myself I'm not missing anything but the truth is...I wonder.

Don't forget that it comes with a full year pass to the pool on the roof of school.
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