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Skullgirls DLC Character vote | The Campaign united us, The Voting will destroy us


I find it extremely strange that no one has been making youtube compilations of everyones inspirations. It doesn't matter how vague the inspiration may be. It's like free views for someone to just narrate brief descriptions over other peoples videos and rehash it as their own series.
Get it done.


Now that the diarrhea that is Marie is out, we need to set our sights at the next moe cancer.
Minette must not make it in.



Next round of voting speculation! The characters who were just eliminated were:
B.Dahlia- Skanky Female
Brain Drain- Bad-ass Male
Umbrella- Moe Female
Feng- Moe Female
Marie- Moe Female
Molly- Non-skanky Female
Scythana- Non-skanky Female
Venus- Skanky Female

So there were two skanky females eliminated, two non-skanky females eliminated, three moe blobs eliminated, and one bad-ass male eliminated. Vast majority of characters who were eliminated were female, which would lead me to guess that people who liked those characters will turn their votes toward other female characters. Team moe blob will put their votes toward Annie and Minette. Eliza gets the skanky female votes left from the aftermath of Venus and B.Dahlia's elimination. Aeon gets the non-skanky votes from Molly and Scythana getting bopped. People who voted Brain Drain probably voted dudes for their other votes so with one less vote next round, I expect team male won't get much of a boost.

My prediction for top 4:
Annie (moe too strong)
Minette (moe too strong again)
Eliza (enough people want a sexy character)
Beowulf (while the male vote seems split, seems like almost everybody who is voting dude is using one of their votes for this guy)

End result: Beowulf will win due to the female vote split.
I look forward to eating crow


Dude guys, Annie is not a fucking moe character holy shit stop saying that.

MOE = Cute/Lovible/want to protect/omg waifu/daww little sister feels.

She's a dirty creepy old hag
Dude guys, Annie is not a fucking moe character holy shit stop saying that.

MOE = Cute/Lovible/want to protect/omg waifu/daww little sister feels

they don't know the meaning of the word, it's like trying to teach gaf the meaning of "loli"

fucking pointless




Nah, I'd say there were a good 2-3 characters that were very close to the 8th and could make it in next time.

Top 8 composition might shift a bit, but I still don't think someone not in the current top 8 cam win the whole thing in round two. I will eat my hat if I'm wrong


All of my scientific
poll predictions for round 2 are predicated on it being the same pool of characters as round one minus whoever got voted in already. Juju is a wildcard- I will revise my hat-eating bet if she is included in the second round of polling
I've decided to literally roll the dice for my 2nd vote. Eliza will be picked but then I'm going with Aeon/Beowulf/Panzerfaust. Aeon is 1-2, Beowulf is 3-4, Panzer 5-6. Whichever number turns up gets the vote.

Honestly though, whoever wins, we win. Who would've thought that we would have a chance at getting any of these characters a month or 2 ago, let alone a chance to vote on them to get in.


I've decided to literally roll the dice for my 2nd vote. Eliza will be picked but then I'm going with Aeon/Beowulf/Panzerfaust. Aeon is 1-2, Beowulf is 3-4, Panzer 5-6. Whichever number turns up gets the vote.

Honestly though, whoever wins, we win. Who would've thought that we would have a chance at getting any of these characters a month or 2 ago, let alone a chance to vote on them to get in.

Getting new characters will defintely be cool no matter who it is, but I do think whether or not the SG scene will grow or stagnate will be dependent on who wins. If Mike really wants the game at Evo for real someday, it needs more characters that appeal to varied tastes. Annie and Minette winning won't give anybody who initially dismissed the game a reason to give it another look, whereas Panzerfaust or Isaac might.
I'm digging Annie's rainbow sword effect. Still sticking with my guns, though. The creative possibilities with Minnete and Isaac excite me the most.


3 moe girls in the top 8. After one of them wins, the other one will pretty much take it unfortunately in the 2nd voting process. The winners should have gone to 1st and 2nd placers of the first voting process.

Ah well. farewell to the tank gauntlet. Hope Lab Zero will one day animate you.
Who are your picks again and what's your stance on Eliza, Hsien-Bro? :p
I'll do you a favor and give Eliza my first and second round votes for character slot #2 since you are giving Annie some love. Maybe the third round too if shit gets crazy with the top 8.
Anything is moe if you want it to be.
I'm not kidding either, it just depends on your view.
Yeah, something like that. It is pretty nebulous, but Annie's appeal is most definitely not moe to most people. Minette is riding the moe boat hardcore in comparison.
3 moe girls in the top 8. After one of them wins, the other one will pretty much take it unfortunately in the 2nd voting process. The winners should have gone to 1st and 2nd placers of the first voting process.

Ah well. farewell to the tank gauntlet. Hope Lab Zero will one day animate you.

3 moe girls AND 4 BADASSES. Only ravi knows how close all these votes were but I wouldnt give up on anyone just yet.
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