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On Xbone, getting banned from XBL maybe revokes(?) access to your games

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Because you broke the licensing agreement and they suspended or revoked your license? It being on your harddrive isn't any more meaningful than it being on your harddrive as a result of a copyright infringement. You can, of course, argue that the breach was minor and the reaction by the copyright holder isn't proportionate, but that's a different argument to make.

The greater point is why do I need a licensing agreement for a single player game that I purchased? Microsoft of course will tell me that I am not entitled to the game I purchased and rather what I had actually done was purchased a license and I am essentially renting the game.

Good luck selling the Xbone Microsoft. In the end, this won't affect anyone.


I don't believe that specific image fits here. According to some, people who legally buy a game before street date are heretics and deserve divine punishment in the name of our Corporate God. Others had it coming or they would not be banned in the first place, for such bans are without reproach.

Apparently they only burnt people who accused others if witchcraft, since that meant the accusers believed in sorcery! But IIRC the old drowning test meant that if they floated they were a witch, yet if they sunk then their soul was lighter than the stone they were weighed down with (hence innocent).

You're right, it doesn't fit. But there sure is a line of thought amongst some people that seems to suggest the Almighty Corporate Moderators can do no wrong. And that is truly baffling.


I dont think this is a good idea.
With this as well I feel I would be using my console in fear everyday of what Ms will do with my account, games or data. Not going to happen.
With the amount of accidental and early release bans people have had to put up with on the 360, this is really going down the stupid route.


That's funny cause my account was perma "suspended" until 12/31/9999 for reasons unknown to me. Microsoft just tells me to deal with it and they aren't telling me why. My account was silver for 2 weeks prior and the day I add a 1 month to my account, I was TKO'd sometime later that night when I signed in.

Now if I would have lost all my games...I would have smashed the $500 entertainment tv box. This is just unacceptable and knowingly people will still buy this crap system is just frightening.


That's funny cause my account was perma "suspended" until 12/31/9999 for reasons unknown to me. Microsoft just tells me to deal with it and they aren't telling me why. My account was silver for 2 weeks prior and the day I add a 1 month to my account, I was TKO'd sometime later that night when I signed in.

Now if I would have lost all my games...I would have smashed the $500 entertainment tv box. This is just unacceptable and knowingly people will still buy this crap system is just frightening.

And only on the last page people were saying this never happens.


I thought this was known.

Anyone know if that's the case with PSN? I don't think it is with Steam.

There are two kind of bans with Steam, one is you are banned from vac secure servers if you are caught playing with cheats. The other is your entire account is diasabled if you charge back or something.


I don't know what's more ridiculous, Microsoft deciding to do something this insane or the people in this thread that are fine with it. Unbelievable.


I don't know what's more ridiculous, Microsoft deciding to do something this insane or the people in this thread that are fine with it. Unbelievable.

It's especially baffling due to the existence of alternatives.

There is a console hitting market at roughly the same time and for less money that doesn't do any of this shit.

I mean, how badly do people have to play Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 to knowingly sign up for a console like this in good faith?

von zipp

Bullshit, guess you do not play many multiplayer or MMOs then. Do something even if its legal and not breaking a rule to the wrong person and you will have so many petitions/complaint against you that eventually wham your banned to get those petitions/complaint stop clogging the supports mailsystem.

Pretty sure this was addressed when details around the new reputation system was discussed. People can be reported for all kinds of crazy shit, yet the system looks not only at the person being reported, but also the reportee. They system apparently knows when you've been bad or good, and then Banners swing the ban hammer accordingly. i pretty sure you have to be a real bad boy to get completely banned from live.

It's especially baffling due to the existence of alternatives.

There is a console hitting market at roughly the same time and for less money that doesn't do any of this shit.

I mean, how badly do people have to play Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 to knowingly sign up for a console like this in good faith?

But if the other console doesn't do the one thing I need it to, play the games I want, then there is no reason to purchase it either.

I want Killer Instinct and Titanfall. One of the consoles has those games and the other doesn't.


Not that I don't believe this to be true, but Xbox Support is currently trained to assist with Xbox 360 questions, not Xbox One questions. Stepto (head of Xbox Live enforcement) himself said this on Giant Bomb a couple nights back.

EDIT: And there you go (top of page). They probably don't know any more than we do about Xbox One policies.
In all my years of gaming I've never yearned for a console to crash and burn. I've always thought competition was healthy and spurred innovation.

XBone changed all that and I sincerely hope that people are smart enough to avoid the console.


It's just sad to see people accepting this because they want to play some games.

You either stand up now and tell MS to screw off or *you* are part of the problem.

And it will get worse the generation after that if you support the Xbone.


Why am I not surprised at all.

Everyday this console just gets worse. I am starting to think they are trolling us... But then I remember its MS and they really are just this stupid


You know I don’t get how they do it?? REALY how does Microsoft STILL come up with thinks to shoot them self s in the foot? HOW?? I ACTIVELY try to think of stuff that Microsoft can do to get even more bad PR and I can't think of anything new! But every single day throughout this whole WEEK they just surprise me again and again HELL they make even look easy! Holy shit Microsoft is sooo good :-O Unbelievable. With what will they come up next? for ever xbox one sold they drown a puppy? God I cant wait what they reveal next!
What's happening guys? Am I living in an alternate reality where everything is one big joke? I'm actually thinking that I'm not real and that the xbox one isn't real.

Am I dreaming?

I know a guy who had over $1000 in XBLA games/DLC and he, like an asshole, flashed his 360 and got caught playing forza early. He lost everything. Games, DLC, gamerscore, username... everything.

I'm not the guy you know but it also happened to me. And it wasn't for doing anything illegal. It was for using my initials in my account info. POOF - account gone with zero recourse.

I'll never trust them again.


Pretty sure this was addressed when details around the new reputation system was discussed. People can be reported for all kinds of crazy shit, yet the system looks not only at the person being reported, but also the reportee. They system apparently knows when you've been bad or good, and then Banners swing the ban hammer accordingly. i pretty sure you have to be a real bad boy to get completely banned from live.


Well good that MS have looked into that issue then, but NO you do not have to be a real bad boy to get banned, maybe ofc perma banned (if that's what you meant), sadly this is not the case in all multriplayer and/or MMO's where you still can force others to be banned buy overusing the petition systems.
However I see no problem in playing a game days before release date if I got a hold of it legally or downloading stuff from the digital shop that is free even if its a mistake from MS, and yet people are getting banned for this in different ways.
What's happening guys? Am I living in an alternate reality where everything is one big joke? I'm actually thinking that I'm not real and that the xbox one isn't real.

Am I dreaming?




I like the idea of putting more 'meat' on a ban, but this is *way* too far.

Would it not be simpler to disallow that account from playing them *online*? Serves the purposes of a ban, less trivial to circumvent (than the current system (You'd need to use the transfer rights to get it onto a different account, I guess), and it's much more explicitly then a denial of a service.


I don't want to get banned because I was able to legitimately purchase and play a game before launch date (Halo 4). There are TOO many restrictions with console...


At this point it almost seems like the 'Bone is a Producers type of scheme by MS to produce a console that's guaranteed to flop. Somebody needs to check the books and see if they haven't sold 50000% ownership of the system to those old ladies that Don Mattrick has been hanging around with.


No I'm not kidding. If they've done something that warrants a perma-ban, they can always sell the console and games. I've been given racist abuse just for having the temerity of beating people in a game of FIFA, I wouldn't give 2 fucks if they could no longer play with their console again. People have to learn that they can't keep cheating/being abusive and using the anonymity to keep doing these things.

Jesus Christ. Ok, I'm bailing out of this thread. I can't believe that MS can convince people to swallow this anti-consumer bullshit. We shouldn't have to debate this shit.


If I wanted to troll the fuck out of Microsoft, I'd make a fake support account and basically confirm all the worst things that can happen with their DRM. Too bad that this actually real.
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