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Edge #256: Why PS4 is your next console (Shots fired, post-DRM 180)

Phil Spencer made some awkward faces on stage at E3. What was that face he made while announcing price? It looked like he was thinking "Shhhiiiiit this is how Kaz must have felt."
What he means is that he's trying too hard to look like a gamer. If you are yourself then we as gamers would find his ridiculous outfit believable. But in this case we know this guy isn't a gamer.
I was being sarcastic... But I guess that's hard to portray without copious amounts of smilies.
M°°nblade;68082351 said:
What bothers me the most about MS is that, nothing they announce, feels authentic.

You have this bunch of suits give a presentation to cater to the shareholders, wearing expensive business shirts, bragging about shutting down the second hand market..

Then those same people put on some 'gaming culture' Tshirts for E3 to cater to core gamers.


Who are you trying to fool? We know you're not a gamer. Stop acting/dressing like one.

Dude looks like Vince Vaughn in "Couples Retreat", where he was pretending to be the creator of Guitar Hero.

God that movie was awful.

Only saw it because the characters were from the same burbs area as me.


I just got an email saying that the issue is digitally available. Sadly my tablet is at home..

Edit: Gonna try on the smartphone.

Edit 2: Does not work yet.


IMHO very simply put.. A horror atmosphere in which you have limited resources.. Resource rationing that often requires you to decide on how best to approach a tense situation.

Playing on hard, my ammo and health kits are very limited, shivs are like gold boulion, and there have been a number of situations where it simply wouldn't have been worthwhile to take the time to kill everything in the area vs sneaking past. As well a couple of times so far where running/fleeing was the best option, etc.

The funniest part is that many of the genuine "horror" set pieces don't even involve zombies. ND has created a game where the human element provides just as much horror as the monsters do.

Two people who have played the game discussing it IMHO the one who doesn't feel it's survival horror is going to have the much tougher and more involved time trying to get his point across than the guy who feels it is. As I said earlier, the game is literally survival-horror. If it were a movie it would clearly be filed under horror, not action/adventure.

Not really sure how it can be argued otherwise. I mean the only points made in this thread are that it is missing extremely specific mechanics present in a different game series, not even that the feel of the game isn't survival horror.

I played TloU on hard and while it was very tense in some parts, I never really ran out of resources.

And I'm not even arguing against or for here, I'm just interested in hearing how people define this genre because like I said, the definitions are very loose. TloU and Resident Evil have pretty much just the theme in common.

I've had thousands of hours of play out of my PS3 without playing online once, and don't feel my console was 'gimped' or that my experience wasn't 'full' for preferring to enjoy quality single player games at the expense of online, the same way I have for almost 30 years. PS+ for online play on PS4 is optional, not required for 'a non-gimped-ass device', which is the way it should be, so that people like me aren't subsidising those that want the servers etc.

A huge amount of people don't care about online. As to your poll, that's just a US-only one. Even if 'way over half' of US gamers play online, that's very different to 'most of the gamer populace' worldwide. One of the reasons MS are in trouble is by extrapolating from US data and assuming their habits are true for the majority of gamers that don't live there. I actually agree with you about sample sizes, but even limiting the argument to only the US that's still 28% of the biggest market that don't play online in 2013. That's a very good reason to not make it mandatory.

While we are talking about features, why only make it about online play? I also don't use PS Home, Netflix, Lovefilm or any of the TV/music/film/social networking/PSP/Vita crossplay functions on the PS3 and wont use their equivalents on next-gen consoles either- to me they are all just as superfluous as online gaming. These days games consoles can do shitloads, if anyone genuinely uses them for 100% of their capability, they are in an extreme minority.

Any games console expecting me to automatically subsidise other people's online play is one I won't be buying, what on earth is wrong with something being comparatively cheaper than PS4 while making online an optional extra? PS+ doesn't even sound like a bad deal if you like online play.

Yeah obviously the PS4 isn't gimped for you if you can be sure that you'll never even want to try playing online. I'm not a very big online gamer myself either, but every once in a while a game comes out I want to play online with my friends and that possibility not being there without me coughing up cash makes the console gimped to me.

Obviously if I ever buy one, I'll be getting years full of ps+ subs at once to minimize the cost in the long run.
I played TloU on hard and while it was very tense in some parts, I never really ran out of resources.

And I'm not even arguing against or for here, I'm just interested in hearing how people define this genre because like I said, the definitions are very loose. TloU and Resident Evil have pretty much just the theme in common.

Im playing it on hard. Was hoarding everything and had 18 pistol bullets, 6 shotgun rounds, 4 crossbows, a nail bomb, and a molotov. I thought I was fully kitted out and ready for anything.

Then after a certain event and me failing at stealth I was left with just 2 pistol bullets and a shotgun round. Its one of the best things about this game. Makes you feel like your ready with all your resources and then by accidentally alerting a hoard thats it, all gone.

Throughout my play through I have never had full life, in fact most of the times its red because I love dem molotovs :)


Yeah obviously the PS4 isn't gimped for you if you can be sure that you'll never even want to try playing online. I'm not a very big online gamer myself either, but every once in a while a game comes out I want to play online with my friends and that possibility not being there without me coughing up cash makes the console gimped to me.

Obviously if I ever buy one, I'll be getting years full of ps+ subs at once to minimize the cost in the long run.
Cool, cheers for the response. Like XBL subs, I'm sure canny gaffers are going to be able to work out how to get a cheap sub by jumping on deals en-masse!

What do you think of my point that a high-priced console with all gamers subsidising online whether they want it or not is a poorer option than a cheaper console with an optional bolt-on fee for online, if it lets Sony lower the launch price?

A third option (which perhaps sounds like its what you want) is that Sony subsidises the running costs of online like with the PS3, but I'm just not sure they can afford that any more while implementing features to compete with XBL this time around- running SEN is going to get pricey. Nintendo's network costs must be minimal in comparison.

In actual on-topic news, my copy of Edge should be waiting for me at home, I'll check out the article tonight and pop back with a rough outline if no one else does so beforehand.


Cool, cheers for the response. Like XBL subs, I'm sure canny gaffers are going to be able to work out how to get a cheap sub by jumping on deals en-masse!

What do you think of my point that a high-priced console with all gamers subsidising online whether they want it or not is a poorer option than a cheaper console with an optional bolt-on fee for online, if it lets Sony lower the launch price?

A third option (which perhaps sounds like its what you want) is that Sony subsidises the running costs of online like with the PS3, but I'm just not sure they can afford that any more while implementing features to compete with XBL this time around- running SEN is going to get pricey. Nintendo's network costs must be minimal in comparison.

I would indeed pay premium for a console if it was more future proof and I knew I would be saving money compared to buying 6 years of subs yes. But the PS3 was so expensive because of the custom parts (cell tech) and the bluray station which was cutting edge at the time. The PS4 is cheaper because, well it's cheaper to manufacture than the PS3 was a launch by a great margin.


I would indeed pay premium for a console if it was more future proof and I knew I would be saving money compared to buying 6 years of subs yes. But the PS3 was so expensive because of the custom parts (cell tech) and the bluray station which was cutting edge at the time. The PS4 is cheaper because, well it's cheaper to manufacture than the PS3 was a launch by a great margin.
Hmm, OK, thats fair enough, but I'm not asking what you personally would buy, I'm asking what you think is the best option to meet what all of their customers want, and a cheaper console with paid online seems to do that- your choice has people like me paying for online up front whether I want it or not.

If I was in your position and played online, I'd agree- I always prefer a one-off payment to any form of subscription over time too. But the money for running an expanded SEN with bigger servers has to come from somewhere, I doubt Sony can afford to subsidise it if they want to improve it, and it's either going to be in the launch price, making me pay for something I don't want, or in the subscription, making it optional for all buyers. It's a worse deal for you (with PS+ games to sweeten it, it's fair to think anyone who likes games enough to play regularly online might be interested), a fair deal for other online gamers who like ps+, and avoids a bloody terrible deal for me. This way PS+ is also competing with XBL to keep adding new content to it over time, included in the sub price, as well.

I suppose my argument is that you want a higher launch price and free online, but If you are going to be using far, far more of Sony's resources than me over a period of years, why should I pay the same price up front, when an optional fee seems fairer for everyone.


M°°nblade;68082351 said:

Then those same people put on some 'gaming culture' Tshirts for E3 to cater to core gamers.


Matt Lees is right. He really does have a personality of a plasticine potato.
Matt Lees is right. He really does have a personality of a plasticine potato.

Come on guys, you're taking this too far. Even if he looked like the Pope, it would not bother me. It's what the console does or doesn't and it's about the message they deliver. I mean, Jack Tretton looks like a second-hand car salesman to me personally ( especially the combo wrong suit, wrong haircut and golden watch ) but that does not mean the PS4 isn't awesome.


Hmm, OK, thats fair enough, but I'm not asking what you personally would buy, I'm asking what you think is the best option to meet what all of their customers want, and a cheaper console with paid online seems to do that- your choice has people like me paying for online up front whether I want it or not.

If I was in your position and played online, I'd agree- I always prefer a one-off payment to any form of subscription over time too. But the money for running an expanded SEN with bigger servers has to come from somewhere, I doubt Sony can afford to subsidise it if they want to improve it, and it's either going to be in the launch price, making me pay for something I don't want, or in the subscription, making it optional for all buyers. It's a worse deal for you (with PS+ games to sweeten it, it's fair to think anyone who likes games enough to play regularly online might be interested), a fair deal for other online gamers who like ps+, and avoids a bloody terrible deal for me. This way PS+ is also competing with XBL to keep adding new content to it over time, included in the sub price, as well.

I suppose my argument is that you want a higher launch price and free online, but If you are going to be using far, far more of Sony's resources than me over a period of years, why should I pay the same price up front, when an optional fee seems fairer for everyone.

Yes I agree that the current model makes sense to sony of course, since people already accepted the XBL model and they would lose a lot of money not tapping into it. It's not a bad deal for most people, mainly for old relics like me who still have a working NES that's almost as old as I am :)


Has anyone in the UK subscribed to Edge received this month's issue then? Mine still hasn't turned up!

The postman doesn't arrive in my area till 11-12 these days, years ago it would have been 8-9. I imagine it might be the same across the UK.


To be honest I don't keep track of when it exactly arrives to mine but nearly without fail I get it the day after the scans are published online.


Yes I agree that the current model makes sense to sony of course, since people already accepted the XBL model and they would lose a lot of money not tapping into it. It's not a bad deal for most people, mainly for old relics like me who still have a working NES that's almost as old as I am :)
Aw, you're clearly not as much of a relic as me if you play online occasionally :) I played monster hunter 3 a couple of years back for a couple of months, that was the only online game I've ever gotten into, it was like learning a whole new language- lots of people typing acronyms and gesturing furiously at me while I had a dictionary of online abbreviations open on a laptop next to me! Fortunately we agreed on the main commands of 'stab it!' And 'run for your lives!' :)


The postman doesn't arrive in my area till 11-12 these days, years ago it would have been 8-9. I imagine it might be the same across the UK.
Yeah that sounds about right- morning delivery is a thing of the past around here, my post arrives between 1 and 4pm, sometimes as late as 6.


Sky said no and is losing its relevance for sport as BT sport has nabbed a few exclusive games apparently.

BT got 38 games a season against Skys 116. But BT are offering them free to anyone with a BT broadband connection. For Sky Sports you have to pay extra but they are still big the fish in that particular pond.

Can't find TV sub numbers for either though. No doubt Sky is larger, you can get it anywhere against Virgin who is cable based and huge chunks of the country have no cable.

No idea how long that Sky/Xbox exclusivity was though, and no idea what Skys position would be if the XBONE was outsold in the UK like the PS3 was.


No they won't, sky box is pretty fucking great, I don't need an overlay and to flap my arms around or shout at my tv to enjoy sky.

The functionality in the Sky box is good enough for me too. Xbox One will add very little to it. Just like Kinect, it's a feature I have no interest in, and wont use. The added cost over the PS4 doesnt justify itself.


Oh yeah BT and Virgin also provide UK, any idea who the major provider is here? I assumed it was Sky. (Yes I'm in UK :p)

Sky is still the big daddy, but I'm assuming that BT is the place to go if you want a broadband connection, so i can see BT make large inroads in sky's pie with their sport channel.

And I think Fantasy Football would be huge, or at the very least incorporated into Fifa, EA make bank every year with a new fifa release and I just can't see how not riding that wave would give a certain level of success.


No they won't, sky box is pretty fucking great, I don't need an overlay and to flap my arms around or shout at my tv to enjoy sky.

I'd like one for my tivo though. thing is slow as shit. but like I've said a few times before, an EPG overlay is bollocks and pointless. Letting me know what live TV is coming up when I have a DVR becuase I don't want to watch it live?

It needs to integrate *with* DVRs not just overlay on top of them. And I'm sure it'll come (please let it come), its just software at the end of the day and there are already ipad apps out there that let you do it with many different DVRs.
I don't see why people are assuming the Xbone will replace the Sky+ box. It's likely just going to be an optional package. But if Sky does offer it as part of a subsidised package- it would be a big deal.
Sky already told MS to fuck off months ago.
No way in hell does Murdoch want anyone else pissing in his pool.
Oh I hadn't followed closely enough. That's too bad, I thought Microsoft would bend over for that kind of relationship. I'm personally hoping for PlayTV to make a come back with the PS4.



And what if Sony wanted this to happen? Maybe they choose the DRM-less path long ago... And they wanted to use that for viral marketing. To lure us.

The #PS4NODRM campaign had certainly a much more negative impact on MS than on Sony. What if we were just puppets and famousmortimer was just in contact with Sony to inflame GAF? Maybe we were just fooled (for the good cause, because even without famousmortimer, it would have been very good for us gamers to defend our cause) into Yoshida's master plan or something.

They wanted big advantage at E3 and #PS4NODRM gave them some momentum against MS, maybe got them in a position where MS must have done a 180 on those DRM policies.

Just a thought but hell, if it was just marketing in some way, it was a very brillant way indeed.
Maybe. And maybe House is not being entirely honest, since even Sony's own Adam Boyes admitted they only "locked in" with gamers' demands when famousmortimer's campaign was already going strong.

You aren't reading the entire "quote" nor the entire situation regarding what was going on including Boyes saying they had no DRM system in place because no one had asked for it. They had no system in place with any retailers. Calling it a quote is stretching reality as well.

A lot of this is as I said anyway - ridiculous BS because it is all "I heard this" and "so and so" heard that. Even CBOAT missed quite a few predictions. Most often the sources are providers of anything but fact. What does work? The Sign of Four and removing the possible with all that entails. These "insiders" tend to get just enough correct and that is what people remember. As I said before even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

One of the biggest tells was Sony looking to replicate the success of the PS2 and that meant duplicating the steps and methods used for that console. Sony knew from pulling the PS3 out of the gutter this generation that freeing gamers was key.

This is all machts nichts since it is extremely doubtful your comment was made out of genuine investigative curiosity. Your post history and unflappable support of Microsoft in the light of their head stabbing gamers reveals as much.

And what if Sony wanted this to happen? Maybe they choose the DRM-less path long ago... And they wanted to use that for viral marketing. To lure us.
Just a thought but hell, if it was just marketing in some way, it was a very brillant way indeed.

As regards Sony wanting this to happen I have no doubt they are glad that the backlash occurred. However, to suppose a billion dollar publicly traded corporation, one that has been very methodical on their road to recovery sat around and said lets wing it and hedge bets on someone at Gaf starting a no DRM campaign is far beyond the pale of belief. I am not saying that is your point either, rather I am stating this for clarity. Unless Mortimer was working for them then the theory falls apart. Since Hirai assumed the reigns Sony has been very calculating in their decisions and such a theory without a situation that reveals solid planning does not fit the model.

I wholeheartedly agree that it would have been absolutely brilliant marketing but I do not think Sony themselves were planning DRM up until the Microsoft presser, no matter how much some people on this board and elsewhere are dying for it to be true. Someone may have brought it up in a board meeting but that does not equate to planning a direction.

Seriously, since the two divergent paths between MS and Sony were revealed at E3 I have borne witness to some of the most desperate leaps beyond reason I have witnessed in my career as a gamer and those that know me are aware I am older than most on this board.

The fact remains that until certain persons in the industry accept that gamers paying $59 for a poorly developed overly advertised game is the root of the used game problem the DRM issue will continually raise its ugly head. Great games are the best defense against used games but of course the last people publishers are willing to blame are themselves.
I wonder if the 180 caused the issue to go to press late... my copy hasn't arrived and it usually gets here 4 days early. It's like they're getting really slack the last month or two.

I can put up with most of the content being put on the website but it's pretty annoying that digital subscribers get it first.
Why do people only mention the PS3 when talking up Sony's first party efforts?

Sony was amazing with its internal developing / publishing work from day one.

From Jumping Flash, to Twisted Metal, to Syphon Filter to Parapa to Wild Arms to Siren to Mark of Kri to Rise to Honor to Rogue Galaxy to Dark Cloud to.......

They had the best first party philosophy the day the PSone came out as far as I'm concerned.
Come on guys, you're taking this too far. Even if he looked like the Pope, it would not bother me. It's what the console does or doesn't and it's about the message they deliver. I mean, Jack Tretton looks like a second-hand car salesman to me personally ( especially the combo wrong suit, wrong haircut and golden watch ) but that does not mean the PS4 isn't awesome.
Ofcourse it's about what the console does and doesn't.
But do you trust the messager?
In a world where Nintendo didn't exist I would agree.

I prefer Sony's way of handling things to be honest. When they try new things, they tend to garner my interest more so than Nintendo's efforts.

No doubt though that Nintendo is the first party juggernaut due to the tried and true IPs and how they use them across different series and genres.
M°°nblade;68101006 said:
Ofcourse it's about what the console does and doesn't.
But do you trust the messager?

For me it's not the point 'who' but 'what'. You can't take it all out on him, that's what I'm trying to say.
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