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Reasons for concern when it comes to the PS4......


6) Only two USB ports. What if I want to use my external HDD, my Pulse headset and want to recharge my controler at the SAME time? Sony fix this!

7) The trackpad should've been a screen. Looking at WiiU's gamepad screen and its innovative gameplay options, it's a missed opportunity for Sony.

8) Ps Camera should be mandatory. Some multiplat games will probably uitlize the Kinect, making the Xbox One version of the game vastly superior. This will probably hurt the Ps4 3rd party game sales a lot.

The Ps4 is getting a lot of positive press. The Ps4 is $100 cheaper than the Xbox One. But why? Are we getting fooled by Sony's smoke&mirror strategy? I dunno why, but the cheaper price concerns me as well now that I think about it.


6) Only two USB ports. What if I want to use my external HDD, my Pulse headset and want to recharge my controler at the SAME time? Sony fix this!

Buy a USB Hub. Instant extra ports.

7) The trackpad should've been a screen. Looking at WiiU's gamepad screen and its innovative gameplay options, it's a missed opportunity for Sony.

Vita. The PS3 has already done this.

8) Ps Camera should be mandatory. Some multiplat games will probably uitlize the Kinect, making the Xbox One version of the game vastly superior. This will probably hurt the Ps4 3rd party game sales a lot.

Name a non dance game that Kinect has made vastly superior.


6) Only two USB ports. What if I want to use my external HDD, my Pulse headset and want to recharge my controler at the SAME time? Sony fix this!

7) The trackpad should've been a screen. Looking at WiiU's gamepad screen and its innovative gameplay options, it's a missed opportunity for Sony.

8) Ps Camera should be mandatory. Some multiplat games will probably uitlize the Kinect, making the Xbox One version of the game vastly superior. This will probably hurt the Ps4 3rd party game sales a lot.

The Ps4 is getting a lot of positive press. The Ps4 is $100 cheaper than the Xbox One. But why? Are we getting fooled by Sony's smoke&mirror strategy? I dunno why, but the cheaper price concerns me as well now that I think about it.

6.) Buy a USB hub? They're pretty cheap.

7.) No, would have made the controller even more expensive. If you want that, that's what a Vita is for. Not like the Wii U is doing very good with it lol.

8.) No no no. Horrible idea. Most people don't even care about the camera or motion controls, especially not enough to be forced to pay for one when they don't want it.

The PS4 is cheaper because it's better engineered and designed. Microsoft messed up and have a weaker console costing more to buy. Add to that, they're making people pay for Kinect 2 despite most people not even wanting it.


6) Only two USB ports. What if I want to use my external HDD, my Pulse headset and want to recharge my controler at the SAME time? Sony fix this!

7) The trackpad should've been a screen. Looking at WiiU's gamepad screen and its innovative gameplay options, it's a missed opportunity for Sony.

8) Ps Camera should be mandatory. Some multiplat games will probably uitlize the Kinect, making the Xbox One version of the game vastly superior. This will probably hurt the Ps4 3rd party game sales a lot.

The Ps4 is getting a lot of positive press. The Ps4 is $100 cheaper than the Xbox One. But why? Are we getting fooled by Sony's smoke&mirror strategy? I dunno why, but the cheaper price concerns me as well now that I think about it.

6) You can get a hub. They're really really cheap.

7) That would be a very small screen so what would be the point?

8) How many camera-based games are actually fun? How is it smoke and mirrors? One of the biggest reasons the Xbox One is $100 more is because of the Kinect. That thing alone is probably $100 or more based on the original Kinect and the new one is supposed to be even better soooo they're basically about the same.
6) Only two USB ports. What if I want to use my external HDD, my Pulse headset and want to recharge my controler at the SAME time? Sony fix this!

7) The trackpad should've been a screen. Looking at WiiU's gamepad screen and its innovative gameplay options, it's a missed opportunity for Sony.

8) Ps Camera should be mandatory. Some multiplat games will probably uitlize the Kinect, making the Xbox One version of the game vastly superior. This will probably hurt the Ps4 3rd party game sales a lot.

The Ps4 is getting a lot of positive press. The Ps4 is $100 cheaper than the Xbox One. But why? Are we getting fooled by Sony's smoke&mirror strategy? I dunno why, but the cheaper price concerns me as well now that I think about it.

To those responding to this... I think your sarcasm detectors might be broken. That, or we have a list of things that seem even more trivial than the last.


My concern is if there will be any windows drivers for the PS4 gamepad. Has all the features to be perfect on a gaming PC.


6) Only two USB ports. What if I want to use my external HDD, my Pulse headset and want to recharge my controler at the SAME time? Sony fix this!

7) The trackpad should've been a screen. Looking at WiiU's gamepad screen and its innovative gameplay options, it's a missed opportunity for Sony.

8) Ps Camera should be mandatory. Some multiplat games will probably uitlize the Kinect, making the Xbox One version of the game vastly superior. This will probably hurt the Ps4 3rd party game sales a lot.

The Ps4 is getting a lot of positive press. The Ps4 is $100 cheaper than the Xbox One. But why? Are we getting fooled by Sony's smoke&mirror strategy? I dunno why, but the cheaper price concerns me as well now that I think about it.

It's cheaper because they took a gamble with component cost and engineered it with a better RAM solution that happens to have dropped in price at the right time. It's cheaper because an infrared camera with facial recognition, pulse monitoring, and a powerful microphone is not in the box. Both consoles have 2 USB ports. I prefer 4 as well, but since we can swap out the PS4 internal HDD, I don't need an external solution. But 4 is still better than 2.

Trackpad as a screen pushes the price above their $399 target. I'd rather have a larger and faster RAM pool than a tiny screen on the controller. Unless you're asking for a controller as big as the Wii-U controller...


My big concern is they've announced that they finally have cross game chat but have said absolutely nothing about party chat for the PS4. People will respond saying that Vita has it but in reality that doesn't matter at all concerning PS4 since Vita also has Skype which we know won't be on PS4. Does anybody have any concrete evidence saying its actually coming to PS4?
legitimate but very small concerns imo, the system biggest problem will be the amount of cross gen titles in the first 2 years or so of the system life cycle. First parties will have to really shine if they want people to buy into the system early on.
im a bit worried about the light bar if im honest as my tv is very reflective. I play the fight with the move in the day, due to lighting etc required for the camera to function properly, and i do notice the move reflecting off of the tv. So i would imagine this will obviously be much worse when i have my ps4 as i normally game at night with the lights off. Im not keen on sticking some tape on it, but will if it annoys me too much, and dont think devs will bother adding an option to turn it off.

The rest of the reasons are grasping badly at straws as the vita shows the network can run very smoothly.

as for the heat/noise thing thats being brought up...turn your tv up, though PS4 consumes less power and wont overheat according to Cerny so im not worried.

off topic - has there been any info on ps3 style gamesharing for 2 accounts, not the new type there going on about by the one where someone can download a game logged in as me then play it on there account?
My big concern is they've announced that they finally have cross game chat but have said absolutely nothing about party chat for the PS4. People will respond saying that Vita has it but in reality that doesn't matter at all concerning PS4 since Vita also has Skype which we know won't be on PS4. Does anybody have any concrete evidence saying its actually coming to PS4?

The PS4 UI promo video from E3 shows party chat in action.



3) Download speeds are still a problem for many of us. To put it simply, for many of us PSN download speeds are far slower than Xbox Live or Steam. Yes, some people seem to have fast speeds, maybe they're just lucky to be located near a server, but many of us experience rather mediocre speeds. I'm lucky that mine are just meh. Not terrible, but not great. Sure this could be improved with new servers, but Sony's had years now, and things really haven't changed. This is clearly something they need to work on, and I don't believe they've promised it will be anytime soon.

4) The PS3 store got redesigned for a third time, and usability regressed dramatically. To me this is a real problem and it happened so recently, and it's a pattern for Sony. Sometimes it feels like they don't learn from the past, and that concerns me for the future. This new store has a ridiculous boot up time, and using it is basically a pain in the ass. Yes, it looks prettier, but the old store was fine, and much faster.

5) Achievements are going to involve, but we've heard nothing about trophies. Like it or not achievements blew up last gen, and from everything we've heard so far, it sounds like Microsoft intends to push them even further with the XB1. Dynamic achievements, and special events where those who participate will receive a special unlock all sound like great ideas to me. Sony has said nothing on this front, and I wonder if they'll be left behind once again, trying to play catchup in this highly popular sub culture in gaming. On a side note, will trophies still have to be synced on PS4? They do on Vita, and it feels very old fashioned to have to manually do this when the 360 has been auto updating achievements in the cloud since 2005.

It is clear to me that you are ill informed about the PS4.
Download speeds are going to be much faster then ps3 and should be fster then the xbox one speeds. PS4 comes with a secondary processor dedicated to background downloading and uploading and I have not heard anything about the xbox one having such a great feature. Ps4 can also do this while in sleep mode.

As for the store the problem lies in their ps3 hardware system memory and thats it. I thought things improved all around with the new store slightly but regardless sony can only do so much b/c of the mistake they made with such a small amount of system memory. To think that the PS4 will suffer from the same problem shows a lack of computer and console hardware knowledge.

When it comes to trophies I think this was confirmed in the UI commercial when they showed player levels and trophies. Besides achievements go hand in hand with trophies on the playstation and any ps3 owner knows that.

Also Unless you sit a foot from your plasma tv I dont think you will see reflection its just a small led on the controller


To those responding to this... I think your sarcasm detectors might be broken. That, or we have a list of things that seem even more trivial than the last.

You are probably right lol. After reading the post again It has to be a joke or trolling. Still you never know b/c there has been a lot of xbox and wii u fan boys posting absurd things these days

Cat Party

Yes it is. People suddenly made up this idea that smaller = hotter on Neogaf. Smaller components that need less power to operate run cooler. Why do you think your smart phone needs no air cooling and never gets hot?
Because my smart phone is not a high end gaming system.


I think it's a mixed bag on the achievement front for those that love them. Yeah, there's special event ones and whatnot, but those are literally permanently missable achievements. Either they give no points and thus make them less satisfying, or the OCD will be driven mad and have to stick with PS4 if it doesn't do similar for trophies.
that's a laughable list of shit to be upset about.

PS Store is slow on PS3……umm what the fuck does that have to do with the PS4? it's fast as shit on the Vita so that argument is worthless

can't turn off the light bar, what a trivial thing to bitch about

download speeds again is a PS3 problem (of which I have very little issues with) with the emphasis being P.S. and 3 again that has fuck all to do with performance of the PS4

trophies, again what a trivial thing to bitch about, especially so considering we know there's going to be trophies

Look OP is clear that the only thing that is keeping you from getting a PS4 and instead a XB1 is because you want the XB1 and not PS4, which of course is perfectly ok. You don't have to invent a bunch of bullshit to make your purchase seem justifiable just get whatever you want and call it a day
My only real problems:

* Installs on the PS3 take fucking forever. This seems to be related to the compression being used? I'd hope this changes dramatically, because while it will be nice that we can play other games or apps while installing, I'd still like the process to *not* take an hour.

* The store is buggy. Every time I've made a purchase over the past few weeks the store throws errors on checkout. I have to cancel out of the store, and pop back in to start my downloads. When it comes to any app with billing, this kind of behavior should never happen.

And on a less technical note I'd like to be able to opt out of social feeds and "appear offline". I'm a pretty social guy, but not always ;P I don't want everything I do to be insta-broadcast to all of my friends. Sometimes I just want to cloak and bash enemies in quiet anonymous peace.


These "reasons for concern" are so meaninglessly trivial/unverifiable that I suspect the OP is a cunning joke I simply fail to grasp
Only points 3 and 4 are legit concerns for me. The other three are trivial (though we'll never hear the end of them on GAF, I'm sure).

Download speed is something they seem to be focusing on in a big way. Everything Cerny and others have said tells me they're taking the problem seriously. There's no reason to think they can't fix it, if they're focused on doing so.

The UI/UX is the bigger concern. It's something that affects every facet of the experience and they couldn't seem to get it right with the PS3. I don't have a Vita (yet) but everyone cites it as a step in the right direction. I'm optimistic. We'll see.

One more thing - I'm very skeptical that Gaikai will deliver. At this point I am treating as icing on the cake. As someone said, if these are truly the biggest problems, that's a pretty damn good outlook. If Gaikai becomes a working reality in 2014 on top of everything else, it's going to be a hell of a device/service combo.


My only real problems:

* Installs on the PS3 take fucking forever. This seems to be related to the compression being used? I'd hope this changes dramatically, because while it will be nice that we can play other games or apps while installing, I'd still like the process to *not* take an hour.

* The store is buggy. Every time I've made a purchase over the past few weeks the store throws errors on checkout. I have to cancel out of the store, and pop back in to start my downloads. When it comes to any app with billing, this kind of behavior should never happen.

And on a less technical note I'd like to be able to opt out of social feeds and "appear offline". I'm a pretty social guy, but not always ;P I don't want everything I do to be insta-broadcast to all of my friends. Sometimes I just want to cloak and bash enemies in quiet anonymous peace.

PS3 was not built with online in mind. Even though they were the only HD system with built in wifi, they weren't really prepared to use it. I'm sure the PS4 is going to be better speed-wise. The Vita already beats the PS3 in download speed. The Vita for crying out loud. It's obviously a PS3 issue and thank god they're never going to go back to this architecture again (I hope). PS4 has additional network hardware built in to download in the background, hopefully so that it even continues downloading while your current game you're playing is connected online.


I have read all all points including the additional ones by Beysus and not one bothers me nor did I have similar issues. So, I guess I'll be fine.

Definitely no "reasons for concern"
The only complaint that applies for me is the slow store. It's even slower since they put up the new one. I expect that to be addressed
I just got a PS3 a few weeks ago, and while I agree with you on some points, they are obviously addressing some of these concerns on the PS4 (download speeds, accessibility and speed for the PS store). I also noticed than my downloads pause as I play another game (whereas most 360 SP games let my games download in background).

I'm also hoping they revamp some of the issues I have with the current OS.

Here's my experience (currently)

1.) Extremely slow store, navigating is kind of a mess
2.) Purchase game
3.) Download stays on foreground
4.) Set to "Background Downloading"
5.) Wait up to 2 minutes for all these items to finally download in background.
6.) After downloaded, go to my game... then install
7.) 7-10 minutes to install
8.) Download Patches (foreground install) 30 seconds to 4 min.
9.) Finally play game


1.) Load up games catalog
2.) Navigate through the convoluted MS catalog ()
3.) Purchase game
4.) Delay when game is purchased to download
5.) Game downloads in the background automatically
6.) Go to game, then download patches (foreground process, but considerably small patches) 30 seconds to 1 minute
7.) Finally play game

The experience from purchase to playing is MUCH better on the Xbox. I purchase a game, go play an SP game, the xbox tells me when it's done downloading. Download a quick patch and that's it, I'm in game. If i do anything other than leaving the PS3 idle, the download will never finish, this needs to change.
Yes it is. People suddenly made up this idea that smaller = hotter on Neogaf. Smaller components that need less power to operate run cooler. Why do you think your smart phone needs no air cooling and never gets hot?

I don't know about you, but my iPhone totally heats up when it's in use for extended periods of time.
Where did it show voice party chat in action? Maybe i just missed it or something but it would be great if it did verify it but I just didn't see it in that video.
The dude is talking to the guy playing killzone throughout almost the entire video. Notice he has the earpiece in his left ear, the one that's included with the system.


They are not weak. They are valid concerns. If you like something, you should actually be tougher in judgement on it.

Totally agree. That's why I'm always pointing out Iwatas bullshit.

Bugbear has been vouched and is in the clear!

Personally I have no issues with any of the things listed including download speeds


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You forgot "4) Paywall online play," OP.

And they keep saying that's going to help improve "3)" but I refuse to believe it until I see it.


Cool opinion piece.

All things related to the OS I am positive will be resolved, trophies, username, etc.

The controller light situation does suck, but I think we all know the system was meant to have the camera too. If that was the case, the light would be on all the time anyways. With the PS move the light was on all the time an it wasn't really that bad in terms of reflection. However, that shouldn't be considered a big negative and to me sounds like real reaching for an issue.


My only real problems:

* Installs on the PS3 take fucking forever. This seems to be related to the compression being used? I'd hope this changes dramatically, because while it will be nice that we can play other games or apps while installing, I'd still like the process to *not* take an hour.

* The store is buggy. Every time I've made a purchase over the past few weeks the store throws errors on checkout. I have to cancel out of the store, and pop back in to start my downloads. When it comes to any app with billing, this kind of behavior should never happen.

And on a less technical note I'd like to be able to opt out of social feeds and "appear offline". I'm a pretty social guy, but not always ;P I don't want everything I do to be insta-broadcast to all of my friends. Sometimes I just want to cloak and bash enemies in quiet anonymous peace.

ok well im not getting a xbox one b/c the original xbox didnt have as many games as the ps2.Also i wont get the xbox one b/c I dont like that the 360 got rid of the removable hard drive. Oh and b/c of all the bugs windows 95 had.

What does anything about the ps3 have to do with the ps4.
If you are going to look at things from old consoles as resaons not to buy one of the new ones then I think tghe 360's red ring of death issue would be a place to start. Hardware failure is certainly more important me.

Also maybe people with concerns about the ps4 should actually read up on the new features and hardware capabilities of the ps4 first.
The dude is talking to the guy playing killzone throughout almost the entire video. Notice he has the earpiece in his left ear, the one that's included with the system.
That part of the video bugs me, because he's wearing an earbud even when playing Knack solo. He never got a pop-up message to join a chat or the like. Just at some point his friend says "Hey!" into his ear.

They're still missing some steps in the process.

ok well im not getting a xbox one b/c the original xbox didnt have as many games as the ps2.Also i wont get the xbox one b/c I dont like that the 360 got rid of the removable hard drive. Oh and b/c of all the bugs windows 95 had.

What does anything about the ps3 have to do with the ps4.
If you are going to look at things from old consoles as resaons not to buy one of the new ones then I think tghe 360's red ring of death issue would be a place to start. Hardware failure is certainly more important me.
No need to get pissy. These are actual concerns I have that I haven't seen addressed by any PS4 footage or media so far. They certainly could be completely fixed on PS4, but they may not be. I'm not going to automatically assume that because there's new hardware that every last software issue is also magically fixed.


6) Only two USB ports. What if I want to use my external HDD, my Pulse headset and want to recharge my controler at the SAME time? Sony fix this!

7) The trackpad should've been a screen. Looking at WiiU's gamepad screen and its innovative gameplay options, it's a missed opportunity for Sony.

8) Ps Camera should be mandatory. Some multiplat games will probably uitlize the Kinect, making the Xbox One version of the game vastly superior. This will probably hurt the Ps4 3rd party game sales a lot.

The Ps4 is getting a lot of positive press. The Ps4 is $100 cheaper than the Xbox One. But why? Are we getting fooled by Sony's smoke&mirror strategy? I dunno why, but the cheaper price concerns me as well now that I think about it.

They gotta make money from the accessories / upgrades :3
This list is just nitpicking. Seriously, you have said "very wrong", nothing I see there is "very wrong". Slightly irritating, sure, but "very wrong"? Hardly.
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