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VIDEO: Bikers attack Range Rover driver after he drives over them during a rally(NY)

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Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
You just don't run people over because they're going slow. That was the start of the anarchy because nothing from that point forward was legal.

EDIT: please read follow up post before responding. Thanks new page ;_;

No Love

I had some motorcycle gangbanger kick the side of my car once because he got too close to it, and then him and his buddies tried to run me down in my old car. They were driving close to the windows and making guns with their fingers and pointing them at me, lol.

When I called the police for help, they were sympathetic and the cop said "I wouldn't have had any mercy, if it were me I would've just run him over and left him for dead."

"Bikers" are a bunch of fucking tryhard douchebags looking for attention. No sympathy for the asshats in the video either.

What's the story behind why that one guy just stopped right in front of the truck? Makes no damn sense.

As for running over people to get away, what a piece of shit. Jesus.

Are you joking? They were opening his door to get to him and wound up breaking his windows out, he sped away, how the fuck does that make him a piece of shit?
You just don't run people over because they're going slow. That was the start of the anarchy because nothing from that point forward was legal.

And if they weave right in front of you and do a hard brake while you drive a car slow to stop? Fuck that, and fuck them.


I find it even more ridiculous that someone claimed that one person died. I had to correct a FB friend after he posted this.
When he bumped into the biker to pull away. Road rage was a bad choice of words, I agree.
The biker intentionally made his bike hit the RR to make it stop. Then a bunch of them surrounded the SUV. Everything you see in the video is fear and self-defense on the part of the RR driver. If he did something wrong, it happened before the video.

Was the biker provoking him the only one hit? There's reports that multiple bikes/bikers wrecked.

Sorry that somehow went over your head.
No you actually aren't paying attention. The guy in front of the Range Rover CLEARLY hits his breaks to intentionally make the Range Rover bump into him and be forced to stop. Dozens of bikers surround the SUV. SUV driver runs over the blockers in fear of being at the mercy of this gang of bikers coming up to his car. That is what happened in the video. At the beginning of the video, they are already trying to gang up on the SUV


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
He didn't run over anybody because they're slow, did you watch the video?

I did watch the video. I saw a bike (not sure if biker was on it or not at the time) get run over. Some people are saying the biker deserved it for going slow which is bullshit.


Some (all?) of you are frightening. You can't just run the fuck over people because they brake checked you. You can't flee an accident because you drive a range rover.
Those bikers were dicks. I would've been scared shitless driving that Range Rover when the bikes surrounded him in the beginning. These guys acted like they were in the Toecutter's gang.
Am I bad person because if I'm stuck in a traffic jam, and I see a guy on a crotch rocket zigging and zagging in between cars that I want to open my car door as he comes by and just make him flip and injure himself?

It's only the crotch rocket cyclists that tend to exhibit this behavior.


Yeah, I wish we could see what happened 30 seconds before the video, as well as what was going on right after he rear ended the first guy.

I missed that he had his wife and young daughter in the car. Honestly think the bikers are lucky more weren't hurt.
Here is a legal question, if the driver in the Range Rover is a legal gun owner, is he allowed to shoot the biker who is attacking him in his car? When the guy starts smashing in the windows?

He's driving through New York City, so it's incredibly unlikely he'd even be legally allowed to carry a firearm in his car. If used a gun in this scenario, he'd be fucked one way or the other.


I did watch the video. I saw a bike (not sure if biker was on it or not at the time) get run over. Some people are saying the biker deserved it for going slow which is bullshit.

No, people are saying he deserved to get hit for intentionally hitting the brakes too hard in front of the RR. He is looking over his shoulder the entire time, the dude was being an arse.


From the reddit thread:
Apparently no one was killed but the driver had to be treated for lacerations on his face and body after his windows were smashed. As to what started the confrontation: Daily Mail article

The spokesman said, according to the driver, a large number of motorcyclists were driving 'erratically' and he 'accidentally collided with one'.
The footage shows one motorcyclist brake hard in front the the car and seems to get bumped by it.
He pulled over but some of the bikers started to damage the vehicle. The NYPD spokesman told the Mail Online the driver drove off 'to avoid an impending assault'.
The video shows the Range Rover accelerate suddenly knocking over bikes and motorcyclists, driving over the top of them.
The footage was

No Love

Are you joking? They were opening his door to get to him and wound up breaking his windows out, he sped away, how the fuck does that make him a piece of shit?

Yeah after my own experience above, I totally understand why the driver did what he did. When you're stuck in a car and there's a bunch of douchebags trying to attack you, you're going to want to get away. Especially if your wife and kid are in the car.


Junior Butler
If the driver of the RR/LR had his family in the car and he was honestly trying to get away, that's one thing. Either way, that biker started a train wreck of shit regardless (assuming he wasn't provoked before the video started).


fuck those bikers seriously. Read this:

"the driver fearing for the safety of his wife and young child, aged under five, speeds off, hitting several bikers in his path."

you dont smash in a window of someone with a kid next to him! Wtf?
The complete scene was really really scary. And even just watching this i felt somewhat threatened when the first driver jumped of his bike for whatever reason. Attacking an adult with his kid is serious bullshit. Well i don´t really see how he could have gotten out of this without running them over.

All of those bikers show some disgusting group behavior and even prove that he was right by feeling threatened in the beginning.

Seriously as a parent this makes my heart race, and iam normally on the bikers side.


I like the part at the end where some cowboy tries to break the rear window with his fist and suddenly realizes what a stupid idea that was.

Huh watching it again it was the same knucklehead who hit is brakes in front of the Rangerover and got tapped on his rear fender. Seems like a swell guy.


The biker intentionally made his bike hit the RR to make it stop. Then a bunch of them surrounded the SUV. Everything you see in the video is fear and self-defense on the part of the RR driver. If he did something wrong, it happened before the video.

As I said in my first post. I agree the guy in the SUV did not do anything wrong. You can "road rage" (ie purposefully/accidently cause harm to somebody with a vehicle) in a situation that's not your fault.

Edit: Nvm.

I am now positive that you don't know what road rage actually is.

My initial thought was that he was careless in how he went about handling the situation. That's all. And i'm coming to see that he probably wasn't.
I mean I get him getting off the freeway to get to a more populated area where there are more witnesses and since there tends to be a cop on every corner in NYC, but he was better off just going long distance on the freeway and let the bikers run out of fuel.
I did watch the video. I saw a bike (not sure if biker was on it or not at the time) get run over. Some people are saying the biker deserved it for going slow which is bullshit.

The dumbass biker in front of the SUV was purposefully braking and looking back to stop it, braking hard enough to the point where he practically hits him.
I can't see anything that the Range Rover did wrong in that video. What the hell is up with those bikers? Do they always get together and act like that?
There are plenty of nice, courteous bikers, but there are also plenty of bands of assholes on crotch rockets who form a "rally" to intimidate and endanger other drivers and pretty much shut down the roads.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Some (all?) of you are frightening. You can't just run the fuck over people because they brake checked you. You can't flee an accident because you drive a range rover.


The car was fully stopped and completely surrounded in the middle of the highway at this point (before he ran anyone over). This wasn't just a normal accident where people pull over to the side and assess the damage. That is a frightening position to be in, even more so when your wife and small child is in the car with you.
Some (all?) of you are frightening. You can't just run the fuck over people because they brake checked you. You can't flee an accident because you drive a range rover.

It's hard to tell what happened from the video. They might have brake checked too hard and there was no way to not hit him. You also can't see what happened after they had him surrounded so we don't know if they were starting shit like they did at the end of the video. Fleeing an accident doesn't give them the right to hunt him down, smash out his windows and beat the shit out of him either. They're both being stupid.


Fuck those bikers.

One of them braked hard in front of him, waiting to get 'hit'. As soon as he did they swarmed him.

Have no problem with him driving through them to get away. Who knows what the fuck they would've done and he had a kid in there too
And that makes it okay for you to endanger their life, a much more serious crime?

I can easily make it seem like an accident.

"Drop something out of the window" oopsie.

What cop is going to write me a ticket? NONE

The cop will be like "Why were you driving in between cars?"
I commute on a motorcycle often. I love motorcycles.

But these guys are douche nozzles. I really hate these insanely large group rides, and that brake check is completely uncalled for (especially considering the tight spot that guy was in).


This will probably come across as "internet tough guy", but once someone tried to pull me out of my car I would be in full on "use my car as a weapon mode". It doesn't matter if the RR was initially at fault, if I see that many people trying to swarm me, I'd use the equalizer i.e the fact I have a big metal frame around me and they don't. RR driver showed tremendous restraint imo.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
And if they weave right in front of you and do a hard brake while you drive a car slow to stop? Fuck that, and fuck them.

Was that dude the same guy? It seemed like something happened and then he four wheeled it over a different bike. It seemed like really poor judgment on the SUV driver in that situation. If the bikers caused the accident intentionally just to have someone to harass then I'm at a loss for words but its still seemed much more wrong to drive over another bike to get out of their.

I'm not sure what would have happened if the SUV driver stayed for law enforcement to get there but it seems like running may have escalated the matter.

What do you mean was it the same person? It was some idiot who after the first bump, decided to park their bike right in front of his car so he couldn't leave and sit there while a mob formed around the car. Sorry, but you picked your lot.

What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Is this a competition of some sort? Okay... I'm on a side now. Anyways thanks (I guess) for the clarification. I wasn't sure if driver plowed through another biker in an attempt to get away from what ever happened before the camera man looked away. Try to be a bit more civil with a fellow forum member if you can even if you disagree with his perspective. If you chose not to, that's unfortunate,
Some (all?) of you are frightening. You can't just run the fuck over people because they brake checked you. You can't flee an accident because you drive a range rover.

I think you're in the wrong thread. I don't know what situation you're referring to.

Was that dude the same guy? It seemed like something happened and then he four wheeled it over a different bike. It seemed like really poor judgment on the SUV driver in that situation. If the bikers caused the accident intentionally just to have someone to harass then I'm at a loss for words but its still seemed much more wrong to drive over another bike to get out of their.

I'm not sure what would have happened if the SUV driver stayed for law enforcement to get there but it seems like running may have escalated the matter.

What do you mean was it the same person? It was some idiot who after the first bump, decided to park their bike right in front of his car so he couldn't leave and sit there while a mob formed around the car. Sorry, but you picked your lot.
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