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Infinity Ward confirms: CoD Ghost is 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4


PS2 doesn't count for some reason. Gamerscore is apparently the secret sauce (glue) needed to ensure brand loyalty.

Nah I think you're oversimplifying, online in general (friendslist/gamertag recognition/community) is going to ensure that a lot of people move on to the next Xbox.


I'm only buying a PS4 this November, and I seriously cannot even convince my two best friends to leave Xbox and come to Playstation. My friends game a lot but they aren't the kind of people who go on message boards and gaming news sites. I was the only one who even had all three consoles last gen.

Just curious; why would you go with the PS4 when your two best friends aren't going with you? I can say, without hesitation, that going with the Xbox One first for me is due to the large amount of friends who I have that won't go Sony. I will do it just like I did this gen; multi plats for Xbox and I will get a PS4 next year for my enjoyment of exclusives and MP.

Gaz_RB said:
I'd argue that this generation is different due to the heavy online connectivity of last gen that we just didn't see in past generations. I think it caused a lot people to lay down roots in one console or the other, making next gen whole different ball game that I don't think will be comparable to older gens.

Layed down roots; apt way of putting it man.


That's what was said back in the PS2 to PS3 transition. Brand loyalty doesn't always win out. 3 of my most loyal 360 friend in mid Michigan have sense and were turned off by not only the price but the way MSFT has handled things. That and PS4 has handled most of their cards really well especially when it comes to games. I'm always curious to ask some semi casual gamer friends about this. You get all types.

forget ps2-ps3.

how about wii-wiiu

Lesson I learned. Unless you are apple. Every gen is a brand new slate.


That's true but I'm pretty sure more are leaving the Xbox to go to ps than ps to Xbox. This gen was very close. Next gen probably won't be as much. IF Sony can get close to 50/50 in the US, it'll be a huge victory for them

Well. that's only gamers or current gen owner situation.
Xbox might be in bad position within gaming community, but we don't know how much appeal both platform to none gamer.
Xbox might lose some of their current market share,
but they might draw a lot more new audience with Kinect 2 and media feature.
It's interesting to see how it's play out.


What bullshit. Scaling isn't magic, it doesn't add information, it simply tries not to make it worse. Do you think a native 720p TV playing cod looks as good as a native 1080p one? The best scaler ever will never match the native 720p TV.

This is very true, but as someone who plays on a PC monitor, having a good scaling chip in your console is better than having a terrible/no scaling chip in your console. 360 games usually end up looking a lot nicer than PS3 games on my monitor and I'm sure that's partially because of the scaler chip in the 360. This is why I'm hoping both consoles have great scalers this generation.

That said, it will be easy to tell the difference between real 1080p and 720p, even with an amazing scaler chip.


Sony selling a $100 cheaper 50% more powerful console? or the biggest selling video-game franchise being 720p on One and 1080 on 4?

50%.........oh please come on now this is not a difference like the SNES vs Sega genesis or PS2 VS original XBOX. That was a Huge power difference and it showed with little effort. multi platform games between those console looked and played so different you wouldn't think it was the same game.

The difference in Battlefield 4 on PS4 and X1 is not the same as Splinter Cell on XBOX origina VS PS2 or Street fighter 2 on SNES vs Sega genesis. COD Ghost runs at 60fps on both but one is in 720p and the other at 1080p everything else will be the same in the final release. This is just over hype fanboy B.S. and I thought the 360 vs the PS3 back in the day was bad......nothing compared to this. smh
You don't have to; let them make a decision. If they are comfortable with the 360, the controller, dig Xbox Live it just makes sense that they will migrate right over to One. Price tag, resolutions, etc just don't mean that much to these gamers.

The One is a new system with a new controller, and a new UI and Live interface, the only thing that is the same as the 360 is the up-resing of the games, I guess they could be comfortable with that.


That's what was said back in the PS2 to PS3 transition. Brand loyalty doesn't always win out. 3 of my most loyal 360 friend in mid Michigan have sense and were turned off by not only the price but the way MSFT has handled things. That and PS4 has handled most of their cards really well especially when it comes to games. I'm always curious to ask some semi casual gamer friends about this. You get all types.

You are discounting, as Gaz put it, that gamers on this gen are online constantly and have "layed down roots." I have been hearing it in party chats while playing GTA V lately. Most don't even know about NeoGAF, resolution arguments, etc. They just don't care..they have a tight knit group of friends who have gamed together for a long time. They don't want to lose that and honestly, who could blame them?


hide your water-based mammals
You are discounting, as Gaz put it, that gamers on this gen are online constantly and have "layed down roots." I have been hearing it in party chats while playing GTA V lately. Most don't even know about NeoGAF, resolution arguments, etc. They just don't care..they have a tight knit group of friends who have gamed together for a long time. They don't want to lose that and honestly, who could blame them?

You are speaking to a crowd which hasn't really been polled. Price matters but the more you inform people, the more they will probably tend to side with not only the huge games advantage PS4 has but the manner of which they've handled things on top of other things.

Then there's people who are entrenched in each ecosystem. Luckily Sony has MSFT handily beat in that regard.


I had two guys here at work say, "I don't care, I just like Xbox." when I told them this news. I can't understand that mentality, but it seems to be common.
If they are familiar and enjoy the 360 why would that even matter? MS is leading them right into the One. I am saying this because I know a group of friends who are doing this. The PS4 isn't even on their radar; they know nothing of 1080p discussions, nothing of even the reversal by MS during the summer. This group is going to be much larger and more influential than most on here are ready to believe.

I don't think it's as cut and dry as this. There are definitely those groups who played 360 and will simply upgrade to whatever the next box is, but there are also quite a few groups out there who have their "gaming guy" and will just follow his lead because he's the most clued in/follows the blogs/forums/twitterz/etc. Everyone in that group doesn't have to know about 1080P or 180s - they just have to listen to the guy they trust.

Again, I agree, there are definitely those groups that will just make the transition over to X1, but there are also those who will take the lead of their group's "expert," many of whom are probably reco'ing the PS4 at this point.


The One is a new system with a new controller, and a new UI and Live interface, the only thing that is the same as the 360 is the up-resing of the games, I guess they could be comfortable with that.

You have to understand that this is the first transition from an online heavy gen to the next. These gamers have spent a shit ton of time building up their group of friends, achievements, etc that them switching over to PS4 isn't even on their radar. The controller isn't a drastic change at all.
Americans are loyal to... the lowest price.

It's been bizarre for me to see people shift towards the Xbox One in that regard, in my (limited) experience with people they do not seem to be overly concerned about the extra 100 dollars. They also seem to enjoy Microsofts first party offerings more even though they haven't tried any of Sonys. Just from advertisements alone they've decided that Microsoft appeals to them more. And this is without fail everyone that i've talked to


I had two guys here at work say, "I don't care, I just like Xbox." when I told them this news. I can't understand that mentality, but it seems to be common.

Gut feeling says the 360 is their first console and they're afraid to try anything different.


Junior Member
I've tried to explain the difference between 720 and 1080 and I just get blank stares (though maybe I did a poor job)
For a super simplified explanation just tell them to watch a YouTube video on full screen and change between 720p and 1080p. I mean, you'd have to be an idiot to be confused by those directions.


So what's your overall point? Is it something beyond 'some' people won't care about 720p resolution in their next-gen games? Because I think everybody here knows that.

I don't know... some of these posts here seem to suggest otherwise.

Perhaps you are suggesting it won't be a factor at all. That would suggest the most won't care. Perhaps that's also true. But what of the hardcore gamer will they care?

Never said that. It will play a factor in what system a person gets a multiplatform game for. All I'm saying is that the same won't be true for many people. There are many other factors that play a role too in multiplatform game buying decisions -- not just which version looks better.

Do you care?

About 1080p games? I would obviously prefer 1080p over 720p but if I see an interesting game that's 720p then I'm not going to dismiss it.

And to be honest, I was expecting many games in this upcoming gen to be 720p at 60 FPS after all of the sub-HD games we got during the current "HD" gen. Said it here on these forums before both of the consoles were revealed.

So, my expectations are being met to be honest. Heck, if 900p at 60 FPS becomes the standard then that would actually exceed my expectations for next gen games. I know many here expected more though and that's perfectly fine/understandable.


Just curious; why would you go with the PS4 when your two best friends aren't going with you? I can say, without hesitation, that going with the Xbox One first for me is due to the large amount of friends who I have that won't go Sony. I will do it just like I did this gen; multi plats for Xbox and I will get a PS4 next year for my enjoyment of exclusives and MP.

Layed down roots; apt way of putting it man.

I really don't have as much time to play online as I used to or I probably would. Most my time is spent on University, and the gaming time is usually on new games as I tend to not stay on one multiplayer game for very long anymore like my friends do. My friends are mostly BF/COD/Halo and the occasional Skyrim or GTA. I'll no doubt eventually get an XB1, just decided to go with the PS4 first as I really grew to love a lot of Sony exclusives towards the end of the gen when PS3 took up more of my time.


I've tried to explain the difference between 720 and 1080 and I just get blank stares (though maybe I did a poor job)

I've been in their place before. Back in the 90's, I picked up a Saturn instead of a PS because of brand loyalty. Then one day at the mall, I saw Toshinden running on a PS. My jaw dropped.

Tell them that brand loyalty is a bad thing.


I don't think it's as cut and dry as this. There are definitely those groups who played 360 and will simply upgrade to whatever the next box is, but there are also quite a few groups out there who have their "gaming guy" and will just follow his lead because he's the most clued in/follows the blogs/forums/twitterz/etc. Everyone in that group doesn't have to know about 1080P or 180s - they just have to listen to the guy they trust.

I am that guy; I have tried to talk about this with my group of friends on 360 and I am usually met with crickets and the random "I don't care about 1080p, etc" I have floated the idea to this group of guys, who are my close friends, and it hasn't gotten through to them at all. They are not hard core gamers and they love what they have now, and MS is telling them they get to basically keep everything the way it is, with added features.


It's like people forgot this gen ever happened.

brand loyalty
use to the controller lay out
Big Franchise recognition with brand for 3rd party

Yep, never happened

Brand loyalty didn't do shit for PS3 and it's price tag. And all those franchises on ps2? History will repeat itself but in reverse this gen.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
You are discounting, as Gaz put it, that gamers on this gen are online constantly and have "layed down roots." I have been hearing it in party chats while playing GTA V lately. Most don't even know about NeoGAF, resolution arguments, etc. They just don't care..they have a tight knit group of friends who have gamed together for a long time. They don't want to lose that and honestly, who could blame them?

None of them have paid for new consoles. There's nothing stopping them from just moving as a group except self-fulfilling prophecy bullshit. (And messing up by not getting preorders in.)


You don't think most of that stuff is slightly less concrete than the very real disparity between price, power, and consumer-friendliness? Consider it a sunk cost and move on.

Price is the only real disparity. However, what is $100 compared to what I'm going to pay purchasing the Xbone and PS4 with games? Price can swing 50/50 for casuals. 50% that a casual will go towards the system eco-system they're used playing on. 50% they go in the direction of the lesser price. Not sure what I can say on power since I'll eventually have both systems but in my opinion the games I want to play on that particular system will trump power if I had to make a choice. What need do I have for the PS4's power if the game(s) I really want to play are on another system?
You are discounting, as Gaz put it, that gamers on this gen are online constantly and have "layed down roots." I have been hearing it in party chats while playing GTA V lately. Most don't even know about NeoGAF, resolution arguments, etc. They just don't care..they have a tight knit group of friends who have gamed together for a long time. They don't want to lose that and honestly, who could blame them?

Hey bro. Here's my psn id. Add me


Since Xbox One has the Snap feature, I finally realized why the games are only 720p or less:


Whoops, forgot to give the game the Xbox One look of super sharpness.


I really don't have as much time to play online as I used to or I probably would. Most my time is spent on University, and the gaming time is usually on new games as I tend to not stay on one multiplayer game for very long anymore like my friends do. My friends are mostly BF/COD/Halo and the occasional Skyrim or GTA. I'll no doubt eventually get an XB1, just decided to go with the PS4 first as I really grew to love a lot of Sony exclusives towards the end of the gen when PS3 took up more of my time.

I hear ya; thanks for explaining. I don't have the time anymore either. With a 7 month old daughter, work, etc my gaming time usually consists of an hour or so a night. While I did play a ton of TLOU MP and The Show 13, I mainly hop on my 360, get in a party chat with my close friends and either game or just talk about whatever.


I understand the concept of sticking with your friends, but I don't understand how this concept of laying down roots applies without backwards compatibility.

I guess people are that attached to their gamerscore?

It's not so much laying down roots in one game, it's more of having this friends list that you've met on the system and keeping up the community you've built as you've moved from game to game on one console. We've never really seen this in past generation transitions. That's how I've been seeing it from my viewpoint anyway. We'll find out in a year or so.

I hear ya; thanks for explaining. I don't have the time anymore either. With a 7 month old daughter, work, etc my gaming time usually consists of an hour or so a night. While I did play a ton of TLOU MP and The Show 13, I mainly hop on my 360, get in a party chat with my close friends and either game or just talk about whatever.

Exactly. Which is why I got GTAV on the console that most of my friends own, even though I've got a much better set up on my PS3.
You are discounting, as Gaz put it, that gamers on this gen are online constantly and have "layed down roots." I have been hearing it in party chats while playing GTA V lately. Most don't even know about NeoGAF, resolution arguments, etc. They just don't care..they have a tight knit group of friends who have gamed together for a long time. They don't want to lose that and honestly, who could blame them?

What's stopping them from all getting a PS4 and gaming together there? I think you are overestimating peoples love for the Xbox brand. Alot of this "they have their roots" stuff can have been said about the PS2 to PS3 leap, look what happened. This time the consoles come out really close, with obvious power and price differences. The casuals will learn about these differences from the hardcore and make their decisions off that.

Sure there can be some groups who will stay with the Xbox brand, but as preorders have shown, the PS4 will probably be more popular off the bat, so more people will potentially have their friends with one than an Xbone.


Brand loyalty didn't do shit for PS3 and it's price tag. And all those franchises on ps2? History will repeat itself but in reverse this gen.

That transition was a different beast; online play wasn't as prevalent for one thing. The PS3 also launched a whole year later; people just got tired of waiting and MS made out big because of it.
It's not so much laying down roots in one game, it's more of having this friends list that you've met on the system and keeping up the community you've built as you've moved from game to game on one console. We've never really seen this in past generation transitions. That's how I've been seeing it from my viewpoint anyway. We'll find out in a year or so.

Yeah, I really do feel that this transition is different this time around in a lot of ways. A lot of people game now that haven't had to deal with a console transition before, especially since this generation has been so long


What's stopping them from all getting a PS4 and gaming together there? I think you are overestimating peoples love for the Xbox brand. Alot of this "they have their roots" stuff can have been said about the PS2 to PS3 leap, look what happened. This time the consoles come out really close, with obvious power and price differences. The casuals will learn about these differences from the hardcore and make their decisions off that.

Sure there can be some groups who will stay with the Xbox brand, but as preorders have shown, the PS4 will probably be more popular off the bat, so more people will potentially have their friends with one than an Xbone.

In the way that I think we're referring to, the PS2 had little to no online to lay "roots" on for people to move to the PS3.

Yeah, I really do feel that this transition is different this time around in a lot of ways. A lot of people game now that haven't had to deal with a console transition before, especially since this generation has been so long

Indeed. I'm looking forward to how it all turns out.


hide your water-based mammals
That transition was a different beast; online play wasn't as prevalent for one thing. The PS3 also launched a whole year later; people just got tired of waiting and MS made out big because of it.

599 USD had a big part or else we wouldn't have seen Sony surpass MSFT in WW sales. Brand loyalty is one thing but I think Sony at least won on the games as anyone could probably see over the last few years.

We will see how things correlate in a year but I think both players will be alright.



That's what was said back in the PS2 to PS3 transition. Brand loyalty doesn't always win out. 3 of my most loyal 360 friend in mid Michigan have sense and were turned off by not only the price but the way MSFT has handled things. That and PS4 has handled most of their cards really well especially when it comes to games. I'm always curious to ask some semi casual gamer friends about this. You get all types.

The ps3 came out a year after the 360though, which gave them a stronghold on multiplatform games. Not to mention the PS3 was insanely overpriced at the time, with very few launch games of any worth ( Lair anybody? ). But to the credit of Sony, they really got their shit together after a horrible launch and the hacking incident, to the point where they were able to do very well in sales and make PS+ awesome. The fact that MSFT is stumbling out of the gate will only benefit Xbox One owners in the long run, it will force them to make changes and fix mistakes. Who knows, I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Xbox One in 2 years that has a hardware upgrade. Just speaking from personal experience, I have a large group of friends who are 360 owners, not one of them is switching over to the PS4 and all of them are getting Xbox One day one. These are hardcore gamers mind you, people who play all different types of games. We don't care about the resolution, we care about XBL as a service and community and we care more about MSFT's exclusives. You can argue back and forth about which console is better, but in the end its all about preference. The only reason I think that Sony will destroy MSFT at first in sales is due to the price point and nothing else. Just look at the lineup of games in the next 12 months, Xbox One has some incredible games coming.


What's stopping them from all getting a PS4 and gaming together there?

What I have mentioned a few times already; they like what they have and the One is going to let them keep that going, along with added features.

Cirekiller said:
I think you are overestimating peoples love for the Xbox brand.

I am not; it goes both ways. There are those who had zero intentions of getting the Xbox One that were strictly PS3 gamers this gen.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
CoD has traditionally gone 60/40 in favor of Xbox this past gen in NA (year head start and pricing advantage in NA for the 360)

I don't think the CoD audience is very loyal to any given platform. Some may stay with what's familiar for them, but overall I think PS4 is going to take the CoD audience next-gen.

$100 less, twice the resolution. It's really a no brainer for most.
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