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Wii U US November Sales Estimated at 149K by Pachter

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Holy craaaaaaaap man. If this is anywhere near true, then damn.


Should I just keep my Wii U as an antique for the future? Collectors item? This is a Nintendo person talking here too. Yikes.

Why don't you wait for actual sales data to come out before asking questions like this?


If it really sold only 150k with Super Mario 3D World and the Black Friday Deals....wow, this would be horrible.

It was mostly just bundles at their regular price wasn't it? There wasn't anything really advertised was there? I mean, I got mine from a flash Ebay deal that lasted all of 60 seconds. I think Target was doing something, but I don't think it was in their paper.
What? That site that Pachter recommends as an accurate source for sales data shows much larger sales than that.

If you're talking about that dark and dread forbidden site where angels dare not tread, he specifically said their numbers in the moment tend to be terribly inaccurate but that they "eventually" adjust them to accurate status months or even years down the line as more data becomes available.

He would not be expecting them to have accurate November sales data until sometime around March, at best.


People believe this stupid guy?
All hope is lost.

Before saying "OMG, all hope it's lost", wait for Smash Bros WiiU to get released before calling out for Doom.

Also, wait for official numbers. Not numbers from somebody's chocolate starfish.

Boss Man

I think a Pokemon MMO really could save the Wii U but there's no way Nintendo is actually doing that, and it's probably too late to start even if they decided to.

Hell, just a normal Pokemon RPG on the Wii U would sell a bunch of systems.

Mory Dunz

How close has he been in recent months, if he does this a lot?

If he's right, wowwwwww.

If he's wrong, please bookmark this thread so everyone will know to not pay attention to the predictions.


It was mostly just bundles at their regular price wasn't it? There wasn't anything really advertised was there? I mean, I got mine from a flash Ebay deal that lasted all of 60 seconds. I think Target was doing something, but I don't think it was in their paper.

Target had bundles at 249.99 for a day or two. The majority of consoles sold in November were regularly priced though.
150k would mean it was almost TRIPLED by the GC in a similar November post-launch period. That's sub-Dreamcast numbers.

Charting below Dreamcast numbers. Just wow.
The other option is a 3rd pillar, based off the same tech, minus the blu ray and expensive gamepad..sold for $150.

The same games could still be released for the Wii U to keep owners happy...or/and follow Sony's Vita path but instead of downporting their PS3 content to Vita..Nintendo up-port their 3DS titles to Wii U.

Starfox won't sell, a Pokemon MMO likely wouldn't sell any better than Pokemon Stadium (I'd give Capcom a call to make PokeMonster Hunter..that might help in Japan at least).

Why would they give a call to capcom to do a pokemonter hunter?
Isn't Pokemon>> Monster Hunter?
They have their formula why would they go for a formula that is not even considered competition to them(I think)


People believe this stupid guy?
All hope is lost.

Before saying "OMG, all hope it's lost", wait for Smash Bros WiiU to get released before calling out for Doom.

Also, wait for official numbers. Not numbers from somebody's chocolate starfish.


It's done.

No Smash can save it.
People believe this stupid guy?
All hope is lost.

Before saying "OMG, all hope it's lost", wait for Smash Bros WiiU to get released before calling out for Doom.

Also, wait for official numbers. Not numbers from somebody's chocolate starfish.

Even though I have become a fan of the Wii U, please don't do this Lebon. The tide was suppose to change with Pikmin, then it was Wonderful 101, then it was Zelda, then it was Mario 3D World. The Wii U isn't going to make a come back and if you're a fan of the Wii U strictly for Nintendo games that is ok. But let's not make an argument that this system can make a comeback. It's not going to saleswise. I can't wait for Mario Kart 8, Smash, Zelda, and whatever other surprises Nintendo has in store for the system but in terms of sales? It's not going to be pretty.


People believe this stupid guy?
All hope is lost.

Before saying "OMG, all hope it's lost", wait for Smash Bros WiiU to get released before calling out for Doom.

Also, wait for official numbers. Not numbers from somebody's chocolate starfish.

Even if its wrong, if the number is under 500K this system is in big trouble. Mario Kart 8 and Smash Brothers will not turn the tide.


3D World was not a console mover at all in Japan but I don't know how good of an indicator that is to how it'll go down in America.


Cranky Kong!

I really hope they do, but Nintendo has become rather predictable and boring lately. I'd love to see a new Starfox or a proper console Pokemon RPG.
Not the right thread to talk about this but yeah, Pokemon RPG on Wii U with high production values would sell a ton and I would like to play that.
I have no idea, but quality doesn't equal sales, hence how Knack is outselling 3D World in the UK

You're definitely the new Gahiggidy, except the GCN was actually selling well compared to the Wii U. Smash Bros. may have saved it but the 3DS version will just cannibalize everything.
As bad as it sounds, maybe this will cause a price cut and I can finally buy a Wii U at sub $200 price even when its not the holiday season.

But man 9 million sales by March. It would now take the biggest of miracles to reach even 1/3 of that number
Yeah, reading this thread, and the replys to my my post...Im understanding better now.

I guess we get numbers Thursday, so might as well wait til then before over reacting.

Nintendo needs a Direct of epic proportions that promises the world to WiiU owners. One last ditch, we have all these games in dev, please buy it! lol

Just to put it into perspective, the Wii sold 2 million hardware units in its 2nd November... which is massive. Considering how bad the Wii U has performed thus far, just 500k would be a significant step in the right direction... So, to make 1/3 of that is really weak.

Sounds like Iwata is going to have some tough conversations starting next year if the numbers to be as bad as predicted.


That's super depressing. They finally get good games out for it and it still tanks?

I mean Patcher might be off but I doubt it will look much better...

Oh well Nintendo can survive this but they better learn big time from this.


You're definitely the new Gahiggidy, except the GCN was actually selling well compared to the Wii U. Smash Bros. may have saved it but the 3DS version will just cannibalize everything.

I have no idea who that is, but my statement is factual. 3D World is widely accepted as an amazing game and Knack as a mediocre one. Knack is outselling 3D World in the UK. Nothing about my statement is inaccurate.
Why is it a huge suprise that it's selling lower than the DC? I don't get that. The DC started really well, the price was low as fuck. Sega simply couldn't sustain that financially. Would be interesting to see how much Wii U would sell if they dropped the price like a stone.



...and donny2112:

...are in the lead for 2013 predictions.

Wouldn't ~300K - 400K still be pretty bad though for a home console in America (where home consoles thrive) only in it's second year? I would think so. It's quite interesting how close both of their predictions are though.


It's pretty crazy to see a system cratering this early in its life. Nintendo's in a really tight spot; if they release a new system within the next two years, they risk losing whatever consumer trust they have left, but holding out on a successor until 2016-17 (barring a miracle that will turn sales around) will further cement the dead console stigma and could drive away potential buyers from their next system. I'm at a loss on how Nintendo could save face in an industry where poor reputations spreads like wildfire over the Internet, short of rolling out a successor and offering a courtesy worldwide trade-in program for the 4 or so million Wii U owners.

At this point in time, it's best for them to continue with their 2014 releases. If they're going to kill the system, it will be if the system continues bombing next Holiday, after realizing that nothing they release will turn it around. I hope they manage to turn things around but they haven't been helping themselves =/

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Not surprised. The damn thing is overpriced. Simple as that. I almost bought one but decided to wait to see how bad the sales were. Glad I did. If this is true we will be seeing a 3DS-style price slashing early next year. It needs to happen.


Holy shit. Those would be disastrously bad numbers even if it sold twice that amount.

At this point I wonder if Nintendo will even bother releasing Zelda on this system or green-lighting any further Wii U titles, it would just be a waste.


Keep it as a games console to play amazing games like Pikmin 3 and Mario 3D World?

Yeah that is the best answer and most logical answer haha. I'm still hype for Smash 4 and stuff so at least I'd have that. Just a bit of an overreaction is all.

Thursday is when these official numbers go up right? Well that's when we'll all know.


Then why aren't people buying it in droves?

If the number is anywhere below 500,000 then NINTY has failed
It's not arbitrary number, if your console had a year head start, is almost $100 less than the competition, and has heavy hitters out to in full force... YIKES!

You have to realize, Black Friday in the US is huge
Remember the Wii, it would sell fucking Truckloads in Nov + December, hell it would take Sony Family + MS to equal what NINTY was selling some months

Casuals now want free games on phones/tablets (and Nintendo has created nothing original to hook them again to think it's worth paying). Core gamers want uber powerful machines and lots of dudebro shooters.

PS4/Xbox One launch line-ups are no better than Wii U's last year (worse when it comes to reviews)...so it's more about pricing,marketing, positioning in the market and poor branding ..than the software.

There's no Wii Sports style "new hook"..and it's too expensive for families to buy just for Mario.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
It's going to be somewhere between 250k - 350k though, which is still awful, but at least a departure point for the holiday sales

149k seems like such a random number. Especially since he predicted SM3DW at 700k ?


If the Wii U is doing this bad i think i should buy one, it will be like a rare console to own. Especially if they stop making the thing by the end of next year.
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