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Wii U US November Sales Estimated at 149K by Pachter

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i reaaally doubt this. the wii u is obviously really struggling, but in november with 3d world it's not going to do that badly.


But it's November.

You can sell 150k in February or March or April.

You don't sell 150k in November. November and December are suppose to be the biggest selling months for hardware.

Yeah, reading this thread, and the replys to my my post...Im understanding better now.

I guess we get numbers Thursday, so might as well wait til then before over reacting.

Nintendo needs a Direct of epic proportions that promises the world to WiiU owners. One last ditch, we have all these games in dev, please buy it! lol
If true its dead and I made the right choice selling it last month. I didn't think just Mario would turn this flop around and looks like I was right, the people have spoken. Wonder if Mario will get a 3DS port in the future.
Even double that would be disasterous

Even triple that would be disastrous. At this rate, it will take the Wii U 20 years to reach Iwata's sales expectations for this fiscal year. As much as I love Super Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3, there is literally nothing they can do to turn this around. And to make matters worse, they genuinely believe that releasing one game in between November and April will save the Wii U. Reggie specifically stated that Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze is the game that will help propel them through the first quarter.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
They keep their chins up and hope for a turnaround with Donkey Kong, Mario Kart and Smash Bros next year. Maybe they drop the gamepad and the price to $199, maybe they keep it and drop the price to $250.

After that doesn't work, 2015 will have Yoshi Yarn, a new Kirby, SMT x FE and the new Zelda. It'll be dead and buried by this point.

2016 has nothing for Wii U, but they drop the new console in November 2016 alongside an EAD Tokyo Mario. I can't imagine they waste EAD Tokyo on a second 3D Mario for the Wii U, considering the first one has proven to do fuck all for the console. Better off just saving them for the next console, with maybe a 3D Land 2 for 3DS at some point.

what a disaster.

If these numbers are true and XboxOne/PS4 are selling 2 million in just NA each in 2013, then it is over. Retailers are going to replace shelf space for things that are making them money. It has already happened in Europe and with it happening in NA as well, there simply are too many negatives for Nintendo to continue Wii U. They'll be losing money in absolute terms but also losing "mindshare" in a new generation of gamers. That market will be filled within 5 years on PS4/XboxOne/Mobile.

Nintendo will need to decide on whether to prepare for a new console or consider other options. Maybe they just go handheld/mobile only.


Holy craaaaaaaap man. If this is anywhere near true, then damn.


Should I just keep my Wii U as an antique for the future? Collectors item? This is a Nintendo person talking here too. Yikes.


We know.

For a thought exercise, double the prediction and then find Aquamarine's post of historical November sales and see where it ranks.

Pachter could be off by 100% and Wii U would still be one of the worst selling systems of the last 15-20 years.

Exactly, even if it sold 300,000 (150% off prediction would still bring it below GC) units. It would still be one of the worst selling Consoles in history for the month of November.


Someone said 300k was probably likely and I remember thinking that would suck for Nintendo. 150k would truly be disastrous. I did my part though. It's the best next gen console I own right now, but Nintendo needs to do something if the number truly is that low.


While the number may very well end up being wrong, the chances the wii u didn't sell well at all is a very real possibility.

This was too cruel.....playing with my childhood emotions....
So lets say the number was 2x that. Let's say it was 300k.

That's still lower than most of GameCube best November numbers.

Yeah, but Gamecube was always profitable, so those numbers may be profitable for Wii U as well, which means all this doom and gloom posts are pretty stupid.


I'm more curious as to how Mario 3D World performed in the Americas. Does Patcher throw out predictions for software sales too?
Or a Pokemon Console RPG could do the trick..... not it wont save the Wii U, people need continuation after they are done=MMO.

A Pokemon Console RPG would have suited the Wii good, since it was so successful. The Wii U? Nope
That's more than I expected actually. But a disaster if true. Not that I'm expecting much more and heck it could be even less.

Thursday is gonna break GAF.

Boss Man

A Pokemon mmo is not going to cause the wii u to outsell the ps4 or Xbox one. Come on.
It would certainly make the Wii U relevant at least.That would sell the hell out of Wii U's, the potential sales there can hardly be overstated in my opinion.

They aren't going to do it though, too much effort or something.
DAMN! Seriously? I don't understand why Nintendo is struggling this bad with the console when they dominated so hard last-gen.
This is becoming a carnival of stupid, I wish a Nintendo rep just came in here and say how wrong those numbers are.

even double the sales that Pach is saying would still be aweful for a November

but honestly I am not sure what to expect for Wii U numbers this could be right on target the way the Wii U had been trending all year
The Xbox 360 in its 7th year (2012) sold 1.26m in November.
Not to pile on but 2012 was actually the 360's eighth November, and it still demolished Wii U. This year is the 360's ninth November and i'd bet it still outsold Wii U handily. Man i want to love Nintendo because they're so unique in this industry but they are making it extremely difficult. As soon as I saw the unveiling for the Wii U i knew this thing would bomb. Everything from the ambiguous unveiling, to the naming, to hardware design, to marketing, to software was horribly botched during their first year, to the point where it now seems unsalvageable. It's a shame because it seems like they're releasing quality software now...that unfortunately no one is going to buy. Let's just hope they re-release all these games on their next console.


If true, it's an absolute end for the Wii U. Like, I don't even see how continuing production would make business sense for Nintendo.


...There's no way that's right. Like I imagine it sold that much on Black Friday alone. Pachter should really think before he opens his mouth because it probably sold at least north of 200k. I'll eat my hat if he's wrong but I'm pretty damn sure he's talking out of his ass on this one.
Console death spiral.

With those kind of sales, they are not going to attract 3rd party developers . . . and without 3rd party developers, sales are going to drop, and with dropping sales, they are not going to attract 3rd party developers . . .


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Worse games? Haha good one. While the Dreamcast had some good games, none of them come up to Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3 or Wonderful 101, at least in my view

Then why aren't people buying it in droves?

If the number is anywhere below 500,000 then NINTY has failed
It's not arbitrary number, if your console had a year head start, is almost $100 less than the competition, and has heavy hitters out to in full force... YIKES!

You have to realize, Black Friday in the US is huge
Remember the Wii, it would sell fucking Truckloads in Nov + December, hell it would take Sony Family + MS to equal what NINTY was selling some months


Nintendo has no other options, either kill it and get on the train with the X1 and PS4(unlikely to happen)

Or do a Pokemon MMO, this can save the Wii U.
A Pokemon MMO will save the Wii u and probably make it outsell the PS4/X1.
But it will also need a Starfox game like a real sequel to Starfox 64 using the Wii U's maximum power.

Those games and Wii u is saved, if not then it's dead.
The other option is a 3rd pillar, based off the same tech, minus the blu ray and expensive gamepad..sold for $150.

The same games could still be released for the Wii U to keep owners happy...or/and follow Sony's Vita path but instead of downporting their PS3 content to Vita..Nintendo up-port their 3DS titles to Wii U.

Starfox won't sell, a Pokemon MMO likely wouldn't sell any better than Pokemon Stadium (I'd give Capcom a call to make PokeMonster Hunter..that might help in Japan at least).
Yeah it will, Pokemon carried Nintendo on its back since it came out.
A Pokemon MMO full fleshed will definitely save it, people been asking for this, wanted this.
With the age we are in today, a MMO of this sort would be soo immersive in real life its crazy. It will hit our society harder than WoW has hit it.

Pokemon MMO will save the Wii U, however it would be stupid to use it on a console like this.

I feel like this thread is causing Nintendo fans to regress into child-like states. See above.


DAMN! Seriously? I don't understand why Nintendo is struggling this bad with the console when they dominated so hard last-gen.

This has been done to death. The wii was a fad. That audience hasn't carried over to the new system. The hardcore, I hate that term, is buying either a playstation or an xbox.


Holy craaaaaaaap man. If this is anywhere near true, then damn.


Should I just keep my Wii U as an antique for the future? Collectors item? This is a Nintendo person talking here too. Yikes.

Keep it as a games console to play amazing games like Pikmin 3 and Mario 3D World?


Pokemon>>>>both Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, the game itself its a offline MMO integrate it as a MMO and=sales and sales and sales! You could have gym leaders by states, countries(they all fight for that spot have it for a number of years), and people will try to fight to gain gym badges, and then you have pokemon leagues for regions, and a World Pokemon LEAGUE, and you have enough pokemon as of now for the start up.
oh my god!

this has to be trolling. there's no way anyone can seriously believe this. it sounds even more ridiculous than Pachter's predictions.


While the number may very well end up being wrong, the chances the wii u didn't sell well at all is a very real possibility.

Its been a well known secret for a year now. Mario doesnt look to be turning sales around from what we can see, and there was nothing else to do so.....these numbers are probably low, but close..


So lets say the number was 2x that. Let's say it was 300k.

That's still lower than most of GameCube's best November numbers.

you miss the point. the starting number you are 2x-ing is only worth pachters reputation. so doesnt really work that way as an excersize.


Wow. If true, I don't know how they can even recover from this disaster.
It's pretty crazy to see a system cratering this early in its life. Nintendo's in a really tight spot; if they release a new system within the next two years, they risk losing whatever consumer trust they have left, but holding out on a successor until 2016-17 (barring a miracle that will turn sales around) will further cement the dead console stigma and could drive away potential buyers from their next system. I'm at a loss on how Nintendo could save face in an industry where poor reputations spreads like wildfire over the Internet, short of rolling out a successor and offering a courtesy worldwide trade-in program for the 4 or so million Wii U owners.


Then why aren't people buying it in droves?

If the number is anywhere below 500,000 then NINTY has failed
It's not arbitrary number, if your console had a year head start, is almost $100 less than the competition, and has heavy hitters out to in full force... YIKES!

You have to realize, Black Friday in the US is huge
Remember the Wii, it would sell fucking Truckloads in Nov + December, hell it would take Sony Family + MS to equal what NINTY was selling some months

I have no idea, but quality doesn't equal sales, hence how Knack is outselling 3D World in the UK
I feel like this thread is causing Nintendo fans to regress into child-like states. See above.

Nintendo fans?
Last Nintendo console I owned was a Snes, and I had a gameboy color.
I don't consider myself as a nintendo fan, maybe a old nintendo fan. Cuz this nintendo wit the wii not so much.
I loved the n64 though, and the GBA.
Handheld-only or they release a safe console like everyone else already kinda does.
(Which would be sad since I really like all their 'gimmicky' hardware.)

Releasing a console like everyone else does them no good without 3rd party support, and even with equal footing in system power I doubt 3rd parties would bother releasing stuff where it won't sell.
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