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Various Marvel vs. Capcom titles/DLC being delisted from XBL/PSN soon

Is it possible to get 360 Games on Demand outside of the US but using a US Live account? I think I remember trying through a proxy before but the game itself would never finish downloading.


Junior Member
UMvC3 Vita version is still $48 on AU PSN Store. Isn't the Vita version getting discounted as well? None of the costumes are discounted.


How is dc in comparison to Marvel when it comes to games rights

Also, wouldnt it be the biggest middle finger to marvel if they made DC vs Capcom instead?
One can only hope I guess
How is dc in comparison to Marvel when it comes to games rights

Also, wouldnt it be the biggest middle finger to marvel if they made DC vs Capcom instead?
One can only hope I guess

Hard to say really. DC only sporatically has games made while Marvel tends to have a few a year... but they also seem to drop the dev/publisher more often. Or at least have more limited contracts for their properties.

My bet was MvC3 was their big "Avengers/RL movie" tie in game since nothing else was made and Ultimate saw pretty much everyone but widow added to it.

What was the normal price on costumes in NA PSN? Don't play this game at all since I'm so bad at it but always liked the costumes at least.


So I ordered Ultimate MvsC3 and will get it soon!

Got both of the character DLCs too. Always wanted to play the game, was waiting to see if a new version/new update would come out, sad to see the opposite of what I was waiting for happened lol.

Shame that the PS3 version doesnt have the digital copy for sale (or at all actually lol). Ah well, always preferred physical copies.


Unconfirmed Member
How is dc in comparison to Marvel when it comes to games rights
Since Warner Bros. decided to make a foothold in AAA gaming completely in-house unlike their eternal rival Disney, DC game rights are pretty much internalized at WB Games, which would avoid Capcpom's problem here.


I'm planning on buying the 360 version digitally + dlcs, but how come the store is only showing a dollar amount as opposed to points? There is no way I'm going to put my credit card on Live, and I'd prefer to buy a card, is there a way to use Allards still?
Allards are gone, bro


Is the Value Pack DLC all of the costumes for every character? I notice there are a few single costume packs as well.


Is the Value Pack DLC all of the costumes for every character? I notice there are a few single costume packs as well.
All except Magneto (never made available because of the Spanish royalty controversy), Jill (included automatically when you buy her), and Shuma (also automatically included with his purchase).


I refuse to pay around $40 for a bunch of alternate costumes and two alternate character but I grabbed Origins and 2 on the US store for cheap at least.

The lack of a PAL PSN sale sucks.


What happens when the title is no longer for sale and somehow we lose the download or delete? Can we re download later with no issues?


Make certain to actually turn on MVC2 and UMVC3 after buying them. Both had updates and you WILL need that shit.


Eh? What gives? If they have some royalty issue, why pull every other version except the Vita one? I don't get it.

the Vita version released later and probably has different contractual dates tied to it would be my guess

Awesome. I got all the DLC and Jill and Shuma for like $6.50, since I had a dollar on there from when they changed my points to money.

damn that is a lot better than the $15 I spent on PSN :( sure it was from the free credit I got from Sony but still


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You'll still be able to get the game updates after they're delisted.

People, I swear.

Seriously, some people still don't get that delisted = NO MORE BUY. NOT WILL NOT FUNCTION/OWN.


tagged by Blackace
Thanks guys all over this. If you get UMVC3 is there any real reason to get MVC2? I had it for the dream cast and it was fun.
They're very different games mechanically and cast-wise. They even vary in terms of the sort of fanservice if that's your sort of thing, and featureset. It's hard to compare them. Both are fantastic games in their own right.


only 5 bucks ?? yeeeeees , I have the retail version ( 360 and ps3 ) but I want to show support to my favorite fighting game this gen

UMVC3 deserved better sales
Just bought MVC2. Decided to pass on MVC Origins. MVC2 and MVC3 with DLC seem to cover all the bases anyway. MVC2 is needed to play as Iceman and some of the other characters once in a while and to have the 2D sprite artwork.
That's like asking if there's any reason to play Link to the Past if you already have Ocarina of Time.

I just didn't want to buy the same 'game' with just a few added characters or what not

They're very different games mechanically and cast-wise. They even vary in terms of the sort of fanservice if that's your sort of thing, and featureset. It's hard to compare them. Both are fantastic games in their own right.



Fucking Sony.

Giving me that "your credit card number is invalid" bullshit again. I had this issue before -- with the same card and my bank said the authorization passed and was a problem on Sonys end. I triple checked my information and then triple checked it again.


The DLC is cross buy so will it actually even disappear on PSN if the VITA game is not....?

Damn Combofiend, I wish he cleared things up, this is all so confusing. He actually replied yesterday to his own post, but he just said:

Sorry for the typo guys, it's UMVC3 and MVC2. Hopefully you guys got these games while still possible.

And then he left!

I'm just waiting for my paycheck to go through to purchase Jill and Shuma, but I don't have enough money for the costumes or MVC2, they are too expensive here in Europe. And then I'm gonna have to go search a physical copy of UMVC3.

Arrrgh, there's just too many questions!:

1. Is the Vita version being delisted or not?
2. Is Origins being delisted or not?
3. Will there be a discount in Europe tomorrow?
4. Which version of the extra characters to buy? MVC3 Jill and Shuma or UMVC Vita Jill and Shuma. Are both versions compatible across the 3 versions? (MVC3, UMVC3 PS3, UMVC3 Vita).
Damn you Capcom, DAMN YOU!
Played a few rounds of MVC2. It reminds me of two things. One is I'm bad at fighting games. Two is the 2D sprites look great in these games.
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