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1 Month Later, Halo: MCC is still broken


Did you read any of the MCC OT after last nights patch dropped? The response was pretty positive from all people posting and people were getting a noticeably higher number of even team games. The old Halo games would occasionally run into even team issues once and a while too (not to MCC's pre-yesterday degree) so lets not pretend this isn't something that can and will happen sometimes.

Game is still broken but it's a lot more playable than it was a month ago.

So you agree with the OP? :p


This game alone almost sold me on an Xbox One. Its problems have not only made me lose interest in the game, but also purchasing an Xbox One right now as a result.
Everytime i log in i have different bugs and glitches hit me, whether it be the game freezing immediatly upon launch or the more bizare ones like two UIs overlapping on top of each other. I had one glitch where if i pressed y to look at the prior game results the game would freeze and i would have to reboot. This is before even talking about the ridiculous wait times, bad team balance and lag lol.

This game was not nearly ready for launch.


I dont think people who pre-order games really mind getting a shit product. If they did then they wouldnt pre-order. Everyone else who bought it post launch was well aware of the games problems so they cant really complain now can they.

I read this four times and I still don't follow this logic.


No. Remember no CSR, removal of team classic, no red X, loadout resets, DLC armor not working in Spartan Ops, and the Crimson map pack scandal?

Also it took them 7 months to rebalance weapons. Poorly.

But the game worked. MCC didn't, and it still has some issues. Say what you will about the gameplay, Halo 4 didn't have any of the connectivity issues or outright bugs that MCC has had.
I feel like 95% of the people posting in this thread have not played since launch week, or have simply never played the game at all. The game is not broken. Broken means it doesn't work. Is it a bit buggy? Yes. There are still moments where the game crashes or a weird bug is encountered, but I can find games in every playlist, any time, and I consistently find even teams.

And for those who are saying the population will die, they are absolutely incorrect. If this was a shitty game like Halo 4 sure, but this is a great game when working. The population will come back. It's currently at 7th on xbox and it's at 75% of what it can be.


Junior Member
Then what did 343 actually develop? Doesn't seem fair that they get all the blame for bugs these other devs probably created.

They had no problem putting their logo on the box/the loading before the game starts.






The game plays much, much better now. So much so I would hardly call it broken, it's definitely on the more fixed side with frustrations still.

It's a broken game. Stop trying to skirt around the issue. A buggy game would mean you clip in objects from time to time, not getting your saves deleted, ranks reset, hard to impossible (for many) to find a game. Stop being an apologist.


Dead waiting to get in a match.




I was sticking up for them on launch day/day after for the servers being overloaded. But its gotten to the point thats unforgivable. I've played probably 4 total games, because i got sick of restarting my system, restarting the game to get it to work. I havent started singleplayer because i dont want to lose game saves. I know it wont ever happen but EVERY dlc for this game better be free after this mess
I feel like 95% of the people posting in this thread have not played since launch week, or have simply never played the game at all. The game is not broken. Broken means it doesn't work. Is it a bit buggy? Yes. There are still moments where the game crashes or a weird bug is encountered, but I can find games in every playlist, any time, and I consistently find even teams.

And for those who are saying the population will die, they are absolutely incorrect. If this was a shitty game like Halo 4 sure, but this is a great game when working. The population will come back. It's currently at 7th on xbox and it's at 75% of what it can be.
I played the game last night.
Shit's broken.
It's a broken game. Stop trying to skirt around the issue. A buggy game would mean you clip in objects from time to time, not getting your saves deleted, ranks reset, hard to impossible (for many) to find a game. Stop being an apologist.

When is the last time you played this game?


I feel like 95% of the people posting in this thread have not played since launch week, or have simply never played the game at all. The game is not broken. Broken means it doesn't work. Is it a bit buggy? Yes. There are still moments where the game crashes or a weird bug is encountered, but I can find games in every playlist, any time, and I consistently find even teams.

And for those who are saying the population will die, they are absolutely incorrect. If this was a shitty game like Halo 4 sure, but this is a great game when working. The population will come back. It's currently at 7th on xbox and it's at 75% of what it can be.
I agree on some of your points.

I don't and never will support shitty publisher/developer practices and I don't blame those for returning it, but saying the game is still broken is simply a lie.

It's a buggy game with quite a bit of issues, but broken implies it simply does not work, which it definitely does now.

I think most people who see me post know that I am fairly reasonable and realistic, so if this means my poster reputation goes down the shitter for going against the grain, so be it.

It's a broken game. Stop trying to skirt around the issue. A buggy game would mean you clip in objects from time to time, not getting your saves deleted, ranks reset, hard to impossible (for many) to find a game. Stop being an apologist.

This is such a shit thing to say to other people and I've seen people banned for it. If you don't agree with me fine, but don't call other people shit like that. It literally adds nothing to the conversation, at all.

I've literally played way more matches than I've seen matches fail in the last 2 weeks. I get the same amount of success rate I do on MCC as I did on Destiny and whether or not I would face disconnect issues or lag out in CoDAW.

I played every campaign on Legendary by the way with not a single issue. Some people have issues, others don't. I'm not saying it's their fault but I wouldn't call Destiny broken because I couldn't get around the disconnect issues (seeing as many others play no problem).


If Halo didn't have great campaigns as is (even with buggieness, and MY ACHIEVEMENT STILL HASN'T UNLOCKED WEEKS LATER), I would be even more upset. I cannot fathom the frustration of what it must be like for those who only want to play multiplayer.

Not only can I not jump into BTB now, I can't even get together with my friends to play co-op. This is bullshit that a collection like this that should've been a dream come true is now our worst nightmare.


Junior Member
It doesn't matter if the game works now, MS missed their window. People will remember this as a buggy mess and this together with the shit they've been getting from the Halo 5 beta footage being shown far isn't good for them.

Haha. YES.
I have tried getting a refund twice, I don't think asking for one now would make a difference. I won't be preordering Halo 5 or any MS studio game and I certainly won't be buying digital again unless it's dirt cheap. Screw MS support
It doesn't matter if the game works now, MS missed their window. People will remember this as a buggy mess and this together with the shit they've been getting from the Halo 5 beta footage being shown far isn't good for them.

There isn't a window for a collection of great Halo games friend. This game will be played until Xbox shuts off the servers.


I feel like 95% of the people posting in this thread have not played since launch week, or have simply never played the game at all. The game is not broken. Broken means it doesn't work. Is it a bit buggy? Yes. There are still moments where the game crashes or a weird bug is encountered, but I can find games in every playlist, any time, and I consistently find even teams.

And for those who are saying the population will die, they are absolutely incorrect. If this was a shitty game like Halo 4 sure, but this is a great game when working. The population will come back. It's currently at 7th on xbox and it's at 75% of what it can be.

Lol a bit buggy. That's great for you that you have encountered very little bugs.

The games pop will die if this isn't fixed by the end of the year. It won't matter if they "fix" it afterwards, the pop won't come back when there a multitude of games coming out in Q1 and Q2 next year.

343 screwed the pooch, and will most likely not get another chance if Halo 5 is even close to as broken as MCC is right now.


I have tried getting a refund twice, I don't think asking for one now would make a difference. I won't be preordering Halo 5 or any MS studio game and I certainly won't be buying digital again unless it's dirt cheap. Screw MS support

That's a little extreme considering this is a rare case, especially with Halo.

And I'm telling you, if you have the patience, you will eventually get someone to give you that refund.

Persistence friend, it's annoying I know, but you should't have to be stuck with it :/

Lol a bit buggy. That's great for you that you have encountered very little bugs.

The games pop will die if this isn't fixed by the end of the year. It won't matter if they "fix" it afterwards, the pop won't come back when there a multitude of games coming out in Q1 and Q2 next year.

343 screwed the pooch, and will most likely not get another chance if Halo 5 is even close to as broken as MCC is right now.

The games pop might fluctuate quite a bit, I agree with you there, but I highly, HIGHLY doubt Halo 5 will be anywhere near this situation.

If anything, I would guarantee it works flawlessly at launch, especially after this fiasco. Not to mention, I have a strong feeling they'll be doing another Beta in the summer or something (BTB?).
Lol a bit buggy. That's great for you that you have encountered very little bugs.

The games pop will die if this isn't fixed by the end of the year. It won't matter if they "fix" it afterwards, the pop won't come back when there a multitude of games coming out in Q1 and Q2 next year.

343 screwed the pooch, and will most likely not get another chance if Halo 5 is even close to as broken as MCC is right now.



Junior Member
There isn't a window for a collection of great Halo games friend. This game will be played until Xbox shuts off the servers.

Oh I'm sure but new players are gone and people fed up of waiting are also gone. There will always be plenty of hardcore fans out there to play with though.


I've gone though halo 1, 2, and most of 3 with no problems but multiplayer is still spotty. They are working on it, and I can't believe they put out a patch on Sunday. It will get there, slowly.
I played it for a few hours one day and haven't touched it since. I've got no urge waste time trying to get a barely functional game to work, when there's so many other good games out.


Neo Member
The collection itself is great, but for Microsoft's biggest franchise, and the first big sell on the Xbox One, it's flat out bonkers that they didn't delay it to make it a more polished product that you could actually play online.

I'm sure it's gotta suck for everyone that worked hard to get the collection as far as it did right now, but a game that launches with a 20 gig download update and barely works for a month after that is ridiculous.

Adam Blue

Then what did 343 actually develop? Doesn't seem fair that they get all the blame for bugs these other devs probably created.

Doesn't matter - the MS execs are the ones that decide when this gets released. The devs just didn't have the time needed - which explains why there were so many different devs, for one.

I don't blame a single developer.
Sorry I just call BS on people saying they have played one game since launch. That's either an individual issue or they have horrible luck. Even when this game was at its worst I played a few games a day.

Well I've seen my brother try multiple times to play a match and it ends up with either loading forever or horrible uneven teams. Glad you got a magical copy with 0 issues.


Yes. Actually, I'm not sure what 343 actually developed.

United Front Games: UI
Ruffian Games: Halo 3 and 4
Sabre Interactive: Halo 2 Anniversary Campaign
Certain Affinity: Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer

Not sure who did Halo: CE.

Saber did the Anniversary graphics and assets for Halo CE Anniversary on Xbox 360 which is what is in MCC. The PC port of Halo CE (which is what H1 in MCC is) was done by Gearbox Software a decade ago, including the remnants of the 56K netcode and game code inconsistencies not present in the OG Xbox version, which obviously Bungie made.
Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer is very laggy for me (the other games are fine). Throwing a grenade has a 1-2 second delay. Very disappointing.


Even more messed up is that Xbox rewards is offering $15 back if you buy he game this month off the Xbox store. Yeah, fuck you too.


Even more messed up is that Xbox rewards is offering $15 back if you buy he game this month off the Xbox store. Yeah, fuck you too.

To be fair, we have yet to hear what day one buyers and current owners are gonna get compensation wise.

Hope it's something beefy.
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