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3 nazis arrested in Sweden for bomb attacks, 2 got military training in Russia

November 2016 - A bomb went off, targeting a syndicalist organization. Potentially deadly though no one on site.

January 2017 - A bomb went off by a container outside refugee housing, injuring a member of the staff who got both legs broken along with splinters.

End of January - A timed bomb was found outside another site for refugee housing. Did not go off but the intent was clear.

Three people are arrested, all of which have ties to the public nazi organization parading the streets with shields. The trial is on-going.

From the above, the targets were obviously refugees and leftist organizations and politically charged.


Two of the suspects received military training in Russia not long before the attacks, according to the prosecutor.

- We have not concluded that these are acts of terrorism. We for example can not see that the acts have seriously destabilized political, constitutional, economic or social structures. Neither can we say that acts targeting refugee housing and refugees generally can be considered as seriously instilling fear in a social group, says prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist.


Seems like a good time to be a nazi terrorist.

Give me paramilitary training for terrorists in Russia if old.

The two men participated in fairly advanced paramilitary training outside St. Petersburg.
– They practiced with kalashnikov and makarov outside St. Petersburg. NMR [Swedish nazi traitors] has contacts in Russia, according to the prosecutor. The attacks took place a few months after they received training in August.

Other articles go to say that these nazis were acting outside their nazi organization. But whooooo belieeeeveeees thaaaaat.


Russian ultra nationalist tsarist organization "Partizan" apparently supplied the training. Previously involved in training volunteers for fighting in Ukraine. Supposedly opposed to Putin but the 'ol gov seems to be fine with it. Oh and they're super nazi/racist.

Oh, they're locals? I thought it was like that one guy from Uzbekistan.
Yeah no, they're like this guy in a public gathering of nazi scum in Sweden, protected by police:

(Anton Thulin, 20, suspect currently in custody)


Neither can we say that acts targeting refugee housing and refugees generally can be considered as seriously instilling fear in a social group

I don't understand this line of reasoning
As in special training or just run of the mill Soviet Union conscript stuff?
I can't say from what's been posted.
I don't understand this line of reasoning
Essentially since there's no "clear" group outside that the residents have applied for asylum (they could be Syrian, Sudanese, muslim, christian, atheist, you name it) the prosecutor won't use the terrorist label, even though the "group" is clearly targeted by nazis and there are obvious areas where they are vulnerable (such as refugee housing). Also, we don't call nazis terrorists, you know? Think of their mütter.
The fuck. How is this is the first I'm hearing about three separate bombing attacks?

I guess because they didn't kill anyone?
Yeah and they're white citizens.
As in special training or just run of the mill Soviet Union conscript stuff?
I can't say from what's been posted.
No wait, yes I can!

The two men participated in fairly advanced paramilitary training outside St. Petersburg.
– They practiced with kalashnikov and makarov outside St. Petersburg. NMR [Swedish nazi traitors] has contacts in Russia, according to the prosecutor. The attacks took place a few months after they received training in August.

Other articles go to say that these nazis were acting outside their nazi organization. But whooooo belieeeeveeees thaaaaat.


Russian ultra nationalist tsarist organization "Partizan" apparently supplied the training. Previously involved in training volunteers for fighting in Ukraine. Supposedly opposed to Putin but the 'ol gov seems to be fine with it. Oh and they're super nazi/racist.


No wait, yes I can!


Other articles go to say that these nazis were acting outside their nazi organization. But whooooo belieeeeveeees thaaaaat.
See, this is an importance piece of information, especially if you don't speak Swedish.

Everyone from the Soviet Union over a certain age has received "military training".


never left the stone age
Neither can we say that acts targeting refugee housing and refugees generally can be considered as seriously instilling fear in a social group, says prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist.

Fuck you. Refugees are people too. He's basically saying that refugees don't count as a social group.
See, this is an importance piece of information, especially if you don't speak Swedish.

Everyone from the Soviet Union over a certain age has received "military training".
Well not everyone in Sweden has received military training from Russian nationalists. Or what are you getting at?


Yeah no, they're like this guy in a public gathering of nazi scum in Sweden, protected by police:

(Anton Thulin, 20, suspect currently in custody)

Oh great, Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen.

Next time I see those assholes downtown I have to remember to rush into nearby Hemköp, buy some eggs and then throw at them. What's worse is that these inbred fucks are allowed to walk our streets and wave their flags, so proud of how they get to terrorize our citizens without repercussions. I fear them more than I fear any Islamic Extremist, they are at least rare and more than not a whole continent away, these Nazi fuckers are right here in the country, openly.

They are a source of ever shame for my country.
Is the prosecutor an idiot?

Since when are acts of terrorism defined by whether they destabilized structures of society? What the fuck is he even talking about?
Is the prosecutor an idiot?

Since when are acts of terrorism defined by whether they destabilized structures of society? What the fuck is he even talking about?
Swedish law.

"Yep, that's a terrorist!" if the act had one of the following motives:
1. injaga allvarlig fruktan hos en befolkning eller en befolkningsgrupp,
2. otillbörligen tvinga offentliga organ eller en mellanstatlig organisation att vidta eller att avstå från att vidta en åtgärd, eller
3. allvarligt destabilisera eller förstöra grundläggande politiska, konstitutionella, ekonomiska eller sociala strukturer i en stat eller i en mellanstatlig organisation.

[1. to instil severe fear in a population or group within the population,
2. forcing public authorities or international organizations to perform or abstain from enforcement of an act, or
3. severely destabilize or destroy fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures within a state or an international organization.]


There are propositions to expand the law since no one before had considered that domestic nazis could commit acts of terrorism. However these acts and acts before have already influenced groups (asylum seekers, members of the political left, poc, etc.) in how they behave in public. Arguing that the nazis have committed acts of terror now and before is not without merit, but has not been tested in court as far as I'm aware.


Swedish law.

"Yep, that's a terrorist!" if the act had one of the following motives:


Which, ironically, means that the truck attack in Stockholm might not qualify as terrorism due to failing points 2 and 3 as well as point 1 if the driver only intended to kill people, not instill fear. These Nazi terror attacks fit the definition much better but, somehow, the former is supposedly obviously terrorism and the latter isn't.

The Law works in mysterious ways, I suppose.


Which, ironically, means that the truck attack in Stockholm might not qualify as terrorism due to failing points 2 and 3 as well as point 1 if the driver only intended to kill people, not instill fear. These Nazi terror attacks fit the definition much better but, somehow, the former is supposedly obviously terrorism and the latter isn't.

The Law works in mysterious ways, I suppose.

I'm guessing cause a not so insignificant portion of our populace would go ballistic if three Swedish born, blond men were accused of being terrorists. "PC gone mad" "och här får man inte ens längre säga n****boll!" and so on...

It's feels very much like they're trying to prosecute without getting these idiots up in arms.

Not sure about the actual sentencing though, how different would it be if prosecuted for terrorism or as they are no for "devastation endangering the public" and "attempted murder"

Straffet för allmänfarlig ödeläggelse är fängelse i lägst ett år och högst arton år eller livstid. Är brottet lindrigt är straffet fängelse i ett till tre år. Om det bedöms som grovt är straffet fängelse i sex till arton år eller på livstid.

So 1 to 18 years (or "life") for devastation endangering the public,

and for attempted murder, it's at most the same as murder (10 to 18 years, or life I think), at minimum prison time (undefined), if succeeding in the attempt would've resulted in 2 years or more of prison time. (God damnit, laws are mindnumbingly written)

So not sure if it'd been any difference for sentencing.
Not sure about the actual sentencing though, how different would it be if prosecuted for terrorism or as they are no for "devastation endangering the public" and "attempted murder"


So 1 to 18 years (or "life") for devastation endangering the public,

and for attempted murder, it's at most the same as murder (10 to 18 years, or life I think), at minimum prison time (undefined), if succeeding in the attempt would've resulted in 2 years or more of prison time. (God damnit, laws are mindnumbingly written)

So not sure if it'd been any difference for sentencing.
I think you're on the money, apart from allmänfarlig ödeläggelse. I get:

Devastation - 2 to 8 years
Attempted murder - 10 to 18 years (not under the lowest sentencing for actual murder)
- Combined, not sure, though likely closer to the top sentencing of attempted murder.

Terrorism - 4 to 18 years, to life.

However also important is sentencing an act for what it actually is, not labeling nazi terrorism as terrorism is a problem in and of itself.
Swedish law.

"Yep, that's a terrorist!" if the act had one of the following motives:


There are propositions to expand the law since no one before had considered that domestic nazis could commit acts of terrorism. However these acts and acts before have already influenced groups (asylum seekers, members of the political left, poc, etc.) in how they behave in public. Arguing that the nazis have committed acts of terror now and before is not without merit, but has not been tested in court as far as I'm aware.

So I was actually going to ask, "Or is this some kind of weird technical definition in Sweden?" but I figured, "Nah, can't be. That'd be silly."

Thanks for the explanation.


Those damn Muslims!

But seriously, why doesn't this shit get blown up by the media All-around the world?

Shit baffles me.
So I was actually going to ask, "Or is this some kind of weird technical definition in Sweden?" but I figured, "Nah, can't be. That'd be silly."

Thanks for the explanation.
My pleasure!
Those damn Muslims!

But seriously, why doesn't this shit get blown up by the media All-around the world?

Shit baffles me.
Makes you wonder how far-right nazi extremism is conducted in the rest of Europe, doesn't it?
One of Sweden's leading experts on terror, Magnus Ranstorp, thinks it's "strange that it isn't classified as terror" (link in Swedish). I fully agree, it's bizarre.
Yup, though from that you can gather that the prosecutors find that it'll be easier and more effective to have them tried for attempted murder and devastation. Still doesn't change the fact that the perception of terrorism is subject to gargantuan double standards leaning into discrimination.


Apparently, according to police all three men had connections to Nordic resistance movement (a nationalist hate group), but there is no reason to believe the attacks had anything to do with the group. Sounds reasonable...
Because Nazi terrorism doesn't pose the same level of threat as ISIS, you should look up false equivalency

ISIS doesn't pose the same level of threat (to the west) as slightly loosening smoking and nicotine legislation would. The level of success these terrorists achieve at instilling undue fear in our populations and forcing critically damaging changes to our rights (see UK in particular) is out of control and needs to be confronted.
ISIS doesn't pose the same level of threat (to the west) as slightly loosening smoking and nicotine legislation would. The level of success these terrorists achieve at instilling undue fear in our populations and forcing critically damaging changes to our rights (see UK in particular) is out of control and needs to be confronted.

ISIS inspired shooting in Orlando and California... it has reached the US


ISIS inspired shooting in Orlando and California... it has reached the US

There is absolutely no reason to be afraid. They literally cannot do enough damage to us to make a difference if we just keep calm and show some backbone. It's the geopolitical equivalent of a child's temper tantrum.
There is absolutely no reason to be afraid. They literally cannot do enough damage to us to make a difference if we just keep calm and show some backbone. It's the geopolitical equivalent of a child's temper tantrum.

No reason to be afraid? I live in NYC, there was recently a BOTCHED bomb attempts in the heart of this city very recently
What's a syndicalist organization?
A group of syndicalists organized in a specific place with a specific goal? To be honest I remember the bomb as being aimed towards SAC (Syndicalist union), but it was the bookshop and meeting place for the "Syndikalistiskt Forum" association. Are you implying that use of the term organization is improper?
A group of syndicalists organized in a specific place with a specific goal? To be honest I remember the bomb as being aimed towards SAC (Syndicalist union), but it was the bookshop and meeting place for the "Syndikalistiskt Forum" association. Are you implying that use of the term organization is improper?

I've never heard the term before, and wondered who the actual targeted group were. Wasn't attempting to be a smart-arse or anything.
No reason to be afraid? I live in NYC, there was recently a BOTCHED bomb attempts in the heart of this city very recently

If you live in fear of terrorism, considering the likelihood of being injured or killed in a terrorist attack even in NYC, how do you leave your house on a daily basis?

The attacks are very effective, though, they get entire nations to elect isolationist and throw out core beliefs with surprisingly little resources.


Well Of coarse they arent terrorist. They're white. Clearly these refugees that may or may not have been targeted were not saints.
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