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A New Graphical Benchmark - The Order 1886


I really want to pick this game up just for the graphics. I'm going to resist buying it for now and wait until it's <£20


Throw in a bunch of quests and activties to the Paris Appartment demo and you have a new best looking game cus that's what The Order is, a cinematic experience


The Order is easily the best looking console game out there, it's a shame we can't see it at higher resolutions because I don't like its somewhat blurry

What higher res on PS4?

Aother thread on The Order's graphics. This is why I keep saying the graphics are overrated. It's blurry and grainy, it's brownish grey and it runs at less pixels than 900p. It's also very confined and linear. Some people are calling the graphics 'clean' and saying the IQ is great.

Well....nope! And that salt!!!


I do think that it's a graphical showcase, but not THE, if only it was 1080p without bars. Artistic choice or not, and my opinion is that it's PR, because it saves pixels and when you render less, you have more power for visuals.

Until a game that comes out on consoles that is as good looking as The Order but full screen 1080p (not letterboxed) this title will get the graphical benchmark.

Sorry The Order.
Throw in a bunch of quests and activties to the Paris Appartment demo and you have a new best looking game cus that's what The Order is, a cinematic experience

Let me guess, you watched on Youtube? By that metric, every game is a cinematic experience. The game is like many other TPS, with a much higher cutscene to gameplay ratio and a particularly linear design. The gameplay sections are absolutely standard TPS, just brief and basic.


Couple more pics.





















hide your water-based mammals
Visually you are correct. It's stunning. Can't even argue after benchmarking PC games on my SLI 970 rig at 1440p.
Agreed. The game is leaps and bounds ahead of anything done on PS3/Xbox360, and it is the first "real" current-gen game in terms of graphics (haven't played DriveClub though).


Anyway, I saw this game at a Sony Center just a little while ago but unfortunately I was way too close to a big ass TV and everything looked so damn pixelated. Took several steps back and it looked amazing again! However, I was playing the intro of the game and some of the screen shots here look significantly better. Do the later parts look significantly better? No spoilers, please.

Hate to be a curmudgeon , but those are also pretty blurry in the vein I am talking about.
I think you're nitpicking here. Sure, those shots are not very sharp, but they look fine.
And no, I have not played the game, but I watched the entire thing on YouTube, have watched several reviews, and have read several player impressions. I feel my opinions are well rounded enough to pass judgement

Dude that is absolutely ridiculous. Your opinion carries no weight because you haven't actually played it which is apparent to all of us because your critiques are so ridiculous they must be coming from a place of total ignorance. You obviously have an agenda just get out of the thread


The game is absolutely stunning. As a mainly PC gamer, I am impressed by the amazing graphical fidelity that was achieved in this game. I suspect that SCE Santa Monica made the bulk of the highly advanced game engine while RAD worked on making a shitty game.


I don't like the excessive filters it has. They ruin clarity. Sure it's a good looking game but... it bothers me.


Dude that is absolutely ridiculous. Your opinion carries no weight because you haven't actually played it which is apparent to all of us because your critiques are so ridiculous they must be coming from a place of total ignorance. You obviously have an agenda just get out of the thread
So watching a game that has about 4 hours of standard cover based TPS along with 2-3 hours of cinematics makes my opinion have no weight? What kind of perspective am I gaining by playing it, when it does nothing that a game like Max Payne 3 doesn't already do but MP3 does it even better?

Also, explain how my critiques are ridiculous. Everything that I have said is true and there are several examples shown all across the Internet. Watch Angry Joe's review since it shows several instances of poor AI and rehashed boss fights. The resolution, aspect ratio and frame rate are all irrefutable as well. It is very clear that RAD was cutting all sorts of corners in the gameplay department just to focus on visuals. I don't see how any one can refute that.

And no, I don't have an agenda. I'd appreciate it you and everyone else would quit crying troll every time someone doesn't agree with you.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
People that keep saying it's too brown and grey, not every game needs to use evey color in the palette. That's how you get garish looking games.

besides its a horror/action game that takes in 1886 London. If there is a game doesn't need to look like league of legends, it is this one.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The game is absolutely stunning. As a mainly PC gamer, I am impressed by the amazing graphical fidelity that was achieved in this game. I suspect that SCE Santa Monica made the bulk of the highly advanced game engine while RAD worked on making a shitty game.

I believe RAD made this engine, sce has another engine for uc4, afaik.

Ready at dawn as incredible tech artists and programmers.
So watching a game that has about 4 hours of standard cover based TPS along with 2-3 hours of cinematics makes my opinion have no weight? What kind of perspective am I gaining by playing it, when it does nothing that a game like Max Payne 3 doesn't already do but MP3 does it even better?

Also, explain how my critiques are ridiculous. Everything that I have said is true and there are several examples shown all across the Internet. Watch Angry Joe's review since it shows several instances of poor AI and rehashed boss fights. The resolution, aspect ratio and frame rate are all irrefutable as well. It is very clear that RAD was cutting all sorts of corners in the gameplay department just to focus on visuals. I don't see how any one can refute that.

And no, I don't have an agenda. I'd appreciate it you and everyone else would quit crying troll every time someone doesn't agree with you.

Here is why nothing you say matters.
You complain about the Resolution
- This tells us you have an agenda because its running in its Native format its not being upscaled like RYSE or other games. THERE IS NO RESOLUTION ISSUE
You complain that letterboxing makes things smaller
- Again you clearly have no idea what your talking about because nothing is scaled with letterboxing genius it just cuts of the FOV. Do you really think it scales the image down from the corners. SERIOUSLY?!
You complain about there being bad AI
- YOU HAVE NEVER PLAYED IT! On Hard the AI is completely in line with other games they flank and try to move you out of position. They aren't just shooting at walls. The AI is fine.
The Frame rate is irrefutable
WHAT Frame rate!? It runs at a solid 30 more so than almost any other game right now. What are you talking about!

This is from Digital Foundry hot shot:
As noted in our performance analysis, what's impressive about Ready at Dawn's work is that all of this advanced rendering work does not come at the expense of performance. The Order: 1886 manages to maintain a near-perfect 30fps throughout the experience with only the smallest of dips. The consistency in the quality of the effects work is matched by the frame-rate, further enhancing the title's filmic credentials.

Again you are making bases of judgement on resolution, frame rate and gameplay systems without ever having PLAYED THE GAME!

It would be like judging the quality of a painting from a photo someone took on their phone.

Do you know how nutty that is? It honestly makes me feel bad for you. The amount of effort you have put into this without having any clue what you are talking about is such an enormous waste of time.


Here is why nothing you say matters.
You complain about the Resolution
- This tells us you have an agenda because its running in its Native format its not being upscaled like RYSE or other games. THERE IS NO RESOLUTION ISSUE
You complain that letterboxing makes things smaller
- Again you clearly have no idea what your talking about because nothing is scaled with letterboxing genius it just cuts of the FOV. Do you really think it scales the image down from the corners. SERIOUSLY?!
You complain about there being bad AI
- YOU HAVE NEVER PLAYED IT! On Hard the AI is completely in line with other games they flank and try to move you out of position. They aren't just shooting at walls. The AI is fine.
The Frame rate is irrefutable
WHAT Frame rate!? It runs at a solid 30 more so than almost any other game right now. What are you talking about!

This is from Digital Foundry hot shot:

Again you are making bases of judgement on resolution, frame rate and gameplay systems without ever having PLAYED THE GAME!

It would be like judging the quality of a painting from a photo someone took on their phone.

Do you know how nutty that is? It honestly makes me feel bad for you. The amount of effort you have put into this without having any clue what you are talking about is such an enormous waste of time.

But, YouTube.
I never thought I'd be one of those people, but I've come to accept that the formidable processing power of the new consoles has lead to developers seeking to 'max out' the capabilities of the hardware instead of creatively working around the constraints of the system hinders the game overall.

Look at a game like Zelda OOT, for example, which maximised its assets by centering the entire game around the interplay between two different versions of the same world, that for adult and child Link. The development team's creative approach to a constraint lead to the design of one of the most celebrated games ever, still being enjoyed in 2015. Look at Shadow of the Colossus, a game where the lead designer chose to have only enemies be 16 bosses because the presence of others would detract from the quality of the colossi.

Both of these games also have a distinct, impressionable art style that stays with the user long after he or she has played the game. Despite the difference of a decade, show me a room in Ocarina of Time or Shadow of the Colossus and I will identify it instantly. They are far from realistic, but they create atmospheres and arouse feelings uniquely suited to their universe. Will the same be said for The Order 1886 in 2025?

Obviously I don't expect every game to be on par with Ocarina of Time, but there is something to be said for technological constraints being the structure upon which creativity can build. I believe it has been proven again and again that focusing on technological impressiveness detracts often detracts from the quality of game's creative design.

The only possible exception to this I can think of is The Last of Us, but then you must consider this game was made very late in the PS3's life. The developers, as we all know, had a very confident understanding of the hardware and were not wasting time trying to display the power of the PS3. The striking thing about TLOU's visual presentation is not how realistic it looked but the attention paid to artistic detail in every scene. They made the system compliment their game, not their game compliment the system.


I believe RAD made this engine, sce has another engine for uc4, afaik.

Ready at dawn as incredible tech artists and programmers.
O_O Santa Monica has nothing to do with UC4 engine. ND it's a complete different studio. Santa Monica helped a lot RAD to develop the graphic engine if I'm not wrong. RAD it's a little modest company.


So watching a game that has about 4 hours of standard cover based TPS along with 2-3 hours of cinematics makes my opinion have no weight? What kind of perspective am I gaining by playing it, when it does nothing that a game like Max Payne 3 doesn't already do but MP3 does it even better?

Also, explain how my critiques are ridiculous. Everything that I have said is true and there are several examples shown all across the Internet. Watch Angry Joe's review since it shows several instances of poor AI and rehashed boss fights. The resolution, aspect ratio and frame rate are all irrefutable as well. It is very clear that RAD was cutting all sorts of corners in the gameplay department just to focus on visuals. I don't see how any one can refute that.

And no, I don't have an agenda. I'd appreciate it you and everyone else would quit crying troll every time someone doesn't agree with you.
To be fair, the thread is about the graphical elements of The Order 1886, its not about the game's length and how the AI behaves.
O_O Santa Monica has nothing to do with UC4 engine. ND it's a complete different studio. Santa Monica helped a lot RAD to develop the graphic engine if I'm not wrong. RAD it's a little modest studio.

I thought that RAD did this all on their own from what I read. There was a response somewhere about that...
O_O Santa Monica has nothing to do with UC4 engine. ND it's a complete different studio. Santa Monica helped a lot RAD to develop the graphic engine if I'm not wrong. RAD it's a little modest company.
Ready at Dawn developed the engine completely in house.


I thought that RAD did this all on their own from what I read. There was a response somewhere about that...
That's surprising. I remember time ago to have read something about Santa Monica given to them some support, especially at the beginning.


Here is why nothing you say matters.
You complain about the Resolution
- This tells us you have an agenda because its running in its Native format its not being upscaled like RYSE or other games. THERE IS NO RESOLUTION ISSUE
You complain that letterboxing makes things smaller
- Again you clearly have no idea what your talking about because nothing is scaled with letterboxing genius it just cuts of the FOV. Do you really think it scales the image down from the corners. SERIOUSLY?!
You complain about there being bad AI
- YOU HAVE NEVER PLAYED IT! On Hard the AI is completely in line with other games they flank and try to move you out of position. They aren't just shooting at walls. The AI is fine.
The Frame rate is irrefutable
WHAT Frame rate!? It runs at a solid 30 more so than almost any other game right now. What are you talking about!

This is from Digital Foundry hot shot:

Again you are making bases of judgement on resolution, frame rate and gameplay systems without ever having PLAYED THE GAME!

It would be like judging the quality of a painting from a photo someone took on their phone.

Do you know how nutty that is? It honestly makes me feel bad for you. The amount of effort you have put into this without having any clue what you are talking about is such an enormous waste of time.

The resolution is not native 1920x1080. It is 1920x800, meaning about about 25% of the vertical resolution is used by black bars. That also means your TV is losing inches off the display. So if your TV is 42", now it's only displaying somewhere in the mid 30s". That's a sacrifice the devs made to make the graphics look pretty.

There are several instances shown that the AI, both friendly and enemy, is bad. For a game that already has such little gameplay and few enemies, enemies that are fun to fight should be a priority. Killzone 2 didn't have tons of enemies, but the AI was really good and genuinely provided a challenge.
I thought that RAD did this all on their own from what I read. There was a response somewhere about that...

Yeah RAD developed it completely. They might have had some help from SSM but it was primarily their accomplishment.

The resolution is not native 1920x1080. It is 1920x800, meaning about about 25% of the vertical resolution is used by black bars. That also means your TV is losing inches off the display. So if your TV is 42", now it's only displaying somewhere in the mid 30s". That's a sacrifice the devs made to make the graphics look pretty.

There are several instances shown that the AI, both friendly and enemy, is bad. For a game that already has such little gameplay and few enemies, enemies that are fun to fight should be a priority. Killzone 2 didn't have tons of enemies, but the AI was really good and genuinely provided a challenge.

Oh now your changing your stance on the amount of enemies not being an issue but instead having good AI routines. Something you don't know if they do or don't because you haven't played it. Get out of here man your embarrassing yourself.

There is a team at Eurogamer called Digital Foundry. I am going to assume you don't know who they are because surely in your research you would have visited their analysis of the game where they break down each and every visual component. Enjoy reading, see yourself out of the thread.

With its accompanying, rather heavy post-processing pipeline, there are compelling arguments that this approach doesn't produce results substantially better than sub-native titles like Ryse at 900p but, in motion, finer details are visible and fewer subpixel artefacts interfere with the image. The image is predominately soft, but more subtle sharp details still manage to shine through, creating a nice contrast. It may not be to everyone's taste but The Order: 1886 features some of the best image quality you'll find on console at the moment.

What really dazzles the senses are the ways in which The Order: 1886 combines excellent art direction with beautifully executed rendering techniques. 19th century London is a perfect location for capturing the beauty of natural materials and the game's underlying technology certainly does them justice. The earthy stone-work and lack of high intensity artificial lighting helps create a soft, natural environment - it's clear that the team has paid close attention to scene composition. Indeed, there are a great number of individual elements that work in tandem to produce these exceptional results.

Surface textures, such as cobblestone streets or brick walls, function similarly with multiple layers used to create varied, detailed surfaces from a simple base material - layering mortar, mud, and water on top of a basic brick texture allows for greater surface variation. When combined with the process in which light and shadow interact with these materials we're left with a hefty sense of realism. With 19th Century London focused so heavily on these natural elements we were very impressed with how well realised the materials are.

The physics interactions that are present still feel suitably impressive and add to the games immersion, at least. Aside from the cloth simulation, we also note that foliage reacts to gunfire and collision with surprising accuracy. The game world is mostly urban of course, but various potted plants and trees throughout the game react realistically to these forces. Bottles, cookware, and other decorative objects also react to gun-fire and collision in a way that adds depth to certain sequences. As we slam up against the front side of a bar, for instance, the row of bottles on top shudders and wobbles as the character's weight presses up against the surface. The surrounding gun-fire then proceeds to decimate the individual bottles in a satisfying way, reminiscent of Metal Gear Solid 2's Tanker chapter. Such an old example may seem out of place but the reality is that few games take care to simulate these behaviours this well, and there are moments of brilliance here that really raise the bar on immersion. Overall, while the lack of deformation and environmental destruction is a tad disappointing the end results here are still satisfying and lead to some interesting scenarios.

As noted in our performance analysis, what's impressive about Ready at Dawn's work is that all of this advanced rendering work does not come at the expense of performance. The Order: 1886 manages to maintain a near-perfect 30fps throughout the experience with only the smallest of dips. The consistency in the quality of the effects work is matched by the frame-rate, further enhancing the title's filmic credentials.

We can't finish without mentioning the exceptionally quick loading times. For a game with such detailed assets, the method used for streaming and loading new data is remarkably quick. From the chapter selection screen, we're looking at eight to ten seconds from button press to gameplay. More impressively, quitting the game and selecting to continue from the main menu reduces this further to just three or four seconds. As the game is entirely real-time and unable to hide loading behind video clips, this is an important point and something that should be commended.

This allows the team to unleash perhaps the most impressive example of real-time graphics on a console to date. The quality of the lighting and materials really helps build a beautifully realistic, almost tangible world for the player to experience.

Just so you know they didn't analyze the game from youtube.


The resolution is not native 1920x1080. It is 1920x800, meaning about about 25% of the vertical resolution is used by black bars. That also means your TV is losing inches off the display. So if your TV is 42", now it's only displaying somewhere in the mid 30s". That's a sacrifice the devs made to make the graphics look pretty.

There are several instances shown that the AI, both friendly and enemy, is bad. For a game that already has such little gameplay and few enemies, enemies that are fun to fight should be a priority. Killzone 2 didn't have tons of enemies, but the AI was really good and genuinely provided a challenge.
Can you stop to derail the thread please? It's native resolution, but with black bar, so what change? It's native, that's well explained before. Second, the hell has to do AI with this matter? You don't have played the game and you said it has bad AI based on what? But it's so pointless, Jeez I'm the last who want to defend this game, but all this hate it's unreasonable in this thread.


The game is absolutely stunning. As a mainly PC gamer, I am impressed by the amazing graphical fidelity that was achieved in this game. I suspect that SCE Santa Monica made the bulk of the highly advanced game engine while RAD worked on making a shitty game.

No....everything was done in-house according to Shinobi. This makes sense since RAD is composed of former Naughty Dog and Blizzard Entertainment employees. Not to mention they picked up some talent that were layoffs from Santa Monica earlier.
It was very impressive until you realise how limited you are in interacting or exploring the environment. It's definitely the best looking movie set tour I've been on.

Games like Crysis will always be more technically impressive as you can do something with the gameplay mechanics and physics whilst being blown away by graphics.

Crysis was ugly then (eventhough technically impressive) and is definitely ugly now.

I wonder with the level of detail the Order exhibits, will time ever dissipates its beauty. It is the first game ever i have asked myself that question.
Crysis was ugly then (eventhough technically impressive) and is definitely ugly now.

I wonder with the level of detail the Order exhibits, will time ever dissipates its beauty. It is the first game ever i have asked myself that question.
Sigh... really? I think you will find many are not of that opinion.


Blurry nature? This game it's 1080p without upscale, simply black bar doesn't rendering anything. The only complains I have graphically it's the low AF. It's really notable in different points.

What higher res on PS4?

I meant 4K :p

I'm not one of those crazies that doesn't realize it's 1080p. It's just that being used to higher resolutions means that going back down makes things blurrier and "softer" than what I'm used to.

It's like playing a last gen game after playing the current gen 1080p version and being like "Man, was it always this muddy?"
Crysis was ugly then (eventhough technically impressive) and is definitely ugly now.

I wonder with the level of detail the Order exhibits, will time ever dissipates its beauty. It is the first game ever i have asked myself that question.

Crysis? No way man. It was gorgeous then and still is.
This will probably be the best looking console game until 2016 right? The UC4 demo looked good but it didn't look as good as The Order imo.
This will probably be the best looking console game until 2016 right? The UC4 demo looked good but it didn't look as good as The Order imo.

UC4 will more often use its technical accomplishments for gameplay purposes as has already been demoed. I find that, personally, more impressive.


There's nothing on the PC that even looks this good.

I don't know about consistency with lighting but BF4 maxed is definitely a looker. Star Citizen also. People are failing to realized that this was accomplished with locked-in hardware. That is an amazing accomplishment.
UC4 will more often use its technical accomplishments for gameplay purposes as has already been demoed. I find that, personally, more impressive.

Absolutely, any game thats running at 60 FPS or has an open world is going to have a huge disadvantage if they are trying to beat The Orders graphics, but its still an impressive accomplishment to be the best looking game for such a long time.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Can you please not give in to bad trolls by quoting their unfunny, garbage posts? Thanks. PM a moderator (thank you to the one of you who did that!).
Crysis? No way man. It was gorgeous then and still is.

I think all videogames are ugly, except for the few that does something extraordinary in terms of art, like Journey. Mario 64 for example I have been wowed the most of any game including Crysis. The wow factor exist, because it is a technologically advanced videogame, not because it's a thing of beauty.

Yea Crysis, we have been there and done that discussion to death. But I believe in 10 years, when another Tropical Island free to roam game will be released by Crytek or any other tech savvy developer, we can then all agree that Crysis is universally ugly.
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