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A polite discourse amongst friends on the importance of MP-elements in No Man's Sky

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Hey guys, I think I found a code-snippet from No Man's Sky
//#include <multiplayer>
// As it was incomplete, it qualifies as buggy code, but yet, it is a commented feature (for now)... What Am I? A Future Update or just fake code by some dude who thinks he's funny.

int main()

Let's just call this a C.B.P. (Commented-Bug Paradox). I coined it XD


Elden Member
I'm happy about this. I don't want to see anyone else playing. People tend to be little shits and break immersion, I'd rather avoid them.
I'm watching both their streams right now. They are both in the exact same spot on the same planet, both have PS Plus (one guy even signed up just to make sure this wasn't an issue), but of their games say online services active, they can't see any trace of each other.

I'd call this pretty definitive.

Actually no.

Psytokat's NMS menu says he's Online.

It says "Lost Connection Status" in the Thesadcactus's NMS screen though.
This is stupid, and should not be getting a pass, people is wasting $60 in a game where you dont know what kind of multiplayer you have..
Totally absurd if you ask me.


Well, there goes my interest in this game, then.

I feel like there's got to be something missing, though, or the devs just straight-up lied to everyone right up until the release.
Hopefully this is just a Week 1 glitch, or something going on with servers or connectivity.

I'm not optimistic, though.

I would be absolutely gutted if I'd been hyped and pre-ordered for this game, seeing as the idea of randomly running into other explorers and gameplay emerging organically from those encounters was THE draw of the game, to me.


Perhaps the devs shouldn't have waited until literally the day before release to at best, vaguely specify that there's no MP after two years of straight up saying that there is but without things like PSN/Steam names. Including but not limited to saying that you can see the model of other players. They need to just say, there's no multiplayer and stop being so damn vague I mean damn these guys are as humble as CD Projeckt but quite terrible at actually communicating answers to direct simple questions... &#3232;_&#3232;

I was under the impression that they've been saying just that from the beginning. I have not followed the recent developments, and I just remember from previous infos that there's simply no multiplayer. Nobody has been misguided here.


Man the grasping at straws in defense.

"Maybe it's NAT"

"Maybe because one guy doesn't have PS+ even though everyone was rejoicing that you don't need it for this game"

"Maybe because planetary orbits aren't synced so they're technically in different places around the sun"

"Maybe they were on different instance servers"

"Maybe launch load"

etc. etc.

AND even if all of those things are wrong and the game simply doesn't have multi at all, the narrative is "oh we knew this all along, here are numerous quotes that I'll say aren't vague and cagey even though they all clearly imply that it should be possible to see other players."
Just wondering, what are your stance on the situation about the game?
Well, I don't think anything productive is going to come from this thread at this point.

Both sides have made up their mind

FWIW it may seem like I'm aggressively on the "you can definitely see people in NMS" but I'm not, i just don't think threads like the OPs are helpful. This is proof of nothing, especially when we don't even know how seeing each other works (or indeed if it works) and one of the guys is having severe connection problems.

A thread like "Two guys are having problems seeing each other in No Man's Sky" with discussion about how this feature might work or not is way less misleading and divisive.
I thought it was a given that there was no actual multiplayer in this game.

Define "actual multiplayer".

Being able to bump into other people and seeing them/their ship has been confirmed for a long time. Murray has repeatedly talked about the unlikelihood of it, and now there's a question as to whether there's more to seeing someone than simply being in the same location. But he confirmed the possibility nonetheless.

At the same time, he also said that this wasn't at all a multiplayer game and that you shouldn't expect it to be. There's no structure for players to do "things" together and no co-op anything. There's no established way to guarantee a meet-up

People who expected the former are more than justified in doing so. Those who expected the latter are not. Regardless of what one expected, though, this experiment from those two streamers in no way is definitive proof one way or the other.


That's not how it works. The seed is the same for everyone, but it's also local. The seed is not read off a server. It's on the disk and your hard drive.

Sounds like if the planets can vary so wildly, meeting up seems impossible. How can you meet up if the terrain and flora can be completely different even with the same seed.

Edit: I'm thinking too much of Elite: Dangerous and how they handle instancing and how they handle planets.
Regardless of what he meant, he needs to come out NOW and say definitively "yes, you can see other players in the world," or "no, you cannot see other players in the world."

There is no way to misinterpret either of those statements. But I'm certainly not alone in reading his tweet as "it's highly unlikely that you'll run into anyone else, but you can do it"

Perhaps it was simple marketing to be vague about the online aspect. They know that the vast majority of sales are at the launch, before people know for certain.


If this blows up enough, people who know what they're doing can test it out and we can get a more conclusive answer.


he literally said you could see other players, so is this a lobby thing or something

However, developer Hello Games has revealed that other players will look different from anything else in the game – especially if you spot them walking on a planet.

"You effectively see their suit, actually," said Murray. "So you won't know what's inside. It still won't answer for people whether you are an alien or whether you are a human or what you look like."



Junior Member
The messaging surrounding this game has been so wishy washy. Rather than answer things straight it's as if they don't want to admit certain things so provide a really unspecific answer.

Doesn't matter if it's a tiny % chance it could happen, clearly there's 0% chance it can happen so why not say that in the first place.
Actually no.

Psytokat's NMS menu says he's Online.

It says "Lost Connection Status" in the Thesadcactus's NMS screen though.

There was one point where they both said online at the same time

I'll be happy to admit I was wrong if this is disproven, but I've had suspicions about this whole thing for a while. They've always been cagey about it.


The messaging surrounding this game has been so wishy washy. Rather than answer things straight it's as if they don't want to admit certain things so provide a really unspecific answer.

Doesn't matter if it's a tiny % chance it could happen, clearly there's 0% chance it can happen so why not say that in the first place.

If it's possible then it's possible. And quite honestly that's precisely what the messaging has been. You can see another player but it's a extremely rare occurrence.

I don't see what's confusing about that at all.

Ranger X

Looks like a bug to me.
And if there's a feature they might not have tested enough or didn't fix all the bugs because they thought it wouldn't matter much in the end really is the fact you can see another player.

Its a VERY unfortunate bug. I feel it almost break the game, that hope you have of maybe meeting someone is gone. This kills alot of magic in there.


And this is my issue with the game. The whole BS about ooh the game world is so big you will probably never come across another play blah blah. How bout simply say no theres no multiplayer from the start.




Perhaps it was simple marketing to be vague about the online aspect. They know that the vast majority of sales are at the launch, before people know for certain.
I cant see people buying this game mainly because of that when they say that its incredible small chance of meeting people. Maybe its possible to coordinate, but then they shouldnt have said that its an extremely small chance, thats underselling it a lot.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!

I've got the game. I've logged four hours. I'm enjoying the hell out of it and no this doesnt bother me one jot but to people bemoaning it, again and again the 'It's incredibly unlikely but possible' line was implied or said. I'm not surprised people aren't thrilled. To them I say I hope you still enjoy the game, its great.
No, instead of saying "there's no multiplayer," they still stuck with the implication that it's possible. Plus all the quotes over the years instead of saying straight up seeing multiple players is impossible

This is the tragic part. On the slim chance you do actually come across another player, you might not even notice. In-game, other player ships won't be tagged with a player's name or any other indicator that lets you know they're a human pilot and not an AI.

and the literally implication of the opposite.

"You effectively see their suit actually," Murray said. "So you won't know what's inside. It still won't answer for people whether you are an alien or whether you are a human or what you look like."
"Like many games that you have at the moment," Murray said in an interview with Game Informer, "where you are flying around with an open lobby, people are coming into that lobby and leaving it &#8211; like if you play Watch Dogs or something like that. Effectively, we have players joining your discrete space. We're not trying to make an MMO where you can play with literally 60,000 people on screen."

If it's a cut feature they should honestly say so.



I mean he does say "is not a multiplayer game."

I do agree it could be done in a more official way other than the developers Twitter account.

But then he says:



"Pretty much zero" and "actually zero" are too very, very, very different things, especially when you have thousands of players at once at the power of the internet to co-ordinate meetings. They're still being unclear about it.
If it's possible then it's possible. And quite honestly that's precisely what the messaging has been. You can see another player but it's a extremely rare occurrence.

I don't see what's confusing about that at all.

It's not possible though. That's where the confusion is coming from, clearly.


How about from the developer's mouth?

But is that quote as new as yesterday? His Tweet is from August 8th.

I'm thinking multiplayer was a scrapped feature. I think it's likely it might be added later in a patch. I would love to be proven wrong and have players meet up, but I just don't think it's there yet.
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