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Are we too easily offended these days?

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I am strongly against censorship so even when people are insulting me, I welcome it.

One of the biggest advocates of freedom of speech right here lol.
Eh, I'm 100% against censorship too, I just dont think an individual choosing to not read some information for him or herself is censorship

That doesn't answer my question though. You implied I don't know the difference between not wanting to waste time, and being offended.
Do you agree people can ignore list another user for reasons that are not 'i am offended'? It seems to me you do not and that's the fundamental axiom some of us are putting forth here.

How does ignoring someone who avatar quoted save any time? If you give a paragraph response and they give you an avatar quote back then you're not retroactively getting your time back by then ignoring them. The only reason you'd be ignoring them is because you're huffy (see: offended) that they didn't give you a response back. Which again I will say is fine, but let's not pretend it's not what it is.
No, it saves time because in the future I wouldn't have to bother with that poster again. I assume everyone is trying to have a genuine conversation until proven otherwise, consistently avatar quoting and or shout posting is a clear indicator to me I wont get any conversation out of said poster.

Red Mage

This section of Neogaf has some of the most easily offended posters I have ever seen on the internet. It is cursed with a small but significantly loud coterie of over sensitive wall flowers who cannot stand to read an opposing view point and will do all they can to get posters they don't like banned. I cannot count the number of times I've seen these idiots dog piling and avatar quoting posters in their desperate and juvenile attempts to signal mods that someone has posted an opinion they don't like and don't have the ability to counter. They have been a curse on this forum. They are not interested in debating or examining a subject. They are only interested in point scoring at it's most facile level and being seen to be right.

This. It's not everyone, not even the majority, but there are people like this (I wouldn't call them idiots, however, that's just impolite) and they're very loud.


is now taking requests
If you think people are too easily offended then I've got news for you: You're too easily offended.

Can't you create a nice image macro for this brilliant and original line of thought that abso-fucking-lutely hasn't been repeated ad nauseam already?

It's quickly getting stephen fry.jpg status so it should have it's own image i think.


This word will never not make me cringe.

Do you agree people can ignore list another user for reasons that are not 'i am offended'? It seems to me you do not and that's the fundamental axiom some of us are putting forth here.

I believe people think they ignore people for reasons other than being offended. And maybe they do. But that's not relevant to the discussion that my quote string was about which you injected your comment into. It was specifically an example of someone offended to the point of ignoring people. And that person was playing it off as if they were better than to be offended.

Edit: Sorry, didn't realize you split my post up to address the greater part of it separate.

No, it saves time because in the future I wouldn't have to bother with that poster again. I assume everyone is trying to have a genuine conversation until proven otherwise, consistently avatar quoting and or shout posting is a clear indicator to me I wont get any conversation out of said poster.

That makes more sense, and I can see the thought process behind it.


Can't you create a nice image macro for this brilliant and original line of thought that abso-fucking-lutely hasn't been repeated ad nauseam already?

No, but I give you permission to.


Never been. I only ever hear of Tumblr when it makes the front page of Reddit/r/all.

Tumblr is a website which lets you host a blog. Yes, hypersensitive """SJW"""s hang around there. So do fedora collectors, people who post porn, MRAs, artists, and basically anyone else who for some reason wants to have a blog (or read one of the blogs, as you can follow blogs like you'd follow users on Twitter. Actually Twitter except blog instead of microblog is a pretty good description)


I believe people think they ignore people for reasons other than being offended. And maybe they do. But that's not relevant to the discussion that my quote string was about which you injected your comment into. It was specifically an example of someone offended to the point of ignoring people.

I obviously cant speak for the other fellow. I thought the conversation had completely become about my reasons for ignore listing people. If you want me to answer if the other guy was offended at the avatar quote, I cant help you, i'm not him.

I'll let him answer you if he wants to.
PC culture exists. It's every fucking day I see people get offended over people explaining why something is offensive. PC culture wants to censor us, they want the status quo to remain. Gamergate is PC culture at it's worst.


I'm going to cross-post the really long semantics post about the concept of being offended, smuggled connotations, and non-central categorizations I make whenever that Stephen Fry "offended" macro comes up that no one ever responds to. Since its technically a "fresh" post and is very relevant to the subject matter, I hope no one minds. And that people respond to it. Especially those who complain about a deficit of serious discussion Please.

That Fry quote (I believe) is taken out of a Big Think video in which he talks primarily about religion and the negative impact it's having on society. This, as you can imagine, causes a lot of religious people to "get offended".

For example: If I were to question why people kling to Christianity when by all accounts their God is portrayed in their own holy book to be a maniacle, jealous, vindictive, totalitarian, hypocritical, misogynistic, mass murderer. Now nothing I just said is untrue by any reasonable definition of those words. I'm not generalizing. I'm not launching a personal attack. I'm not cursing or using derogatory slurs. And I'm not seeking to hurt their feelings, but rather seeking to weaken Christianity in hopes that it's influence in politics will diminish. Yet for a comment like that, i might get death threats, be barred from public speaking (so to not offend), and most assuredly be called a variety of "heathen" themed slurs. All because I "offended their faith".

To me at least, this has never been about the right to make racist, misogynistic or homophobic jokes without being called on it. And if I'm guessing that goes for most of the people in this thread on the "Yes" side of the OP's questions.

You're right about the semantics, but not the motivating factor. Of course everyone has the right to be offended, but I'd much rather have a discussion with a calm and collected adversary who fronted relevant arguments, than a hothead who points his finger and calls me a bully who hurt his feelings.


This section of Neogaf has some of the most easily offended posters I have ever seen on the internet. It is cursed with a small but significantly loud coterie of over sensitive wall flowers who cannot stand to read an opposing view point and will do all they can to get posters they don't like banned. I cannot count the number of times I've seen these idiots dog piling and avatar quoting posters in their desperate and juvenile attempts to signal mods that someone has posted an opinion they don't like and don't have the ability to counter. They have been a curse on this forum. They are not interested in debating or examining a subject. They are only interested in point scoring at it's most facile level and being seen to be right.

All that needs to be said right here.


The issue I have isn't someone being easily offended, it's the collective bloodlust people get for someone they deem "offensive." The minute someone says something disagreeable on Twitter or whatnot that's all people need to savage that person's life for the day/week. The blowback seems way out of proportion and I think the people who are offended actually enjoy attempting to destroy someone's life over it.

Similar to here on GAF. You see a poster say something 'bad' and then you see the massive dogpile on that poster. I think the people who dogpile enjoy the act of getting the person banned more than whatever offense they took.
PC culture exists. It's every fucking day I see people get offended over people explaining why something is offensive. PC culture wants to censor us, they want the status quo to remain. Gamergate is PC culture at it's worst.
Not sure if you're being sassy, but ...yeah, kind of. I'll admit that for half a day I thought that the 'SJW's were the crowd going against those that talk about 'social justice'. Made sense to me, since on Twitter these seemed to be the folk that wanted to silence and censor that type of conversation, usually with threats. You can imagine the confusion finding out that it was supposedly the other way around.


Milo Yiannopoulos is not someone I'd look to for any kind of salient discussion on ANY topic. He writes tabloid-esque articles with terrible sources whose only reason for being written is to ruin the lives of people he disagrees with. The very apogee of outrage culture reflected in the American Right-Wing News.

That said, off the cuff he doesn't come off as such a bad guy like he does in his writings, and that interview was interesting to listen too.

I have never heard of the guy before but his podcast with rogan was entertaining and actually got Rogan up and excited with the arguing. Most guests he has just parrot the norm and this guy got under his skin a bit.

I also liked that he was saying mens rights activists were shitting on women to treat them as equals and both me and rogan were thinking they were being assholes. I guess it could go either way.

Red Mage

That Fry quote (I believe) is taken out of a Big Think video in which he talks primarily about religion and the negative impact it's having on society. This, as you can imagine, causes a lot of religious people to "get offended".

For example: If I were to question why people kling to Christianity when by all accounts their God is portrayed in their own holy book to be a maniacle, jealous, vindictive, totalitarian, hypocritical, misogynistic, mass murderer. Now nothing I just said is untrue by any reasonable definition of those words. I'm not generalizing. I'm not launching a personal attack. I'm not cursing or using derogatory slurs. And I'm not seeking to hurt their feelings, but rather seeking to weaken Christianity in hopes that it's influence in politics will diminish. Yet for a comment like that, i might get death threats, be barred from public speaking (so to not offend), and most assuredly be called a variety of "heathen" themed slurs. All because I "offended their faith".

To me at least, this has never been about the right to make racist, misogynistic or homophobic jokes without being called on it. And if I'm guessing that goes for most of the people in this thread on the "Yes" side of the OP's questions.

You're right about the semantics, but not the motivating factor. Of course everyone has the right to be offended, but I'd much rather have a discussion with a calm and collected adversary who fronted relevant arguments, than a hothead who points his finger and calls me a bully who hurt his feelings.

While you're welcome to your opinion, I am opposed to all forms of public sneaking. *edit* Curse your edit, you heathen.

Seriously, though, while you have a right to your opinion, and free speech, it doesn't mean you are free of any fallout from it. I wouldn't be for you being disallowed to speak in public, but if people suddenly started cancelling speaking appointments where they had booked you, that is not the same thing.


The issue I have isn't someone being easily offended, it's the collective bloodlust people get for someone they deem "offensive." The minute someone says something disagreeable on Twitter or whatnot that's all people need to savage that person's life for the day/week. The blowback seems way out of proportion and I think the people who are offended actually enjoy attempting to destroy someone's life over it.

100% agree with this. Being offended in and of itself is extremely harmless.

I feel like the people who really want to ruin someone's life over some offensive thing they said aren't really interested in anything but the damage they can cause.


I wonder if its possible to fight for lgbt, women rights while still being able to enjoy the old humor of stereotypes of genders and accept games like Bayonetta or where women aren't always portrayed non-sexually.

Is it possible to say you're for social justice, yet not be pissed beyond measure at a scientist for wearing a sexy girl t-shirt?

This is me? I would say bayonetta is a good example of a woman in games that uses her sex appeal to her advantage. she is in control and constantly lets the player know.

100% agree with this. Being offended in and of itself is extremely harmless.

I feel like the people who really want to ruin someone's life over some offensive thing they said aren't really interested in anything but the damage they can cause.

yeah this is never right
I think there's a stark difference between being offended by bigotry (like Trump) and being offended by say...a comedian or someone having an opinion you don't share, and thus demanding he/she be punished or banned etc. There are plenty of intellectual cowards online and on college campuses who should be ignored. But when I hear people say people are too PC in relation to Trump or other legitimate shit, I get the impression the real problem is that they're upset they can't get away with blatant racism/sexism/homophobia/etc anymore.

As far think pieces on Why You Should Be Offended By [insert TV show or Taylor Swift] that shit can fuck right off as far as I'm concerned.
Yes, but I think that is more a symptom of the internet and people being able to cling to like minded individuals more easily. In reality people are probably the same but are just more comfortable voicing their opinion because they know other people share it now.


Haha, as if I would ever give a shit how AnimeGAF feels.

Proper response to this:

lol you dick

Improper response to this:

OMG #notallanimejerks *hugs waifu pillow*

We can all get made fun of every once in awhile, it's okay to be amused at a funny joke, and we can understand nuances of progressive culture while still laughing at crude humor.


While you're welcome to your opinion, I am opposed to all forms of public sneaking. *edit* Curse your edit, you heathen.

Seriously, though, while you have a right to your opinion, and free speech, it doesn't mean you are free of any fallout from it. I wouldn't be for you being disallowed to speak in public, but if people suddenly started cancelling speaking appointments where they had booked you, that is not the same thing.

Haha, thought I got away with it for a second there. Bloody phone :p Guess public sneaking doesn't extend to public forums.


Proper response to this:

lol you dick

Improper response to this:

OMG #notallanimejerks *hugs waifu pillow*

We can all get made fun of every once in awhile, it's okay to be amused at a funny joke, and we can understand nuances of progressive culture while still laughing at crude humor.

I consider myself a progressive and I say crude shit all the time. It's all about context.


This thread has good discussion but the posts dismissing what an experienced comedian says as at of touch is laughable. They are most likely more credible on such matters.
I think the more safe an environment the more vocal people will be about issues. This doesn't mean safe environments are bad, but I don't think its outside the realm of possibility it could be overdone.
I think the more safe an environment the more vocal people will be about issues. This doesn't mean safe environments are bad, but I don't think its outside the realm of possibility it could be overdone.
Like banning books because of bullshit "PTSD" triggers from sheltered college kids?


This section of Neogaf has some of the most easily offended posters I have ever seen on the internet. It is cursed with a small but significantly loud coterie of over sensitive wall flowers who cannot stand to read an opposing view point and will do all they can to get posters they don't like banned. I cannot count the number of times I've seen these idiots dog piling and avatar quoting posters in their desperate and juvenile attempts to signal mods that someone has posted an opinion they don't like and don't have the ability to counter. They have been a curse on this forum. They are not interested in debating or examining a subject. They are only interested in point scoring at it's most facile level and being seen to be right.

Spot on. I got banned for the first and only time in that thread about that teenage girl who cosplayed that chick from walking dead. I wrote this and got banned for 3 weeks:

"People are way too sensitve nowadays. She is just portraying her favorite character. Seriously lighten up."
Like banning books because of bullshit "PTSD" triggers from sheltered college kids?

It's usually in the form of unjustified blame. I think we've all come across someone who's called us out for something we never did or were and slinked away without a word when they were wrong.


Seriously, though, while you have a right to your opinion, and free speech, it doesn't mean you are free of any fallout from it. I wouldn't be for you being disallowed to speak in public, but if people suddenly started cancelling speaking appointments where they had booked you, that is not the same thing.

Yes but that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying that things like the cancelled appointments (happend to an ex-muslim writer) are proof that people are too easily offended. What was once a critical talk about religion and it's pitfalls has now essentially been classified as hate-speech by that University. When in reality it's no more hate-speech then a critique of Trickle Down Economics.


Thank you for the well-reasoned responses, everyone! :> It can be really discouraging when people ignore posts that you put a lot of work into.

I'll make sure to post my own detailed responses when I get home.

Like banning books because of bullshit "PTSD" triggers from sheltered college kids?

Quick note, but I agree that banning material based on content is unacceptable - this is why we develop trigger warnings instead so that people with legitimate PTSD issues are not exposed to a triggering stimulus outside of the context of a desensitization hierarchy which may undermine the therapeutic process. Think of it as like content warnings for swearing and sexuality, but more refined and useful.


Or maybe there was an insensitive dominance from well to do white males in the past that is now being disputed as more personal health and cultural issues are shared globally

Somewhere in the middle
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