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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood |OT| where my bro's at?


picked this up again and started back in on MP -360-... don't know if it was the big giant patch or what but all of a sudden MP is FUN

the b button now actually works for counters, the CTC mode and manhunt are a blast.

wow, surprised and impressed... new maps to that look very cool. seem to run smoother.


Hey I just started playing. Does the virtual training unlock any new abilities in the story mode or is it just for personal record breaking?


RevDM said:
Hey I just started playing. Does the virtual training unlock any new abilities in the story mode or is it just for personal record breaking?

It is primarily for fun/achievements but if you do all of the courses, you get a special skin.


Hey guys, does anyone have a good ability set they can recommend for Wanted? Do you guys try and have one offensive skill + one defensive skill?

I've been playing for a while, but settling on a good set for Wanted is giving me a bit of trouble. Using morph was fun in the lower levels, but now that people have access to Templar vision and firecrackers it feels a lot more dangerous to use. Lately I've been using hidden gun + mute and it seems to work fairly well; the gun lets me take down people who take off running and mute gives me some defense against obvious pursuers. However I give up any option to oust people hiding in morphed groups, making it a complete blind guess if I run up to a group of 5 identical skins. I've thought about using morph as a defensive and offensive option (join someone's morphed group and use morph yourself - the one that doesn't change is the one you want to kill) but something like firecrackers would be a lot more reliable. I feel like if I don't have the gun, though, I'm powerless to do anything against people who take to the rooftops.
Pennybags said:
It is primarily for fun/achievements but if you do all of the courses, you get a special skin.

Do you need to score any medal for each course, or you need to Gold them all?

Just finished the game today, I love how the ending
has lot of platforming elements, same like one of the Romulus Temples where you chase the cardinal
. For some reason I think AC does one way better than the other.
I just bought this game (again), got a bit further in and it's just so good. May be my favorite one yet, eclipsing even ACII. I don't see myself getting the Platinum though like I did with ACII, some of the trophies intimidate me.

The visuals and art direction are incredible.


Dreavus said:
Hey guys, does anyone have a good ability set they can recommend for Wanted? Do you guys try and have one offensive skill + one defensive skill?
As you play more and level up, you'll naturally find abilities you gravitate towards and enjoy using. I don't think there's a surefire setup that works for everyone.

I'm a defensive player, so I run with mute and smoke bomb. This allows me to get 8-10 stuns a session for a decent amount of points. This is really only useful it you're typically in the top three positions with multiple pursuers though.

If you consistently find you're scoring somewhere in the middle of the pack, find a way to earn more points. Give poison/disguise a try. This setup encourages subtlety, so it can add 200-500 points to your kill depending on how you execute it.

You may not have unlocked Charge yet, but along with Firecrackers, it's the best ability to use on morphed groups. It automatically kills your target (or stuns your pursuer on defense). However, at level 50 Wanted, morphed groups are a rarity. For roofers, the gun really is your best option, so keep it handy. Don't forget you can switch profiles when you desynch, so you can adapt to the other players in the session. This is also very useful to ensure you earn point bonuses for Variety and Greater Variety.
Any tips for a new player? I'm finishing single player trophies, and played introductory session. Anything I should know before I jump in? Plan to play this a lot in preparation for Revelations.


Castor Krieg said:
Any tips for a new player? I'm finishing single player trophies, and played introductory session. Anything I should know before I jump in? Plan to play this a lot in preparation for Revelations.
Since you're starting out, just jump in and have fun! It's a really unique MP experience.

There's not a lot of strategy in the begining, other than kill and/or be killed. However, as you level, you're going to unlock new abilities and upgrades, so try those out as you earn them. You'll get a feel of what works best when and where, and eventually fall into a grove where you're comfortable with your skill and can start going for higher point kills.

There are some hidden things to note early on that can give you an edge though. Most importantly, listen for the whispers, which indicate your pursuer is near-by. This audio cue is absolutely crucial at higher levels, so get used to it now and you'll have a tremendous advantage.

Also learn how to read your indicators. The target indicator will brighten when your target is in your line of sight, so it's good idea to go for stealth when this happens so you don't end up with a knuckle sandwich to the face. There's also your stealth indicator. Don't go running around willy-nilly, because you'll pay for it in lack of points. You're rewarded for stealth, so keep that in mind.


rataven said:
As you play more and level up, you'll naturally find abilities you gravitate towards and enjoy using. I don't think there's a surefire setup that works for everyone.

I'm a defensive player, so I run with mute and smoke bomb. This allows me to get 8-10 stuns a session for a decent amount of points. This is really only useful it you're typically in the top three positions with multiple pursuers though.

If you consistently find you're scoring somewhere in the middle of the pack, find a way to earn more points. Give poison/disguise a try. This setup encourages subtlety, so it can add 200-500 points to your kill depending on how you execute it.

You may not have unlocked Charge yet, but along with Firecrackers, it's the best ability to use on morphed groups. It automatically kills your target (or stuns your pursuer on defense). However, at level 50 Wanted, morphed groups are a rarity. For roofers, the gun really is your best option, so keep it handy. Don't forget you can switch profiles when you desynch, so you can adapt to the other players in the session. This is also very useful to ensure you earn point bonuses for Variety and Greater Variety.

Yeah, I've leveled enough to have all of the abilities in some form (not necessarily the "strong" or "long lasting" versions though). I think I'll try having one set with "gun + something" to swap to just in case and maybe a point-boosting set with poison to start off the match. I don't think I've been taking full advantage of having multiple sets ready to go on the fly. It doesn't help that my offensive and defensive sets for Manhunt take up two slots as well.
Quick question: Is the online for the PC version still active? It's on sale on Steam, and I was thinking about buying it, but I kind of want to know what to expect as far as trying out the multiplayer goes.

Would I be better off waiting until it's cheaper to just play the single player portion, purchase it now, or buy a console version?
Dreavus said:
Yeah, I've leveled enough to have all of the abilities in some form (not necessarily the "strong" or "long lasting" versions though). I think I'll try having one set with "gun + something" to swap to just in case and maybe a point-boosting set with poison to start off the match. I don't think I've been taking full advantage of having multiple sets ready to go on the fly. It doesn't help that my offensive and defensive sets for Manhunt take up two slots as well.

Don't forget to venture away from Wanted and into Manhunt... it's my favorite gametype.


erotic butter maelstrom
I've been playing this, thanks to the Steam sale. I'm fond of the first two games but I put off playing this for a while, mostly because I was disappointed that they brought us back to Ezio when I wanted something new. I think I made the right choice, since I snagged the PC version for a reasonable price.

Anyways, it is pretty damn good. It seems like they've come very close to finally realizing the vision they had for AC1. The world feels alive and it's packed full of content, it's hard not to get distracted by all the side missions, view points and whatever the fuck else that stands in the way of your waypoint. The graphics and music are stunning, it's very nice to see it on my 1080p screen and hear it on my beefy headphones.

I am disappointed that the combat is mostly the same, though. It's all style and no substance. It looks badass, but it's absurdly easy and unsatisfying. I haven't bothered with upgrading armor or weapons, even now, early in the game I feel way overpowered. I don't need my games to be hard, but at times it feels like I'm playing on God Mode or something.

Pretty good, though. Looks like it'll be a nice time sink and I might check out the MP mode later.


OldJadedGamer said:
Don't forget to venture away from Wanted and into Manhunt... it's my favorite gametype.

Yeah, Manhunt is amazing. I usually play it when my buddy is online though, and stick mostly to Wanted when playing alone.

I'm also wondering... did the Leonardo DLC split the multiplayer player-base? I don't recall EVER seeing any of the 4 new characters in the time I've played since the DLC was released. Are they only allowed to use them on the new map or something?
Does 100% sync includes DLC? Because I got the base game, without Copernicus and Da Vinci and I completed everything - all sequences 100% (story+war machines+assassinations+courtesan), all guild ranks 1, all feathers, treasures, flags collected.

EDIT: Nvm, I noticed I didn't do thief missions.

EDIT 2: Is the choice of MP character purely cosmetic, or do they fit different play styles?
Dreavus said:
Yeah, Manhunt is amazing. I usually play it when my buddy is online though, and stick mostly to Wanted when playing alone.

I'm also wondering... did the Leonardo DLC split the multiplayer player-base? I don't recall EVER seeing any of the 4 new characters in the time I've played since the DLC was released. Are they only allowed to use them on the new map or something?

Maybe it did, I ONLY play with the new characters.


OldJadedGamer said:
Maybe it did, I ONLY play with the new characters.

so you never get mixed in with the original non-DL base?

that seems odd. I wonder if they simply display your character for your system and display an original character for others? otherwise it seems odd. although I've never heard of it being done that way, let alone possible. Was considering buying this DL content but don't want to be locked out a large number of players.

also how are the new game modes?


This game lacks the deep storytelling of AC2, thats the only complain I have.

I hope I wont get dissapointed with the ending.

though some moron already spoiled me in another forum.

Watch out for spoilers:

Some stupid guy posted in another forum a huge image of desmond stabbing Lucy with the hidden blade, I want to know what led desmond into killing/hurting her


pretty sure revelations will as well, wont see a meaty game until ac3. that being said its not like you dont get any meat on the bone with brotherhood, and im sure revelations will be chunky too


iNvidious01 said:
pretty sure revelations will as well, wont see a meaty game until ac3. that being said its not like you dont get any meat on the bone with brotherhood, and im sure revelations will be chunky too

I really get the feeling that Revelations will much bigger storywise than Brohood.


I finally jumped back into the MP today (gone six months, lol). My first match of chest capture went okay, I lost but I still topped out as best of my team. Worth something I suppose. Assassinate was a whole new story. I'm glad I didn't have a mic or a anything like that, because I was letting out profanities like tourettes. I wasn't running, I was trying ot blend the whole time, and all I did was get killed for ten bloody minutes. Over and over and over. Chest capture I was able to grasp within moments of play, while Assassinate I walked around all stealthily trying to find a target while others dropped on top of me out of nowhere and took me out. I don't think I ever "locked on" to a single target the whole time. Not for a lack of trying.

I will go over the instructions since they weren't clear at all and see if that helps. It was weird since the other new game mode was so easy to figure out. Leveling up should be much easier once I understand how the hell the gametype is supposed to work. If it makes any difference I'm a level 25.
Irish said:
I really get the feeling that Revelations will much bigger storywise than Brohood.

Yup, the trailer alone proves this. It's Ezio's last chapter, most likely, and he's gotta figure it out his piece of the puzzle before the insanity that will be AC3.

I just went back to Brohood little earlier, just to finish the DLC, as I'd left the game for a while after completing the PC version. Finished the game once already on 360, but man oh man, just jumping into the game for a couple hours just reminded me of how good the game looks. It's absolutely stunning more often than not. I can't wait to see how good Revelations looks, especially on PC.


If Brohood is anything to go by, it'll look pretty orgasmic.


It's awfully tempting to go PC with every screen I see of the Assassin's Creed games. Absolutely gorgeous. Too invested in the 360 versions at this point, though.

Looking forward to a little more MP this evening - Capture the Chest was netting me huge points but I'll definitely branch out towards the other game types.
Klocker said:
so you never get mixed in with the original non-DL base?

that seems odd. I wonder if they simply display your character for your system and display an original character for others? otherwise it seems odd. although I've never heard of it being done that way, let alone possible. Was considering buying this DL content but don't want to be locked out a large number of players.

also how are the new game modes?

Not sure if I get mixed in with non DLC players as I only play Manhunt so the first person assigned to the team picks the player skin and 95% of the time it's always one of the new skins from the DLC when I play. Sometimes I'll play as a regular character like the Doctor but not sure if someone has the DLC and picked them or if it was someone without the DLC. I'm not sure and the answer is probably on the official UbiSoft forums.


Irish said:
I really get the feeling that Revelations will much bigger storywise than Brohood.
I hope not. I prefer ACB's setup of quality and diverse side content, rather than the unique stuff being tied almost exclusively to the main story progress, with side quests being generic races etc.


I'm considering getting Brotherhood soon (recently 1k'ed AC2, dont want to wait now that we've seen some of Revelations), but am a bit confused as to the single player map stuff. Wikipedia states this for the normal version:

Single-player maps: "Yes (Templar Lairs: Trajan Market and Aqueduct. Bonus Locations: The Temple of Pythagoras and Belriguardo Palazzo)"
Multi-player characters: "Yes (Officer , Harlequin , Dama Rossa , Knight , Marquis and Pariah)"
Helmschmied Drachen armor for Ezio: "Yes (included with DLC)"

but this for the collector's edition:

Single-player maps: "Yes (Trajan Market and Aqueduct)"
Multi-player characters: "Yes (Officer)"
Helmschmied Drachen armor for Ezio: "No"

As listed, the CE has less content than the normal edition, so I'm kind of confused. Clarification would be wonderful.
An-Det said:
As listed, the CE has less content than the normal edition, so I'm kind of confused. Clarification would be wonderful.

The Da Vinci DLC includes all the content that was available to CE (Codex) buyers: two additional lairs, multiplayer characters (male Harlequin was CE exclusive), and Drachen armor.

If you don't care for maps, OST, other CE stuff get a normal edition and buy the DLC for the full package.


Castor Krieg said:
The Da Vinci DLC includes all the content that was available to CE (Codex) buyers: two additional lairs, multiplayer characters (male Harlequin was CE exclusive), and Drachen armor.

If you don't care for maps, OST, other CE stuff get a normal edition and buy the DLC for the full package.

Thanks. The OST is cool, but I can do without a map I wouldn't look at and a jack in the box I'd set aside. ACB is on sale for $30 at Target this week, so I'll be making the trip over after work today.
An-Det said:
Thanks. The OST is cool, but I can do without a map I wouldn't look at and a jack in the box I'd set aside. ACB is on sale for $30 at Target this week, so I'll be making the trip over after work today.

Just to make sure I checked http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/The_Da_Vinci_Disappearance :

The pack contains eight new singleplayer missions and two new locations, as well as two new gameplay features, including gambling in the Thieves Guild, and ten achievements. The pack's multiplayer content includes two new game modes - Escort and Assassinate - a new map, Alhambra, and four new characters: the Dama Rossa, the Knight, the Marquis, and the Pariah.

Additionally, the console versions include the Harlequin, the Officer, the Helmschmied Drachen Armor and two Templar Lairs, all of which came with the core game's Limited Codex Edition.

I also remember that Ubisoft released "Da Vinci" edition in March I think. It's base game + DLC, so if that's on sale at Target you got a great deal.

Enjoy AC:B, it's a great game, got 100% yesterday, and going to be jumping in to Multiplayer.


"Searching for other Abstergo agents..."

I don't know if it is because the MP population has dropped or something, but I've been on this screen for six minutes now. I'm beginning to remember previous annoyances that kept me from going for level 50.

They need some fucking x2 or x3 XP events for this game to get some people playing. This shit is ridiculous, I'm not going to spend as much time looking for games as playing them. Just passed seven minutes now.

*edit* Back to (1/6) agents.
*edit* Restarted and it hasn't found anyone else so far.
*edit* I would be willing to play with bots at this point, Ubisoft.
*edit* Hit (2/6) briefly, then back to (1/6).
*edit* Since I just hit fifteen minutes, I'm abandoning ship. My time's better spent on my current Civ V campaign. I'll try again tomorrow.


MjFrancis said:
"Searching for other Abstergo agents..."

I don't know if it is because the MP population has dropped or something, but I've been on this screen for six minutes now. I'm beginning to remember previous annoyances that kept me from going for level 50.

They need some fucking x2 or x3 XP events for this game to get some people playing. This shit is ridiculous, I'm not going to spend as much time looking for games as playing them. Just passed seven minutes now.

*edit* Back to (1/6) agents.
*edit* Restarted and it hasn't found anyone else so far.
*edit* I would be willing to play with bots at this point, Ubisoft.
*edit* Hit (2/6) briefly, then back to (1/6).
*edit* Since I just hit fifteen minutes, I'm abandoning ship. My time's better spent on my current Civ V campaign. I'll try again tomorrow.

For me it was like this when it was first released. What a joke.
How does blending with the crowd works? Apart from a perk which makes one more copy of you, or Mass Morph, does it somehow confuses the compass of your attackers?
Castor Krieg said:
How does blending with the crowd works? Apart from a perk which makes one more copy of you, or Mass Morph, does it somehow confuses the compass of your attackers?

No, but then they don't know who to kill. They attack an NPC standing next to you then they lose the contract and you can knock them out. There are perks to get around this but that's the point.


Castor Krieg said:
How does blending with the crowd works? Apart from a perk which makes one more copy of you, or Mass Morph, does it somehow confuses the compass of your attackers?
You have to make sure the group you are blending with has at least one npc that looks like you or else there is not really any reason to. The actual advantages to blending are 1) your player acts like the npcs in the group (hand waving in a stationary group, auto walking with a moving group) 2) players with a lock on you lose their lock after a few seconds 3) you get the "hidden" bonus if you kill someone a few seconds after leaving a blend group 4) in manhunt, you earn points for being blended while you are being pursued.
Dreavus said:
You have to make sure the group you are blending with has at least one npc that looks like you or else there is not really any reason to. The actual advantages to blending are 1) your player acts like the npcs in the group (hand waving in a stationary group, auto walking with a moving group) 2) players with a lock on you lose their lock after a few seconds 3) you get the "hidden" bonus if you kill someone a few seconds after leaving a blend group 4) in manhunt, you earn points for being blended while you are being pursued.

Thanks, that clears up a few things.

Jumped in, got to level 9 so far. Man, multiplayer in this game rocks, really a breath of fresh air. I'm placing mid to top right now, partly because I see MASS RUNNERS. Honestly, what's the point of killing someone for 150 points? All my kills are at least 300.


Castor Krieg said:
Thanks, that clears up a few things.

Jumped in, got to level 9 so far. Man, multiplayer in this game rocks, really a breath of fresh air. I'm placing mid to top right now, partly because I see MASS RUNNERS. Honestly, what's the point of killing someone for 150 points? All my kills are at least 300.

Yup, patience really pays off in this game. It may seem tempting to start a chase just to kill the bastards, but if you compare a 100 pt kill off a chase to a 400 pt incognito kill, chasing isn't worth the time. Hell, even just waiting for an opportunity to stun your pursuer is worth more points if your target is running like a maniac. Honestly if you wait long enough, you'll more often than not find your target running right into you as he flies around a street corner.

If you're like me, once you have the gun you'll be using it often to take down roof runners a lot more effectively. And if you wait for them to jump you get double the points for the gun kill. :D
Dreavus said:
Yup, patience really pays off in this game. It may seem tempting to start a chase just to kill the bastards, but if you compare a 100 pt kill off a chase to a 400 pt incognito kill, chasing isn't worth the time. Hell, even just waiting for an opportunity to stun your pursuer is worth more points if your target is running like a maniac. Honestly if you wait long enough, you'll more often than not find your target running right into you as he flies around a street corner.

If you're like me, once you have the gun you'll be using it often to take down roof runners a lot more effectively. And if you wait for them to jump you get double the points for the gun kill. :D

Yeah, I always have a set up with a Gun in case you get a bunch of roof runners. Also, instead of chasing them down just stab an NPC so you can get a new contract.


I'm going to need some pointers, or go back over the tutorial, or something - because I am seriously raging after my last two matches of Capture the Chest.

Can I only kill my target or something? Because when I'm pursuing, I'm having the other team ride right up on my ass and stun me. They just walk right up to me and stun my fucking ass. I'll be with a crowd of characters just like me and they always walk up and stun me. Like the "B" prompt will show up for them but never for me.

On the flip side, when I am supposed to capture chests it's the other way around. I'm dying with fifteen seconds of spawning, or I drop a smoke and they still kill me. I drop it too late or something, but it doesn't work. Then, if it does work and I try to stun more than one person, it's too slow. On a long-lasting smoke bomb.

Can I blame this shit on lag or am I missing something? I did well the day before yesterday on this mode but today has been a shitstorm of fucking suck. I was against three level 50's if that matters. I couldn't even score above 1,500 with either match, whereas the last time I played I was above 3,000 in a single match.


Just played another match of Assassinate, and about 1/10 of the characters on screen would bounce around and the match became completely unplayable. So on top of sucking, I have to deal with lag, too. Nice.


MjFrancis said:
I'm going to need some pointers, or go back over the tutorial, or something - because I am seriously raging after my last two matches of Capture the Chest.

Can I only kill my target or something? Because when I'm pursuing, I'm having the other team ride right up on my ass and stun me. They just walk right up to me and stun my fucking ass. I'll be with a crowd of characters just like me and they always walk up and stun me. Like the "B" prompt will show up for them but never for me.

On the flip side, when I am supposed to capture chests it's the other way around. I'm dying with fifteen seconds of spawning, or I drop a smoke and they still kill me. I drop it too late or something, but it doesn't work. Then, if it does work and I try to stun more than one person, it's too slow. On a long-lasting smoke bomb.

Can I blame this shit on lag or am I missing something? I did well the day before yesterday on this mode but today has been a shitstorm of fucking suck. I was against three level 50's if that matters. I couldn't even score above 1,500 with either match, whereas the last time I played I was above 3,000 in a single match.

You can kill anyone on the opposing team, the compass just points you to one of them (which you can switch).

If both you and the guy capturing (when you're protecting the chests) go up to each other trying to stun/kill, the person killing should always win. Stuns are not very reliable and are almost always beat out by a kill if the person is expecting it. If they're getting the drop on you then I'd try slowing your approach a bit earlier before entering the chest area, because if one of them is in sight while you're jogging up you light up with a big red arrow pointing you out to their whole team. Did you notice any other effects when these guys run up to stun you? If they are using the "charge" ability then they will win the engagement automatically and you can't counter the stun. Likewise, if they use "mute" right when they are closing in on you, it shuts off your ability to counter as well. These are both good defensive skills that people tend bring when they're on the capture side.

As far as capturing goes try to keep in mind that their radar gets fucked up when they're in the chest area, so blending with the crowd is usually pretty effective if you can get inside that zone. Unless they've got something like Templar vision or fire crackers active at the moment (which they probably will in many cases) it's tough to tell who is who without the radar. Just like with hunting, I usually try to slow my approach when getting reasonably close to the chest area, since they might be waiting for you (pursuers know where the chest spawns are too, I think) It helps if you go in with a few team mates who can draw fire/cover you with abilities like morph or a smoke bomb of their own.

For the smoke bomb problems it sounds like you are running into a bit of lag. There are times where I've clearly dropped a smoke but then they jump and kill me anyways, and I'm pretty sure it's just lag issues.


Thanks for the advice. It seems like it's much easier to find a game with Wanted. I was able to nab second place and an 8/8 kill/death ratio on my second match. I'm starting to get back into the groove. Stun is as unreliable as ever, and I wish so much that I had poison to help me out. Most matches see me as the youngest in experience, so I suppose if I do better than last I'm doing okay. Just hit lvl 27.
Dreavus said:
I'm also wondering... did the Leonardo DLC split the multiplayer player-base?

I have to confirm that (downloading the DLC now), but if you go to downloadable content tab you can see that you cannot have Animus 1.0 and 2.0 active at the same time. Since Da Vinci is 3.0 update that means that either everything is folded into it, or the playerbase is indeed split.

Another Wanted match, finished 4500 vs. 2000 in the second place :D I simply love this game. Whispers make it easy to spot pursuers (unless I'm focusing on someone else). Got Greater Variety as well.

What does the heartbeat sound do? Is it the same as whispers, or does it mean I'm close to my target?

EDIT: After waiting couple of minutes for the game I turned off all the Animus Updates for now on. Looking for games was taking too long. Sad, given that Updates 1.0 and 2.0 are free, so you would've thought more people would be playing them.


Castor Krieg said:
I have to confirm that (downloading the DLC now), but if you go to downloadable content tab you can see that you cannot have Animus 1.0 and 2.0 active at the same time.

what really? I thought that was a misconception that they were rolled together

Also for some who CAN NOT connect at all...this game will not function if your NAT is not open unlike some games that connect you with other moderate or closed NATS.


I had a few matches with a cat from Boston who was helpful enough to show me some of the ropes. My panties are unbunched, and I look forward to sucking a little less when I play MP this afternoon.
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