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Batman: Arkham Knight Aiming for identical Res/Framerate Across Xbox One and PS4

PCs aren't set hardware. You can include all assets and options because it is up to the user to define the performance they want.

Also, your post is incorrect by assuming they are "not utilizing power differences". One could use the extra headroom for a more solid performance or (non dynamic Vsync). The power difference allows for more solid performance. QUIT ignoring that.

I can play Saints Row IV at 180fps with my 780GTX if I want...however...it jumps all over the place. I've locked it at 60fps, and the "headroom" allows a silky smooth gameplay experience.

Someone with a GTX 770 can get a similar performance and framerate. The experience is the same, but I never have to worry about the drops you see on the other hardware. It's ok to have headroom..in fact...I prefer it.

It's pretty obvious that I'm talking in general. Really obvious.

The fact that people seem to be incapable of, or unwilling to, understand the benefits of better hardware towards better framerate/stability blows my mind.
Err they can both be 1080p/30fps. The PS4 however can still be the superior version. The games looking the same and the PS4 having a more stable 30fps is not utilizing the difference. I expect them to have more assets used for the PS4 than X1, and that should be quite obvious.

What if they get the X1 to have silky smooth fps and plays very well, what exactly would the PS4 power be used for? You still haven't presented a proper case how it makes sense for a company to not utilize a console as well as they should other than time and money, something we the consumers don't give a shit about.


Parity doesn't just mean resolution. Even if they're both 1080p, the PS4 version should be much better, because the box is, it's bullshit to do this.

People yelling "lol fanboys" are missing the point entirely.
Ugh, so tired of this crap. What is the point of a PS4 when developers do not try for max potential?
Hopefully aim just means try.


The fact that people seem to be incapable of, or unwilling to, understand the benefits of better hardware towards better framerate/stability blows my mind.

You're assuming Xbone version will have bad framerate, what if Xbone version is solid 30 fps?
I didn't see developers working so hard to provide an equal experience to PS3 gamers last gen.

Devs could give a shit that the PS3 version had a worse framerate, worse resolution, etc.

Now that it is Microsoft taking the hit on resolution / framerate we are all about " equal experience ".

This industry man.
That's the exact opposite of what I said. facepalm.gif


Uh...that's what I said.

It is a stupid argument and you should let it go. You don't have enough inside into the development of the games to speculate on how much effort was put into each version or what the "goals" were.


Bravo Rocksteady, now I can buy this for my Xbox One and use that wonderful controller and not miss out on any graphical increase vs. using my PS4. This news makes me happy.
That's the exact opposite of what I said. facepalm.gif

Wait, am I misreading your comment or something? I said:

But how do you know they aren't aiming for parity across every single graphical feature? I get what you're saying about locking both to 30fps, despite the PS4 being able to run above 30fps...but for all we know they're going into this with complete graphical parity in mind. Meaning everything from res, to AA, AF, AO, shadow res, particle effects etc etc.

And your reply was:

That's perfectly alright. The X1 may struggle to hold the 30fps (I'd drop it to 900p in that case) while the PS4 holds it without a hitch.

So how would purposely gimping the settings of one version to match the lowest denominator be "perfectly alright"?


This is one of the reasons I play games on a PC. I can pick and choose the performance to graphics ratio myself according to my hardware.
It's such a huge plus. I can even improve the graphics and performance and/or bump up the resolution later on if I have more capable hardware and want to go back to the game.
i predict this doesn't nearly cause the same amount of shitstorm that Unity did, purely because Ubisoft has been an easy target for people
That's the fault of the person who bought the PS4 thinking they'd always get a superior experience. That's just not true and it was obvious from the beginning of the gen.

If you buy a more powerful piece of hardware, it's only natural that you're going to expect developers to fully utilise it, and thus end up playing the "best" versions of multiplats.

Fucking LOL at you blaming the consumer.


I think the Ubisoft thing has changed people's perceptions of comments like this.

Before Unity parity-gate, comments like this would be taken with a grain of salt. Devs tend to always say they're aiming for 'parity', by their own definition of that word...where they actually end up can often be a different matter.

Last gen they said it all the time and games were rarely ever the same across platforms. This generation when they say aiming for parity we have seen just that in titles such as Destiny and Diablo. While the XB1 version might drop a few frames here and there compared to the PS4 version, it is clearly the performance target for games while the PS4 is left wasting its extra oomph. It is a terrible practice for a machine that has been touted as easy to develop for and the market leader by a huge amount.


You're assuming Xbone version will have bad framerate, what if Xbone version is solid 30 fps?

Then a job well done..see below.

It is a stupid argument and you should let it go. You don't have enough inside into the development of the games to speculate on how much effort was put into each version or what the "goals" were.

How about you all apply this to your own line of thinking.

Wait, am I misreading your comment or something?

Yes. My comment said that the PS4 would outperform across the board compared to the lesser hardware struggling to keep the same pace.

You're not gimping something by locking it (to avoid fluctuation) vs something that just manages to hit something.

Why are we running in circles?

Even FIRST PARTY aims for a performance target in games. See Driveclub...or Horizon 2...or basically every game ever on consoles.


I take one look at my PC and breathe a sigh of relief.

But in all honesty tho, none of the consoles are really that powerful. We are only a year into this generation and the consoles have already reached their limit.If they were working with some strange instruction set or odd cpu configuration (ps3) I would say "they just need time get used to the architecture"

But these are basically amd apus. :(
Jesus, no gives a fuck except PS4 fanbois who can only afford one console or PC elitists. 99% of the world doesn't care and couldn't tell the difference unless they were running next to each other on the exact same screens. Even then, the general gaming population is simply not visually savvy enough to see the difference.



Ha, ironic cuz I bet you must love that "first class treatment"
The PS4 has a significant performance advantage. There's no way to "bring up" the Xbox One without holding the PS4 back.

Yep, PS4 GPU compute is powerful which can provide huge boost in performance, seems like these developers are not using that instead they are going to the methods that can work on both hardware which is more like they are using XB1 hardware as base and not using PS4 advantages.
Seeing that you are wasting your time on a video game forum yourself, maybe you should not talk about 1st world... lol.
Err I'm getting paid right now since I'm at work, it's usually when I post on gaf (it gets slow sometimes). I still have no idea what you're talking about considering that you quoted me and what the post has to do with it.
Parity doesn't mean the same resolution necessarily. They may have been referring to shooting for the same level of graphics (i.e. shadow quality, texture quality, etc) across both platforms, which is fine. Then we'd get the usual 900p vs 1080p outcome.

Jumping down their throats before you have any context to the statement.


I dont understand the reasoning behind "parity". I also don't understand why it's being brought up by developers so much lately. I can't remember a time where I had a console game held back so other versions of it looked the same. I would rather have the PC version look amazing so all the people who have put a ton of money and effort into their rig get the maximum graphical experience from it.

All I want from it is to have the best graphical experience PS4 can deliver, and I don't want it to be hampered even slightly by a weaker machine. I spent my money on what I thought was the best hardware for the dollars, and miss out on various things Xbox One can do because of that choice. I wanted a games-focused system that gave me the best looking games for $400.

As entitled as some people might think it is, what reviewers and sites like DF find will now make the difference between me playing this for $70 at launch, or playing it for $30 with all the DLC and a cover full of quotes way down the road. I won't deny myself an experience I've been looking forward to, but I'll sure as hell deny them $40 if they don't work as hard as possible on all 3 platforms (and no, that doesn't mean equality).


Makes sense to me. Most major western devs have said for a decade now that they consider Xbox/Playstation to be a single platform.


Jesus, no gives a fuck except PS4 fanbois who can only afford one console or PC elitists.

Phew! I was worried I was about to have to go give a fuck until I searched down the back of the sofa and realised I could actually just about afford a 2nd console.
looking forward to a relaxing life of celibacy from this point forwards.

Anyway, there's always 1080P*, it's a kind of parity at least, vertically-speaking.


Err I'm getting paid right now since I'm at work, it's usually when I post on gaf (it gets slow sometimes). I still have no idea what you're talking about considering that you quoted me.

Lol I feel you 100%. It's like people assume that video game forum = mom's basement. I bet a lot of us are at work right now


Man, do some people really want developer statements to look like:

"The version of our game for Playstation 4 Computer Entertainment System, The Easiest To Program, Friendliest To Developers Supercharged Supercomputer, Designed By Our Messiah, Hero Of Our Times Mark Cerny From Based Sony (r), will be clearly the best, don't even bother buying it on that weaksauce CRAPbox One. Also, fuck Micro$$oft!" ?

Even if the resolution is the same, game will probably look or perform slightly better pn PS4. They just can't openly say it. Or they are as incompetent as Ubisoft, but i honestly doubt that.

They could just not gimp their game, like most developers so far this gen.


Yes, how about we all do this and instead ask the devs to provide clarification. If they have nothing to hide they can surely comment why they don't fully utilize the more powerful hardware?

That's fine with me. Sounds good.

I'm simply pointing out that it only takes a little bit of knowledge, when it comes to gaming hardware, to see the benefits of better hardware with a certain performance goal in mind.

It' doesn't equal a purposeful gimping of anyting...in any way. Now if they did purposefully do so...then have at it.


Yes, how about we all do this and instead ask the devs to provide clarification. If they have nothing to hide they can surely comment why they don't fully utilize the more powerful hardware?
Because you won't get it. No one on GAF is going to get an honest answer from Rocksteady management on how this decision was made. We only got one from Ubi because the guy fucked up and let it slip.
Err I'm getting paid right now since I'm at work, it's usually when I post on gaf (it gets slow sometimes). I still have no idea what you're talking about considering that you quoted me and what the post has to do with it.

I quoted Shandy, not you. You started talking to me about 1st world. 1st world has time to post on message boards during work? :p So please leave that out of this discussion.

The Cowboy

Am i the only one who doesn't like the gamespot article adding in "graphics" to the title of the article, when at no point in the question and answer was graphics said. Watching the video the question was "What is the resolution and frame rate of PS4", at no point in the answer did they mention the graphics or that the graphics themselves would be in parity across platform - they mentioned they'd being aiming for parity in resolution and frame rate which is quite different.

Just because a game can have parity in its resolution and frame rate, it doesn't mean they will have parity in the effects/shadows/draw distance etc (for example) of the game.

Video of the question and the answer.
Yes. My comment said that the PS4 would outperform across the board compared to the lesser hardware struggling to keep the same pace.

You're not gimping something by locking it (to avoid fluctuation) vs something that just manages to hit something.

Why are we running in circles?

I'm not sure what you're finding so hard to understand about my comment. Maybe I've worded it poorly.

If the PS4 can run the game at 1080p 30fps at 'high' settings, but the X1 can only manage 1080p 30fps at 'mid' settings...then dropping the PS4 down to 'mid' setting also would be wrong. That's what I'm saying here.

You're talking about parity in the sense that the PS4 can manage 'high', but it would be at the expense of a constant framerate, so they would lock it down. I understand that. But I'm saying what if Rocksteady are planning to make both versions look the same in every graphical area, even if the PS4 can comfortably run 1080p at 30fps at 'high' settings, all for the sake of completely parity? Surely you don't think that would be alright?
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