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Bernie Sanders isn't ruling out a 2020 presidential run

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After this election, we need to get some younger candidates in.

This is the truth of it, and that candidate might not be apparent immediately after this current election which people need to realize before throwing whatever likable Dems they can think of into a "___ / ____ 2020 ticket!"

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
To be fair, he is a very recent member of the party...

Even though it would mean losing her as my Senator, I'd be in favor of Gillibrand.

Gillibrand is just Clinton again. The first one didn't work, why would you try it again?
I think his point was that they are still functioning quite well for their age.

But I'm not saying I agree or disagree with him though. I'm not that familiar with either person.

The Presidency is a highly stressful job that rapidly ages everyone who takes it up. It's one thing to be "spry" during election season, but another to still be years later after the intensities of the job, and after a Trump presidency any Democrat that comes later will probably have even more shit to fix than Obama coming in after Bush


He needs to take a padawan under his wing to be Warren's vp.

Bernie all
So many ageists in here. If he's medically fit and has the same fire and energy as he does now, I don't see a reason why he shouldn't. Not everyone ages at the same rate.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
He's already said that when he runs for Senate(might change if he decides to run for Prez and give up the Senate bid)...that he would run as a Democrat.
Where's this from? Didn't he already file as an independent? I'm going to need to see evidence.


Gillibrand is just Clinton again. The first one didn't work, why would you try it again?

She's a blue dog Democrat that working class white people actually like. That's a pretty huge difference.

Bernie's people didn't even bother to show up to vote him into the primary and they certainly didn't show up for the general. Why would we try that again either?


So many ageists in here. If he's medically fit and has the same fire and energy as he does now, I don't see a reason why he shouldn't. Not everyone ages at the same rate.

I agree but the age question is understandable. It's not like he doesn't look his age either. There are 80 yr olds I've met that don't look a day over 60 but bernie looks his age. 4 years is a very long time, a lot can happen to his health between now and then.

Still...I'd vote for him in a goddamn heartbeat.


never left the stone age
Whatever Bernie does, I do hope he's at the heart of it all. Him endorsing Hillary clearly wasn't enough, he needs a much bigger role that's for sure.


Sherrod Brown assuming Kasich doesn't challenge and defeat him in 2018 would be my pick, but what do I know... I assumed democrats would vote for Hillary.

The Beard

I didn't think a candidate with [any characteristic of Trump] could win an election but here we are.

True. Me neither.

80 years old though? That pretty much guarantees he'd be a 1 term president, if he could even get elected the first time.
After this election, we need to get some younger candidates in.

But who? Obama was already a star in 2004.

If Bernie has the stamina in 2020, He should do it. Reagan won an election at close to 80s anyway. But I am afraid the moment for Bernie is already gone. I am afraid Trump won't do as bad as people think.

Make Jon Stewart run.


Bernie's last shot at it was really this round. However I'm not going to take the guys optimism away, in these early stages let him believe and hopefully contribute to reworking the next Democrat push.

Please do not let the Democrats now canibalize themselves like the UK Labour party after they mishandled the last UK election and now have Corbyn towing a divided party.

America if you don't get this right Trump may have 8 years.


The good news here is that Bernie is still a Democrat. I don't know how he does it, but he needs to mobilize the effort for the midterms and recruit more young blood.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
But who? Obama was already a star in 2004.

If Bernie has the stamina in 2020, He should do it. Reagan won an election at close to 80s anyway. But I am afraid the moment for Bernie is already gone. I am afraid Trump won't do as bad as people think.
Hoo boy, that is a terrible argument to make. Reagan was exhibiting Alzheimer's while in office.

People like to forget how quickly the elderly can spiral into poor health because it's scary, but it's the truth.


Implying that Sanders is IN the party.

Doesn't matter. A lot of people seem to see him as the Democratic frontman now according to social media.

"the best democrat isn't even a democrat"

I don't think he will run, he's too old, but he need to be in the front trying to rebuild the party. Let the Sanders/Warren wing take over.
Where's this from? Didn't he already file as an independent? I'm going to need to see evidence.


In November 2015, Sanders announced his plans to run as a Democrat rather than an Independent in all future elections.[3]^ Blomquist, Dan and Way, Robert. "Bernie Sanders files for Democratic ballot in N.H. primary", Boston Globe (November 5, 2015): "When a reporter asked Sanders his party allegiance after he filed, Sanders responded, 'I’m a Democrat.' He then called on Buckley, the Democratic chairman, who confirmed the senator’s party allegiance. Sanders added that he would run as a Democrat in any future elections."


Idk why yall are saying this is a failure of the Clintons. Bill Clinton WANTED the campaign to spend more time in the rust belt. This was a failure of the campaign management

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I'm not American, but I think Bernie Sanders would make a fantastic president and is a Democrat (I know he was an independent for a record-long time before that) that can bring demographics together.

As for age, it's not even close to enough to outweigh the positives. He can do this.

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