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CNN: Senate to investigate possible Trump-Russia ties

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You guys are setting yourselves up for a massive disappointment. This shit happens for many things (including, dare I say, emails)

This doesn't mean that it is "confirmed" or anything.

To be disappointed you have to at least have expectations of justice.
I'm Black.
I just want this to at least become Donald's birther moment. But I'm not going to pretend that seeing him go down wouldn't be fun to watch. I'm not hung on the potential result of the investigation. I think something might come from this, but I'm not spending my hours online just talking about this.
Quite a few Republicans were OK with Hillary getting elected (which may surprise some of y'all) so it's not completely unsurprising if this investigation's results have an impact. And the moderates out there would most likely pursue Pence or Ryan if they can get that far.


They'll investigate it for a week just to shut the Democrats up and then say "We found nothing substantial, move on".

People need to get it through their heads that nothing will come of this.

Now maybe if the Dems had control of the house and senate I would get my hopes up.


Here's how I see this panning out:
Investigated and closed the investigation within a few days. Nothing to see here. Why do you want to re-investigate that? We already cleared his team of wrongdoing.
I'm fucking done with you flops that keep saying some variation of nothing will come of this

Nothing will come of you posting that shit so get in the bin with your broke ass woke attitude
I dunno, I have a small bit of faith in this process. Remember, LOTS of Republican-controlled committees investigated Hillary Clinton over the years and came up with nothing again and again.

It's easier to ignore existing evidence that is not officially released to the public than it is to plant evidence against somebody.


I'm fucking done with you flops that keep saying some variation of nothing will come of this

Nothing will come of you posting that shit so get in the bin with your broke ass woke attitude

Thank you. Things happen and this is a big deal potentially leading to the biggest scandal in American history


Here's how I see this panning out:
Investigated and closed the investigation within a few days. Nothing to see here. Why do you want to re-investigate that? We already cleared his team of wrongdoing.

Half the team is democrats, who you can very much bet want to find something on him. It's not going to go like this


But there has been no proof other than conjecture.

The big thing this does is open up subpoena power to get these guys under oath and (possibly) make other things public like financials and tax documents. It could open up the ability for both the public and Congress to gain more insight into wtf is going on, which could end up revealing much more than we currently know.
I'm fucking done with you flops that keep saying some variation of nothing will come of this

Nothing will come of you posting that shit so get in the bin with your broke ass woke attitude

Then again it seems hypocritical to call "lock him up" even though nothing's been substantiated yet

That said, let's please do our best to lock him the fuck up


Can Americans get permission to block traffic to protest then?

Since everyone knows the GOP is crooked and won't come to a conclusion based on the best interests of the nation or...

Shit scalebound was cancelled...!?!


I'm fucking done with you flops that keep saying some variation of nothing will come of this

Nothing will come of you posting that shit so get in the bin with your broke ass woke attitude

They ain't been on "refresh" mode. To their credit, things have been unfolding pretty damn quickly. It's dense, too.


You shouldnt be able to say disappointing shit like this unless you have a source. I'm gonna call this committee and tell them not to bother looking into this because jfkgoblue says so.
What? The burden of proof is not on the accused. Not saying that there is no point in conducting this investigation. I'm just saying that anyone who gets there hopes up is setting themselves up for disappointment.


Ryan falling all the way up to POTUS would be kind of hilarious.

And probably better than both Trump and Pence.


Not saying that I think Trump is for sure gone, but I'm glad that this will at least be investigated. It certainly warrants a formal inquiry.


Can Americans get permission to block traffic to protest then?

Since everyone knows the GOP is crooked and won't come to a conclusion based on the best interests of the nation or...

Shit scalebound was cancelled...!?!

Yeah, The cancellation has a lot of people cautious about the future of Platinum. I'm hoping they pull through and fully recover.


I am unaware of a single Republican in the Senate that isn't going to suck Trump's cock and ask for seconds.

The committee is bipartisan. Similar committees were convened again and again to bury Hillary and always managed to come up short because they do actually attempt to be objective.

And it's not like this will be the only investigation. All of the intelligence agencies, hundreds of reporters and many foreign governments are all going to look into this.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her

"Oh hey we didn't find anything! Trump is clean! Move along"

At least show some effort to read before commenting, The Senate Intelligence Committee is half Democrat / half Republican.
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