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Cowen downgrades EA's stock as it thinks Titanfall 2's sales will be disappointing



No shit. Talk about being the most extreme and pathetic fanboy. If the game isn't for you, whatever, but to write it off because they didn't develop the first for PS4 is hilarious.

First night in and I'm loving it. Hopefully it exceeds the apparently low expectations. Titanfall is way more my kind of game than Battlefield and I really want to see more.


I've got to be honest, I've read the reviews and I don't see how they are arriving at some of the scores it's getting.

Plus Battlefield One shits on it from a great height in every aspect, so it's got no chance.


Last I checked:

~11,000 PC
~26,000 PS4
~36,000 Xbox

These are users online.

I think Battlefield launch was:

~120,000 PC
~120,000 Xbox
~220,000 PS4

Is there a website akin to the BF1 tracker for Titanfall 2 stats? Cause if so, that's quite bad. If I recall BF1 was even hitting over 400k total in the Early Access.


I didn't even realize this had launched until I noticed one lonely person on my Origin friend's list who was playing it.

Awful timing, mediocre marketing... I don't think this is going to go well for Titanfall.


Is there a website akin to the BF1 tracker for Titanfall 2 stats? Cause if so, that's quite bad. If I recall BF1 was even hitting over 400k total in the Early Access.

For what it's worth that's multiplayer only, considering the praise the campaign is getting, I'd bet there's a good amount playing through that.

No idea if those BF numbers include campaign or anything, but yeah. Also as you said, BF1 was on early access that's no doubt padding it up a bit from people still using their trial (I think it's a mistake not to put TF on EA access too though)


I'm going out to buy it right now, just to support them. It seems like exactly what I wanted it to be, and I really hope it sells enough to keep the franchise around.
Why would you release it so close to BF1? yes a minority will of waited for TF and prefer that setting and a smaller minority will buy both.
But for a company to release 2 large AAA shooters so close together just screams "we sent it out to die"

Are hey trying to bankrupt the devs so they can do a Bethesda?
Got BF1 and TitanFall 2 but who the fuck thought releasing TF2 after the mega blockbuster BF1 was a great idea? Who at EA didn't catch this massive oversight? Total sales cannibalization.

I think EA REALLY expected people to react negatively to a WW1 shooter

Is there a website akin to the BF1 tracker for Titanfall 2 stats? Cause if so, that's quite bad. If I recall BF1 was even hitting over 400k total in the Early Access.

These are the numbers that appear in titanfall 2 itself


I wrote off Titanfall 2 once I got BF1. I'm also salty that there is no Game Fuel in my area since I only drink pop whenever I can get that...


I'll pick it up eventually, but I bought BF1. If it came out a month earlier, or perhaps late November, I would have bought it at release; I'll just wait for a sale now.
I had some friends who were planning to get it. A few of them are just Call of Duty players that played the first game a little bit, but I guess they got scared off of buying it after we (the more experienced Titanfall players) told them how awful the tech test was. We're all playing Battlefield 1 though and they can't stop raving about it for good reason.
I doubt that. They want all their games to sell well.

WW1 is risky. Less guns and attachments to unlock means less profits from microtransactions. it's harder to shoot enemies than slapping on a dot sight on an automatic SMG or Assault rifle. Lots of players are used to that.

I dont think EA expected such an overwhelmingly positive reaction for the time period.

I just cant think of another reason why theyd double stack TF2 and BF1. It's like they tried to lead a combined assault against COD, when in reality they cannibalized themselves
Myself and many, many others called this out months ago, there was even a specific thread on this subject

Not only sandwiched between the 2 massive FPS's, but that COD also is in entirely the same space (ie future setting & weapons, in space ie not earth based, mech combat)

If anything COD is even more futuristic in terms of the campaign because you get to fight in space ships


So on PC when you go online everyone is seemingly put by default in a Network (which I assume are clans in this game of some sorts). And I did see over a million people in it at least on the PC version.

If that's an accurate number, that's fairly good for the PC version to be honest.
Don't... fucking ... release ... the super ultra expensive next installment of BOTH of your main franchises in the same genre ... right next to each other.

Is that really that hard to understand for suits? They always come up with the usual "but we are sooo confident in our product, dontcha worry!" statement and then act all surprised when the game in question falls flat on it's nose. Exactly the same when it comes to releasing a game in an overcrowded month or right next to a 10+ Million seller (Fallout and Tomb Raider 2015... and in this case the new CoD).

It doesn't take knowledge about games (something that many suits seem to lack) to realize that two multiplayer FPS aiming at the same audiences would canibalize each others sales. Heck, Witcher 3 has shown that you can release a game in the middle of the summer and still sell unexpected record amounts of copies.
So on PC when you go online everyone is seemingly put by default in a Network (which I assume are clans in this game of some sorts). And I did see over a million people in it at least on the PC version.

If that's an accurate number, that's fairly good for the PC version to be honest.

It currently says there are over 100,000,000 members. So, clearly not accurate at all. Says there are 250ish members online out of that hundred-million.
I think he might be wrong but we will know soon enough. UK numbers on Monday.

For some reason the game is charting a lot higher on amazon US than amazon UK

At amazon UK its behind both versions of skyrim, both versions of COD & both versions of Batttlefield 1 (Plus a Fifa game) in the best sellers list.

Not expecting a great showing in the UK numbers
Did my part and bought a copy. It's an absolutely fantastic game. Skyrim rehash is absolutely murdering it, too. Personally sold well over 50 copies of that yesterday compared to a paltry 5 or so for TF2.
MyEpitomeCliché;222036091 said:
Did my part and bought a copy. It's an absolutely fantastic game. Skyrim rehash is absolutely murdering it, too. Personally sold well over 50 copies of that yesterday compared to a paltry 5 or so for TF2.

Yeah Bethesda are gonna make a ton, from what is mainly just a PC port I would think (ie they already had high quality assets to put into the next generation console versions)

Seems to be selling like crazy, perhaps because its been long enough since release - that people are ready to play it again (I am - on PC though so no extra fee for that release on steam since own original)
They should've delayed it and used the time to fix the multiplayer. I'll probably pick it up about the time they should have released it or when it gets put in the EA Access vault. Not something I expected to say about the follow-up to my favorite multiplayer shooter of the last decade.

What do they need to fix? I thought they already made major changes after the feedback from the first demo
What do they need to fix? I thought they already made major changes after the feedback from the first demo

They did. It is fucking awesome now. Didn't like the beta of all three of the big games. Loving the actual TF2 release, though. Got BF1 for free and still not digging it at all. Fuck CoD and its stiff shitty feeling controls.

It's really going to be too bad if this game fails cause of the release date, 'cause it is fucking great.
A obvious mess that could have been avoided.

I just hope this was done on purpose by EA to get Respawn in a vulnerable spot so they can "save them"by offering to buy them.
A obvious mess that could have been avoided.

I just hope this was done on purpose by EA to get Respawn in a vulnerable spot so they can "save them"by offering to buy them.

I don't think there will be much left to buy if they have pulled this shit.
We would end up with another Infinity Ward MW2 situation where most of the key talent leaves.


Bought today for pc and runs great, no problems, and after a few hours my mind is set to double dip on ps4 or xbox one. This game is so awesome, I'm really amazed with it, it's so good.
Not sure why everyone is worried about "total population" of the game. Most of you guys will move on to another game before you can feel the effects of the diminished community
Not sure why everyone is worried about "total population" of the game. Most of you guys will move on to another game before you can feel the effects of the diminished community

"Most"? How on Earth could you know this? I played the first TF1 for a longggg ass time. I saw the effects of it, though they didn't effect me since I liked playing the most popular game mode any way. I intend to play this one until next year, when I hope to jump to the new Battlefront, if it's good. If this game has low numbers (like the 250ish it shows in the default clan/group/whatever) we're going to feel it within a couple of months time. Hopefully that's not the case.
I was hard as fuck on the tech test, but they put in the work, made changes and showed they were willing to take feedback into consideration. That along with their map DLC strategy earned them a purchase even if I'm busy as hell with rock band and BF1.


I'm personally picking up both BF1 and TF2 when I get back from holidays but I know most of my friends are only getting BF1.
I feel bad for Respawn as anyone could see from the time they announced both games release dates it was never going to do as well as if it was released early next year. As good as Titanfall may be it isn't Battlefield and people who can only get one and/or people who don't know much about them will generally go for latter.

I hope it does well and surprises everybody but I won't hold my breath for it getting whatever sales they were hoping for.


I wish they could've just released it at a better time. Most of my friend's are jumping to BF1 but one didn't because he didn't want to spend the 120 to get the full experience. I was like Titanfall is having all maps and modes with no season pass so we might be the lone wolves playing. It kind of sucks to think that the community could die out pretty quickly.
I decided to pick it up, I liked the first one a lot and this one even has a good single player component to boot. Plus all future content being free is great. I thought BF 1 would tie me over, but after +60 hours I need a break from that.

It was still really foolish of EA to release it during this window. It should have came out either Aug/Sep or 1st Q 2017.


What kind of performance are we talking about, here? Performance is stellar on PC.

On consoles with drops to 30 fps, I know that is 64 players and with a lot of destruction but that drops really bothers me. Later down the road I will probably buy BF1 for PC.
I think if it bombs the release window it might still have a shot. All the core post launch content is going to be free, so you can at least jump in whenever without FOMO. It still has a shot, right? :(


I must be in the minority because I skipped BF1 and bought Titanfall.
Same, and it's honestly the most fun I've had in an FPS in a long time. Don't get me wrong, I still love the Battlefield series and COD is pretty good, but this takes the crown for me.

Anecdotal but i am curious how battlefield is even doing as on any given time, i have roughly 40-50 people on FL on and less than 5 of them are playing it
My social media feeds (which usually have tons of gaming clips) seem unusually dry of Battlefield 1 content. A few of my other friends have mentioned similar things. While it's purely anecdotal, it's strange to me considering the new one has outsold the previous two (based on first week's).
I think if it bombs the release window it might still have a shot. All the core post launch content is going to be free, so you can at least jump in whenever without FOMO. It still has a shot, right? :(
Considering what happened to Rainbow Six Siege... yep, sure it still has a shot. The big question whether EA is as good as Ubi in getting people to pick the game up weeks/months after release is the really big question, EA seems more of a "release and lay back and see how it sells" company to me. If they let the Multiplayer Playerbase die then the game dies.


Considering what happened to Rainbow Six Siege... yep, sure it still has a shot. The big question whether EA is as good as Ubi in getting people to pick the game up weeks/months after release is the really big question, EA seems more of a "release and lay back and see how it sells" company to me. If they let the Multiplayer Playerbase die then the game dies.
I don't think it'll work like rainbow because r6 caters to a niche, tf1's player numbers show that its population just moves to other similar games
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