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Cowen downgrades EA's stock as it thinks Titanfall 2's sales will be disappointing


There's only room for so many multiplayer fps. Battlefield, CoD, Counter Strike, and now Overwatch are the big fish. Titanfall 2, no matter how good or bad is going to struggle for an audience.
Titanfall 2 barely made it into the Amazon.de top 100 sales charts today. It was in the hundreds before. I always said the release time is stupid. Should have picked somewhere in Q1 instead. Hell at least could have picked December. I am basically not getting it because I picked up Gears and BF1. There is no time or money for a third shooter as cool as it looks. Because of it possibly not doing well I don't even know if it will be worth picking up down the line. Who knows how long the online population will actually stay big enough.

9th and 10th on amazon uk. Only beaten by Skyrim, FIFA, COD, BF and Pokémon which is expected.

Not saying I think sales will be huge though. Might be a bit of a dud but perhaps the glowing reviews have give it a wee push of late.


I bet having an actual singleplayer should help it long term a bit. Certainly would have gotten me in for the first game at a lower price point if not day 1.
It was such a dumb mistake. I would have bought this game in Jan or Feb but not now with BF1 taking all my time.

Yeah I don't get it. The cynical side of me thinks they would have released it later if it was their own IP. Seems like they're using this game to hurt COD, instead of wanting the game to be successful. If that makes any sense

There's only room for so many multiplayer fps. Battlefield, CoD, Counter Strike, and now Overwatch are the big fish. Titanfall 2, no matter how good or bad is going to struggle for an audience.

Sandwich it between two of the biggest military shooters and its even worse


EA reports Q3 earnings next Tuesday after market close so they'll definitely comment on Titanfall 2 initial sales then.


You say that but Rainbow Six: Siege has gained since launch and the game is absolutely brutal to newcomers.

Rainbow Six Siege has a pedigree and is offering a completely different experience. Titanfall 2 is the successor to a game that failed to gain a foothold in the marketplace, and is arguably no different then the other futuristic shooters.


Looking at Live with Playstation stats (Certainly not a barometer of how many copies it's selling) but TF2 has slightly more streamers than Overwatch. Skyrim, BF and BLOPs have far more. Which for launch day is pathetic. Potentially a sign of its sales though. I don't think it's looking good for it.

It is still pretty early but not looking great.
It is petty. The second one is coming to Playstation. Did you skip the entire Mass Effect Series as well? Bioshock also? It is a good game, go check it out.

Hopefully this is just a bunch of doom and gloom and it does alright. The good reviews and the PS userbase could save Titanfall.

Actually, I've not played any Mass Effect or Bioshock yet. Not out of spite or anything, just never got round to buying them :/


Rainbow Six Siege has a pedigree and is offering a completely different experience. Titanfall 2 is the successor to a game that failed to gain a foothold in the marketplace, and is arguably no different then the other futuristic shooters.

I understand but that wasnt the statement I was responding to ( -The game won't have legs because it is so punishing to newcomers).

I would say it is far different than other shooters? What other game gives you this package (Titans, Enemy AI in MP packaged with very unique movement that they basically created)?

As for the Campaign it is stated by multiple sources that it is one of the most unique shooter campaigns out there.


Was legit interested in buying it but coming out a week after BF1 was a mistake. I still don't understand it.

Yep, I just don't have the time for multiple games nowadays. Especially FPS games.

I can see where Respawn and EA thought this would be good counter programming for CoD but I think that will hurt the game. We shall see how going up against CoD and BF1 will help or hinder the game.
You say that but Rainbow Six: Siege has gained since launch and the game is absolutely brutal to newcomers.

It is all about word of mouth. If Respawn has solid updates planned then it could really gain some momentum. They need to get Frontier Defense in the game and Angel City map is coming in December

Also, games like R6 and TF2 are a total relief to buy

Buy once, have everything you need

No bullshit where u have to pay more to keep up with MP map packs. This will have legs so long as MP is well supported.
It's gonna sound petty but I'm skipping it purely on the fact that TF never came to PS. The way that the situation was handled at the time left a real sour taste in my mouth.

They wanted to release it on as many platforms as possible. You're punishing a developer who appears to be trying their best to navigate through a fucked up AAA games industry
The first thing i saw when walking into tesco today (large UK supermarket) was a large stand full of TF2 which is more than most get so its had some retail push. But people are talking about BF1 , TF2 seems to not exist. It will bomb big when UK sales are shown on monday, its interesting to see the discussion on who chose the release date on here.
I must be in the minority because I skipped BF1 and bought Titanfall.
Me too. TF1 was the one Xbox exclusive that I really wanted to play, and though I like Battlefield, the old-timey guns are a turn off. I haven't even played a COD since MW, not interested. Just installed TF2, looking forward to playing it after work.
They really shouldn't have released it so close to BF1. I would have bought it otherwise but I can't play another shooter right now.


Junior Member
If poor receptions to betas and negative sentiment determine a games sales, then Infinite Warfare is also a flop.
Infinite warfare is cod. It sells on the name alone. Titanfall doesn't. Not to mention the fact it's coming with modern warfare remastered which absolutely holds preorders in place despite poor iw beta impressions.


Infinite warfare is cod. It sells on the name alone. Titanfall doesn't. Not to mention the fact it's coming with modern warfare remastered which absolutely holds preorders in place despite poor beta impressions.

I honestly wonder if there will be people that get IW, dislike it, return it and pick up TF2 instead.

Cake Boss

Infinite warfare is cod. It sells on the name alone. Titanfall doesn't. Not to mention the fact it's coming with modern warfare remastered which absolutely holds preorders in place despite poor iw beta impressions.

I know this has been said in the past about past CODs and that it will never die, but the beta for this was so poorly recieved I have never seen from major COD fans before, I wouldn't be surprised if many are looking at alternatives for their twitch shooter itch after playing that'beta/demo'.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Do you trust us?

Does it matter? I agree with him. Even if the game is good, the first one died out within a week. Who is crazy enough to buy the second one for $60 just to play the singleplayer?


Junior Member
I know this has been said in the past about past CODs and that it will never die, but the beta for this was so poorly recieved I have never seen from major COD fans before, I wouldn't be surprised if many are looking at alternatives for their twitch shooter itch after playing that'beta/demo'.

Agree, hopefully they are and hopefully it allows games like Titanfall to get more limelight as it deserves. Never seen a cod get so much public hate, but I almost feel like Acti knew it wasn't a strong one and that's why they've bundled it with MWR which will sell the game almost on its own. Sadly I feel the major cod fans will just play MWR instead.
Played 4-5 hours so far and I am enjoying it but yeah I can see a point quickly where the MP loses its luster and I stick with battlefield 1, black ops 3, and destiny. Maybe IW has a spot in the rotation, but I just don't see T2 having one. Exact same thing happened with T1 where I enjoyed it for 50-70 hours and then didn't really feel like playing anymore. Worth the $ I paid but if someone asked me what game they should buy this fall, this wouldn't be on my top 5 list.



EA doesn't own Respawn but EA sure did screw them this time.
EA dropped the ball on this one as they do with almost everything. When Battlefield 1 came out last week, my friends list was full of people playing the game on day one and folks are still playing it. I'd say a good 20+ outta my 90 friends on PSN were playing Battlefield 1.

Titanfall 2 released today and I've seen absolutely no one. I'm the only one playing it. I'll see if over the weekend any folks on my list will be playing the game.

Have no idea why they woukd launch an IP such as Titanfall 2 between Battlefield 1 and CoD IW. Stupid EA, stupid EA. Reminds me of stupid MS back in November 2014 when they sent out Insomniac's Sunset Overdrive out to die.


Activision's gonna love crushing Respawn's new game with the one they made a decade ago.

I genuinely feel bad for Respawn in that regard.

Goddamn, I forgot about that. This is basically going to be a "stop hitting yourself" type beating. Getting murdered by an HD remaster of your own game is fucking grim.


Its really puzzling that developers and publishers think its a good idea to release AAA shooter after shooter after shooter for 3 weeks straight. The industry does so much stupid shit sometimes.

Also I still can't believe they don't release this game on Steam. Like if mainstream COD games are barely able to keep a community of 15-20k people on steam..then how on earth do they expect a similar type of game like this keep any healthy community on Origin of all places?
Yup I picked COD4 remaster.

If this came out in Feb I'd buy it on day 1 but I'm skipping it now. If you don't get in early with MP games it's never as good so I'm writing it off.
Its really puzzling that developer and publishers think its a good idea to release AAA shooter after shooter after shooter for 3 weeks straight. The industry does so much stupid shit sometimes.

Also I still can't believe they don't release this game on Steam. Like if mainstream COD games are barely able to keep a community of 15-20k people on steam..then how on earth do they expect a similar type of game like this keep any healthy community on Origin of all places?

Its run by people who couldnt give 2 shits about games and only think about how much more they can make


This game would be Day One for me if it came out outside of this packed window.

Yep, feel the same way. Basically had to choose between this and Battlefield. Battlefield won. AND EA loses a full price sale. Probably get it later for the SP but have little faith in MP having a large enough userbasw to make anything close to full price worth it.


Also I still can't believe they don't release this game on Steam. Like if mainstream COD games are barely able to keep a community of 15-20k people on steam..then how on earth do they expect a similar type of game like this keep any healthy community on Origin of all places?

BF4 on PC is currently 19,000-20,000


I have both bf1 and tf2 en route from gamefly. So glad I didn't buy bf1. Game is as unpolished as it's ever been despite having a less than terrible campaign.


Bought BF1 and I've been having a lot of fun with it over the past week, Just bought Titan fall 2 today due to GAFs' positive reviews. Its quite good and i've only played for about an hour now. Hopefully word of mouth helps the game out.
In all honesty the big 2 shooters surrounding it are only the start of its worries. Releasing the same day as Skyrim is the final nail in its coffin.


Hopefully it does well. I'm doing my part and going to pickup my copy after work today. The single player has me interested and the multiplayer after what I've read (didn't try out the test).

At first I was going to pass on it due to Overwatch for multiplayer but I figured something different for a while would be fun and I did enjoy the original. And hopefully I can make some friends on here to play the PC version with.

I did think that the release timing was odd especially with it right on top of another EA game like that. I'm getting Infinite Warfare too but mainly for the single-player there and will be splitting it with someone so I guess that isn't a fair comparison.


Skipped BF1 for later and picked up TF2 instead, since it really seems like more of a game I would enjoy (sci fi setting > WWI setting for me). I really hope the community here stays, or at least has a small, dedicated group like TF1 did for months after launch. I'm very excited to play this all weekend.
I am pretty big into Overwatch...

But this is my traditional twitch shooter that I chose. BF1 is just BF4 but heybits world war one... And COD has always been terrible to me since the first Black Ops.
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