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Donald Trump signs vague, pro-cop executive orders

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A quick google search will tell you,

a) cops are relatively safe compared to other workers. an attack against a cop that results in death is very rare.

b) crime is much lower than it was in the 70's, 80's, and 90's.

He's just flat out lying and people will die because of it.
Some are overreacting. Most parts of the the 3 EOs are basically nothing that isn't currently already going on, or need the help of Congress to do anything. The wording used implies that. Stuff like this
pursue appropriate legislation, consistent with the Constitution's regime of limited and enumerated Federal powers, that will define new Federal crimes, and increase penalties for existing Federal crimes, in order to prevent violence against Federal, State, tribal, and local law enforcement officers.

Needs Congress.

enforce all Federal laws in order to enhance the protection and safety of Federal, State, tribal, and local law enforcement officers, and thereby all Americans;

Already happens, but might conflict with some state laws like marijuana legislation.

A lot of it is purposely vague wording that could mean anything or doesn't mean anything


It's shit like this that makes me wary of moving back to Idaho as a minority. I gotta make up my mind in a year...maybe we'll go to Colorado.


So. Bye bye weed? Because if this is to demand police enforce federal law...


With the number of states making it legal increasing, I can only imaging there is likely to be some major fireworks now that you have the most rabidly anti-weed politician in the nation as AG.
I don't know how to deal with the world anymore.

About where I'm at. People keep telling me not to lose hope, but there's nothing at all worth latching onto for the future it seems. Even moving from America won't help, just about everywhere the far right is on the rise it feels like. I feel like my whole generation is just going to get trampled on and lost at the end of the day.
This is like one long #bluelivesmatter hashtag. We'll have to wait and see what enhanced punishments and more cooperation between federal and local police means in practice, and what those will be used to target.


With the number of states making it legal increasing, I can only imaging there is likely to be some major fireworks now that you have the most rabidly anti-weed politician in the nation as AG.

Yep. And he has a hardon for california. I see people getting years for a joint.

Also, Congress is on his side. I don't see why people mention it as if it's a hurdle. And the dea.

This is worded so should/ordered? police could share information to federal agencies that have nothing better to do.


Police will be more galvanized to profile. It already was an issue, but now there is no stop-gap measure.

Trump's opinion on crime is comparable to Earth flatists. No evidence he just 'believes' something and it becomes an order.

Look at what happened with the Muslim ban, do people really thinking nothing will come of this?

I'm afraid for my own well being, even moreso now.


So. Bye bye weed? Because if this is to demand police enforce federal law...


As I've understood it for some time now, state law enforcement officers are not required to enforce federal law. I don't know that an EO can change that.

Anyone here smart enough in federal and state law to know for sure?
I guess Trump really does admire duerte and wants to get the USA there as soon as possible.


Here is his prison basketball court


So these orders basically tell the police to think of something over the next year and report it to the Trump administration. This is a meaningless EO, it's just drivel that really offers no change and seems like an excuse for the administration to pretend to follow through on something when in reality they arent really doing anything at all. The downside to this is it may give police organizations carte blanche to go to town on citizens (minority) rights and make ridiculous demands that may be implemented during the current administration.

Bingo. Was going to post similar thoughts. These EOs are vanilla corporate-speak that amount to "someone should come up with strategy stuff and get back to us".
At the risk of sounding like a martyr, I'm not going to stand for this. If I see a police officer being disrespectful to anyone, no matter what their race or ethnicity, I'm going to stand up to them, period.


Let's see the infowars and 4chan crowd spin on this one...

How conspiracy theorists can go from "police are being trained as jackboot para-military forces to herd sheeple into death camps!" to "Trump/Sessions protecting Americans from terror with our brave police forces!" will be marvelous to watch


Bingo. Was going to post similar thoughts. These EOs are vanilla corporate-speak that amount to "someone should come up with strategy stuff and get back to us".

Trump reminds me of Homer Simpson in the one where he works for Hank Scorpio and decides he's a great manager after he tells his works to work harder.

Everything he does screams "I don't have any idea how anything actually works and just want to make big strong sounding gestures".


Junior, please.
Right because not enough people are dying at the hands of American police already. This is fucking sickening.

Stay safe US friends.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Those Orders seem vague as fuck. Seems like they're basically giving the police forces authority to do whatever the hell they want.

Trump hasn't figured out that the Executive Order authority doesn't *actually* allow him to be a dictator, hence why he seemed to be legitimately confused about the judge's ruling against the Ban.

The police can't be given extra authority by an Executive Order because they're city and state employees and the Federal Government has limited authority to direct local officials and "federal police" barely exist.


You shouldn't be scared, unless you are a criminal.

Or a minority of any kind be they sexual, gender, religious, racial, etc. etc.. Or a woman. Or poor. Or anyone who isn't a Republican. Or etc. etc. Double points if you fall into multiple categories.

Everyone should be scared.


He is going to ban body cam video and making filming police a crime isn't he? Man, if there is a time to constantly record cops its now. Scary times.
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