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DOOM Gameplay Demo (E3 2015)

incredibly dull demo, bereft of any interesting ideas, notably worse than the Doom we already have in a number of areas, including speed, level design(from what I can), and bestiary(why the FUCK do all the enemies look alike, visually, that's terrible).

Pretty much exactly what you feared a Modern Doom would look like. Copy-pasting all the popular things people think Doom is about(SHOTGUNS! DEMONS! MARS TECHBASES MIXED WITH THE OCCULT!), and missing the point entirely.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Maybe Doom 3 made me cynical but this didn't really help my fears any.

Main things that worried me:

1. it was pretty slow for someone who was bragging about it being fast

2. it seems to be more painkiller "fight room of enemies, move on" then having any doom exploration. The hand opening the door sort of suggested there might be a key system? but I'm not real confident.

3. I didn't like the enemy design. The enemies didn't look nearly as distinctive as they did in OG doom.

4. All those executions

I agree with everything in this post.


All right, fine, you dont know how to make actual gameplay mechanics for what you are trying to do, so you just have a context sensitive event, attached to a 'Look at how cool this thing you arent even doing is' animation.

Fine, but do you HAVE to signify the prompt with that god awful blue transparancy effect?


"fast movement"

if nothing else, hopefully snampmap supports tc's and maybe i'll buy this in a few years on sale
The stupid part is that the movement actually is pretty fast, it's just barely shown because half the time the player is stopping or moving at a crawl.

The second single-player video is much better, but I'm still not a fan of the cinematic takedown shit.


Yeah, way too many health drops. Slow and plodding. Needs more time in the oven.

Edit: The fatalities are obviously a nod to Brutal Doom, but the whole thing comes off as Brutal in Doom 3. Needs less parkour and more speed.


A little slow, but I liked what I saw.

Yup. Should be faster. Quite a bit so, also more range for the shotgun.
Otherwise, looked good, mixing classic shooters (lots of weapons, no ADS/sprint crap) while modernizing things as well.

I never expected to get a game that's just like the original Doom but didn't expect it to be even this faithful. Seriously was expecting more modern FPS things.

Looks like this may end up being my Halo replacement...

EDIT I expect the PC version will not have a weapon wheel, it is just a console convenience to simulate super-fast weapon swapping KB/M allows.


People who like this kind of games will enjoy it. But to me, its looks so boring and generic. I probably won't be getting it.

Hip Hop

I'm really happy they slowed it down.

looks great to me.

And fuck yes at the multiplayer, Wolfenstein was severely missing it.

This makes up for it.
Old school Doom fan here... I think it looks pretty rad!


- Should be faster
- Not sold on the enemy designs
- AI looks pretty bad
- Level design doesn't look too inspiring


+ Very pretty
+ Time slow down when you bring up weapon wheel
+ Gibs
+ Level editor looks neat
+ Interesting mix of Doom 3 and more frantic older games
+ Looks like there are plenty of beasts to shoot, and it looks much better than the leaked stuff from the old version

Yeah, I'm in.
I think the slow single player footage was for dramatic effect as the multiplayer stuff looked much faster. But I'll echo the sentiment that the demon designs were disappointing. I think it's a step down from Doom 3. Also, not sure why we didn't see more traditional UAC lab levels, which typically have more atmosphere.

I hope they show us more footage of the different parts this week such as the very beginning.


I'm on the disappointed side. Gameplay looked kinda dull, can only tell what enemies are supposed to be due to their attacks and relative size, and the whole "fast movement" was missing.

On top of that the whole thing didn't really look like actual gameplay footage due to strange camera and player movement. Like the FPS part of the movie.


Oh please. What makes Doom again?

Chaos, tons of enemies, fast and frenetic game play that combines speed, accuracy, and precision. You've played DOOM before I hope?

The finishers while cool, also slow the pace.

More Doom 3. That's not bad, but not what I hoped to see.


I thought it looked fucking great. I knew it was going to get some flack from the traditionalists though.

I want to know what kind of beastly rig it was running on.


Looks super cool! Doom and Doom 2 were the very first games I played when we got our first computer... Just when I was like 8 or 10 years old, damn.

Listening to "Let It Go" with my daughter while watching is trailer on mute. Life, man.

Amazing first post oh my god haha.


I thought it looked fucking great. I knew it was going to get some flack from the traditionalists though.

I want to know what kind of beastly rig it was running on.

It does look great. Plenty of cool effects and techniques.

And that appears to be the vast majority of what you are doing.



Okay, a lot of good stuff here, but with some annoying compromises for the modern FPS crowd. It was still decently fast, but not the old Usain Bolt Doom Guy. I also wasn't a huge fan of the emphasis on melee kill animations. I hope you can turn the character coloring off that indicates when you can melee kill somebody. The chainsaw was very cool looking, but was still just a click to watch the monster die in a video sort of thing. I liked the complete lack of iron sights. We don't need that garbage here. Double jump is nice, it gives a focus on verticality. Overall, very good. I guess there can't be a perfect Doom reboot, but this still looks serviceable.
Looks okay. My two complaints are that there's no heavy metal and every guy you kill drops stuff. Doesn't look all that challenging if everything I kill drops health. Definitely not preordering.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i think what would go along way is more... confirmation of hits...

plasma rifle for example felt like a total pew pew gun

there needs to be more blood.. (from bullets) and more animations to show guys are getting hit.

and the executions are really... ehhhhhhhhhh.


Hmm, I dunno.

At first glance, it looks like they sacrificed all the tension, atmosphere and scariness of Doom 3 in order to cater to the Halo crowd. Since when did the Doom marine have power armor?

The series was never about overpowering the forces of hell with your futuristic technology and superhuman abilities. It's about surviving a terrifying invasion and somehow emerging victorious against overwhelming odds.

The player looks more intimidating than any of the demons they showed.
One thing that I don't like: teleporting enemies in. It was used sparingly in the original Doom and it got more and more frequent in Ep 4 and Doom 2 and got dumb in Doom 3. It looks like every other enemy is getting ported in in this game


Looks pretty great. I'm assuming we'll see the usual higher difficulties and multitude of HUD options. The assassination animations seem quick enough (would be excellent if one/some of the difficulties had you vulnerable during these animations), there are plenty of non-hitscan attacks to dodge, the enemy movement/attack animations are super dope.

All right, fine, you dont know how to make actual gameplay mechanics for what you are trying to do, so you just have a context sensitive event, attached to a 'Look at how cool this thing you arent even doing is' animation.

Fine, but do you HAVE to signify the prompt with that god awful blue transparancy effect?

Being able to toggle that sort of thing on/off is very much the trend these days.
Well, the gameplay looks considerably better than Doom 3 but it still seems like a big step down from Doom 1 and 2 in a number of ways. Movement wasn't as fast as I would like, enemy and level design didn't seem all that interesting and the finishers look like they'll get old quick. Hopefully it looks better in a years time.
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