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Drinky Puppy colored dancing bananas thread(40/40 lol)

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NichM said:
But that's exactly my point. If Capcom had canceled the GameCube version, that would be a legitimate grievance for people whose sole console was a GC, and may have bought one solely to play RE4. But they didn't -- all they did was announce another version would be coming out later. The only possible reason to get worked up about such a thing, unless you're a Nintendo executive (raise your hands, everybody) is fanboyism for the company who produces the console, not for any game or series in particular.

Anyway, I think I made my point already for anybody who cares to listen (not that anybody should -- as I said, I'm nobody) and have defended it at least two times too many.

So according to your opinion the only fans that want their console's exclusives to stay exclusives are the Nintendo fans? Haha. You MUST be kidding.


Che said:
So according to your opinion the only fans that want their console's exclusives to stay exclusives are the Nintendo fans? Haha. You MUST be kidding.

I really don't want to keep replying to this thread, but you keep attributing to me things that I am not saying.

If MS fanboys complained that Halo is on PC, I would laugh at them. If GTA fans complained that San Andreas is going to Xbox, I would laugh at them, too. When Drinky or myself or whoever bitches at Nintendo fanboys, the operative word is FANBOYS, not Nintendo.

If you read my actual posts, all I'm trying to do here is say that Nintendo fanboys do exist -- just as Xbox and PS2 fanboys do -- a fact which you keep denying for some reason. I haven't even called anyone in particular, not even you, a Nintendo fanboy, and I'm still getting my words twisted back at me into arguments I'm not making. I humbly request that you stop, if for no other reason than I'm busy, and don't have time to constantly set the record straight.


NichM said:
I really don't want to keep replying to this thread, but you keep attributing to me things that I am not saying.

If MS fanboys complained that Halo is on PC, I would laugh at them. If GTA fans complained that San Andreas is going to Xbox, I would laugh at them, too. When Drinky or myself or whoever bitches at Nintendo fanboys, the operative word is FANBOYS, not Nintendo.

If you read my actual posts, all I'm trying to do here is say that Nintendo fanboys do exist -- just as Xbox and PS2 fanboys do -- a fact which you keep denying for some reason. I haven't even called anyone in particular, not even you, a Nintendo fanboy, and I'm still getting my words twisted back at me into arguments I'm not making. I humbly request that you stop, if for no other reason than I'm busy, and don't have time to constantly set the record straight.

I denied that there are Nintendo fanboys? And I'm the one twisting your words? Whatever. Bye man.
but I'm also quite sure that he can't stand people's respect for Nintendo and that's what really pissed him off.


If I haven't made this abundantly clear, I don't give a pasture's worth of shit whether or not Nintendogs ACTUALLY fails or storms the market like some sort of Holy Puppy Crusade. Either way, I can't fathom what it might mean to Drinky Crow the duder who goes home from work and plays a few games when he has a spare minute, or even Drinky Crow the mod provocateur who is trying to make a point without spoiling the joke by stating it outright.

I don't feel that I hafta say disingenuous bullshit like "but I LIKE Nintendo's games!!!" to qualify myself; I don't give a fuck what you think of my tastes, or where you suppose my "allegiances" lie. I consider every Nintendo game in something akin to a personal vaccuum; if it matches my tastes and plays great, AWESOME. In fact, I'd venture that I give Nintendo more of a break when evaluating their games because of their legacy; I just don't roll out the red carpet, cinch up my knee-pads, and bend over asshole agape like some of you -- I likes what I likes, I knows whats is good, and everything else be damned. At the very least, I'm a sore sight better at articulating what makes a game QUALITY than most of you among the fanboy set, who can't seem to detach the remora of nostalgia from the pasty underbelly of your critical faculties.

Also, what the fuck is this "you won't get it, you aren't Japanese" crap? What the HELL? NO CORNPONE SHIT I ain't Japanese. I don't give a fuck if the Buddha himself crapped Nintendogs out in a shower of karmic sparkles; *I* don't think it's a game, and I think it's likewise a pretty crappy snowglobe-y thing. Declaring it TOO JAPANESE 4 U SIR is a total fucking non-sequitur.

In the end, fanboys, you CARE what I say. Start working from there, and maybe you'll figure out the joke.


Drinky Crow said:
At the very least, I'm a sore sight better at articulating what makes a game QUALITY than most of you among the fanboy set, who can't seem to detach the remora of nostalgia from the pasty underbelly of your critical faculties.

:lol :lol


Drinky Crow said:

If I haven't made this abundantly clear, I don't give a pasture's worth of shit whether or not Nintendogs ACTUALLY fails or storms the market like some sort of Holy Puppy Crusade. Either way, I can't fathom what it might mean to Drinky Crow the duder who goes home from work and plays a few games when he has a spare minute, or even Drinky Crow the mod provocateur who is trying to make a point without spoiling the joke by stating it outright.

I don't feel that I hafta say disingenuous bullshit like "but I LIKE Nintendo's games!!!" to qualify myself; I don't give a fuck what you think of my tastes, or where you suppose my "allegiances" lie. I consider every Nintendo game in something akin to a personal vaccuum; if it matches my tastes and plays great, AWESOME. In fact, I'd venture that I give Nintendo more of a break when evaluating their games because of their legacy; I just don't roll out the red carpet, cinch up my knee-pads, and bend over asshole agape like some of you -- I likes what I likes, I knows whats is good, and everything else be damned. At the very least, I'm a sore sight better at articulating what makes a game QUALITY than most of you among the fanboy set, who can't seem to detach the remora of nostalgia from the pasty underbelly of your critical faculties.

Also, what the fuck is this "you won't get it, you aren't Japanese" crap? What the HELL? NO CORNPONE SHIT I ain't Japanese. I don't give a fuck if the Buddha himself crapped Nintendogs out in a shower of karmic sparkles; *I* don't think it's a game, and I think it's likewise a pretty crappy snowglobe-y thing. Declaring it TOO JAPANESE 4 U SIR is a total fucking non-sequitur.

In the end, fanboys, you CARE what I say. Start working from there, and maybe you'll figure out the joke.

If you don't care about Nintendogs why the hell did you waste all that time talking about it? As for the rest, you make it sound like Nintendo fanboys are the only ones not getting the joke, but it seems that only Nintendo "dislikers" are the only ones getting it nowadays. And like DCharlie said:

The Crow movement , whilst i understand it and is amusing to some extent, is starting to simply rally the fanboys on the other side of the fence who now feel they have a mandate to spew their rediculous shite. What do we do then? Wait until they get out of control and have Bishop go on a crusade too?


Spencerr said:
Completely, utterly off-topic and directed to Serico:

I bet you'd dry hump the shit out of the DS if they made Pikmin DS, don't lie, you know you would. :D

If they made Pikmin DS I would shove my penis into its vagina, that is correct.


I always sensed the haters were victims of self-hatred. They see something in others that reminds them of themselves at some point in the past, or some small element of themselves they hide and they so greatly dislike it they become obsessed with hating them. I dislike games, companies and sets of fans, but I don't spend time in any of their threads. I don't waste time with things I hate.


I like Nintendogs myself (as you can tell from my avatar) but giving what is basically Tamagotchi 64 the fifth perfect score given in 19 years of reviews is just silly.

Putting weight into the GamePro of Japan's scores is equally silly.


"Also, what the fuck is this "you won't get it, you aren't Japanese" crap? What the HELL? NO CORNPONE SHIT I ain't Japanese. I don't give a fuck if the Buddha himself crapped Nintendogs out in a shower of karmic sparkles;"

not sure i'm being referenced here, but that's not the point i'm making

the point i'm making is people seem to have a cob up their ass because a japanese magazine gave a japanese 10 out 10, four times to a japanese game that appeals to the Japanese. Then westerners are up in arms about it.

I dunno - i get that you don't like it, hell, i get the fact that it'll probably get lower marks in the western games press, the point made was against the reaction to famitsu. It IS however true that the magazine does have it's dodgy moments, but i can truly believe that this game scored 40/40 because of the way it appeals to the japanese (it's hard for them to keep pets on a very base level (which is why tamagochi were so popular)). Again though , people are passing off people like John TV, Vestal, Troidal and many of the Famitsu readers on the boards opinion of the magazine as their own without actually reading it themselves. In the same way the game is slagged off, despite having not played it.

If i went into a thread and said "Fucking hell, God of War is fucking terrible. Just another slash em up" having not played it , then started slagging of reviews in western magazines because all they care about is blood and gore and it's obvious it's a bag of asscakes, with it being obvious i'd neither played the game and not read the review, i'm sure the instaban would strike me down in an instance.

The other thing that's pissing me off is people saying "it's not a game" when they clearly haven't played it.

As mentioned , i've nothing against the whole Drinky movement thing. I "get" it. But the accompanying entourage is pretty offensive! ;)
the point i'm making is people seem to have a cob up their ass because a japanese magazine gave a japanese 10 out 10

Ah, okay. The Famitsu scores -- like most magazine scores, Eastern and Western -- are completely irrelevant to me, UNLESS THEY REALLY PISS ME OFF HINT NICH MARAGOS HOSHIGAMI GETS 2 OUT OF 5 SERIOUSLY WTF

And it isn't a game, or is so far out in the infrared range of videogaming's admittedly diverse spectrum that it might as well not be considered a game. A pittance of stupid mini-games and exercises tacked onto a Tamagotchi doesn't really qualify it for serious consideration; hell, a snowglobe might have a hoop or two to bounce the little pieces of plastic detritus into as you shake it, but in the end it's still an insipid novelty geegaw first and foremost and a game distantly second.

Also, I like that I am now a Movement (capitalized and all!); yellow turbans and Kool-Aid will be passed out at our next convention! NO NINTENDO DSes ALLOWED.


Drinky Crow said:
Ah, okay. The Famitsu scores -- like most magazine scores, Eastern and Western -- are completely irrelevant to me, UNLESS THEY REALLY PISS ME OFF HINT NICH MARAGOS HOSHIGAMI GETS 2 OUT OF 5 SERIOUSLY WTF

For the last goddamn time, I gave the review shaft to Unlimited Saga, Ephemeral Fantasia, and Nightmare of Druaga -- NOT Hoshigami!!

(BTW everyone: Drinky's codeword for "this game is shit but I love it anyway" is "clever." It's uncanny the way he used it to praise every single one of the games above.)
Calling Hoshigami "navel-gazingly inscrutable" would hardly further my agenda to get Hoshigami 2 made, now, would it? "Clever" it is, then!
I can kinda understand hating EF and US, although I'm more than capable of articulating why I adore them. Much like Nintendogs, they take a certain degree of really fucking bad taste to appreciate.

That said, this has never been about who has better taste.

Still, WTF NIGHTMARE OF DRUAGA GETS 2 OUT OF 5. Fuck. Nethack am crying.


Drinky Crow said:

If I haven't made this abundantly clear, I don't give a pasture's worth of shit whether or not Nintendogs ACTUALLY fails or storms the market like some sort of Holy Puppy Crusade. Either way, I can't fathom what it might mean to Drinky Crow the duder who goes home from work and plays a few games when he has a spare minute, or even Drinky Crow the mod provocateur who is trying to make a point without spoiling the joke by stating it outright.

I don't feel that I hafta say disingenuous bullshit like "but I LIKE Nintendo's games!!!" to qualify myself; I don't give a fuck what you think of my tastes, or where you suppose my "allegiances" lie. I consider every Nintendo game in something akin to a personal vaccuum; if it matches my tastes and plays great, AWESOME. In fact, I'd venture that I give Nintendo more of a break when evaluating their games because of their legacy; I just don't roll out the red carpet, cinch up my knee-pads, and bend over asshole agape like some of you -- I likes what I likes, I knows whats is good, and everything else be damned. At the very least, I'm a sore sight better at articulating what makes a game QUALITY than most of you among the fanboy set, who can't seem to detach the remora of nostalgia from the pasty underbelly of your critical faculties.

Also, what the fuck is this "you won't get it, you aren't Japanese" crap? What the HELL? NO CORNPONE SHIT I ain't Japanese. I don't give a fuck if the Buddha himself crapped Nintendogs out in a shower of karmic sparkles; *I* don't think it's a game, and I think it's likewise a pretty crappy snowglobe-y thing. Declaring it TOO JAPANESE 4 U SIR is a total fucking non-sequitur.

In the end, fanboys, you CARE what I say. Start working from there, and maybe you'll figure out the joke.

I for one, haven't seen anyone blindly run like a fiend towards Nintendo games on this board... not anymore than Sony or MS anyway. The only reason N hardware predictions are always on top of the boards is because its easy and fun to talk about how pathetic a once-great has become. It's like grade-school or office drama. Basic sociology. Kinda like "what the hell is Paris Hilton/Courtney Love gonna do next?" Nintendo is dramatic so people are always going to talk the most shit about them. Ico and other classics have long, drawn out discussions as well, with Nintendo nowhere on the horizon. Sony and MS stay on the tried and true path, there isn't much to speculate about. But hell, the massive discussions on Xbox 360 and PS3 lead me to believe the excitement is there too.

Being a multiconsole owner with no preference as to system that I play my games on, I think you're trying to pigeonhole Nintendo players into rabid-fanboy-nostalgia whatevers. When you're not biased or have an agenda, you'll realize the same shit happens with every system and console and you enter every thread going "what the fuck? :lol" .

Just because your agenda involves the best graphics and hardware doesn't mean everyone else's does. MAME and classic compilations have proven that for years, and now DS is proving it.

It seems to me either you're a tech-junkie or you're just too preoccupied with what you think should/shouldn't be done/said and Nintendo happens to be your easy target.

If Nintendogs isn't a game, then no sim is a game.
Oh sweet Jesus. Re-articulating my stance gets so fucking tedious. BLAH BLAH BLAH WHO'S A FANBOY I'M NOT A FANBOY YOU'RE THE FANBOY I JUST LIKE NINTENDO BLAH DE BLAH BLAH OH GOD SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. This thread itself is PROOF that Nintendo fanboys exist, and all the wide-eyed naive posturing won't change that rather gruesome fact.

This need to quantify and categorize the ineffable wonder that is me grows tiresome. Can you just wibble about a bit while I chuck rocks at you, instead?


Has it ever occurred to you that some of us don't take sides but don't like the way you manipulate the board into a troll-fest?

You're makin it worse dude.
Drinky Crow said:
This need to quantify and categorize the ineffable wonder that is me grows tiresome. Can you just wibble about a bit while I chuck rocks at you, instead?

Just to warn you I am hard to hit. I won nearly every dodgeball tournament back in grade school. :D


Drinky Crow said:
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you DO like it? This thread's just folks comin' back for more, and I aim to please!

Seeing troll posts sucks and ruins threads. Posts upon posts of useless information makes good information hard to weed out. Troll threads are the result of troll posts and troll posters.

You can play all the psychology talk you want, I don't like them.

However I do realize it's just you on a power trip and you exposed that brilliantly in your last post, not that you ever actually went out of your way to hide it.


"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you DO like it? This thread's just folks comin' back for more, and I aim to please!"

This is the truth.

Since the Drinky Movement, whilst i've felt like strangling several people , the board has never been so alive.

Ask yourself how many times have you thought "I wonder what that douche <poster> has said about <game/sales/company/PS3 leak info/Xbox leak info/spec/patent form/review> now!" ? ... come on, be honest!

It's the message board magic equation - the more monged out stupid things posted, the more you want to see what's going on.

But that comes with a caveat... you have to keep thing balanced for it to work or it becomes a one sided shit talking fest.

it's like The Force - just more powerful and with better Jedi mind tricks.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Drinky Crow said:
Oh sweet Jesus. Re-articulating my stance gets so fucking tedious. BLAH BLAH BLAH WHO'S A FANBOY I'M NOT A FANBOY YOU'RE THE FANBOY I JUST LIKE NINTENDO BLAH DE BLAH BLAH OH GOD SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. This thread itself is PROOF that Nintendo fanboys exist, and all the wide-eyed naive posturing won't change that rather gruesome fact.

This need to quantify and categorize the ineffable wonder that is me grows tiresome. Can you just wibble about a bit while I chuck rocks at you, instead?
Hey, guess what? There's fanboys for everything and everyone. And you're an anti-nintendo fanboy posting in a nintendo thread, and every single one of your posts (however many dozens of them you've made in this thread. I don't feel like counting them all up) in this thread about Nintendogs has been a direct flaming of the game's quality, of Nintendo, and of people who like Nintendogs in general. Everyone knows that I'm a Nintendo fanboy, but jesus christ, I don't stoop so low as to go into every GT4 thread and say "Grand Turismo sucks" or bash everyone who likes Sony and MS games like you do.

I seriously wonder if you're joking or if you're not joking a lot of the time, Drinky, because your posts are fucking ridiculous. Anyone else would have been banned fifty times over by now if they trolled like you did.

We get it, you don't like Nintendogs, you don't like Nintendo, and you don't like Nintendo fans. That's no reason to go into every Nintendogs thread and throw insults at the people who enjoy the game, nor does it give you the right to talk shit about Nintendo's "gruesome" fanboy followers when you're twenty times as much of a nintendo hater as the biggest Nintendo fanboy.

Mod or not, you're a god damn troll.
With that, I close this episode. Tune in for the next installment, fruits!

(moving to archive. Discussion and drinks will be held in the official Drinky Puppy Club thread.)
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