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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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Good thing is that Guerilla Games has absolutely incredible environmental artists. Add to that the technical chops and this title presumably being third person with Euphoria and it's a welcome change from Killzone's FPS.

The thing with Killzone is that artistically, gameplay wise and lore wise, it's a top tier franchise. Its just that when it comes down to writing the narrative to go into that world, the games fell short but I'm confident they can deliver with a much larger canvas to work on and that ex obsidian writer.

I think people really take it too far in how 'bad' they claim GG are. They're far from bad developers.

Uncharted 4 has the front E3 banner at the convention center

Oh god, it begins.



Has anyone got any sort of confirmation that Sony is even working on this game?


I always associate "Overrated" and "Artificial Hype" closely. Both can be very hurtful towards a game overall image.

For example, let's say I make a thread on Wonderful 101 and most of the replies are over the top "GOTYAY" "EXCELLENT GAME ROBBED BY CRITICS" "AMAZING GAME OMG CONSPIRACY NINTENDO HATERS KAMIYA HATERS". I then play the game and find it to only be decent to above average. I consider that artificial hype. These people for whatever reason hold the game in undeservedly high regard, too blinded to offer a more objective point of view that would benefit me, the regular Joe more. The voices of these loud people then echo through the internet chambers and the game becomes overrated.

In conclusion, it is the fanbase that makes a game overrated.

I've never played Wonderful 101.
For what its worth, my line manager where I used to work was a former employee of Guerilla Cambridge. When the images dropped online he was sitting with me at my desk and immediately said 'oh look its Horizon', but wouldn't tell me anymore.

I'm inclined to believe they're real.
Well that's interesting for sure! I don't necessarily think the game looks the same it did in that concept art, it certainly could have changed in many ways. I'm just excited by the possibilities!
Has anyone got any sort of confirmation that Sony is even working on this game?

Not a peep from Sony or GG.

But we know GG been working on a new IP since 2011 so they've been baking this one in the oven for a while now.

Can't wait for the pics to come in and Tuesday the embargo from the MGS even lifts.

Awww yesss, I totally forget the MGS embargo is lifting.

Hopefully the pics coming in just wet our appetite with no legit leaks happening.


This guy blocked people for that? So petty lmao

Didn't even knew I could block people.
I think a lot have blocked me when I started talking about NMS and that it doesn't have all that hype anymore. Now I know that was wrong and I was confusing myself with the lack of news/media. NMS is the most hyped indie game ever. Even more than a lot of AAA titles.


In conclusion, it is the fanbase that makes a game overrated.

Yup, that's exactly my take on it. I even said so in my post back then when I said PG were overrated. They're a good developer. But the frequent amount of people that hype them to no end consistently, makes them overrated.

And if they want we can even take a look at metacritic, average the scores for all their games they are getting a 78-79 average. They're good developers, but not a "sure hit" "definitely a good game" "should've give them money instead" type of developer that the fans would have you believe.
Well that's interesting for sure! I don't necessarily think the game looks the same it did in that concept art, it certainly could have changed in many ways. I'm just excited by the possibilities!

Yeah it may end up looking different, but when I showed him the images he blurted out the name straight away before I even told him what it was.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Why are people hyped for Sony conference? Outside of maybe like Dark Souls 3 being shown there.

Maybe I've just grown tired of waiting for exciting first party titles. Bloodborne was amazing sure but every time there's supposed to be new info on something I get nothing.

Tldr lowered expectations but I'd like to be surprised.

People are calling me out for asking a question that's perfectly legitimate. Past couple of E3's have been largely disappointing if not vanilla. There's no guarantee all of these studios have something to show this E3 or that they won't wait to show it at a different conference. Don't let the NeoGAF hype get to you, I've been there again and again.

But w/e I'd like to be proven wrong. I'm just being negative.

I dunno - the past few Sony E3 press conferences have been good. I'd even say that 2013 was one of Sony's best E3's ever (if not THE best).

2014 would have been better if Project Beast hadn't been leaked. But we still got that announced + Uncharted 4 (even if it was just a teaser).

I guess the reason I'm most excited about this year for Sony is because they've clearly held back in announcing projects from some of their best studios:

Media Molecule
- Last major release was 4.5 years ago (LBP2). Tearaway was just a side project. This will be the longest dev time for any of their projects (by the time it releases, it will likely have over 5-6 years of dev time). When it's announced, I have no doubt it will be incredible. A studio of that talent, with that much time will produce magical results.

Guerilla Games - Last major release was PS4's launch, and they apparently had a separate team working the new IP for quite a while. To this day, Killzone: SF is still one of the most impressive next-gen games visually and that was a rushed launch title. It's amazing to think what they will show with a few more years with the system.

I'm confident that at least one of those devs will reveal something, and a good chance that both will.

Not to mention, studios that could also have reveals:

Bend Studio
Studio London
Sony Santa Monica (main team or indies)
SCEJ Studios (TLG still is in development, it's going to have to show up sometime...)

Granted, I'm not expecting tons of major announcements. But if we get a few solid new IPs from their big studios, I'll be extremely happy.


I always associate "Overrated" and "Artificial Hype" closely. Both can be very hurtful towards a game overall image.

For example, let's say I make a thread on Wonderful 101 and most of the replies are over the top "GOTYAY" "EXCELLENT GAME ROBBED BY CRITICS" "AMAZING GAME OMG CONSPIRACY NINTENDO HATERS KAMIYA HATERS". I then play the game and find it to only be decent to above average. I consider that artificial hype. These people for whatever reason hold the game in undeservedly high regard, too blinded to offer a more objective point of view that would benefit me, the regular Joe more. The voices of these loud people then echo through the internet chambers and the game becomes overrated.

In conclusion, it is the fanbase that makes a game overrated.

I've never played Wonderful 101.
Well technically that criticism can be levelled against any game. From last of us, to fallout or mass effect or anything really.

So I don't know if that particular word is correct in any instance.

I know I personally said I'm not really a fan of theirs from what I have played (still gotta get around to Bayonetta 2) but I don't know if I would call them overrated because the word itself doesn't really have much merit.

But anyways yeah largely off topic.


So, you are saying that the people who talk good about the game you like is valuable, but the ones who talk bad not?
Seems unfair to me.

Not saying anything of the sort. Please don't put words in my mouth.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I can't tell someone how they should feel about something or how much they should value something. I was just talking about the word "overated" itself and why people seem to react so harshly to it when it's really just stating that you don't like something as much as another group of people seem to. That's all.
Yup, that's exactly my take on it. I even said so in my post back then when I said PG were overrated. They're a good developer. But the frequent amount of people that hype them to no end consistently, makes them overrated.

And if they want we can even take a look at metacritic, average the scores for all their games they are getting a 78-79 average. They're good developers, but not a "sure hit" "definitely a good game" "should've give them money instead" type of developer that the fans would have you believe.

They make fantastic battle systems....but everything else is meh to bad that I can't just ignore it.


In descending order

Sony (NMS, GG game, Bend game, MM, QD, UC4, Rime, Wild, Abzu, Witness, Tomorrow Children, P5, Morpheus...) TLG!
Bethesda (Doom4, Fallout4)
Square(Deus Ex MD, KH3...)
EA (Battlefront, Mass Effect)
Pc Gaming Show (hopefull for their first ever presser)
MS (Whatever they are going to show for PC if they are true to their words)
Ubisoft (The Division)


I always associate "Overrated" and "Artificial Hype" closely. Both can be very hurtful towards a game overall image.

For example, let's say I make a thread on Wonderful 101 and most of the replies are over the top "GOTYAY" "EXCELLENT GAME ROBBED BY CRITICS" "AMAZING GAME OMG CONSPIRACY NINTENDO HATERS KAMIYA HATERS". I then play the game and find it to only be decent to above average. I consider that artificial hype. These people for whatever reason hold the game in undeservedly high regard, too blinded to offer a more objective point of view that would benefit me, the regular Joe more. The voices of these loud people then echo through the internet chambers and the game becomes overrated.

In conclusion, it is the fanbase that makes a game overrated.

I've never played Wonderful 101.

I agreed with much of the critics in some form like the camera issues. The game simply isn't for everyone. It's not straightforward or quickly understandable like a traditional character action game. Plus later we got an opinion article of "would this have done better on PS4?" without bringing up the fact you'd still be playing it largely the same nor did it talk about fixing problems which also added fuel to the fire among some.

But this can also be applied to nearly every game exclusive thread. It's before my time, but I hear one of the Uncharted review threads is famous for that stuff as well.



The Tomorrow Children Indie
Rime Indie
the Witness Indie
No Mans Sky rofl
Persona 5 jap game
Star Ocean 5 jap game
Dragon Quest: Heroes pearl harbor
Uncharted 4 not 60fps
Until Dawn the order LOL 5 hours
Street Fighter V pc mustard raece
GG's new IP da grfx no gameplay 5 hours
MM's new IP kiddie trash
The Last F'in Guardian dead



I'm of two minds about this. Start it off with a bang or end it with a bang?

I'm just wondering something though, if they are going to reveal Horizon, then wouldn't that be an opener or a closer as well?

And then on top of that, they have Battlefront marketing deal which they would really want to push so they may want to open or close with that as well (like they did with destiny).

Just thinking about this, Horizon UC4 and Battlefront. Something has gotta budge, there are so many scenarios because of this.

The only scenarios I hope don't happen are the ones where having these three big games results in them waiting it out to showcase one of them at a later date. I mean UC4 is not due till next year, so they could very well wait till PSX to have a cool gameplay presentation for that and may just show a trailer. Or Horizon may not be ready enough, so they could wait till Paris or PSX to show it off.

Battlefront is a sure thing though.

Edit: but seeing as uncharted 4 is the main banner, it seems like now is a time to do a full blast on its marketing, big setpiece gameplay demonstration, and a story trailer will be shown at PSX.


Not saying anything of the sort. Please don't put words in my mouth.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I can't tell someone how they should feel about something or how much they should value something. I was just talking about the word "overated" itself and why people seem to react so harshly to it when it's really just stating that you don't like something as much as another group of people seem to. That's all.

Nobody said you should feel like that. At least I didn't. And for me, and anyone who agrees me, it is overrated. No, if you don't accept this opinion, is entire up to you õ.o

Then you saying
But who am I to say that something is valued more than it deserves to be valued?
I've answered that correctly, didn't? If someone has the right to love unconditionally, another one has the right to hate it unconditionally too.

I'm not putting words in your mouth dude, but I think you are not handling well with some people saying the game you love is overrated. But don't fell bad, try to insult .hack. It's the series I most love, but, I won't feel like you can't hate it, or can't dislike it.

But I will simplify the equation:
I ate a cookie and thought it is good.
You ate a cookie from the same batch(baking) and says it's the best cookie you in your life and could it for the rest of your life everyday and second.

Understand how it sounds to me? It sounds like you are overreacting about how good the cookie is.

Now, the final question. Want some cookie? :3


This guy blocked people for that? So petty lmao

yeah, pretty much like "LALALALALA I can't hear you" levels. It's one thing if someone was getting on his case personally or something and not leaving him alone, but someone holding a different opinion... lol.

I wish him all the best because if he did what he said he did, he'd have a mod on ignore, which does not seem like a good idea to me, as you may miss warnings (like not to do a certain type of post in certain threads etc).
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