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Edge #256: Why PS4 is your next console (Shots fired, post-DRM 180)


Why? It's an enthusiast magazine about consumer products. Read car magazines. They will have "car of the year," they will recommend certain cars over others, etc. These magazines have reviews with scores and will recommend certain products over others.

Look at Consumer Reports. Totally unbiased publication that recommends some products and suggests that readers stay away from others.

No problem with this at all. A hobbyist magazine doesn't have to stay neutral on everything.

So they should sugar coat ugly truth and pretend both are great when one of consoles is superior choice in the name of politicall corectness and nut hurting feelings of fanboys of one brand ?
Journalism shouldn't be picking winners and losers especially in an inflammatory way just to get people to pick it up. If you didn't want a digital console fine, but Microsoft responded (unfortunately) and their policies are the same. Microsoft had the best games showing I think many would agree. It's not like the ps4 is clearly the best console. I think I will thoroughly enjoy both consoles but there is actually a lot of reasons to be excited about the Xbox even when in comparison to the ps4.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why? Should they lie to their consumers?

I think it's more that journalists should remain as neutral as possible. Taking a side now will just make you question all of their future XBO game reviews, etc. No to mention question whether they are inflating PS4 reviews.


I'm sure they are and will be, thanks to Sony, media, word of mouth and all that. However, I'm positive that Xbox One will do well regardless, it's a capable console with a great software line-up, great OS, entertainment and social features, and a differentiating (and price-inflating, obviously, at least initially) camera that a couple dozen million people didn't mind paying $99-$149 for even in its more primitive and less integrated iteration.

Even if Xbox One flounders initially (which, again, I'm quite positive won't happen), it's naive to think that necessary adjustments won't be made until it's accepted, just like in PS3's case before it.

I agree, I'm sure PS4 will sell more initially, no doubt. X1 is more than capable of selling well, especially with it's broader audience appeal, part of the reason why a lot of my family (casual) members are considering buying one. For example my brother, a Fifa gamer and loves watching his TV shows simply said 'X1 can do X,Y and Z .. what can PS do other than play games?' .. which baffled me a little to be honest but it's the truth.

The problem at the moment is the price and the PR damage both MS have done to themselves and Sony have taken advantage of (and rightly so). Kinect was bundled as a design choice so developers can create for it, in my opinion a good thing if they can get great games (both core and casual) out there.

In my opinion, if MS can drop the price, produce consistently high quality 1st party content and also show the new TV stuff (Halo series) is worth it. They'll succeed.
I've already covered this before. Cumulative awards and/or product reviewers are not the same thing as prerelease coverage based entirely on information spoonfed via the the manufacturer at a controlled environment via a press event, and as such are not equivalent.

Ipad went on sale April 3rd, 2010.



I think you should STFU.


Why? It's an enthusiast magazine about consumer products. Read car magazines. They will have "car of the year," they will recommend certain cars over others, etc. These magazines have reviews with scores and will recommend certain products over others.

Look at Consumer Reports. Totally unbiased publication that recommends some products and suggests that readers stay away from others.

No problem with this at all. A hobbyist magazine doesn't have to stay neutral on everything.

Check this:

I've already covered this before. Cumulative awards and/or product reviewers are not the same thing as prerelease coverage based entirely on information spoonfed via the the manufacturer at a controlled environment via a press event, and as such are not equivalent.

If this were a review of both systems I'd have no problem with edge clearly polling in favor of the PS4, but it's not. It's a highly sensationalized headline based on incomplete information.


Today I have learned that journalists cannot have opinions or choose on product over the other.

If the magazine didn't already provide advice to consumers about purchasing decisions in every single issue the Microsoft defense force might have legitimate issues with the content of the the article. As it stands it's a magazine that reviews and recommends products regularly informing their readers as to why one product, in their view, is preferable over another. Hardly worth getting their panties in a twist.


Journalism shouldn't be picking winners and losers especially in an inflammatory way just to get people to pick it up. If you didn't want a digital console fine, but Microsoft responded (unfortunately) and their policies are the same. Microsoft had the best games showing I think many would agree. It's not like the ps4 is clearly the best console. I think I will thoroughly enjoy both consoles but there is actually a lot of reasons to be excited about the Xbox even when in comparison to the ps4.

Thats all choice though, what isnt is kinect being forced on consumers and that the xbox costs a staggering £429 in the uk.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Ahh yes, the start of a new generation when tired, unsuspecting gamers once again fall prey to sensationalist magazine covers.

I have missed this.
The only one I could find (in their archive) was the middle one (though I think the first one was the UK one?). You don't happen to have a link to the other two, do you? I'd be interested especially because the cover for "Person of the Year 2007" (Putin) in their archive seems completely different. Thanks in advance.

The last one is actually a mocking parody by engadget, mocking Time's outrageous amounts of awards given to the iphone.



It's a great magazine cover- it's striking and provocative, and there's plenty of room inside to be even-handed in a lengthy article. I work as a magazine art editor in the UK and reckon its a great piece of work. The alternative of 'all the news from E3 about new consoles' has been covered to death in a hundred ways and can be read for free online, so they've taken a more provocative angle for the cover- that's good craftsmanship.

News, features and opinion all have different purposes. 100 word online news stories have to be balanced up front to present a rounded view as those few words are all the reader will see due to short online attention spans, whereas when you have 3,000 words to play with in print/tablet form you have room to explore the counter-arguments. I reckon there wil be plenty of quotes and box outs explaining the opposing view.

Not only that, but monthly magazines aren't about news any more, they are about the lengthy features that online struggles to provide, plus being controversial every once in a while isn't a bad thing when you are one of at least a dozen publications covering the same market on the packed UK new stands. Even Eurogamer had an editorial laying into the Xbox One DRM- that wasn't bias, just an opinion article (not a news piece) saying the writer thought it was a terrible idea.

Besides, not all sides in an argument are created equal, thats insipid logic created by shitty news organisations who think that as long as they put a pull-quote in showing the opposing view, they aren't biased. If both machines had the same specs and games and price, yes, this cover would be clear bias, but the article hook is that Edge clearly think they can make a case for why their readers will prefer the PS4. It's an interesting take on things when you can read several dozen balanced viewpoints on free news sites all day long. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Journalists writing a feature piece are allowed to argue for or against a particular viewpoint. Thinking that everything should be a balanced news piece completely misunderstands the variety of work journalists do, it's like asking why an individual politician gets annihilated on Newsnight when the BBC gave both parties equal airtime that morning.


You guys better hope Xbone succeeds because if Sony controls the market by itself then GOD help us.

Yeah, because when PS2 dominated the market, it was littered with dudebro shooters, abysmally expensive AAA titles that needed to sell countless millions just to break even and focus on non-gaming features.

Oh wait... It was actually the best console generation ever.
blimey. seems they , like eurogamer, are going to ensure ms has no future in the field.

they obviously think it will fail , see no future revenue from it or official license and are going to ensure that's the case.

no sure a one console future is really the best for gamers but it looks more likely by the day.

Miles X

blimey. seems they , like eurogamer, are going to ensure ms has no future in the field.

they obviously think it will fail , see no future revenue from it or official license and are going to ensure that's the case.

no sure a one console future is really the best for gamers but it looks more likely by the day.

lol what .... edge and eurogamer will not sink Xbox One.

Is this writen before of after the 180 from Microsoft?

I see nothing wrong with the cover. I'm sure all the things being discussed by us were taken into consideration before Edge went with that and evidently they thought it was a good decision.

If and when they think the Bone is a good choice they may reverse their opinion. I'm curious to see what the reaction here would be like then.


I think it's more that journalists should remain as neutral as possible. Taking a side now will just make you question all of their future XBO game reviews, etc. No to mention question whether they are inflating PS4 reviews.

Oh, please. One of the primary reasons for a periodical like EDGE is to recommend products over others to their readers. They do it every issue with reviews and give people ideas on future purchasing decisions with things like previews. There are plenty of legitimate reasons why outlets should/do provide purchasing advice or at least information from which consumers can make their own decisions. You're denouncing them without having seen the content of the article. Get off your high horse and stop conflating your ideas of journalism and enthusiast magazines which, by their very nature, are there to provide enthusiasts with purchasing advice.


If this were a review of both systems I'd have no problem with edge clearly polling in favor of the PS4, but it's not. It's a highly sensationalized headline based on incomplete information.

It is a preview, where after spending time with both consoles they prefer one. It is the same like previewing two high profile releases and comparing them. If this is wrong, than so is the entire practice of previewing games and critiquing those preview builds.


Yeah, because when PS2 dominated the market, it was littered with dudebro shooters, abysmally expensive AAA titles that needed to sell countless millions just to break even and focus on non-gaming features.

Oh wait... It was actually the best console generation ever.

Someone would argue that genesis-snes was the best generation ever.
It's not like is sony's or microsoft fault if dudebro and dlc are a common thing these days.
Just blame the developers who overuse that stuff.
I think it's more that journalists should remain as neutral as possible. Taking a side now will just make you question all of their future XBO game reviews, etc. No to mention question whether they are inflating PS4 reviews.

This is why I wish Edge had by-lines.

Everything is just one monolithic voice of authority.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Instead of being pissed off at Edge like some seem to be, the fact of the matter is that a cover like that would not exist if MS had not fucked the pooch so royally with the Xbox One which also includes the backpedaling of the DRM features.

Edge is just a reflection of whats going on. Not like they are trying to sabotage anything that hasnt already been done by MS itself.

Is this writen before of after the 180 from Microsoft?


There is a difference between having an opinion and being biased. This is the former. Newspapers give endorsements to Presidential candidates every election cycle. This is no different.


I don't see the problem.

Read any motoring magazine, they will outright tell you which car to buy. Always see, Golf v Mazda 3, v Astra v 205. Etc. and they dont pull any punches.

Edge is just doing that. Fair enough.


Is this writen before of after the 180 from Microsoft?
After, but that shouldn't even matter. I don't think anyone should turn a blind eye to what Microsoft tried to do despite pulling a 180 and proving that they lied to consumers the whole time.


Some would say, that they should be applauded for actually having a preference and taking a position on one console over the other, instead of flipflopping like a dying fish in between the three companies in order to get nice free shit and review copies, along with their pressers and free bars.

But the moment they do so, it is out of line?

Never been a fan of EDGE - Don't think I have ever read a single issue - but damn, show them a little respect for having the balls to potentially alienate one of the companies that keeps them in business.

I'm pretty sure that is why people by magazines that contain another person opinion. Unless people buy them to read fact sheets dished out by the corporations who's products are being looked at. How does that serve anyone other than those corporations?

I've not read the article, and likely never will, but show them some respect for having some balls, in an industry that generally hides their scrotes between their legs, in case someone notices and it costs them business.


Ipad went on sale April 3rd, 2010.

*magazine dated april 5th, 2010*


The PS4 release date and final list of launch software in comparison, and the former has yet to be announced for the X1. By March 2010, it logical to assume newsweek had a review system to play around with, and a full list of finalized features to review. Edge has neither. They are telling people to buy a system based entirely on impressions from a press event at in a controlled environment, with incomplete release information on both systems.

I think you should STFU.

Yep, I am on NeoGaf it seems.
There is a difference between having an opinion and being biased. This is the former. Newspapers give endorsements to Presidential candidates every election cycle. This is no different.

And as well as that, we don't actually know what the article says!

We've just got an attention-grabbing headline!


I don't see the problem.

Read any motoring magazine, they will outright tell you which car to buy. Always see, Golf v Mazda 3, v Astra v 205. Etc. and they dont pull any punches.

Edge is just doing that. Fair enough.

This. It is largely a consumer magazine.
Guys you don't have to agree with them! Don't worry they won't steal your soul!


Damn, talk about close minded.

X1 was anti consumer for a lot of people and they deserved the flack. Some people were looking forward to the features though and the DRM/Online didn't affect them.

Now with it gone people are still stupid? Because Xbox One looks most appealing to them and has the games they want, they should get a PS4 because you don't think they should support Microsoft? Egotistical.

It showed their intentions. If pre-orders weren't so one-sided the restrictions would still be in place.

It wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft slowly implemented them back in throughout the course of the generation.
Thats all choice though, what isnt is kinect being forced on consumers and that the xbox costs a staggering £429 in the uk.
I personally want the kinect 2.0 but if you don't going with the ps4 makes sense. Everybody has different reasons to purchase a console. I don't think it's a huge deal that edge print this but at the same time it is a little unprofessional. Many of you agree because you all are sold on the ps4 but this same article about the Xbox one would be seriously ridiculed.


And as well as that, we don't actually know what the article says!

We've just got an attention-grabbing headline!

Too right, it's almost as if that is the purpose of a magazine cover which can't get across the full depth of a 3,000 word article in six words or less!


Well they could have said:

"Why you should buy the PS4"

instead they say:

"This is your next console - why the only option right now is the PS4"

They have to explain why the X1 isn't even an option with games like Forza, Killer Instinct, etc. ...

Miles X

After, but that shouldn't even matter. I don't think anyone should turn a blind eye to what Microsoft tried to do despite pulling a 180 and proving that they lied to consumers the whole time.

Not saying Edge shouldn't have done this, it's their mag they can write what they like.

But of course it matters.

"This is your next console - why the only option right now is the PS4"

They have to explain why the X1 isn't even an option with games like Forza, Killer Instinct, etc. ...

I think they just want a striking cover which is good for sales, pretty sure they don't think PS4 really is the only choice given there is little in it.
After, but that shouldn't even matter. I don't think anyone should turn a blind eye to what Microsoft tried to do despite pulling a 180 and proving that they lied to consumers the whole time.

I totally agree, MS is getting what they deserve. They try to force anti consumer shit on us, lying and just acting so stupid" major nelson" buy a Xbox360 instead etc etc. The list of failure is long and MS truly dropped the ball with Xboned.
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